New Story of Lv Bu

: : The fall of Handan

Yan Kuan's recent situation has not been very good, and Wei Xu is clear about this situation. The two people have always exchanged letters, and friends and relatives who travel between Yexian and Luoyang will also send some emotions from time to time. "Oh, nothing should be done forever. Yan Dalang shouldn't be in the hands of Da Sima. It's all because he couldn't see the situation clearly. The upper reaches of Taibai Canal is the lifeblood of Zheng Guoqu, which is related to the rice bowls of millions of people in Liangzhou and Sili. In a year of severe drought, once the water volume of Zheng Guoqu decreases, hundreds of thousands of people will starve to death!"

"Erlang, I don't understand. Yan Dalang was originally a very clever man. Why is it so unclear about this matter?" After this, the man lowered his voice and said: "I heard In the upper reaches of the Taibai Canal, it was the former Taiwei Zhao Qian who was the first to build another courtyard. Zhao Taiwei specially went to the other courtyard built by Kanghouye, Uncle Yan Guo, and the big guys."

Hearing this, with Wei Erlang's cleverness, he immediately understood. In all likelihood, Yan Dalang was calculated by Zhao Qian and his team. Yan Dalang is a typical dude. It's no wonder that he was originally the first dude of the Luoyang court. Presumably, Yan Dalang thought, isn't it just building a courtyard on the water, what's the big deal with gossip? Just cover it up with the big guy.

Besides, Mrs. Zhao Yi's Yan Yan has also visited it in person. This is equivalent to double insurance for this floating courtyard. What are you afraid of? Thinking of this, Wei Xu's face was full of frost, and he asked in a low voice: "The demolition of the other yard will be over? Zhao Qian's group is unscathed?" The visitor sighed and said, "Oh! They are all ordinary people with flat heads." The other yard is demolished, and it doesn’t affect the irrigation of the hundreds of thousands of mu of fertile land. What else should I do? Besides, after all, it involves Lord Kang Hou. His old man is commanding war in the Western Regions, whether it is the court or Da Sima. , I have to give a thin face, right? In desperation, the court had to commit an edict and be responsible, that's it!"

Wei Xu finally understood that Lord Kang was one of the three ten thousand princes of the great man alive. He was highly respected, and the court had to consider the influence if he was to be dealt with. At that time, the war clouds in the Western Regions were densely covered, and it was just the moment when the matter was critical. Once the heart of Lord Kang was affected and the war was affected, the gains would not be worth the loss. In desperation, Da Sima had no choice but to use his brother-in-law as a celebrity, and slapped the board fiercely, so that those who heard it would be full of warnings, in order to follow suit. Conmanty, the other instigator, had to lift it high and put it down gently.

Among the three leading eldest brothers, only Yan Dalang was cleaned up, and he gave a heavy **** but dismissed him from office, and was ordered to study behind closed doors by the big Sima. The second leader, Kang Houye, was almost unscathed, but his face was a little embarrassing. Since Lord Kang Houye can easily pass the customs, he is in a sense and reason, and Zhao Qian and others can no longer be held accountable, otherwise they would not be able to justify themselves. Taking a step back, I just want to pursue it. The dog bites the dog's mouth, and everyone's face is unsightly.

"Da Sima did this because he had no choice but to do so. Even if he knew he was punishing Yan Dalang a bit too severely in this matter, he had to be cruel and put on a board. Brother-in-law took the shot and replaced him. The older sister disciplines the ineffective brother-in-law. Even if he fights harder, it is a family affair, and no one else can tell." The visitor saw the matter very clearly.

"How is Da Lang's mood lately? How has he been affected?" Wei Xu still cares very much about his brothers who are playing together. "Hi! I don’t see any impact. When I was leaving, I went to see him. I could eat, sleep, and play. Apart from reading and writing every day, I would beat my muscles and bones all day long. , I think that little day was very comfortable!"

Oh! That's why the stone in Wei Xu's stomach finally fell to the ground, and Da Lang was fine if he had nothing to do!

"Oh! Uncle was originally a very smart person. In the past few years, officials have been working for a long time and have been infected with some official habits. He looks like a slick old official, and he has no daring to be daring before. Father. For the mother’s sake, I always couldn’t bear to start, but the accident happened to be in the hands of his father, so he had to deal with it hard. The niece thought that the father’s intention was just to let him study and raise his spirits, so that he could understand more of the truth. He reads thoroughly, and the resumption is just a sentence."

Ling Hao sighed, lowered his voice and said to Wei Xu that Yan Dalang was his only uncle after all, and she cared very much.

At this moment, the lieutenant in charge of communications came in hastily. His face was full of dignity, and his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. The school lieutenant did not bow down, bend over, arch his hands, or smile with a smile as usual. He just arched his hand in a perfunctory manner and took out a document from his cloth bag. The Emperor Yan said with a voice: "Enjoy the generals, Generals Dahongyou, and Linghao, the Ying letter just received. Zhao's prefecture is in Handan City. It fell three hours ago and has fallen into the hands of the Yellow Turban."

"What?" Upon hearing this, Wei Xu, Zhang Yan, and Ling Hao immediately jumped up like springs.

