New Story of Lv Bu

: : Zang Hong in Juye

"Zangzi originally attacked Changyi, and the lord will attack Changyi again. Isn't it wonderful?" Xu You smiled like no one on the sidelines. "Hahahahahahaha! Whoever knows me, Ziyuan!" Yuan Shao laughed, but he was very unhappy in his heart. His grandmother attacked Changyi and intercepted the money and grain that Cao Jun had hoarded. This can only be done and cannot be said. You poked Xu You out with a big mouth. Wouldn't it be a dilemma for me?

Looking at Xu You's joyful face, Feng Ji shook his head gently. Ugh! This Xu Ziyuan always speaks and does things his own way, regardless of occasion. His stinky mouth will bring disaster to him sooner or later. The match was seen in the side, but it was in my heart. Nanyang faction and Yingchuan faction have joined forces to suppress our Jizhou faction for a long time. This time, I will definitely seize the opportunity to have a good life and clean up them, and avenge Jugong and revenge! Thinking of this, the trial partner coughed slightly, arched his hands, and said loudly.

"Zang Hong is too far away! If Changyi was captured by Zang Hong, it would be incompetent for the Cao army's defender! As a friendly army, you should have issued an eagle warning, saying that Zang Hong has rebelled, and may move your troops east to attack the counties and counties. Please also Cao Yanzhou increased troops to guard. If Cao Yanzhou did not listen and Changyi fell, the song would be there and not me! As for what the treasury will be after the entire annihilation of Zanghong, it is not something we can secretly guess! Repay the more, and the less you pay. Our army must be given a good attitude and put the allies first! I don’t know what the Lord’s will do?"

After the trial was finished, he raised his eyes and looked at Yuan Shao. "Zhengnan's remarks are the words of the old Chengmou for the country! This matter will be handled by you!" Yuan Shao was secretly happy, but his face was calm and bland. This remark is much better than what Xu You said. According to such measures, Cao Cao suffered a dumb loss, even if he knew the reason, he could not turn his face. Yuan Jun had already warned.

"Legend: Send a shooting star to spy on the horse to find out about Lu An and Zang Hong. As soon as there is news, the starry night will report it! With Yuan Shangliu guarding Qingzhou, whenever Ji assists him. Tomorrow Mao, I will personally lead the army to meet Zang Hong westward!" After a few shots, I finally made up my mind. There were severe droughts in Yanzhou, Qingzhou, and Xuzhou this year. No pellets were harvested. The victims were everywhere. Even for the food accumulated by Cao Cao in Changyi City, it was worth it! After getting the rations, he immediately swept his troops eastward and attacked Xuzhou to become a hegemony!

"No!" The civil servants and military commanders present suddenly agreed, bowed and crossed their hands. So it was decided, everyone scattered to prepare.

Dayeze, also known as Juyeze, Juyeze, and Guangyeze, is one of the ancient ninezes, and its location is in the early north of the junction of Jiyin County and Sanyang County. "Shu? Yugong" records: "Oye is all right." "Zhou Li? Zhifang? Yanzhou" records: "Qizexuan said Daye." "Zuo Zhuan? Aigong Fourteen Years" records "West Hunting in Daye". Throughout the ages, Onozawa has been frequently seen in classics.

Onozawa is the sink of ancient Ji water. The Jersey passes through Leize; the southwestern Naji River connects with Heze; the northeast flows out of Jishui, and then the northeast economy flows into the sea; the southeast flows out of the Yellow River into Heshui, Surabaya, Huai, and the sea. Due to the convenience of transportation and abundant aquatic products, it has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times. The Yandi tribe originated in Dayeze. Emperor Yan and Chi You led eighty-one tribes to fish and hunt in Dayeze.

"Erya" says: Ohnozawa and Juyezawa are two names. Before the Han Dynasty, the literature was called Daye, and "Historical Records" began to have the name of Juyeze. During the Spring and Autumn Period, Juyeze was in Juye City, on the west, north and east sides, in the shape of a gate, surrounded by water. Ze is about a hundred miles long from east to west, and about thirty miles wide from north to south. At the southern exit of Ohyeze, there is a place called Juye. Because it is the entrance of Ohye from east to west, it is called Juye. "Giant" means "big", and Juye means Ohye. Forty-five miles south of Juye is Changyi.

According to legend, Confucius's "Spring and Autumn" is closely related to Onozawa. According to the fourteenth year of Lu Ai Gong in the "Spring and Autumn Period": "In spring, Xishou received Lin." The detailed explanation of "Zuo Zhuan" was: "In the spring of fourteen years, Xishou was in Daye. To give Yuren. Zhongni looked at it and said: "Lin also!" Then take it." The big wild here refers to big wild Ze.

The "Gongyang Biography" is explained in detail as follows: "Lin people, benevolent beasts, those who have kings will come, and those who do not have kings will not come. There are those who tell, and say: "There are those who come." Confucius said: "Which one is coming." Which one is coming!” I wiped my face with tears on my face.... Xishou got Lin, Confucius said: “My way is poor!” “Zigong didn’t understand Confucius’ crying, so Confucius did it to him. The specific explanation is based on Hu Zi’s "The Chronicles of Confucius": "Zigong asked:'Master, how can you cry?' Confucius said:'Lin Zhizhi is also the King of Ming. If he is out of time, he will be harmed. I will hurt Yan. !'First, Confucius made "The Spring and Autumn" because of "Lu Shiji"... and it was the West Hunter who got the Lin. Confucius hurt the Zhou Dao and felt that Jiarui was incapable of responding. So this is how Confucius made "The Spring and Autumn". The allusion of "excellent writing in Huolin".

