New Story of Lv Bu

: : Guo Jiading Ji Qiqi Attacks Luoyang City

"Well! Is Ao Cang in front?" Cao Cao slowly reined in the horse, wiped the sweat on his head and face with his big sleeves, and then asked openly. "Master, Ao Cang is in front!" Guo Jia slowly reined in his horse, took out a map from his arms, looked at it, and replied. "The order: the whole army bypassed Xingyang and Chenggao, and went straight to Yanshi! If Yanshi can bypass Yanshi, it will also bypass Yanshi and go straight to Luoyang! As long as Luoyang City is attacked, the Binzhou Army will be in a state of chaos. There is three or four points more chance of winning!"

"Master, sixty miles west of Xingyang is Chenggao, sixty miles west of Chenggao is Yanshi, and twenty miles west of Yanshi is Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty! Zhao Yun, who was originally stationed in Yanshi, had 30,000 fine horses. , Has been transferred by Lu Fengxian to fight Yuan Benchu. At this moment, even if there are defenders in Yanshi City, it is completely negligible." Guo Jia wiped his sweat and said.

"Bong Xiao, you really are a'ghost'! I have got you, better than a million soldiers! This trick is to encircle Wei and save Zhao, and it is very spicy! Yuan Benchu's 300,000 horses, even if it is tofu dregs, can Can stop the Bingzhou Iron Cavaliers day and night. With this day and night, my 80,000 elite will be able to conquer Luoyang City and give Lu Feng a sap!" Cao Cao said with a big smile.

This trick to encircle Wei and save Zhao was the first trick that Guo Jia had offered since serving as a military teacher to sacrifice wine. A punch hit Lu Bu's heart! Zhongmou City has been defending for seven days and seven nights. There is no reason for Da Sima Lu Bu not to rescue him. As long as Lu Bu's army moves, Cao Cao will do his best to attack Luoyang City day and night. Even if Lu Bu got the news, he would never dare to return to Yanshi before he defeated Yuan Shao's 300,000 army. If he dared to abandon Zhongmou's military ills, he would be defeated by a flanking force before and after! "Gao Ming! This plan is a tactic of drawing a salary from the bottom of the pot. The wonderful thing is that this is a shameful plan! Even if I don't hide it and go on the road, he is helpless!" Upon hearing this, Cao Cao was overjoyed and immediately lit eight. Thousands of steps are here at the same time.

"My lord, the scouts in the Bingzhou army are extremely good. Our army can cheat or cheat. It really can't be deceived. If you play the banner, you will be able to break through. The longer you can hide, the closer you can get to Luoyang City. "Guo Jia's expression was a little sad, but also a little twisted. After all, the Luoyang court of Da Sima Lubu treated him very well. Now that he has just arrived under Cao Cao, he has offered this sacred plan, and he feels a little guilty in his heart. What kind of person Cao Cao is, he can see through Guo Jia's psychology at a glance, and he stretched out his hand and patted Guo Jia on the shoulder.

"Feng Xiao, those who make big things do not stick to the trivial, as long as you can eliminate Lu Bu and stay in the old capital, you are the No. 1 hero of Tianzi!" Cao Cao said frankly, seemingly melancholy. "So, I thanked the lord! I have no selfish grievances with Da Sima, and the only one in dispute is morality!" Upon hearing this, Guo Jia said sternly. As for what he thinks in his mind, it is unknown. In such embarrassment, the emperor and his ministers were relatively speechless, and they drove their horses and whips all the way towards Luoyang City, the capital of the Han.

If Luoyang City is truly captured this time, will Da Sima be defeated and die? Guo Jia's heart suddenly moved.

Xingyang evolved from the historical divisions of Donggu, Beijing, Xingyang, Chenggao, Baoshui, Xingze, Wutai, Heyin, and Guangwu. The area under its jurisdiction is west of Zhengzhou, east of Hulaoguan in Bangshui, north of Fuxi Mountain in the east section of Songshan Mountains, and south of Guangwu Mountain at the boundary of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. Within the jurisdiction, the land is fertile, rich in products, outstanding people, beautiful mountains and rivers.

Within the territory of Xingyang, there are important passes such as Xingyang Pass and Hulao Pass, as well as famous mountains and rivers such as Guangwu Mountain and Divide. There is a chasm connecting Huaihe and Surabaya in the east, Mang Mountain to the north and Yellow River, Suohe to the south and Songshan to the south, and Hulaoguan to the west to Luoyang and Chang'an. The terrain is dangerous and the transportation is convenient. It was once an important county in history. After the first emperor mixed in one Yunei, Sanchuan County was set up to govern the counties of Xingyang, Gong, and Jing. This dynasty changed Sanchuan County to Henan County and governed the counties of Xingyang, Chenggao, Gushi, Mixian, Zhongmu, Xinzheng, and Yuanling.

Since then, Xingyang has become a county seat under the rule of Yin in Henan, and has become a barrier to Luoyang like Zhongmu, Chenggao, and Yanshi.

"Oh? Tens of thousands of footsteps were found near Ao Cang. It seems to be advancing towards Cheng Gao?" Upon hearing the words of the county lieutenant, the county magistrate of Xingyang immediately felt his head was big. He is very clear about the current situation of the war. In order to raise the military expenses for the war with the Kwantung Allied Forces, Da Sima did not hesitate to turn his face with the noble families in Sili. This turn of the face forced the officials under the Luoyang court to stand in line.

