New Story of Lv Bu

: : Dian Wei vs. Yan Liang

Da Sima Lubu personally led the army and led a hundred thousand iron cavalry. The flags of the tiger army, the back army, the camp, and the tiger and leopard horses were flying high. The generals of Dianwei, Pound, Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, and Zhao Yun brought their talents. Riding, like the tide of the sea, comes from the waves. One hundred thousand spirits rode their hoofs on horseback. At a glance, they saw the boundlessness, and immediately frightened Yuan Jun in Zhongmou Chengtou to lose his fighting spirit.

Yuan Jun's infantry had been fighting for seven days and seven nights, and he was already exhausted. The reason why he was able to fight hard in the blood of the corpse mountain was because of the expectation that he was about to win. As soon as the flag of the Great Sima Lubu appeared, the mountains and plains were full of Bingzhou fine riders, and the side was not visible when he saw it. The breath held in the heart of Yuan Jun's foot-soldier disappeared in an instant.

The long-awaited reinforcements finally came, and Da Sima personally led the troops. Above Zhongmu County, the remaining Bingzhou Army immediately rejuvenated the army. Fighting hard for seven days and seven nights, to secure the strategic location of Zhongmu County without losing, at the moment of exhaustion, at the moment when the city is about to fall, Da Sima's 100,000 cavalry finally arrived in time! This kind of joy is really hard to express in words! "Long live Da Sima!" "Da Sima mighty!" Above the head of Zhongmu County, there was an ocean of joy!

Amidst the cheers resounding across the sky, the Bingzhou Army at the head of Zhongmou City stood up and drove the defeated Yuan Jun's infantry out of the city. "Passing orders! Open the city gate and follow me to kill the enemy!" Duan Yan threw the 100-refined steel ring that broke five or six gaps in his hand with the first knife, and took a horse with the opportunity. He squeezed it twice in his hand, and roared up to the sky with majestic attitude.

"General Duan is right!" "Open the gate of the city and kill the enemy!" "His grandma is a bear! Yuan Jun blocked the door and killed us for seven days and seven nights. This suffocating gas must go out!" Chengtouzhi The only remaining soldiers of the Bingzhou Army roared. Has the Union State Army, which has always been known as the best soldiers in the world, ever been so bullied? The blood debt must be paid with blood, and he must be killed!

After a while, the east gate of Zhongmou County was opened. Duan Yan was in front and Xu Chu was in the back. They rushed out with more than a thousand cavalry.

In the north of Zhongmou city, Yan Liang was on the high hill immediately, watching the enemy's formation, only to hear a trumpet, Pound and Xu Huang led the army out. Yan Liang is one of Yuan Shao's generals. After all the battles, he was shocked when he saw Pound Xuhuang's flag behind them, one side is the lifelike tiger-head flag, and the other is the golden gourd flag. Obediently boom! It turns out that the elite tiger and leopard riders under Lu Bu's command and the Beiwei army have been lying in ambush under his nose for a long time! These two elite troops have always followed Lu Bu. Once they arrive, Lu Bu’s nag and they will not be far away! Sure enough, Yan Liang saw Lu Bu's general flag after a while.

"Follow me! Block those two cavalry!" Yan Liang waved the big knife in his hand, and rushed over! When the two thousand soldiers on his left and right saw the commander's action, they immediately followed the horse, Haohao Tangtang followed, and the remaining eight thousand cavalry stunned, followed by a roar. Although Yuan Shao's army has 300,000 troops, 80% of them are infantry, and there are only more than 30,000 cavalry. Being caught off guard by the 100,000 iron cavalry of the Union State Army, it will surely be like a mountain and the ground will collapse, and it will collapse in an instant.

Yan Liang's actions are extremely fast, but some people are faster than him! Pound rode his horse like flying, with hundreds of fine riders, one horse rushed towards Yuan Jun's large array first. The horse galloped, but after dozens of breaths of effort, he met Yan Liang's cavalry. "Wu Na's black servant, take my Yan Liang a knife!" Yan Liang slapped his horse with a sword and took Pang Depang Lingming directly. What he was fighting was the idea of ​​shooting people and horses first, and capturing the thief first and the king.

Pound was born with an ugly face and a dark complexion. The most annoying was that he was called a black servant. Hearing that Yan Liang was so unrelenting to expose his short child, he immediately became angry from his heart to the courage. Ah-yah! You, round-headed wooden prong, dare to call me a black servant? It's hard to dispel the hatred in my heart if you don't break your body into pieces! The two galloped on their horses, and they exhausted all their strength in a single encounter. They could only hear the sound of humming and clawing of gold and iron. Just between the electric light and the fire, the two horses were separated. It turned out to be evenly matched!

After the two exchanged a trick, Pound galloped and continued to charge with the Weijun army. In a flash, he broke through the cavalry formation behind Yan Liang and rushed straight towards Chunyuqiong's formation. As soon as Yan Liang gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, his legs clamped his horse's belly, he carried his own trilogy to the Bingzhou Army to launch a counterattack. He has made up his mind and must do his best to give the infantry behind him time to set up a large formation, even if it is only a quarter of an hour. The longer the time, the better it is for Yuan Jun.

Yan Liangxin's unparalleled heron, slapped his horse and danced his sword, and continued to dash forward. After a while, he encountered Xu Huang who was galloping. "Wu Na's black servant, take my axe!" Outside of Zhongmu City, Xu Huang had been watching Western Scenery for half a day, and he had already seen an abnormal irritability in his heart. The breath of pickling in my heart is really full of enthusiasm.

