New Story of Lv Bu

: : Cao Cao attacked Dingtao

The three seals were placed on Yuan Shao's desk, Yuan Shao opened it, and immediately lost his color. He is very clear about the factional origins of the ministers. Now, the Nanyang School Shenti Junxin is determined to support Yuan Shang, which makes him extremely pleased. He is indeed the earliest minister from the Dragon, and he knows what I think and think! The Yingchuan faction supported Yuan Tan. If you think about it carefully, you can understand that it is nothing more than a sign of a relationship with the Nanyang faction. But what the **** is the Jizhou faction supporting Yuan Xi? Could it be that Jushou hung the crown and left, making all the Yingchuan factions feel strange?

Yuan Shao slowly put down the melodrama in his hand and thought about it carefully from beginning to end. This thought really showed some clues. First of all, Yuan Xi is not simple. When he came into contact with the Xianbei, Wuwan people, and Huns in Youzhou, he was able to "get his heart deeply and gain the strength of the alien race." This is a testament to the fact that the aliens who were good at war sacrificed their lives casually. Although Yan Liang and Wen Chou’s cavalry were elite, they were not as good as one-third of Yuan Xi’s Tuqie. Among the Yuan army, Yuan Xi’s cavalry was the first. At the same time, he has a big help, that is, the Zhen family in Wuji County, Zhongshan, Hebei. The Zhen family is rich in the enemy's country, and Tian Lian Qianmo.

Since the evaluation of Hebei, Yuan Xi has done a lot of things, one after another, there is no sign of leakage, but the sum is quite impressive. Today, the scholars in Hebei are grateful for Yuan Xi's kindness. However, due to Yuan Shao's preference for his third son, Yuan Shang, and Yuan Tan is the eldest son, Yuan Xi appears to be unremarkable, but this does not affect Yuan Xi's reputation in Hebei.

"Oh! How can it be done!" Yuan Shao finally figured it out, he said with a slap in the face of the case. Now, each of the three sons is supported by a faction, and it has become a great trend. If it is not handled properly at this time, it will inevitably be distracted and morale will drop. After thinking about it, Yuan Shao summoned the leaders of the three factions, Feng Ji, Guo Tu, and the adjudicator, into the mansion. After a long negotiation, they finally had the final solution.

The eldest son Yuan Tan is the heir of Yuan Ji, and the youngest son Yuan Shang is the heir. If he gets another state, his second son Yuan Xi will be the heir of the state. To be honest, everyone is happy to deal with it like this. Yuan Ji is the eldest son of Yuan Feng. Yuan Tan became the heir of Yuan Ji. He is the eldest grandson of Yuan Feng. Yuan Xi's position as a shepherd in the prefecture was imaginary, but it was considered a great benefit. The Nanyang, Yingchuan, and Jizhou factions found that such measures were considered to be unsatisfactory, and they all made a fortune in silence.

Yuan Shao quickly stabilized the interior with one stone, three birds, and improved morale and military spirit, and his gaze turned to Xuzhou. "Tian Feng, Xun Chen, and Nanyang Xu You are the conspirators, and Yan Liang and Wen Chou are the generals. Let's deal with it like this." Yuan Shao let out a sigh of relief and said to himself. Cao Meng Degai will report, and he will attack Zhang Miao soon. As long as he moves, my chance will come. Taking advantage of Lu Bujun and Cao Jun fighting for life and death in the eastern part of Yanzhou, they attacked Xuzhou and decided to dominate early!

In the three years of Dahan Jian'an, early in the morning of August 16, the long-awaited Dingtao offensive and defensive battle finally started.

Perhaps it was the thief who hated the killing and betrayal in this world. Within a hundred miles of Dingtao, it rained heavily for three days and three nights, and the road became very muddy. In the pouring rain, there were smoky rain curtains everywhere, and the white-flowered rain hit the dry and cracked ground, splashing a fluffy loess, and the strong smell of earth suddenly flooded. sky.

"It's a good rain to know the season! With this heavy rain, the drought in the three eastern counties of Yanzhou can be alleviated. After the rain stops, the people can at least replant some beans, corn and wheat. There will be some food to eat, so that too many people will die of starvation. According to the previous measures of the court, food and seeds will surely be distributed. With this heavy rain, it will be possible to produce less."

Zhang Miao wore a heavy sash and stepped on clogs. He had already patrolled the city defenses and returned to the prefectural palace. At this time, he was talking to Chen Gong with a smile on his face. "Meng Zhuo, you are right! But, thinking about my old friend Cao Mengde, I still feel uneasy. You said, will he send Qingqi to attack Dingtao while it's raining?" Chen Gong looked worried. Said slowly.

"Taiwan, you are right! Meng De likes Qingqi sneak attacks. I will return to the city and make a decision!" Zhang Miao waved his hand and left after looking. "Meng Zhuo, wait a moment, I changed my clothes and go with you!" Chen Gongzhenyi stood up. Seeing Chen Gong's back, Zhang Miao sighed in his heart. He originally wanted to rush back to Chen Liu as soon as possible, but he didn't expect to be left in Dingtao by a heavy rain! Ugh! People are not as good as the sky, this is probably the thief God's handling! Let me stick to Dingtao with Gongtai and Meng Gao!

