New Story of Lv Bu

: :Yuan Shao’s plan to draw a salary from the bottom

The official of this dynasty has a saying, that is, "the soldiers who are in the cold, are the best in the world." Why? Bingzhou and the northern part of Liangzhou are the Wanli Xianbei Prairie, where Xianbei has been invaded all year round and plundered endlessly. Therefore, young and strong men and women in Liang Erzhou must take up arms anytime and anywhere to drive out the Xianbei people. In the centuries that Xianbei existed, such fighting would be staged thousands of times every year. Over time, it developed a brave and sturdy style of martial arts among the people of Bingliang. Even a woman can gallop like flying with a strong horse-drawn bow.

It is precisely because they are walking a tightrope between life and death all the time, and the people in Liang Erzhou have formed a brave, tenacious, calm and courageous character, which is exactly what a qualified soldier should possess. The rise of Dasima Lubu was based on the Bingzhou warriors, and Dong Taishi was in charge, and it was also the fine riding of the Liangzhou master. Since Hengling, the world's powerhouses have all been out and cold.

Nowadays, the soldiers of Bingliang are all under the command of the Great Sima, and the elite soldiers who are in the world have become the pillars of the Lu Bu military group. Once they encounter Yuan Benchu’s Jizhou soldiers, Cao Mengde’s Yanzhou soldiers, and Yuan Gongde’s Yangzhou soldiers, they immediately show up. Strong combat power! Xianbei cattle are not cattle? He was beaten so hard that he finally had to lower his noble head and surrender under the horseshoes of Da Sima. Is Wuheng a bull? Didn't you pay tribute to your subjects and listened to the announcement obediently? In the eyes of Bingliang soldiers, the Kwantung Allied Forces are the mob!

Most of the 90,000 fine riders came from Bingliang. They were used to fighting and had enough big heads. Even the horses under the hips had already smelled enough blood. Now that Haohao Tangtang, with the momentum of Mount Tai's decisive strike, the Jizhou army immediately rushed to the pressure. "Brothers, I haven't fought for more than a year. It's time to let these gangsters taste the power of Bingliang's soldiers!" Heizhou soldiers have always been quiet. When they were about to fight, they were quietly fighting, but Liangzhou soldiers are different. , They are used to yelling and arbitrarily.

A military commander waved Ma Jian in his hand and flew three or four Jizhou pawns with little eyes, just like walking in a leisurely courtyard. His grandma is a bear! These Jizhou soldiers turned out to be raw melon eggs! Facing the whistling Bianzhou Jingqi, the hedgehog should gather together, defend the position with the sword player and the spearman, and then shoot the enemy with the bowman. Why are these guys rushing up like crazy? Isn't this sent as a target? Could it be that the generals of Yuan Jun, who were in command of the army, have lost their minds?

To tell you the truth, this military prince has saved Yuan Jun's belly with his own heart. Among the princes in the world, the richest and richest is Da Sima Lu Bu, who is most willing to improve various technologies. It is also Da Sima Lu Bu who spends a lot of money on research and development and industry. The largest investment in military industry is Da Sima Lu Bu! Mountain script armor, steel armor, Mo sword, bed crossbow, 100 refined steel ring first sword, strong bow and hard crossbow, improved Xiliang horse and Wuhuan horse, these high-tech and sophisticated technology and equipment, only the Bingzhou Army can Yes, it cost a lot of money! Wherever the money is spent, if the officials dare not embezzle, the technology of that place will immediately rise and the boat will rise rapidly.

As for the Jizhou Army, it only accounts for a large number of people. In terms of military industry and equipment, it is inferior to the Bingzhou Army. I don’t know how many ranks it has! The Jizhou Army also wanted to use a strong bow and hard crossbow, but no, even the second-hand equipment eliminated by the Bingzhou Army. As a result, the arrow could not pass through the armor of the Bingzhou Army, and in desperation, he had to use human lives to pile it up. You and the state army have excellent armor, sharp weapons, and good horses, but our Jizhou army is not bad. There are 300,000 people. This is Yuan Jun's advantage.

Ninety thousand fine riders, including men and horses, were armed to the teeth. They faced Yuan Jun infantrymen with incomplete armor, outdated weapons, no strong bows and crossbows, and no cavalry. In this way, you can imagine which side the goddess of victory is on. Bingzhou Jingqi is like a tiger, rushing from left to right on the battlefield, galloping horizontally and horizontally, and after a hundred breaths, he eats veteran Chun Yuqiong's trilogy thoroughly. The rout behind him was left to the heavy soldiers behind to solve it, and the state cavalry regrouped and launched a decisive assault on Gao Gang, where Yuan Shao was immediately. Suddenly, the smoke was everywhere, the horseshoe banged, and the sound of screaming for killing was all over my ears.

Lu Bu, Dianwei, and Xu Chu rushed to the forefront. The red rabbit horse under Lu Bu's crotch was extremely fast. In a flash, a cloud of smoke rose up, leaving Dianwei and Xu Chu tightly behind him. The Fang Tian painted halberd in Lu Bu's hand blocked the left and the right to kill, as if a giant dragon, within a few breaths, it rushed hundreds of steps away. "Get out of the way!" Lu Bu roared, and Fang Tian drew a halberd round a circle, smashing the more than a dozen swordsmen and spearmen who were in front of the horse! A gap of more than ten feet wide immediately appeared in Yuan Jun's step formation, and the red rabbit and horse galloped in between the flashes of lightning and the fire. Yuan Jun's pawns shouted together, they were about to seal the gap. "Go away!" There was only a thunderbolt, and the two dark-faced big men yelled at once, their eyes widened, and they rushed forward.

