New Story of Lv Bu

: : En Jue Jue Jue

In the third year of Jian'an, the Great Han Dynasty, August 22, the prefecture of Yanzhou, Jiyin County, Dingtao, on the city wall.

Looking far away from the head of Dingtao City, the Cao army attacking the city retreated like a tide. In the sound of gold ringing, tens of thousands of Cao's pawns quickly retreated without delay. It wasn't until four or five hundred steps away from the city wall that he sat down on the ground, panting violently. For these violations of military regulations, the low-level officers of Cao Jun, who had always been unsmiling in Su Rili, turned a blind eye to them and said nothing. Not only that, but like these soldiers, they were sitting or lying carelessly, panting heavily.

Since the early morning of August 20th, Cao Jun has besieged Dingtao for three days and three nights, launching eight or nine battles of the city every day, and has climbed to the top of the city several times. However, Dingtao's defenders were like chicken blood, with strong fighting spirit and tirelessness. They drove Cao Jun down the city wall time and time again, like wolves, tigers and leopards. Every time Cao Jun attacked vigorously, and then retreated exhaustedly. When the Cao army retreated, there would be cheers above the city, which lasted for a long time.

This time too. On August 22nd, Cao Jun launched a total of eleven fierce attacks. On several occasions, even Xiahou Dun, Xia Houyuan, Cao Hong, Le Jin, Li Dian and others all played. It can be said that they have tried their best. However, they were greeted by a rain of arrows and flying slings. After paying huge casualties, Cao Jun had to lose out one after another.

Knowing that this was Cao Jun's desperate fight, Zhang Miao, Chen Gong, and Zhang Chao all went into battle personally, each guarding a goal. All of a sudden, arrows were like rain, stones were thrown like thunder, and the roar of crossbows was earth-shaking. Blood was splattered from the head of Dingtao City, and the Cao Jun and the Han Jun smashed into a group, starting a tug of war. Cao Jun attacked the top of the city again and again, and was driven down again and again, endlessly.

In the end, after Dingtao defending army used grenade and shaking thunder to force back Xia Houyuan and other Cao Jun generals, Cao Jun's unprecedented offensive finally came to an abrupt end. Cao Jun suffered heavy casualties and suffered seven to eight thousand casualties. Depending on what the lord said, I am afraid that there will be a few more attacks today. Rather than rectify the military discipline in accordance with the rules, it is better to rest for a while, and maybe you can survive the next siege.

On the walls of Dingtao, there are hundreds of remains of a ladder, most of which have been doused with boiling oil, and they scorched in the breeze of late summer. The few ladders that were pushed away by the county soldiers with the hooks lay quietly on the wilderness. All kinds of corpses and stumps and broken arms were everywhere, and the gurgling blood gradually converged into small streams, which mixed with the dark brown soil to form large patches of black and red solids. Broken flags, broken shields, fragments of armor abound.

"Taiwan, Cao Jun attacked eleven times today. It seems that they really can't attack!" Zhang Miao retracted his gaze into the distance and glanced at the soldiers sleeping in a pool of blood around him, quietly. Said. "The day before yesterday, Cao Jun attacked seven times. Yesterday, it was nine times. Today, it was eleven times. Cao Jun is so crazy, I think, what is wrong with them. Could it be that they are running out of food? Let's come to the next night attack. How?" Chen Gong frowned, it was obvious that he was quickly weighing the pros and cons.

"Public platform, I don't think it is necessary. If you and I can hold this Dingtao City, it is already God's favor, and there is no more trouble. Besides, look at them, do you have the strength to attack at night? "Zhang Miao glanced at Chen Gong, lowered his voice and said. "Meng Zhuo is absolutely right!" Chen Gong laughed blankly. With the more than 20,000 third-rate troops in Dingtao City, it is already very good to be able to defend now.

"Gongtai, you said, when can the reinforcements come?" Zhang Miao stretched out his big hand and bounced a piece of coagulated blood on the armor before he asked in a low voice. "Well, it's hard to say. In my opinion, Pingzhang should have to wait a little longer for you and I to hold Cao Jun. For example, in the old days, the king of Liang defended Suiyang and Taiwei Zhou Yafu did not move. As long as Yuan Shao moved, he would He will immediately supervise and lead the army to cover Yuan Jun. As long as Yuan Benchu ​​is defeated, Cao Jun will withdraw his troops immediately." Chen Gong stretched out his **** and sweaty hand and patted the city wall.

"Hey! In this way, I am afraid that Meng Gao's words were really answered. Only Zang Hongye can save us!" Zhang Miao sighed and said slowly, his eyes full of entanglement. In fact, there is one sentence that he didn't say, that is: Since ancient times, everything has been accomplished. In the eyes of kings and commanders, the lives of thousands of soldiers are just pawns on the chessboard!

"Meng Gao really came to terms! However, depending on the situation before us, we can hold on for at least one month."

