New Story of Lv Bu

: : Pawn in three ways

Shangxian County is located in the southeast of Jingzhaoyin, Sili Xiaowei Department. During the period of Xia and Shang, it was the domain of Liangzhou, and there was Zhou Dynasty, which was the land of ancient Pang. In the vast historical annals, there are only a handful of records about Shang County. According to "Zuo Zhuan" records, in order to develop its power to the Han River basin, the Qin State once joined the Jin to attack the Pang State. The Chu State dispatched the Shen and Xi divisions to aid Pang and made Zixi the Shang Gong.

In the twenty years of Qin Xiaogong's 20th year, Wei Yang defeated Wei with merit, and named the Shang at Shififteen Yi, with the nickname "Shangjun". After Wei Yang was broken by a car, he changed his business area to Shangluo County. The county was governed by the birthplace of the Buddha on the Shangyu Ancient Road, which was directly under the jurisdiction of Guanzhong and Gyeonggi. After the founding of Emperor Gao, it was changed to Shangluo County, which was under the jurisdiction of Hongnong County. In the fifteenth year of Emperor Guangwu's Jianwu, it was changed to Jingzhaoyin. However, the old Qin people also called it Shangxian, as the convention was established.

Shang County, also known as Shangluo County, a hundred miles southwest of it, there is a Xiongguan called Wuguan. The importance of Shang County is that it is the backstop of Wuguan. As soon as Wuguan was broken, the enemy army was between the lofty mountains and along the Danshui River to the north, and the first county seat it encountered was Shangxian. Two hundred miles northwest of Shang County is Lantian County. After Lantian County, there is the Guanzhong Plain, a fertile land with thousands of miles away.

After the fall of Shangxian County and Lantian, the Guanzhong Plain was safe to defend. The Qin-Jin coalition attacked Shangxian County and followed this path. Historical records record: "80,000 beheaded in this battle, and Danshui was completely red." Therefore, later generations once commented: "According to the dangers of the mountains and rivers, the road will be south and east, entering the blue field and turning off the right. The great defense of Wuguan will be important in one fell swoop."

When Huangfusong and his party arrived in Shang County, General Zangba had been waiting for a long time at the reception pavilion ten miles away with the four generals Wu Dun, Yin Li, Sun Guan, and Sun Kang. Five men brought seven or eight hundred soldiers, all of them well-proportioned and powerful foot soldiers. Their discipline was not particularly good, and their formation was not very neat. But when I look at the expressions on his face, they are all veterans who have fought old battles.

Amidst the agitation of military music, Huang Fusong rolled over and dismounted, stretched out his hand and gestured to Zang Ba and the others who were giving a big gift to exempt them. Huangfusong set out as a lieutenant, with a distinguished status, and a four-dynasty veteran in the Han army, and a veteran senior in the army. How can Zang Ba and others dare to be supported by him? Still relied on the courtesy, bowed respectfully, and then stood up to meet.

"Xuan Gao, you have been waiting for a long time! Let me introduce you. This one is General Zhong Lang and Wei Wei Cheng Yan Xing. He is the son-in-law of Wei Wei Han Wenyue. This time it is called by General Zhong Lang. You In the future, it will be the robe of life and death, so get closer!" Huangfusong pointed to Yan Xing and introduced. He said that he was living and dying together, not a colleague. Zang Ba heard this very clearly.

"Oh! It turned out to be the famous Yan Zhonglang! Zang Mou has heard of his name for a long time! I think that when Han Weiwei was rampant in Xiliang, Yan Zhonglang's subordinates had commanded over tens of thousands of troops!" As a courtesy. "General Zang, I've heard your name for a long time. Your Taishan soldier is a well-known elite, comparable to the two thousand Xiliangjing rides under me! Now, you Taishan thief, as well as mine The cool thief, all the rivers and rivers return to the sea, under the command of Da Sima, they have conquered the world, so let's go to the top!"

Yan Xing's martial arts is high and strong, and his literary talent is not good. As for communication and entertainment, the words are given, which is his strong point. Zang Ba stopped in the middle of speaking, and he finally realized that speaking like this at this time was equivalent to Jie Yanxing following Han Sui's ravages of Laodier in Xiliang. But Yan Xing didn't take it seriously. Just a few words eliminated Zang Ba's embarrassment and at the same time gained a good impression.

After the greeting was over, everyone turned on their horses, surrounded by Huangfusong's flag and went straight to the barracks. The barracks of the Taishan Soldiers are surrounded by mountains and rivers, occupying a large area in the beautiful scenery. Ten thousand Taishan soldiers are fully armed, practicing climbing among the cliffs. Huang Fusong looked around and saw deep clouds. Taishan soldiers climbed up and down, as agile as apes, and in a moment they ascended a cliff more than two hundred feet high. Well, yes, Zang Xuangao is a caring person and knows to plan ahead! Only these monkey cubs can cross the Bao chute, which has always been famous for its steepness! Da Sima really knows people with his eyes, Huang Fusong secretly said in his heart.

After the Chinese army's big tent was settled, Huang Fusong spoke up. "Come on, hold back and leave, leaving only General Zang and Yan Zhonglang in the tent. Within a hundred steps, no unauthorized entry is allowed! Violators shall be determined!" After the command, Huang Fu Song waved his hand, and the few veterans who accompanied him began. The sand table was assembled in the Great Tent of the Chinese Army, and the sand table was assembled in less than a quarter of an hour.

"Xuan Gao, guess what, why should I meet you in Shang County?" Huang Fusong asked with a smile. Upon hearing this, Zang Ba smiled embarrassedly, scratching his head and said. "In response to Taiwei, I have been puzzled about this matter. Shangxian County is southeast of Jingzhaoyin, and the opposite is the site of Liu Jingsheng in Jingzhou. Is it possible that Zhang Gongqi is a fake and Liu Jingsheng is true?"

