New Story of Lv Bu

: : The same should be true for a big man!

Xu Zhu's eyes were completely red, and the nine-ear and eight-ring elephant-nose knife in his right hand swiped vigorously, smashing the two Yuan Jundao players who rushed towards him! At the same time, the left hand of the 100-refined steel ring swiped the first knife diagonally to the left, cutting off the three long spears stabbed from the side, and then the spring thunder broke out, and he shouted, "Brothers! Hold on for another quarter of an hour, and reinforcements are coming!"

Xu Chu's appearance in Zhongmou County was really beyond Da Sima Lubu's expectation, but he had no alternative. Since the death of the first emperor Lingdi, there have been frequent wars, and the people are not living. In desperation, Xu Chu has no choice but to hold his own courage, gather thousands of strong men and thousands of clans, and gather people to set up strongholds in the country of origin, with the intention of protecting himself. From this point of view, he was very successful.

After repelling several attacks from various bandits, Xu Chu gained a reputation and became an iron army in Peiguo. He was innocent and guilty of his guilt. In this way, he became a thorn in the eyes of all princes, and everyone began to think about **** him and take the opportunity to swallow his trilogy. After all, this is an elite **** of more than a thousand people.

In desperation, he had to lead the clan tribe all the way to the west, and in this way came to Zhongmou County by mistake. At that time, the Great Sima Lubu entered Luoyang and began to implement the New Deal in Sili. Xu Chu carefully studied all the contents of the New Deal word by word, and felt that the fact was true, so he immediately clapped the board and settled down in Zhongmou County!

According to the provisions of the New Deal, Xu Chu's clan rented thousands of acres of land. As long as they have cultivated for five years, they can become their own private property. Seeing that more than a year has just passed, the farmland has just been neat and tidy, and waiting for the bumper harvest next year, I did not expect to encounter 300,000 Yuan Jun siege. At this time, Yuan Jun was besieging the city, just grabbing food from his land. How could Xu Chu be willing to be so violent?

Unexpectedly, General Duan had a keen eye to know people, and immediately appointed him as Sima of the other division. The Sima of the other division was already a reputable high-ranking official! Suddenly, Xu Chu's heart was ups and downs, and he was full of emotions. In Peiguo, all princes and lords stared at his more than a thousand trilogy, but the Bingzhou army didn't intend to move him at all. As long as he lives in Litian, he will treat Xu Chu as a farmer. Today, 300,000 Yuan Jun is besieging the city, and protecting Zhongmou City is protecting his own land. Xu Chu must do his best!

"Sima, can reinforcements come?" The left and right sides fought bloodily, while questioning loudly. "His grandmother is a bear! No matter if the reinforcements come or not, Yuan Benchu's army is like a group of hungry wolf pups. As long as they enter the city, the money we finally saved will be over! Remember! We are. Fight to protect your property!" Xu Chu shouted loudly.

"Understood! Lord Sima!" Xu Chu's men roared, and the battle became more courageous. His grandmother is a bear. Since he is fighting to protect his property, what else is there to say? That's the one who killed his mother! Xu Chu's hundreds of elites, who are suitable for all kinds of thieves and even princes in Peiguo, have fought old battles. The so-called Yuan Junrui in front of them is really not in their eyes!

The elite of Yuan Benchu's command is the cavalry, followed by Feng Ji's 20,000 pawns. As for the pawns of the veteran Chunyu Qiong, they have always been used as cannon fodder. As the saying goes, when the brave meets on a narrow road, the brave wins. As soon as Yuan Jun’s cannon fodder unit meets the elite of Xu Chu's subordinates, they are immediately killed like the sun, the moon and the ice.

Alas! This Xu Chu is really a fierce player! The bravery of Xu Chu and his eight hundred parts, Duan Yan saw in his eyes and joy in his heart. He raised his eyes and looked around. Xu Chu had recovered the north wall in the southeast, northwest and northwest of Zhongmou County. Xu Chu was fighting with Yuan Jun in the northeast corner, and he had already reached the southeast corner. If this continues, the east wall is just around the corner!

"Follow me! Kill it and regain the east city wall! Drive off the bastards!" Duan Yan drew his sword and pointed forward.

Yuan Jun's large formation is still moving forward, Yan Liangwen's 20,000 cavalry has moved to the south of the north of Zhongmu County, and Chunyuqiong's foot soldiers are still rushing towards Zhongmu County in the tide. Yuan Shao's general and flag had stopped moving, and stood high on a high post. His two thousand iron rides were around the high post, and the 10,000 elite riders of high-ranking officials followed closely behind Yuan Shao's army. Behind them are Zhu Ling, Zhang Nan, Zhou Ang, Han Pingzi, Lu Weihuang, Lu Kuang, Gao Xiang, and the soldiers and horses of the generals.

"Lord, Chun Yuqiong's offensive strength is a bit weak. He should be allowed to do his best to attack! Our army has been besieging Zhongmou City for seven days and seven nights. When it arrives, our army should quickly capture Zhongmu, and then rely on Jiancheng to fight against the Bingzhou army!" Feng Ji, who succeeded Jushou as General Fenwei, said loudly.