After a while, Chen Gong changed his clothes and boarded the city wall with Zhang Miao. When Zhou Mu and the governor both boarded the city wall in the rain, the civilian officers and generals in Dingtao City couldn't sit still. They put on armors and robes, and headed straight for the city with their guards. Half an hour later, when Zhang Miao and Chen Gong came to the East Gate to rendezvous with Zhang Chao, thousands of people had gathered around them.

At this time, it was the beginning of the morning, and the heavy rain that had been pouring down gradually diminished. Through the dense rain and fog, the scene hundreds of steps ahead is faintly visible. Compared with the time of heavy rain, the invisible within ten steps is already much stronger. "The state shepherd and the governor personally patrolled the city. God of the thief was so touched that it started to lightly rain. From this point of view, the two adults are both rich and prosperous! Haha!"

A witty-speaking civil official said happily. "That is! That is! The two adults are the stars in the sky descending!" "Look at this posture, the rain is about to stop! Please look at you, the sun is out in the east!" An official who usually stands upright and prides himself Sneezing his nose, and not wanting to be ignorant of the two adults, there was a flash of light in his mind, pointing to Dongfang and exclaiming loudly.

"Oh! It turned out to be true? Even three days and three nights of heavy rain is enough!" Zhang Miao slapped his thigh and laughed boldly. "Meng Gao, look at the east side. Is that a cavalry?" Chen Gongzhuo stood under the Qingluo canopy and handed Zhang Miao the clairvoyance in his hand. "Is there anything else? Could it be that Cao Mengde's cavalry is here? Sending orders! Ready to fight!" Zhang Miao said in astonishment.

Chen Gong's eyesight was very good. After a quarter of an hour, a cavalry appeared in the east. There were about three or four hundred men. They were covered with dazzling iron armor, and the armor was covered with brocade robe. Only one thing is that the dyeing technique of the original dynasty didn't pass the test very well. The brocade robes and helmets on their hats were poured by the rain and turned into a variety of colors. At a glance, it was colorful, like a rooster with back fur. The only thing that can prove their identity is a flag with Chinese characters and a flag with five baht in gold.

"They are playing the banner of the Silver Fox Ghost Army. Ask them about the defense arrows? What are you doing here?" Zhang Miao slowly lowered his clairvoyance. "Don't ask, it must be fake!" Chen Gong smiled coldly and said in a low voice. "Public platform? What does this mean?" Zhang Chao on the side asked in astonishment. "Nothing, the people of the Silver Fox Ghost Army, all of them are rich men, horses, armors, weapons, etc., they are all perfect and extravagant. Meng Gao, if you take a closer look at them, you will know them all."

Chen Gong passed the clairvoyance in his hand to Zhang Chao. Zhang Chao raised his clairvoyance suspiciously and looked towards the east carefully. At this time, the light rain had stopped, the dark clouds all over the sky were slowly dissipating, and a round of red sun slowly rose into the sky. The weeds and wildflowers everywhere are bathed in misty drops of water, all full of energy and youthful, not at all like the withered and half-dead look three days ago.

Without the fetters of light rain, coupled with the help of clairvoyance, the field of vision would be very broad, and the cavalry that was three or four miles away in the distance appeared slender in front of Zhang Chao's eyes. Most of the war horses under their crotch are ordinary Wuhuan horses, and at the end of the line, there are even more than a dozen horses. The armor on the horse's cavalry seemed to have been repaired, and the robes were a bit old.

"The horse and the armor are not right. The tortoise grandchildren of the Silver Fox Ghost Army will definitely not be so destitute! Eighty percent are Qingqi under Meng De's command." Zhang Chao put away his clairvoyance, and said with lingering fear. "It came just right! We laid ambush in the city gate to see if we could lure Meng De into the city." Chen Gong smiled coldly, his face full of anger. "Very good!" Zhang Miao said.

A quarter of an hour later, the cavalry came under the city wall. A man dressed as a tutor fought forward and shouted loudly: "I am waiting for the right guard of the silver fox under General Gao Lan. I was ordered to explore the movements of Cao Jun to the east. . There is important military information to report to the prefecture, herdsmen and the governor!" "Are there any compliance, seals, and transfer orders?" Above the city, a grim voice spoke. "Yes! Please hurry up, please!" The chief was a little dissatisfied. "Hurry up!" A bamboo basket was slowly lowered from the top of the city. The tutor took out a bunch of things from his arms, wrapped them in coarse cloth indiscriminately, and put them in a bamboo basket. He raised his head and looked up. There were densely packed people in robes. He couldn't tell which was a general and which was an ordinary soldier, which made him feel depressed and at a loss as to what to do.

"The check is correct, you go into the city." The extremely cold voice appeared again, and the tone was full of joy. After a while, the west gate of Dingtao City suddenly opened. "Enter the city!" The head of the village was beaming, and the horses and horses rushed into the city gate first. Three or four hundred horses danced with knives and spears behind them, shouted, and rushed into the city gate like flowing water. "Catch Zhang Miao alive!" "Kill!"

"Follow me into the city!" Outside Dingtao East Gate, five or six miles away, on a small hill, Cao Cao slowly retracted his clairvoyance.

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