Unexpectedly, he met Yan Liang head-on. Yan Liang was a general under Yuan Benchu, one of the four pillars of Hebei. How could he not recognize him? Calling him a black squad is just to humiliate him deliberately. His grandma is a bear! I just called Pound's boyfriend a black boy. I didn't expect that the world report came so fast. Now Xu Huang has been criticized as a black boy! Yan Liang was very angry, raised the big knife in his hand and slashed at the head!

"His grandma is a bear! Do you dare to call grandfather a black servant?" There was only a sound of golden and iron clinking, Xu Huang's big axe and Yan Liang's big knife collided! To be honest, martial arts and strength, Yan Liang is better than Xu Huang, but Xu Huang made a mountain axe and came with wind and thunder, which has taken a bit of advantage. Yan Liang roared, and knocked out with the sword in both hands, knocking out Xu Huang's big axe! Xu Huang only felt that his arms were numb, the secret path was not good, his legs were clamped into the belly of the horse, and he went away quickly! His grandmother is a bear, you have a great face, and if our family doesn't fight with you, we can go to charge! You have your opponent behind!

Yan Liang had a dark loss, and he was waiting to fight again. Xu Huang was nowhere to be seen. He yelled, crushed his steel teeth, cheered up, and continued to charge forward. After I have penetrated the formation of the Union State Army, I will settle accounts with you Xu Huang and Xu Gongming! Two times in a row, Pound and Xu Huang both left with one move. In Yan Liang's eyes, it was a typical villainous behavior! Ah-yah! I'm so angry!

Leading the army, Yan Liang continued to move forward. After beheading dozens of cavalry soldiers, he ran into a **** man head-on. This person has a full face and a burly face, a burly appearance, and outstanding stamina, making it a pair of double iron halberds, weighing eighty jins, and it is Dianwei, a fierce general under the command of Sima Lubu. "It's Yan Liang, come here? Look at our old book to get your dog's head!" Dian Wei roared and flew his horse like flying, waving a double iron halberd and killing him. Since the battle of Yanshi last year, Dianwei has become the bodyguard of Da Sima Lubu. He has been bored in Luoyang City all day and has nothing to do. The bird has faded out of his mouth and heart. Today, he went on the battlefield, and he is like a dragon returning to the sea. The bottom diving is generally fun and unusual.

Along the way, the double iron halberd in Dianwei's hand successively beheaded more than ten Yuan Jun cavalry, which can be regarded as an addiction. While looking forward to Zixiong's joy, I just met the rampage Yan Liang. Dianwei raised his head and took a look at Da Sima Lubu who was killing him happily. He secretly calculated that he still had dozens of breaths of time to make a few rendezvous with Yan Liang.

Yan Liang is a general in Yuan Shao's army, and if he beheaded his head, it would be a great achievement! Saying that it was too late, Dian Wei danced the double iron halberd, and slammed his head and face at Yan Liang. The iron halberd with his right hand made a Taishan top pressure, but the iron halberd with his left came a Pinghu Qiuyue, from left to right, diagonally. Strike at Yan Liang. When Yan Liang saw it, he was shocked. He only had a big sword in his hand, but the two iron halberds in Dian Wei's hand were in two directions! He lost his dantian, shouted, exhausted all his energy, and slashed down, trying to smash Dian Wei's right hand iron halberd! I could only hear the sound of gold and iron clinking, Dianwei's double iron halberd did not move, still continuing to slash downward! Youdao is a force to drop ten guilds, Dian Wei's strength is much greater than Yan Liang, Yan Liang can't stop it.

The iron halberd on the top of the head took advantage of the trend, and the iron halberd on the left still struck from left to right. Yan Liang was about to die under Dian Wei's double iron halberd. Yan Liang is worthy of being a great general in a hundred battles. He has a lot of experience in battle. He shouted, leaned back, and his legs struggled. In an instant, he jumped into the air from the battle horse! With only a scream, Yan Liang's horse was cut off by Dian Wei's left and right iron halberds. At the same time, Dian Wei's right hand iron halberd went down and split the horse in half!

Yan Liang was in the air, but he didn't panic. He listened to the six directions and looked at all directions, and he focused on an unmanned horse behind him. With a cry, he fell quickly from the air and landed right on the saddle. . "Good skill! Let's eat our old classic halberd!" Dian Wei roared, his legs clamped his horse belly, galloping, and in an instant, he and Yan Liang made five or six tricks.

The generals of this dynasty have long been commented, one Lu Er Zhao, three Dian Wei, four passes, five horses and six Zhang Fei. Although Yan Liang is brave and brave, he is still far behind Dian Wei. In addition, Wei Jian is very powerful and can give birth to tigers and leopards. How can Yan Liang compare? After these five or six rounds, Yan Liang suddenly felt that his arms were numb, and he could no longer raise it. It was a sign of exhaustion. Under the shock, he hurriedly dialed his horse and fled.

With one hundred thousand iron cavalry in the Bingzhou Army, the mountains and plains were everywhere, and the morale of the cavalry under Yan Liang had already plummeted. It was only because the commander took the lead and launched a counterattack that he had to keep up with his scalp. Now when I saw the lord fleeing from the horse, I was immediately overjoyed. I glanced at it secretly and moved the horse with tacit understanding, followed by Yan Liang, and retreated eastward.

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