Just between the lightning and the fire, the double iron halberd and the nine-eared eight-ring elephant-nose knives danced into a ball of snowflakes, which protected the people and horses up and down, like a bolt of lightning, galloping in. Behind them, there was a fragment of limbs and arms, and dozens of corpses. It turned out that the gap between Zhang Yukuan and Zhang Yukuan immediately became a big opening three or four feet wide, and Yuan Jun's pawns were immediately stunned. However, all this is just the beginning. Two thousand tigers and eight hundred Xuchu's private soldiers followed like a shadow!

After the two thousand eight hundred fine riders passed through the gust of wind, there were twenty thousand tiger and leopard riders behind, and another twenty thousand back troops. After the smoke and dust everywhere, they lined up neatly and slowly pressed on the camp of twenty thousand! Alas! And there are so many troops in the state! Look at that, they are all veterans who have survived a hundred battles! In Yuan Jun’s steps, his head was clever and immediately opened his mind. The tigers, the backs, the camps, the tigers and leopards, these elites under the command of the great Sima Lu Bu gathered here, could it be this battle? Lost in a big defeat?

Lv Bu took the lead and drove into the Yuan Jun's formation alone. Looking around, there were clusters of Yuan Jun foot soldiers everywhere, and it was not clear how many there were. However, one thing is clear. These Yuan Jun are all foot soldiers, not even a cavalry. Alas! It seems that Yuan Jun's cavalry is regrouping after the formation. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. They must break into Yuan Jun's formation, behead the flag, and behead Yuan Benchu's Xiangshang! However, among the thousands of horses, where is Yuan Benchu? Lü Bu slowed his horse slightly, set up a pergola with his hands, focused his eyes on the front, and there were all kinds of flags everywhere.

Finally found the Yuan character banner, yes, it stands on a high hill, about five or six miles away from him. Between the Yuan-character flag and himself, there are more than a dozen flags that are raised high. The high-character general flag, the Zhou-character general flag, and the Lu-character general flag are everywhere. The closest to him are the Zhu character general flag and Zhang character general flag, presumably those two generals Zhu Ling and Zhang Nan under Yuan Shao's command.

It seems that Yuan Benchu ​​placed a ten-sided ambush formation, trying to use his body as a bait to induce himself to lead his army in a decisive assault, and then dispatch all the cavalry to kill himself on the spot! I can't help but say that this is a scheme to draw a salary from the bottom of the tank, and it is an excellent strategy! If you are in a different place, you will never think of such a subtle and insidious strategy! Yuan Benchu ​​is a true hero too! Lu Bu couldn't help but praised secretly in his heart. This **** thing is an absolute household plan, a series of tricks, like Wenhe brother's way, this kind of top household plan plus a series of tricks, one after another, endless, there is a trick in the plan, and there is one person. It is Guo Fengxiao who can make it out!

Feng Xiao, I put my heart in vain, and never hide personalities. In the end, you still took refuge in Cao Cao and Cao Mengde. It's not easy to live in Dongjun, but Bongxiao is not unharmed? I wonder how Meng De treats you? Can both the host and the guest have a great time, and it’s just as usual? "Hey! Yangdi comes out of filial piety. There is an opportunity for ghosts and gods to view people like a mirror. Feng filial piety does not die, Zhuge can't come out, and I have to serve filial piety and can't use it. Is this the meaning of the heavens?"

Lu Bu sang to the sky: "Yangzhai ghosts are like Guo Fengxiao, watching people like a mirror and scared by ghosts and gods. After gaining and losing, my heart is broken, and the sky is faint. How can I be a warrior? Xinjiang!" Lu Bu said to the sky and laughed three times, his voice high and powerful. His legs clamped his horse belly, and the red rabbit, like an arrow from the string, rushed straight to the flag of the Zhu character! Feng Xiao left quietly, my heart was sad, at this moment, only dripping blood and great head can remove the block in my heart!

Zhu Lingzi Wenbo, a native of Qinghe, Jizhou, is one of the famous generals under Yuan Shao's command. During the battle between Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan, Ji Yong from Qinghe surrendered to Gongsun Zan by betraying Yuan Shao, and Gongsun Zan sent troops to Yuncheng to help Ji Yong defend the city. Yuan Shao ordered Zhu Ling to attack, but Zhu Ling's family was in the city, Gongsun Zan tied Zhu Ling's mother and younger brother to the city to lure Zhu Ling down.

Zhu Ling looked at the city and cried and said, "Once a big man was born to work for people, how can he care for his family again!" So he fought hard to capture Yancheng and captured Ji Yong, but Zhu Ling's family was killed. After this battle, Zhu Ling received a firm comment in the face of all right and wrong. Yuan Shao called it: "Zhu Ling's loyalty is the crown of all generals." Since then, Zhu Ling has become Yuan Shao's confidant.

Zhu Ling was holding a horse and was watching the battle immediately under the flag, only to hear an angry roar. "Zhu Ling, take your life!" The voice was like earth-shaking, making Zhu Ling shudder. When he danced his horse and was about to step forward to meet the enemy, he saw Yiqi Juechen coming, like lightning, Fang Tian's painted halberd turned a wave, and with a click, Zhu Ling's head had been cut off. under!

Lv Bu rode alone and cut down Zhu Ling's head among thousands of horses, as if he was trying to fetch something. "General Zhu was beheaded by Lu Fengxian!" Looking at Lu Bu, who looked like a god, Zhu Ling's trilogy immediately became a mess. In an instant, they were stunned. A small number of people were still stunned on the spot, most of them had already dropped their weapons and fled in all directions.

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