New Story of Lv Bu

: : The beginning of the Ming Dynasty political wave

On the ninth day of October, Guo Jia got up very early and hurriedly freshened up. After breakfast, he sat down quietly and thought carefully about what happened during the eighth day of October. Soon, he came to the conclusion that whether Wu Ke committed suicide or homicide, the court and Mrs. Zhao Yi's disposal were fair, to a certain extent, even very benevolent.

The murderer who killed and wounded people was punished in accordance with the "Han Law", and no one can find anything wrong with it. Even the simplest law in this dynasty, in the "three chapters of the covenant law" when the Emperor Got entered the customs, killing and wounding were all to be punished. In addition, no one was implicated, and even the merchants’ strikes were not investigated. After being questioned by Tingwei Mansion, the students involved in this matter also went home on bail. According to the imperial court, this matter was dealt with in accordance with the vicious public security incident, rather than the student's involvement in politics.

It is conceivable that Taixue will usher in the most stringent rectification and supervision in history. In the eyes of discerning people, this should have been done a long time ago, at least there is no causal relationship between the storm and the storm. After all, the imperial court spends money to raise students too, and it is only natural for the person who spends the money to decide whom to spend the money on. Lift the chopsticks to eat meat, put down the chopsticks and scold your mother. The imperial court would never ask for such a student.

But, will the aristocratic families and the students just stop there? Guo Jiasi thought about it, and finally realized that the court seemed to be a little weak and even tolerant of such measures. According to common sense, the dominant party will never stop here, and will certainly make progress and continue to make things bigger. In this way, how will the court and Mrs. Zhaoyi deal with it?

Suddenly, Guo Jia's back spine shivered, and he thought of a possibility. Yesterday, I had a long conversation with Xunyou in Shaofu, and the words were still in my ears, and the duel between Da Sima and the family was inevitable. Could it be that the imperial court deliberately showed weakness and deliberately released incense bait to catch golden turtles? When the aristocratic families think that they are in their hands, they will kill them and eradicate all the opposing families?

Obviously, the head of Luoyang City is Yan Yan, the wife of Da Sima Lubu. If the court really handled it in this way, how brilliant is Yan Yan's political wisdom? Thinking about the situation in Luoyang City, and then thinking about his political ambitions, Guo Jia suddenly felt a little bit depressed. Da Sima's wishes are completely opposite to his own. Should he change his course or vote for another master?

Seeing the beginning of Chen, Guo Jia settled, and ordered the official order to load the car with the house and chase his parents. "My lord, are you planning to move?" Fu Ling asked with a puzzled face. "I have a one-month holiday. After the holiday, it is possible to take a long vacation and spend time with my parents. After all, they are all old, so they have to make plans to move. Fortunately, they can live in their hometown. I still have to come back in a few months." Guo Jia has a smile on his face, but he feels a little bit sad in his heart.

"No!" Fu Ling finally understood, Chang Shi's body has always been bad, so he should take a few more months of rest while he is fine.

After bidding farewell to the prefecture, Guo Jia stepped into the car, with some money in his sleeve, and went out of the house, heading towards the Imperial College. Regarding the current situation, he was really uneasy, and it was better to go and see with his own eyes. As the old saying goes, hearing is false, seeing is believing, and the eyes and ears of others are naturally incomparable to their own eyes and ears.

When I walked to the Imperial College, it was already the end of the chen, and there were a lot fewer people watching the excitement, with only a few hundred idlers. On the large square in front of Taixue gate, Wu Ke's corpse stopped in the middle, wearing the same clothes as when she died. It's just that there is a black scarf on his face, and he can't see his face clearly. There were dozens of people around Wu Ke's body, a total of three floors.

This is the result of the discussion between Taixue and Tingweifu yesterday. Before an autopsy, it is necessary to prevent someone from damaging the body. Therefore, Tingwei Mansion sent twelve guards, plus twelve teachers and students selected from Taixue, 24 guards in four shifts. With the exception of the six people in each class, the officers on the periphery are the Yaju Minzhuang from Chang'an County. They have knives around their waists, sticks, chains, and handcuffs in their hands, and their faces are as black as purple eggplants. These people are also divided into four shifts, guarding them in turns, and they have just changed their shifts.

Guo Jia strolled in the courtyard, walked up to the third floor of a wine shop, and ordered a table next to the window in the identity of Taiwei Changshi. He sat down slowly and raised his eyes to see that everything was in front of his eyes on the huge square. "Oh! Lord Guo, it turned out to be you! I haven't seen you for a few days, and your old body is much stronger!" When I heard the voice, I knew it was the shopkeeper of the wine shop.

"Thanks to you, life is still going well." Guo Jia has always been humble. Seeing no one, he talked with the shopkeeper.

