New Story of Lv Bu

: Chapter 742: Wang Ling's Rebirth

Changshan County, also known as Hengshan County and Changshan Country, has always been a secluded and throat area since the Warring States Period.

The name of Changshan first appeared in the "Warring States Policy". It belonged to the State of Zhao at that time. In the eleventh year of King Zhao Xiaocheng, the State of Zhao began to build a city in Changshan. During the reign of King Zhao Xiaocheng, he suffered the defeat of Changping, and Zhao Guo's vitality was greatly injured, but he immediately repented and united with the other five countries, finally defeated his army and saved Zhao. From this point of view, King Zhao Xiaocheng can barely be regarded as the master. What King Zhao Xiaocheng valued was Changshan's strategic position, which could choke the throats of Yan and Qi, and keep Zhao's eastern borders safe.

After Emperor Qin Shihuang Fen the VI, Zhenchang policy and Yu Yunei, after the attack of Zhao Kingdom, Hengshan County was established, but the scope was small, excluding the (ancient) Hengshan Mountain in the north, and the ruling place was in Dongyuan County. Gaodi was defeated in all battles, and with the help of the three great masters of the early Han Dynasty, he finally won the battle of Gaixia, making the king of Chu slay himself, and then conquered all the kings of different surnames and wiped out all the kings of different surnames, and the world was unified again.

The Han Dynasty inherited the Qin system, and Hengshan County is still called Hengshan County. Later, in order to avoid the taboo of Han Wen Emperor Liu Heng, it was renamed Changshan County, and the scope was expanded from Hengshan in the north to Fengshan and Changgu in the south. In the fourth year of Emperor Wu Yuanding, the four counties near Zhending County (ie Dongyuan County in the Qin Dynasty) were divided into four counties as Zhending Kingdom. The county government of Changshan County moved southwest to Yuanshi County, and the eighteenth county was under the jurisdiction of the Jizhou Municipal Bureau. "Historical Records? Xiaowu Benji": "The king of Changshan was guilty and moved, and the emperor sealed his brother to Zhending to continue the sacrifice of the first king, and Changshan was regarded as the county."

Emperor Wu was very talented and was so rejoicing that he would do something that the ancients had never done. During his reign, the Five Sacred Mountains system was formally established, and it was only when Emperor Xuan was appointed that his name was rectified. In the "Book of Han? Jiao Si Zhi", Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty issued an edict in the first year of the gods, and determined that Mount Tai was Dongyue, Huashan was Xiyue, Huoshan was Nanyue, Hengshan (Hengshan was ancient Hengshan, namely Damaoshan) was Beiyue, and Songshan was Zhongyue. .

In order to avoid the taboo of the Han Emperor Liu Heng, the (ancient) Hengshan Mountain was renamed Changshan. The southern areas of Quyang and Tangxian counties were Changshan County where Emperor Wen was located. The Yuan clan was the governing office of Changshan County. county. Therefore, all the "Beiyue Hengshan" in Changshan County is not the "Beiyue Hengshan" of today. There is a long distance between the two, and they are often misunderstood by future generations.

In the thirteenth year of Emperor Guangwu’s establishment of Wu, the Kingdom of Zhending was merged into Changshan County and renamed Changshan Kingdom. The jurisdiction of the surrounding Zhongshan Kingdom, Zhao Kingdom, and Julu County changed to some extent. Instead, Tongxian County was reduced to 13. The place is still in Yuanshi County. Changshan County is located in Hebei, northwest of Jizhou Governor's Department, connected to Bingzhou to the west, and Youzhou to the north. It is a real "land of the Four Wars" and has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times. During the Han Dynasty, thirteen princes and family members were named Changshan kings of this ancient city, all because of the importance of Changshan. The famous mountain and city, the place of the Four Wars, if the prince does not stand by himself, the owner cannot rest on his couch.

In the 4th year of Jianwu, Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu led troops to Changshan County to quell the rebellion of Yuyang prefect Peng Chong and Zhuo prefect Zhang Feng and stationed in Wannian Village on the outskirts of the ancient city. The empress Yin Lihua, who was a fashionable nobleman, traveled with Emperor Guangwu and gave birth to Emperor Liuzhuang of Han Ming Dynasty, so the village was named Wansui Village at that time. Later generations also built the Shishengtang of Emperor Han Ming and the dressing building of Queen Yin to commemorate.

Emperor Zhang (Liu Xiu's grandson) visited the North in the third year of Yuanhe, and went to the Shezheng Hall of Yuanshi County, Changshan County to worship Liu Xiu, and to the Shishengtang of Wannian Village to worship Liu Zhuang. In the three years of Yuanding in the Western Han Dynasty, Zhang Qian, who had returned from an envoy to the Western Regions, once visited this ancient city. In July of the second year of Emperor Xianping, Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong were nominated by the people of Changshan County and led the volunteer soldiers of Changshan County to go south in this ancient city. He is currently in Xuzhou.

Since Changshan Country is so important, the Luoyang court and Da Sima would naturally not take it lightly, and specially arranged for a confidant to sit in Yuanshi County. This person is not someone else, but is the second grandson of Taiyuan Wang Family Patriarch Lao Wang Shu, Henan Yin, and Hu Cao Zhuan Wang Wei's second son Wang Ling. Since the robbing of the class a few years ago, Wang Ling has been locked up in his hometown by Lao Wang, and follows his strength field every day. Litian during the day, reading at night, and lectures on the classics, was not released until six months ago by the Lao Wang, and he was appointed as the state minister of Changshan.

