New Story of Lv Bu

: : You are the rebels and thieves

On the first day of September, at the hour of the hour, Pingyu County, the county of Runan County, was twenty miles away from Simen.

In the southeast, northwest and northwest, banners and drums rang together. Suddenly four armies appeared. These four armies were well-armed, neatly organized, and full of energy. In addition to the Chinese characters, they also attacked the four families of Cao, Yuan, and Gongsun. banner. Look at that battle, there are at least tens of thousands of horses. "Which army is coming from ahead? Can you report it? Pingyu County is the place where you are stationed today. Where can you wait so presumptuously?" The scout officers in charge of the sentry rushed forward, loudly He scolded.

There is a reason for the scout officer to scold him loudly. At the feet of the emperor, how dare to lead the army so blatantly, could it not be daring to eat the bear heart and the leopard? "Hey! Who would dare to scream in front of the lord? Lord, such a small pawn, you will give me a good face!" I saw that under the banner of Yuan character, the horse rushed out, and this person carried it in his left hand. A golden lacquered carved bow, and his right hand peeked into the quiver next to the saddle, and drew out a carved feather arrow, which bends the bow like a flowing water and shoots the arrow. With a swish, an arrow pierced the scout officer's throat! The scout officer **** ho **** ho **** ho **** ho ho, he turned over and fell off his horse, seeing that he was dead.

"Hahahahahahaha!" Yan Liang chuckled for a long time: "This is the answer of my Patriarch! Go back to the emperor, open the city gate quickly, and the emperor will still be the emperor! If you say half a word?? ???? Hmph!" The entourage of the scout officer immediately turned pale with fright, and even the boss's body was not picked up, and the horse Rufei ran straight to Pingyu County. A piece of yellow dust rose up from their horse's queen, looking from a distance, it looked like a dragon, one after another, gradually falling and rising.

"Huh? Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Cao Cao, and Gongsun Zan came with troops?" Zheng Tai was shocked as soon as he heard this. He quickly grabbed the official hat on his head and clasped it on his head indiscriminately. Walking outside, he commanded: "Hurry up and report to the emperor! Order the whole city to be on guard! I'll go to the tower!" "No!" "No!" "No!" A few small officials promised and went away. Up.

Zheng Tai came to the top of the tower and looked around. He saw yellow dust everywhere in the southeast, northwest, northwest, and straight up to the sky. It seemed that there were at least hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses. Obediently boom! Did these princes go crazy and sent soldiers to force the palace? Zheng Tai's heart sank suddenly, and sweat immediately appeared on his face and body, and his chest and back were soaked immediately. "Send the order, take precautions, never let them into the city!" Zheng Tai shouted loudly, waving his hands, full of anger.

After a while, the emperor came to the city wall. He wore a full suit of the emperor's crown and his face was solemn, like a slowly moving portrait of an ancestor. His eyes were still as quiet as before, but he was inadvertently showing raging anger. The days under the wing of Taishi Dong made the emperor develop the habit of calming down when things happen, and this time it is also true.

The ceremonial guard of the emperor came to the north gate city wall. He raised his right hand and signaled the imperial servant to stop. The emperor walked to Zheng Tai's side. "See your majesty!" Zheng Taihe bowed and saluted the soldiers on the wall. "Free gift!" The emperor waved his sleeves and said softly: "Public business, in your opinion, how should we deal with it?" "Your Majesty, in your opinion, when the four doors are locked, stand by for help! At the same time, Xiang Da Sima asks for help." Zheng Tailang replied. "This is the new Eagle Letter, please take a closer look." The emperor said.

Zheng Tai took the document with both hands, and after reading the ten lines, he sighed and sat down on the ground. "Chen, Liang, and Xiapi have all fallen into the hands of Er Yuan, Cao Cao, and Gongsun Zan. Unfortunately, Yang Zan and Shi Sun Rui died in battle. Today, I only have this Pingyu city left! It’s just an hour or two to want to break the city. There has been a holiday with me on Da Sima’s side. Even if he promised to send troops, he still can’t quench his near thirst.” There were tears in the eyes of the emperor. Empty.

"Your Majesty, what should I do then?" Zheng Tai asked dejectedly. "How? In the final analysis, the princes still have to enter the city, and they can't stop it. But before entering the city, I still have to use this emperor's name to fight!" The emperor said loudly, at this time At this moment, I don't know if he thinks of the hard years after escaping from Chang'an City. Now, he is the empty-headed emperor again.

The emperor Zhuo Li stood at the north gate of the city and yelled: "I, this is Liu Xie, the emperor of today's big man! Go and call Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Cao Cao, and Gongsun Zan to speak!" After a while, he was guarded by hundreds of vine players. , Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Cao Cao, and Gongsun Zan came to a place fifty or sixty steps beyond the city wall. The four of them bowed their hands together and said: "The ministers (Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Cao Cao, Gongsun Zan) see the emperor! The ministers and others are in armor and can only be seen by military courtesy. I also hope that your majesty will be sympathetic to the ministers, Haihan one or two!"

