New Story of Lv Bu

: : Gao Shun’s Choice

On October 17th, at the same time, Si Li, Guancheng Daying, the Daying was full of Bianzhou troops. Infantry, cavalry, technical arms that operate catapults, and crossbows, plus heavy soldiers, military service, medics, veterinarians, and hundreds of workers, are just a lot more. Just a quarter of an hour ago, they had just arrived at Guancheng Camp, and then General Wei Gao Shun ordered a rest.

To be honest, this command from General Wei Gao Shun came rather abruptly, and everyone was full of doubts. An hour ago, this army set out from Xingyang City and used a horse-drawn cart to carry troops, and it traveled for sixty miles in just one hour. According to the marching habit of the Bingzhou Army Surili, at least one or two more hours of marching would be required to rest for a quarter of an hour or half an hour. Now that I have just walked sixty miles, it is far from the time to rest, and I suddenly ordered a rest. Why did General Wei come? Although everyone was puzzled, the Bingzhou Army was very disciplined, and the soldiers had no choice but to wait for orders with doubts.

It's no wonder that the 100,000 soldiers were puzzled, but this command made by General Wei Gao Shun was indeed unreasonable. However, Gao Shun is also unspoken. At this moment, he is facing the most difficult choice in his life. A quarter of an hour ago, he had just received a very unexpected news. Just half an hour ago, Cao Mengde Qingqi hurried forward, leading 80,000 paces to pass Ao Cang!

The news was an earth-shattering thunder that almost blasted Gao Shun into a shiver! Nowadays, the Kwantung Allied Forces and the Bingzhou Army are in a fierce battle. The former General Hou Cheng in the southeast is doing his best to deal with Yuan Gonglu. Zhengdong Da Sima leads 90,000 fine horses and is fighting Yuan Benchu's 300,000 army. At this moment, Cao Mengde personally led 80,000 paces, Qingqi rushed forward, why did he come?

Gao Shun's right hand swept across the map slowly to the west, Guancheng, Xingyang, Cheng Gao, Yanshi?????? Each city quickly swept under his finger, and finally, the index finger of his right hand Lightly placed it on Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty. That's right, Cao Mengde Qingqi rushed forward with only one purpose, and that was to imitate Lu Anye to attack Chang'an City and take Luoyang City in one fell swoop!

Luoyang City is the capital of the Han Dynasty. Once it falls, it will have an immeasurable impact. The current battle is like a huge chess game, on a battle line that is tens of thousands of miles long, and the state army is attacking from all sides. However, Luoyang City is one of the two eyes in this big chess game with the world as the chessboard. As long as Luoyang City falls into the hands of Cao Mengde, this chess game can only survive by robbery. Take a closer look at the surrounding area, and there are so many robberies in the Binzhou Army, it can be said that there is smoke everywhere, and the robbery absolutely can't beat the Kwantung Allied Forces! In this way, if Luoyang City is lost, this big dragon will be dying to survive! Cao Mengde is ruthless and shrewd!

Luoyang City must not be lost! Gao Shun secretly made up his mind in his heart, but can Luoyang City be able to hold it? Gao Shun's eyes were fixed on the map, and his brain was running rapidly. The Si Li governor Cheng Lian led 10,000 cavalry and 20,000 infantry. At this moment, he should have arrived in Yanshi. Yanshi is the last gateway to Luoyang City. With these 30,000 people, Cheng Lian can persist for two or three days. There are still 20,000 county soldiers in Luoyang city, plus the troops and city guards under the commander of the school lieutenant Sili and Zhijinwu, and less to say, there are 20,000 defenders. The aristocratic families in Luoyang city have basically been cleaned up by Mrs. Zhao Yi. , How can you stick to it for three or two days.

In this way, Cao Mengde fought all the way from Yanshi, even if his riding horses were noble, there was no one who would not be able to attack Luoyang City in five or six days. With these five or six days of effort, things will be easier. On the battlefield in the southeast, the Union State Army has too few troops, and at best it is an unbeatable situation. Zhengdong is all the elite of the Union State Army. In any case, it will be able to win within three days.

Thinking of this, Gao Shun finally took a sigh of relief. If that's the case, it's better to deal with it, and Cao Mengde must be able to come and go! His army is as large as 140,000, of which there are 100,000 soldiers, and the rest are servants and auxiliary troops. Among these 100,000 people, there are 30,000 cavalry and 70,000 infantry. The most important thing now is where these 100,000 soldiers will be crushed.

Should we continue to the east to meet Da Sima, or turn to the west to copy Cao Mengde's back road? In just an instant, Gao Shun was a veteran general who had experienced many battles after all, with a very high strategic vision. In an instant, he had an idea. Da Sima personally led 90,000 fine horses to fight Yuan Benchu ​​in a decisive battle, at least it was an unbeaten situation, and there was no need to put all the troops on it. That being the case, it's time to clean up Cao Mengde! Cao Mengde's military has always been wise and unpredictable, this time he must have come and go!