As one of Yuan Shao's eight chief advisers, Feng Ji's military vision has always been brilliant. At this moment, what he was most worried about was that Da Sima Lubu personally led the Binzhou Iron Cavaliers to suddenly kill him, giving the Jizhou Army a decisive assault. Bingzhou's iron cavalry is unparalleled in the world, and Lu Fengxian has not shown up for a long time, and he is definitely mobilizing his troops, preparing to give Yuan Benchu ​​a ruthless record and establish a victory in one fell swoop. Zhongmu is the place of the Four World Wars, surrounded by the vast plain of Yimapingchuan. Once Zhongmu City is occupied, it will be different.

"Yuantu, you are right!" Yuan Shao is a good general who has experienced many battles, and he can see the situation clearly at a glance.

"Come on! Order: Order Chunyuqiong to attack with all his strength! We must attack Zhongmou City within a quarter of an hour!"

At this moment, only one trumpet was heard, and thunder generally sounded. In the dense forest behind Zhongmou County, the birds flew high like dark clouds and screamed. In an instant, tens of thousands of cavalry rolled out from the dense forest, like a torrent of torrents, coming straight to the Yuan Jun cavalry on the two wings. "No! Could it be that Lu Fengxian's Bingzhou cavalry?" Feng Ji was shocked suddenly. In another quarter of an hour, Chunyuqiong's pawns will surely be able to invade Zhongmu County, and the 300,000 army is also ready to enter the city. However, at this moment, if tens of thousands of Bianzhou Jingqi suddenly broke out and caught off guard, Yuan Jun would definitely suffer a big loss.

"The whole team! Ready to meet the enemy!" Yuan Shao was worthy of being a wise warrior, and he immediately reacted. He yelled and drew out the sword from his waist, slanting forward and shouting loudly. "Lord, the two generals, Yan Liangwenchou, led the cavalry under his command!" Feng Ji reminded loudly from the side. Yan Liangwen Chou is worthy of being one of the four pillars of Hebei. He has a very good tactical vision, and he can understand it at a glance.

Yuan Shao rushed into the high hills and looked around, only to see two troops on the north side of Zhongmou County. The first one, the golden helmet and golden armor, is a modified Wuhuan horse that is good at chasing death to the north under the crotch. It is the first general with thick eyebrows and raised nose, black face and short beard. It is described as weird and has a truncated head in his hand. The big sword, the inverted head is a bit shorter than the ordinary big sword, but the back of the sword is much wider. Riding a tall and strong modified Xiliang horse under the hip, it looks like a black killer **** at first glance. Behind the Pang character flag, it is Pound Pang Lingming! The second man and horse are all black helmets and black armor, and the leading general is holding a mountain-opening axe in his hand. It is Xu Huang and Xu Gongming.

Looking at the south of Zhongmou County, the two teenagers rushed to the forefront, one in white helmet and white armour and Zaolao robe, carrying a gentian and bright silver spear in his hand, and riding a night-shine jade lion under his crotch. General, the county marquis Zhaoyun Zhao Zilong. Another person with a black face and a small beard, carrying a sky-questioning spear in his hand, is riding a Wuhuan horse accustomed to driving thousands of miles under his hip. It is Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan.

"Lord! The one in the north is the leader of the Beiwei Army, Pound Pang Lingming, and the leader of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, Xu Huang and Xu Gongming! The one in the south is the guard who has recently shined in Luoyang's rebellion, and has been sealed by the county guard. General Zhao Yun, Zhao Zilong! And Lu Fengxian’s son-in-law, Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan, the leader of the trapped camp! The Beiwei Army, Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, and the trapped camp are the absolute main force in the Union State Army, plus the 30,000 elite riders under Zhao Zilong’s command. Nine thousand people! It seems that Lu Fengxian has already arrived!" Feng Ji whispered with a pale face.

"Yes, Lu Fengxian is already here!" Yuan Shaoyang said with a solemn expression, pointing the knife forward. Following the direction of his finger, Feng Ji raised his eyes and saw that in the dense forest, more than two thousand horses were rushing out of the forest, surrounded by a flag with the character of Lu, and under the flag was a general. This person wears a purple gold crown with trident hair, a Xichuan cotton red cotton robe on his body, a beast-face swallowed head armor, and a lean lion belt around his waist; he carries a bow and arrow, holds a painted halberd, and sits down on a whistling red rabbit horse. : Sure enough, "Lu Bu is among the people, and the red rabbit is on the horse! Half of the horse behind Lu Bu is a man with a beard, with a double iron halberd on his back, and the prancing horse's whip is Dianwei.

"Da Sima is here!" "Da Sima is here! General Duan didn't lie to us!" Above the city head of Zhongmou County, the remaining Bingzhou army suddenly cheered, shaking the sky and shaking the earth for a long time. Xu Chu cut over several Yuan Jun pawns in front of him, wiped the blood on his head and face with his sleeves, and looked up, just to see the back of Lu Bu charging into the battle, so it should be the same for my husband!

Xu Chu secretly sighed in his heart, the husband should wake up to the world power, drunk lying on the knees of the beauty, like a big Sima!

"Brothers! Reinforcements are coming! We are saved! Come with me and drive these strays down the city!" Duan Yan yelled and slashed the Yuan Jun **** in front of him! "Shoot these offensives down the city!" The Bingzhou Army above the city's head immediately became morale. The flags of the Tiger Army, the Beiwei Army, the trapped camp, and the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry all appeared outside the city. Do you still have to guess the outcome of the war? "Han army mighty!" "Da Sima mighty!" With the sky-shaking roar, Yuan Jun's foot soldiers finally broke apart.

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