Studying to nourish one's spirits and cultivating farming has left a very deep mark on Wang Ling for years of hard life like Mozi, the founder of the Mohist school. His complexion was completely bronzed, his body was strong, his hands and feet were thick, and his arms were as strong as ordinary human thighs. If it weren't for the light flashes in his eyes from time to time, even if he was close at hand, Wang Ling would look like an ordinary farmer.

Several years of hard life has brought Wang Ling not only a strong body, but also a tenacious spirit and indomitable will. In the past few years, Wang Ling has also read many books while he is in Litian, and he has read more thoroughly and in-depth. The former arrogant Xinyi's first breath has long since disappeared, replaced by the calm and introverted, down-to-earth and diligent style of follower.

The day before Wang Ling left Jinyang Wangjiazhuang to take office, his grandfather Wang Shu sent someone to call him to the study, and after watching him carefully for a long time, he spoke slowly. "Wang Ling, let me ask you, after you take office, which one is first and which one is second?" Wang Ling had thought about this question countless times a long time ago, and he thought it thoroughly. Hearing his grandfather's question, he quickly answered.

"Grandfather, the first one is naturally the continuation of the royal family of Taiyuan. If you want to achieve a thousand-year-old family, for example, cultivate a big tree, you must be willing to pruning the branches and leaves. Secondly, it is for the common people, this is the prosperous family. Basics. In the end, it is to find ways to stand with the person who wins in the end, it is best to have a unique eye in the dark, know the hero and the slightest."

Upon hearing Wang Ling's words, Lao Wang Shu's face immediately showed a look of relief. He stroked his beard with his hand and slowly extended a finger. "You must have heard of the deer as a horse. If it is at this moment, you are standing above the court of the Qin Kingdom, with Hu Hai and Zhao Gaogao standing on the top, and your Highness is the civil and military officials, and the right and left are the elites of the Qin Kingdom. The old man came to ask you, in front of which sika deer, it is your turn to step forward and express your attitude. In your opinion, it should be a deer or a horse?"

"It should be a deer!" Wang Ling replied decisively. "Only by saving yourself can you destroy others!" "Go!" Lao Wang Shu took a deep breath and waved to let Wang Ling go. His face was wrinkled, as if he was a teenager suddenly old. Ugh! After several years of work, the results are finally being seen today. Wang Shu can be said to be so relieved that he can finally look down upon himself.

It has been more than half a year since Wang Ling took office as the Prime Minister of Chang Shan. In the past six months, he has experienced many tests. The edict of the Luoyang imperial court and the order of Wei Xu, the governor of Jizhou, were continuously issued to build water conservancy projects, widen roads, repair and dredge river channels, build free warehouses, renovate cities, build docks and beacons, train county soldiers, and provide relief to exile. Commands have a time limit, making the prefect's mansion up to Chang Shi Sima, down to the ordinary squabble staff all complained, complaining utterly, and full of sadness.

After seeing an order that resembled one, Wang Ling just smiled lightly, and whispered: "Come here, move my luggage to the second hall. If I can't finish these tasks, I won't go home to sleep. , As long as there is an official business to approve, everyone can come to me at any time!" "Nuo!" Fu Ling responded loudly, and the complaints ceased abruptly from then on.

A dignified two-thousand-stone prefect, in order to do a good job, he won't come home anymore. What can you complain about? What else can I complain about? For the past six months, Wang Ling rushed around in the dust every day, sleeping less than three hours a day, and eating very simple, but only two dishes and one soup. I have spent all my thoughts on the official affairs of Changshan Country. Wang Shijun, who lives in rough clothes, is conscientious and conscientious, sets an example, the people underneath naturally dare not neglect the slightest, and the work efficiency is surprisingly good.

When I get busy, time flies quickly. It's mid-September. The official business is over, one by one, and the autumn grain has been collected. The goldfish is in the official warehouse and the righteous warehouse. It stands to reason. It's time to stay alive. However, at this moment, an edict was sent from Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, and Wang Ling asked Jun Cheng and Du Wei to open it, and the faces of the three people immediately turned dark. After all, Wang Ling was the chief official, and he was also a person who had gone through several storms. He thought about it and spoke slowly.

"You two, you have all read the edict. The princes formed the Anti-Lu League. Siwen Cao and the Shadow jointly judged that the offensive of the anti-Lu coalition forces is imminent. The imperial court requires us to stand firm and clear the country, recruit the county soldiers, and prepare for a protracted battle. What do you think?" Jun Cheng and Du Wei looked at each other, and said in unison: "Naturally, they obeyed the order, stood firm and cleared the country, and were ready to fight."

"Okay! That's the case, let's take care of it now. The county princes and the people, I will bother you to recruit the county soldiers, prepare the food, and order the counties to reinforce the walls and clear the fields. The captains are in charge of the army. This trains the county soldiers, armor battles, horses, bows and arrows. I'll leave it to my buddy! I'm waiting for good news in this second hall!" Wang Ling made up his mind after a few cases. "No!" Jun Cheng and Du Wei answered loudly. Wang Shijun's official voice was excellent and he was also very sympathetic to his subordinates. At this extraordinary time, everyone naturally wanted to help each other in the same boat.

The Taishou Mansion of Changshan Kingdom has always been extremely efficient. From the time it received the edict to prepare for the war, everything was ready in less than three hours. The people of all counties have begun to move into the newly renovated county town and Wubao. The grain has been harvested long ago, and the livestock are also stocked near the Wubao. As long as they receive a letter from the eagle, they can immediately enter the Wubao. All that is left for the enemy is desolation. The newly recruited eight thousand county soldiers are all well-trained veterans, who have already entered the role under the leadership of the captain.

Now, everything is ready and we are all committed, but where is the enemy?

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