The emperor held on to the wall with both hands, with a smile on his face. He looked at the four people and said loudly: "Are the four of you here here to seek the usurpation of the throne?" As soon as the emperor said these words, Yuan Shao and the four immediately settled Startled in a cold sweat! Obediently boom! If this sentence were to be spread, Lu Bu’s napkin would have an excuse, and he would have a certain iron hat on his head: the courtiers and thieves!

"Your Majesty, I'm here to **** you! The world is clear, the sun and the moon are clear, if the four of me have a half-hearted intention to usurp the throne, I will definitely not die!" Cao Cao has the most eyes, when he heard this, He immediately swears and swears. In any case, I have to take off the hat of the insurgent and thief on my head. "Langlang the universe, the sun and the moon are clear. If the four of me are half-hearted to usurp the throne, they will definitely not die!" Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu and Gongsun Zan are not stupid, and immediately understood.

"In that case, how did Yang Zan die as a scholar, Sun Rui? You captured our four counties, Chen, Liang, Xiapi, and Runan. What happened? Take the tens of thousands of soldiers under our command. What's the matter with disarming all weapons? Leading hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses to encircle our garrison and the Pingyu city, what's going on? What are you talking about? Saying? These are the courts of the rebels and thieves. Because, the four of you have done everything without loosing them. What is it if you are not a rebellious courtier? You are even more violent than Dong Zhuo!"

The words of the emperor, like Huang Zhongda Lu, struck the hearts of Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Cao Cao and Gongsun Zan hard, and sweat immediately appeared on the faces and bodies of the four. It turns out that there is really the wrath of the emperor in this world, the wrath of the emperor, millions of corpses, bleeding for thousands of miles. Regardless of the fact that the emperor is still young, what should he do in time? Son of heaven, you must hold it tightly in your palm! At this moment, Cao Cao wiped the sweat from his face with his sleeves, and finally made up his mind in his heart.

"Your Majesty! Yang Zan and Shi Sun Rui were killed by the Yellow Turban bandits. Chen, Liang, Xiapi and Runan were already hungry, and the Yellow Turbans have risen. The four of my supervisors came here with a large army. Eliminating the Yellow Turbans and stabilizing Yuzhou is one of them! Besides, Lu Bu has a false lord in Luoyang City, and we will form an anti-Lu alliance in order to punish Lu Bu and to surrender to the emperor!"

Cao Cao stood on the horse and said this impassionedly. In fact, everyone knew that Cao Mengde was speaking the vernacular and lying with his eyes wide open. However, after all, he had a good start and gave the emperor a step down. Hearing these words, the emperor had to sigh in his heart, and it was time for Po'er to get off the donkey and go down hard, provoking these four people to do it, and it was him who suffered.

Thinking of this, the emperor said loudly: "This Pingyu City is our Pingyu City! You can come in, but your soldiers can't come in, and none of them will do! Carefully restrain your subordinates, and don't do anything sneaky! Otherwise, I will be in front of these hundreds of thousands of troops, squat on the spot, and leave a legacy to Da Sima, so that he will follow my will to fight against the chaotic officials and thieves!"

The emperor’s words, spoken in front of hundreds of thousands of troops, were tantamount to slap the four chaotic officials and thieves in the face severely. The four of them immediately turned pale. Once the emperor slayed himself in the city, the four of them would not be able to get rid of the four words of chaos, courtiers and thieves. "Your Majesty, the ministers are willing to comply with the edict, and I hope that your majesty will suspend the thunderous anger. The ministers will retreat and camp for ten miles, and then send envoys into the city to give your majesty a little attention from the ministers." Cao Cao's head was The one who turns the fastest, immediately figured out how to understand.

"That's it. Swing back to the palace!" The emperor flicked his sleeve and went to the imperial court. "Chen waits to send the emperor! Long live! Long live! Long live!" Cao Cao was the first to take the lead and shouted. "Chen waits to send the emperor! Long live! Long live! Long live!" shouted the soldiers in Pingyu City. "Chen waits to send the emperor! Long live! Long live! Long live!" shouted the hundreds of thousands of troops outside Pingyu City.

After two hours of arduous negotiations, finally there was a result. "Your Majesty, the conditions put forward by the princes are: First, the emperor issued an edict to crusade against Lv Bu. Second, Yuzhou is temporarily in charge of the princes, and will be returned after the battle against Lu is won. Third, the appointment of Yuan Shao as the general and Yuan Shu as the rider General, Cao Cao is General Fenwu and Yanzhou Mu, Gongsun Zan is General Huwei and Youzhou Mu."

Zheng Tai looked at a piece of paper in his hand and read aloud: "After winning the crusade against Lu Bu, the emperor returned to Luoyang and is still the emperor. The burialists Sun Rui, Yang Zan and the soldiers who died. Guarantee the supply of Pingyu City and hand it in in time. Yuzhou’s taxation does not interfere with all affairs in Pingyu City. The princes pay tribute to His Majesty three thousand gold, five thousand stones for grain, one thousand horses, and three thousand battle horses."

"Oh! This time I fought with death. I finally lost face and won back. That's it." The emperor sighed and said quietly: "Gongye, I knew this before, regretted it! You secretly sent an eagle letter to it. Wang Situ, let him go around for a while, I have decided to return to Luoyang City. I never want to see the faces of these four chaotic officials and thieves!"

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