Standing in line, it is natural to stand on the side of the victory, but who can have the last laugh with Da Sima and the Kwantung Allied Forces? At this moment, the two armies are fighting on the front of thousands of miles, and for a while, they can’t tell the victory or defeat. Suddenly there are tens of thousands of foot riders near Ao Cang, or head west. Is it possible that the Kwantung Allied Forces are going to raid Luoyang City. ? When he thought of this, the county magistrate of Xingyang immediately perspired. "Is this ?????? the news accurate? Could it be a bad idea?" The county magistrate Xingyang asked slowly, wiping the sweat from his face.

"My lord, there is absolutely nothing wrong! My subordinate's scout chief is a veteran of wars. He has been a scout for a lifetime. Only when he is old and compassionate is he sent here to provide for the elderly. It is Da Sima Bei Zheng Xianbei, sunset. At the time of the original war, he was a scout. Such a veteran can never make mistakes. According to his words, this step is almost always the Kwantung Allied Forces!"

Hearing that the county magistrate had doubts, the county lieutenant immediately opened his eyes. He has a problem, most of which is a short-term caregiver, and he can't listen to others saying that his subordinates are not. "Hey! That's how it is!" The county magistrate of Xingyang immediately understood that if the background is so, the eyes of the chief scout would definitely not be mistaken. Maybe the chief had already passed the news through various channels. . In the eyes of these old departments of Da Sima, Da Sima is the sky! "Then send out an eagle letter, Luoyang, Cheng Gao, and Yanshi have all sent one. By the way, there is also Guancheng Daying??? with a hundred thousand eager three Ling!" Xingyang county magistrate finally took measures.

In any case, it is absolutely impossible not to know it, and the Kwantung Allied Forces may not appreciate it. Once these tens of thousands of steps are really the Kwantung Allied Forces, I personally set the No. 1 in the sky! Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a little sense of accomplishment in his heart. Alas! The victory of the Kwantung Allied Forces is not as good as the victory of Da Sima, at least there is still a lot of merit for himself.

"His grandmother, a bear! What are you **** doing? They went to set up deer villages, dig horse pits, and set up trebuchets and crossbows!" Si Li Du Du Du Cheng Lian Da Ma sat on the east wall of Yanshi City with a sword. Above, waving a horse whip and roaring loudly. "Nuo!", "Nuo!", "Nuo!" The school lieutenants and military officers around me answered in a loud voice, smiling bitterly and scattered their hands. Today, I will supervise whether the adults have taken gunpowder, since Chenshi Since arriving in Yanshi City, I have been sitting here yelling and urging everyone to prepare for city defense and set up Luzhai.

You know that the big guy came all the way and just arrived in Yanshi City. Before he could sit on the hot **** and drink the water, he was forced to do two hours' work by the governor. Seeing that noon was approaching, the generals came to ask if they should let the soldiers rest for a while, so that they could eat a meal and then continue to work. Unexpectedly, I was scolded by the governor of a dog-blood sprinkler!

No wonder they secretly slandered in their hearts, and Cheng Lian was really suffocating in his heart. He was originally garrisoned in Yangcheng, Yingchuan County, Yuzhou, thinking that Wang Situ, the governor of Nanyang, would have the stamina to take care of the fighting in Yingchuan by the way. This time Luoyang quelled the rebellion. He hadn't received any news beforehand. After hearing the news, he immediately led the army back. When he arrived in Luoyang City, the rebellion in Luoyang City had already been put down, leaving him with dripping blood and a mountain of heads.

Ugh! Woke up early, but I rushed to a late episode! The great accomplishment of quelling the rebellion has been enjoyed exclusively by Madam Zhaoyi and Hou Ziyu! After scolding Ma Zhong's shadow and Cao Yong's Siwen Cao for negligence, Cheng Lian couldn't help but began to carefully consider his future. At this moment, he received an order from the Grand Sima Lubu, ordering him to move to Yanshi City and defend the capital.

As the governor of Si Li, a rebellion broke out in Luoyang City, the capital of Dahan, and even the civil servant Hou Cheng Hou Ziyu, who was a civil servant, was allowed to enjoy great achievements. Cheng Lian couldn't help but feel envy, jealousy, and hatred. But, after all, he is an old man under the command of Da Sima, and he still has a view of the overall situation. Although he can't be said to be selfless, he is an old brother. He can only congratulate Hou Ziyu.

His grandma is a bear! If there is another Luoyang rebellion, I will show my face in Cheng Lian! Armed with this knowledge, as soon as he arrived in Yanshi City, he urged the army to overhaul the fortifications, with the intention of building Yanshi City into a cast-iron city! There are a total of 10,000 cavalry and 20,000 infantry under his men. In Luoyang City, he has left 20,000 county soldiers. This time, Luoyang City can't have any more troubles! As the last barrier of Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, Yanshi City is the top priority, and there is absolutely no room for mistakes!

"Enlighten to the governor, all the deer villages have been set up, a total of 10,000 horse traps have been excavated, and trebuchets and crossbows have been arranged in dangerous areas. Master Dudu, now, Yanshi is a real city! Without one hundred thousand elite riders, one hundred thousand elite steppers, never want to take down Yanshi City!" A dozen of his subordinates and soldiers bowed and saluted together. They were all in stinky sweat and embarrassed, looking like mud monkeys. Children are average. "Very good! Order: bury the pot to make rice, add more meat, and it will survive after the meal!"

Cheng Lian slapped his thigh and said loudly. "Nuo!" The generals immediately thundered with joy. Cheng Lian did not expect that it was just because he and Hou Cheng were angry that Cao Cao and Cao Mengde's last way to attack Luoyang City was blocked. This led to the advance and retreat of the Cao Jun, who had been holding a winning streak, and the final outcome of the war between the state army and the Kwantung Allied Forces changed accordingly.

"Da Sima is truly Hongfu Qitian, blessed by the gods!" Cheng Lian always smiled and sighed when talking about this a long time later.

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