The word "Handan" is used as a place name, and there are three ways of saying it. One: Before the Warring States period, Handan was written as Gandan. Some scholars believe that the sun is called Gan when the sun rises over the horizon, and the sun is called Dan when the sun sets over the horizon. Handan is the place of sunrise and sunset. Second: Handan comes from the surname, which is the double surname Handan. Third: In the "Book of Han? Geography", Wei Guo Zhang Yan put forward: "Handan Mountain, under the east city, single, complete, the city profile from the city, so add the city." It means that the place name of Handan originated from Handan Mountain, under the east city of Handan, there is a mountain named Handan Mountain. It is only the end of the mountain range. Handan Mountain ends here, hence the name Handan.

The city of Handan originated in Yin Shang. During the centuries that the Shang Dynasty established its capital in Xing (Xingtai) and moved its capital to Yin (now Anyang), Handan was the place of Jifu of the Yin and Shang Dynasties. In the "Bamboo Books", there is a record of the building of the Li Palace in Handan at the end of Shang Dynasty. Later, during the Warring States Period, Zhao Jinghou moved his capital to Handan. Handan was originally the capital of the Zhao Kingdom. King Zhao Wuling implemented the military reform of Hufuqi and Shooting, making Zhao one of the seven heroes of the Warring States. During the Warring States Period, Handan was the capital of the Zhao Kingdom for 158 years, but it has rarely been captured after repeated wars.

After the first emperor established the world, the world was divided into 36 prefectures, among which Handan was the first prefecture, and Handan city was the prefecture. In the last years of the Qin Dynasty, after Chen Sheng and Wu Guang first uprised, the heroes joined together. Zhang Er, Chen Yuyu, and Zhao Xie, descendants of the Zhao King, became the King of Zhao. Later, Zhang Er became the King of Zhao. After several twists and turns, in the nine years of Emperor Han Gao, Liu Bang moved his son, Liu Ruyi, to be the king of Zhao. Since then, there have been 11 kings of Zhao. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, it revived, and there were 7 Zhao kings. "Zhao" has gradually become the traditional place name of today's Shanxi and Hebei generations.

In the early years of the dynasty, Handan City was known as the "rich crown in the country, the world's famous capital". In addition to the state capital of Chang'an, it shared the five major cities with Luoyang, Linzi, Chengdu, and Wan (Nanyang). No matter in terms of politics, economy, or culture, Handan is a famous city.

Handan is based on the Dahe (Ancient Yellow River) in the south and Yan and Dai in the north. It has always been a battleground for military strategists to control the world by controlling Taihang. The terrain is dangerous, the city is tall, and the city is huge. After several years of expansion, it has become a majestic city. There are 12,000 county soldiers in the city, which can be used for only two years. There are dozens of large ponds built in Jianzhi City to store water, and there are all farmland and pastures, so it is not a problem to keep it for a year or two.

Wei Xu has never worried about Handan City. In his opinion, as long as Zhao’s state minister has the intelligence of a normal person and guards the city gates, even if hundreds of thousands of troops go to fight, they will always be able to defend three times. Five months. With these three to five months of buffer time, Wei Erlang was able to defeat a powerful enemy and brought tens of thousands of troops to the rescue. But, how come you fell well?

The answer to the mystery is naturally the school lieutenant in charge of communications. He slowly said with a dark face: "Enlighten to the governor, the Yellow Turban dispatched more than one hundred thousand, and the old and weak women and children were first assaulted. The battle was extremely tragic. Zhao Guoguo was a scholar. He had never seen such a tragic scene. In an instant, he had a nervous breakdown. He was the first to throw away the weapon in his hand and left the army to escape. The captain and the county chief inspired the soldiers to fight to death. It is a pity that the army will die. The morale of the county soldiers was low, and this allowed the Yellow Turban to occupy the city."

"His grandma is a bear! How did this state minister become an official? Whose person, have you checked it?" Wei Xu finally became furious, he punched the case and shouted loudly. His mother, I just boasted about going to Haikou in front of Senior Zhang, patted his chest to ensure that Handan is safe and secure, and the report is the fastest in the world. Before the words are finished, you just slap Laozi in the face?

The military officer in charge of communications is Wei Xu's confidant. He is conscientious and very solid. He has known Wei Xuhui's questions a long time ago, and he has done his homework in advance. "The governor is under Wang Situ's sect. He came from Liangzhou half a year ago and was promoted from the county magistrate to the state minister." "It doesn't work under whose sect you are! If you give my order, you must take care of it! Lao Tzu must personally do it. Cut him off! Check out who else is under Wang Situ's sect, and he changed it to Laozi!" The anger returned to anger, Wei Erlang's mind was still relatively calm. In an instant, he thought of several things in his mind, talked about finger painting, and immediately issued a series of orders.

Finally finished, Wei Xu arched his hand to Zhang Yan and Ling Hao, and said loudly: "Old predecessor, Ling Hao niece, this Jizhou yellow scarf is for you. If you need anything, just ask my Chang Shi Sima. I. They have already been instructed, and both of them will be given priority. I, Wei Erlang, will be a soldier and attacked Handan by Starry Night and caught this band of thieves by surprise!"

"Uncle, let me go with you." Ling Hao stood up and said. "I said the eldest niece, your uncle slapped himself, so he has to go and get the place back by himself, don't you think? Say goodbye!" As soon as he finished speaking, Wei Xu arched his hands and strode out Meteor. "What a Wei Erlang, a hero and brave man, he has a material to be a general!" Zhang Yan exclaimed in admiration after a few shots.

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