In the third year of Jian'an of the Han Dynasty, on the first day of September, at the beginning of Chou, the south exit of Onozawa was near Juye, near the shore of Onozawa.

Above the vast water, a large number of densely packed ships suddenly appeared, dotted and silent, like ghost ships. Looking closely with the cold moonlight, most of these boats are small fishing boats, at least hundreds of them. Among the densely packed small boats are hundreds of huge rafts. Whether it is a small boat or a raft, it is densely packed with people.

Hundreds of war horses were blindfolded, and under the comfort of Mishou, they were still moving their hooves restlessly. Obviously, they are extremely uncomfortable with this feeling of rootlessness under their feet. On rafts and small boats, whether sitting or lying down, are county soldiers holding weapons. At most three of these county soldiers were armored, and most of them did not have helmets. At first glance, they looked like the army of the Qin Dynasty, solemn and solemn.

Everyone was holding a small wooden stick tightly in their mouths, and even the war horses had their bridles on. This was the "Lian Mei". On some large rafts, piles of food hang down, and bags of grain are stacked. Seeing that, these grains are not too heavy, and they can last for three to five days at most. In addition, there are some rattan plates, military flags, and baggage items on the raft.

Zang Hong topped his helmet and drew his armour, draped all over, standing on top of the first raft. His eyes seemed to be gazing south through the dark night. Juye was there and Changyi was there. What Yuan Shao said was not bad, Zang Hong was indeed on the verge of danger, and he was determined to fight to the death. As the former lord of Zang Hong, Yuan Shao knows Zang Hong best. Similarly, Zang Hong knows Yuan Shao well.

The reason why Zang Hong chose to attack Changyi is very simple. He really has no other way. Zang Hong's view of the overall situation has always been very good, and he clearly sees the situation in front of him. In his opinion, it was a matter of time for Lu An to go south, the only difference was how much Lu An wanted to pay. At this moment, the Han army is still standing still, allowing Cao Jun, Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao to fight to death, which shows their attitude. Killing Cao Cao except for suffering, killing Zhang Miao brothers except for civil strife, in ancient and modern times.

Yuan Shao wanted to see Lu An's army heading west, and then he went south to take Xuzhou occupied by Liu Xuande. People share the same heart and mind, and Lu An also wants to attack Qingzhou while Yuan Shao goes south. In fact, as long as Lu An's army goes south, Qingzhou will be captured sooner or later. However, the Han army has been fighting for a long time, and food and food are extremely scarce. Lu An is more inclined to wait and see. He could afford to wait anyway, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao could not afford to wait.

In this way, the brothers Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao who were trapped in the isolated city were in danger. In Lu An's view, Dingtao was lost, and it was enough to get it back. However, in Zang Hong's opinion, each of Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao had only one head. If Yuan Shao had cut them off, they would never be able to pick them up again. In desperation, he had to lead his troops to attack Changyi, with the intention of letting Cao Mengde hear about it and immediately retreat and release the siege.

Now that the strategy is set, the rest is how to implement it. Zang Hong thought about it and decided to land in Juye via Ohyeze and attack Changyi. The benefits of this are very obvious. First, Yuan Shao's Cao Cao's scouts can't get his true news. He had sent a few small troops long ago and rushed to Dingtao with great fanfare. Second, Juye is only forty-five miles away from Changyi, and the steppers march in a hurry, and they can arrive in at most two hours. Third, when marching on the waterway, the soldiers do not consume physical strength and can recharge their energy.

In Ohyeze, Zang Hong's entire army concealed for a whole day, seeing that it was late at night, and then ordered the entire army to land in Juye.

"Shijun, Juye is here!" General Jingling, his confidant on the left and right, lowered his voice to remind. Zang Hong immediately shook his spirits. He set up a pergola and looked forward. However, in the dark night, he couldn't see anything. "Passing orders to the entire army: After landing, all ranks are fast, and torches are absolutely not allowed, and those who violate the order are cut!" Zang Hong whispered in a low voice after he pondered for a moment.

The raft under his feet shook suddenly and suddenly stopped driving forward. Zang Hong knew that Juye had arrived. He lifted his right foot and took a big step forward. The straw shoes under his feet were immersed in the water, and his exhaustion disappeared immediately. Wading on Daye Zeshui, who had just reached his ankle, Zang Hong walked a few steps quickly, finally set foot on the land of Juye, and finally landed on the shore, this feeling has not been for a long time! . He looked back and saw that 10,000 soldiers under his command were landing. Under the cold moonlight, their figures seemed busy and thin.

A team of soldiers slowly jumped off the boat and raft, waded a few steps through the water, and set foot on the land of Juye. The low-ranking officers stared, using various gestures to command their subordinates to line up quickly. After a while, they took a big step and set off in the direction of due south. The scouts were at the forefront. The horses under their hips were still bridles, and their hooves were covered with rags and straw. When they trot, they could only make a faint sound. Behind the scouts, there were squads of pawns after squad, with heavy military resources at the back.

"Let's go! Before dawn, we must attack Changyi!" Zang Hong turned on his horse, flicked the reins, and the horse trot with broken steps, and left.

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