On August 23, Mao Shi, in the prefectural palace of Juxian County, as soon as Yuan Shao got up, the school lieutenant in charge of communications hurried in. "Open to the lord and write the news you just received. After the return of the plains prefect Zanghong, he immediately dissipated his wealth and recruited soldiers from the plains, claiming to rescue Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao. By last night, he had already raised seven thousand talents. The three thousand county soldiers in the county are grateful for his kindness and are willing to give up their status as a county soldier and go to Dingtao with him. Zang Hong is about to leave early this morning!"

"His grandmother is a bear! It's like playing the piano! As my subordinate, Zang Hong, as my subordinate, openly recruited troops to rescue Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao for private reasons?" Yuan Shao shouted at the voice of the school lieutenant. It opened, and the veins on his face were exposed. He slammed a fist on the thick case table, and the bowl on it trembled, and finally fell to the ground with a crisp cracking sound.

After half an hour, the important civil and military under Yuan Shao's command came to the prefect. Surrounded by a huge map, Kashgar started talking in a low voice. At this moment, most of Yuan Shao's anger had disappeared. In all fairness, he still admires Zang Hong's righteous deeds. If he were still a vigorous young man, he would be happy to see it happen. It's a pity that he is now the commander-in-chief of more than a hundred thousand troops. His **** decides his mind. If his perspective changes, his conclusion will naturally be different.

"Zang Hong's move is just a matter of volition!" Xu You, with a big mouth, was the first to speak. "Unfortunately, this is not his personal affair, but an important matter of the military. In this way, it becomes our army's initiative to attack his ally, Cao Mengde. Isn't this making the people of the world laugh? If it is just a ridicule, then No matter what, what did the great ancestor never do when he fought for the world? But if he did this, the lord's plan to attack Xuzhou was ruined! In my opinion, he should immediately send troops to encircle and suppress!"

"Zi Yuan's words are reasonable." Tian Feng, who has always stood upright, took the stubbornly. He patted Xu You's flattery first, and then he told his true thoughts. "In my opinion, the lord sent a messenger to persuade him. After all, everyone is his own, and it is not good to fight. If Zang Hong insists on not complying, then he has to use thunder means to mobilize his troops and kill him in one fell swoop. "

"This is very kind! Kong Zhang, you and Ziyuan are both from Sheyang County, Guangling County, and belong to the same county. Just trouble your giant pen like a rafter, and write a letter to Ziyuan in my name, Xiao Move it with reason and move it with affection, and persuade him to know how to return when he is lost." Yuan Shao made up his mind after a few shots. At this time, he cherished Zang Hong's talent and courage in his heart, and also thought that Zang Hong could return to his command when he was lost.

Three days later, Zang Hong's reply arrived. He said in his heart, "I am a small person with no ambitions. On the way, I was appreciated by Yuan Shao, received a deep grace, and was entrusted with a heavy responsibility. Am I willing to fight each other as I am today? When I was in office, I think I can accomplish great things and respect the royal family together. Who knows that when my Honshu was attacked. When the county governor was in distress, I asked to send troops, but I was refused; I wanted to send troops alone, but was detained when I was leaving. Therefore, the Lord was trapped in a heavy siege, and no one came to rescue. I can’t express my integrity to the Lord, can I take care of your friendship with my friends, and then damage the reputation of loyalty and filial piety? Therefore, I endured my grief and fought away. , Wipe away the tears, resolutely break up. Farewell, old friend! You seek benefits abroad, I will serve for the king; you put yourselves to the lord Yuan Shao, I will do my best for the court. You think I will die, and I too I laugh at you, though you were born unknown." Yuan Shao sighed after reading Zang Hong's reply, he knew that each other's fate was gone.

"Zang Hong led ten thousand soldiers to Dingtao. In my opinion, he has two ways to go." Feng Ji's big finger pointed to the huge map hung on the screen, talking about finger paintings, and said loudly. "The plain is on the north bank of the big river, and Dingtao is on the south bank of the big river. The two places are thousands of miles apart. If Zang Hong wants to go to Dingtao, he must cross the river first and then head west. In my opinion, he is on the plain. In the month of the month, the official voice is very good, and it is very convenient to collect ships. It will definitely cross the river in Gaotang Port, then turn to the southwest and go straight to Dingtao."

"After crossing the river, there are two roads to Dingtao with Onozawa as the boundary. The road to the east passes through Dongping Country, Rencheng Country, and Sanyang County. The road to the west requires only After passing through the East County, you arrive at Jiyin County. Going to the west is obviously to dig out Cao Mengde's lair. The advantage of walking to the east is that you can get sufficient supplies of food and munitions."

"Yuan Tu's words are great!" Yuan Shao laughed with his palms. "I still know Zang Ziyuan very well. He will definitely take the road east to dig out Cao Mengde's old nest, Changyi. Once Changyi falls, Cao's morale will fall sharply, and he will definitely withdraw immediately. In this way, surely. Tao Zhiwei stood up and resolved. Zang Ziyuan was loyal and loyal. In order to rescue Zhang Miao brother, he would never cherish his own life."

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