"Procedure! Send 20,000 infantrymen, 20,000 civil servants, and heavy-duty troops. According to the original plan, continue to advance eastward and join Sima! Dispatch 10,000 cavalry, day and night, to attack wild jujube and Puyang, and then all the way east, to copy Cao Mengde’s lair! Pass the order! In Jizhou, the Linghao generals Lu Lingqiao and Dahongzhang Zhang, who put down the Black Mountain thief in Jizhou, took the opportunity to collect the cities from all over Jizhou and copy Yuan Benchu’s lair! Pass! Tiance General Lu An, Youzhou Governor Wei Xu, Youzhou Mu Fu Xie, immediately rise up troops to destroy Gongsun Zan and regain Youzhou! The rest of the troops will immediately return with me, via Xingyang and Cheng Gao, and fight Cao Mengde at the foot of Yanshi City!"

"Nuo!" The long history of the left and right joined the army and slammed their promise. Gao Shun patted the case with his right hand, and he was full of pride in his heart.

Cao Mengde, you have your ladder over the wall, and I have my Zhang Liangji! This time, you must have come and go, and you will lose out!

Lü Bu flew his horse like a flying horse, and the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand danced like snowflakes. While dialing the arrows that came in chaos, he rushed towards Yuan Shao's Gaogang. On both sides of him, Dian Wei and Xu Chu are the two killers. The three charge forward, and the blocker is invincible. There is no one general under his hand. Along the way, dozens of Yuanjun academy Weijunhou and hundreds of soldiers were killed.

Behind the three people, behind one or two horses, are two thousand tigers and two soldiers, as well as eight hundred soldiers under Xu Chu's command. Being able to fight side by side with the world-famous two thousand tigers and beavers, the eight hundred soldiers were all smiles, and their hearts were full of pride. His grandma is a bear! Lao Tzu once fought side by side with Da Sima and two thousand tigers and armies, and they rushed to the forefront, enough for his mother's life!

These three thousand killers were happy, energetic, and smashed heartily, and Yuan Jun's pawns naturally felled the mold for eight lifetimes. In front of the three thousand horses, Yuan Jun's foot soldiers and crossbowmen fleeing everywhere. Without the support of the dense striding formation, Yuan Jun's pawns immediately became lambs to be slaughtered under the high-speed galloping horses' hoofs. They ran around with their heads in their arms, making a scream that did not sound like a human voice. At this moment, in their hearts, the only thought is to escape from this place quickly and never come back!

Yuan Shao was immediately on top of the high hill, watching Yuan Jun's infantrymen who fled in chaos in front of him, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh! "Woohoo! Compared with the Bingzhou Iron Cavaliers, the pawns of my Jizhou Army are rabble! If Lu Fengxian is given another ten years, no one will be able to fight the Bingzhou Army!" The lesson of this war is painful and touches the soul. Yes, if you condense a thousand words into one sentence, it means that there are not many soldiers but fine! Lu Fengxian has only 90,000 fine riders, but these 90,000 feet are worth a million!

Yuan Shao was also a veteran general for more than a hundred battles. Although his troops had already been broken by a third, Yuan Benchu ​​had not lost his confidence. It was not the remnants of the Yellow Turban who was handed over to the veteran Chun Yuqiong to attack Zhongmou City or the cannon fodder looted from all over. Killing the Bingzhou Army was to eliminate foreign troubles, and being killed was to eliminate civil strife. No matter what the calculation is, it is a very profitable business!

In the Jizhou Army, there are only 120,000 regular troops. Among these 120,000, there are more than 40,000 cavalry. Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and Gao Gan each have 10,000, plus Yuan Shao’s 2,000 troops and Chunyu. The five or six thousand cavalry under Qiong's command are all cavalry. Jizhou has experienced a number of heroes, and the people are destitute and wealth is exhausted, and it can raise 40,000 cavalry soldiers. Among the 80,000 steps, General Gao Lan has more than 10,000 under him, and the rest are the trilogy of Zhu Ling, Zhang Nan, Zhou Ang, Lu Weihuang, Lu Kuang, Gao Xiang, and Qianzhao.

Although tens of thousands of soldiers have been lost, there are still 100,000 elites under my command, Yuan Shao! I don't believe it, my 100,000 elite can't drag your Lu Fengxian's main force of the Union State Army for three days! Cao Mengde has personally led 80,000 paces to attack Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty. Now the main force of the Bingzhou Army is here, and it is not possible to return for help for a while. As long as Cao Mengde captured Luoyang City, it would be the center of blossoming, and he had made earth-shattering achievements! At that time, if you Lu Feng advanced and retreated, you will surely be a thousand miles away!

At this moment, Yan Liangwen Chou was forming a team behind the formation, and the five or six thousand cavalry of veteran Chun Yuqiong saw the situation not good, and also withdrew to the rear. Those who lined up around Gaogang were Zhu Ling, Zhang Nan, Zhou Ang, Lu Weihuang, Lu Kuang, Gao Xiang, and the people who led the generals. These men and horses are full of calculations, there are more than 30,000 cavalry, more than 60,000 infantry, unified under the command of the new general Fenwei Fengji.

The two generals Zhu Ling and Zhang Nan lined up on the outermost periphery. They are all pawns, and they add up to more than 10,000. Yan Liangwen had spent more than a hundred breaths of time for Yuan Jun. Zhu Ling and Zhang Nan's **** training was excellent. Within this hundred breaths, a large formation was set up. However, there were only more than two thousand crossbowmen under his command, and they still used ordinary bows, and there was not even one strong bow and hard crossbow. In desperation, they had no choice but to prepare to fight with sword players and spear players.

The first wave of Bingzhou Iron Cavalry's blows, like a stormy sea, hit these ten thousand paces violently!

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