"Hahahahaha!" Huangfu laughed loudly. "Xuangao, even you think so, what would Zhang Gongqi think? Hanzhong is across from Youfufeng. If you want to attack Hanzhong, the best base camp is in Youfufeng. The northern end of Baoxian is Yinxian. The north end of Ziwu Valley is Ganting. Between Yinxian and Ganting, it is Wugong County of Youfufeng. Wugong is the best location."

"Hey! Taiwei's great spirit! It turned out to be the idea of ​​attacking Hanzhong from the Ziwu Valley!" Zang Ba is a clever man. Hearing Huang Fusong's words, he immediately guessed his mind. The matter is obvious. There are only three roads from Guanzhong to Hanzhong. From west to east, they are Gudao, Baoxie Road and Ziwu Valley in order. Therefore, the road has long been ruined, and it is impossible to make a decision without much effort to repair it. Thanks to the strength of the Qin people, the Bao Chuan is the best maintained, and relatively speaking, it is the easiest to walk. As for Ziwu Valley, it is nothing more than a noun. Everyone knows that there is such a path, but no one has walked through it, let alone a thousand horses.

"General Zang, Yan Zhonglang, the old man supervising Shang County this time is actually just a cover. It is to create the illusion that the army will gather in Shang County and prepare to enter Jingzhou south, so that Zhang Gongqi loses his vigilance and beat him by surprise! My true base camp It is located in Wugong County in Youfufeng, where grain, grass, equipment, and military and horse supplies have been stocked, just waiting for the army to secretly head west."

Speaking of this, Huangfu Song smoothly picked up a small bamboo battle and lightly placed it on the martial arts on the sand table. "Bing Cao performed several military exercises on the sand table. After detailed calculations, you finally decided on your final entry plan. First, you must send a small force to go down the Danshui River and pass through Wuguan, in Nanyang County, Jingzhou. Danshui County landed ashore and then headed east to join Wang Situ's army."

"Hey! This is an amazing soldier, even I didn't expect it, and Liu Jingsheng couldn't even think of it! As soon as this soldier appeared in Danshui County, the Jingzhou soldier in Nanyang County would immediately be upset!" Zang Ba patted his head. , Said in astonishment. "This plan is really a genius, no one would have thought that someone would go this way!" Yan Xing also looked suspicious.

Seeing the expressions of Zang Ba and Yan Xing, Huangfu nodded in satisfaction. In the Bingzhou Army, Zang Ba and Yan Xing were not first-rate celebrities, but their military qualities were extremely high. Coupled with the long-standing battlefield, they are all veterans who have survived a hundred battles, and have an unusual intuition about war, just like a dog's nose. Now that even the two of them didn't think of it, the Jingzhou Army naturally didn't think of it.

"Secondly, a spy in Chengdu has sent back a letter from the Eagle. Liu Yan has decided to send his troops along the Baoxie Road and raid Longxi. At the end of the Baoxie Road is Xiegu, and after Xiegu, it is Yin County. We are in Xie. The county stationed a team of soldiers and horses to wait for work. When the Yizhou army just left the Xiegu, he beat him in an ambush! Finally, he took the road to Ziwu Valley and turned thousands of miles in. He suddenly appeared on the north bank of the Hanshui River. The middle is still in the Eastern Han. The Yizhou army will go north and Zhang Lu will definitely defend Hanzhong. As a result, Shangyong will become more and more empty. As long as there are two thousand people, it can be easily obtained. General Zang, Yan Zhonglang, what do you think?"

Zang Ba didn't answer directly. Instead, he sat there, closed the door and meditated for a while, then opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of energy. "Taiwei, my soldiers are all mountain infantry. The task of attacking Hanzhong is entrusted to me Zangba! Yan Zhonglang's two thousand old Xiliang armies are all cavalry, and Yin County is surrounded by a map of Pingchuan, used to ambush the Yizhou army. , Really used the blade." Upon hearing this, Yan Xing immediately extended his thumb in his heart, Zang Ba was very interesting! I have made your friend!

"Okay! That's how it was handled! This time I left Beijing, I specially brought 10,000 leather armors made by Cao Zhuan overnight. This batch of leather armors is very light, and it is the most convenient to use to climb mountains and ridges. It is lined with iron. It can block a strong crossbow within two hundred steps. In addition, I am equipped with 10,000 first-hand knives with 100-refined steel rings, all of which are good knives for cutting iron like mud! In addition, there are two thousand **** arm bows. For these things, my long history, Guo Fengxiao, has completely offended everyone he wants to offend in his life, so he almost took a knife to kill people!"

Huangfusong said a word, Zang Ba's face had a slight smile, and when Huangfusong finished speaking, his face was already smiling like a flower. "In addition, there are a large number of military supplies, ranging from tents, to pots and pans, 13 pieces tied to the waist, arrows, cloaks, rain gear, and anti-mosquito medicine????? ? All prepared for this task."

Huang Fusong finally finished speaking. After all, he was old and felt a little thirsty. He picked up the big tea bowl on the desk and drank three bowls in a row. Then he put down the tea bowl and wiped the corners of his mouth with his sleeve. "Xuan Gao, the small unit that rushed to Nanyang is naturally to be deployed under your command, and then selected from among the county soldiers. As for the generals, do you have suitable candidates?"

"Sun Guan, this person is calm, calm, and very military-minded. What's more rare is that he is firm and persevering!" Zang Ba slapped his thigh and said categorically. "Okay, announce him to come in, let me take a look!" Huangfu Song said aloud.

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