Time flies by like electricity, and in a blink of an eye, it's time to get more people in the square one after another. Looking around, they are all students who have just gotten up. The students of the Taipai have been pampered and treated well, and the court and government's worship is thick, and their daily life is a bit irregular. Every day, all night long, drinking and singing, and when the next day was too late, he sent someone to hand in a slip to ask the teachers for leave. Although the teachers had a headache, they still pinched their noses. What if you don't approve? These brothers really can't afford to offend them.

In the big event yesterday, the students slept even later. This time they were not drinking and singing, but discussing the current situation. Firstly, Wu Ke's bones are not cold, and he is inconvenient to drink, and always has to leave some face for his classmates who died. Secondly, they found that the court's handling this time seemed very interesting. It was not only good-for-nothing but even some toleration. Should we continue to make trouble? After the discussion, there were two opinions. One was to die and let it go, and the other was to continue to make a fuss. While the court was weak and appeased, he would hold onto the court’s pigtail and not let go. He would definitely bully others and persecute the court. Abolish the new taxation policy.

The leader who advocates the death toll is Wu Ke's classmate, and Li Han Ziwen, like Wu Ke, is a student in the third class of Bingshe. Those who support Li Han Li Han's claim are all students who come from a small family, have met the world, and have a good sense of importance. The leader who advocates the riot is Wei Zhuo. He is the cousin of Wei Shisan and ranks eighth in the clan. Those who support Wei Ba's opinion are all young and energetic dandies who come from a family of big families. In Su Ri, there are some masters who have nothing to do with the three-point courtesy and the bones in the egg. The New Taxation Deal is about their pockets. Can they swallow this breath?

"Zhou Jun! Since the promulgation of the new taxation policy, my father told me that in the future, my expenses will be reduced by 70%, why not? There is no money at home!" a chubby student called out. Bingtian Quer is here. "That's right! My old man said the same thing!" "Will let people live?" The fat man's words immediately caused a sound of agreement, and the big guy's heart was filled with sullenness. The fire at the gate of the city caused Chiyu. Since this new taxation policy is so critical to his pocket, it is undoubtedly a bad policy. Evil politics must be mobilized for the old classmates. The big guy shouts out and works together to stir it up!

Seeing that the fire is coming, Wei Zhuo has started to shoot the case: "Masters, tomorrow I will wait to meet in the square of the Imperial College to pay homage to Wu Ke, launch a discussion of the world, condemn evil policies, demand the abolition of the new taxation policy, and return to the old rules!" "Yes! "Well said!" "Eight brothers are very kind!" "But someone has spoken for us!" Upon hearing this, the Tai students who were sighed in their stomachs immediately rushed to their ears. In charge of the case, he enthusiastically expressed his support.

"Huh! Weiba, you are trying to kill yourself by doing this! Do you think the court is a vegetarian? Now the court is fighting, and the supply is huge, and the money is spent every day like running water. But the treasury is empty, the wealth is exhausted, the people are poor, no With the implementation of the New Taxation Policy, where does the money come from to win this battle?" Among the crowd, one person sneered again and again, and everyone looked back and found that it was Li Han.

Seeing that everyone was confused, Wei Ba hurriedly shouted: "My lord! In my opinion, the court absolutely dare not do it! The master of the city of Luoyang today is Mrs. Zhao Yi Yan Yan, a female classmate. , What talent and insight can you have? If you don’t believe me, just look at yesterday’s disposition to know. Absolutely timid and fearful, it is simply tolerating and accommodating, thinking about calming things down."

Tai students are all smart people, and they suddenly realized after a little thought. Brother Wei Ba was right. Looking at the court's handling, that's probably what it meant. "My lord, the enemy advances and I retreat, the enemy retreats and I enter! The court is stunned, so soft, why can't we continue to make further progress, launch a clear discussion, force the court to make a decision, and overthrow the new taxation policy in one fell swoop? This is it. An important event in the history of history!"

"Eight brother is right!" "Good point!" "Eight brother, from now on, you are the leader!" In an instant, everyone immediately burst into applause. There are three things that the Tai students are most concerned about. The first is the success of the official career, and the second is the purse, the wealth, the land and the counties. If the first two are present, then Qingshi will be left behind.

"Stupid! Stupid out of reach! This is a matter of decapitating the nine tribes! How can a pen beat a knife? I don't do it, Li Han, and I advise you not to do it! Tomorrow, I will study in the school and believe me. Come with me! Goodbye!" Li Han stood up and walked away. The more than a hundred students who supported Li Han also got up, surrounded by Li Han strode and went away.

Looking at the two or three hundred students left behind, Wei Ba sneered and said, "It's better to go! After Zhang butcher is gone, you still eat pigs? Everyone, don’t listen to Li Han’s deceptive words to confuse the public, Put your hearts in your stomach! Who is the Taipai? The proud son of the emperor, even if she gives Yan Yan a hundred courage, she will not dare to do it! Come, come, let's plan tomorrow's arrangements."

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