New Story of Lv Bu

: : The time has come to decide who belongs to the world

"Da Lang, this time Luoyang suppressed the rebellion, you have done a great job. In order to pursue the merits, although you are not as good as Zhao Yun and Ma Zhong, you are also a great achievement. The day after the rebellion was put down, I will take the merits of the generals. Reported to your brother-in-law together. He thought about it for a few days. Today, the arrangements for you have just come down, the prefect of Nanyang of Jingzhou. Although it is a little late, it is also a member of the two thousand stone."

Yan Yan handed the share in her hand to Yan Kuan, with smiles at the corners of her eyes and eyebrows. Da Lang was finally able to recover, anyway, this is a good thing. Regarding her only brother, Yan Yan is broken, don't you see, Wei Erlang, who has been playing with Dalang since childhood? Now he is the governor of Jizhou, and he was the first to be appointed as the governor.

In the past, all the little squad members had become leaders of the two thousand stones. Yan Dalang was still a commoner who was dismissed from his job, and the depression in his heart was naturally conceivable. The younger brother of his own relatives, Yan Yan is the one who knows best. Yan Dalang is arrogant and has eyes above the top. There are still some complaints in his heart about Da Sima's handling. It was just for the sake of his sister, he secretly endured it.

"So, I thanked my elder sister! This time I got back up, it was hard to come by. I, Mr. Yan Dalang, must be stunned before going here. I must never lose the face of my brother-in-law and sister." Yan Yan said. , Yan Kuan immediately burst into tears, and being a veteran who was used to two thousand stones, it was really uncomfortable to be dismissed from his job! He choked up and stretched out his hands, and respectfully accepted the confession.

"Da Lang, if you can think so, I'm relieved!" Yan Yan also hissed a little while watching Yan Kuan tears in her eyes. God knows how Da Lang came over these days? How can the sadness and hardship in this be made clear in a few words? But now it's all right, the Haikou that I boasted has finally come true. If Lu Bu still refuses, she is going to edit a book to convince people with emotion and reason. The brother of one's own relatives is not a mediocre mediocrity. If you don't promote him, it will be intolerable! Taking a step back, Lu An is the son of Da Sima, and there is always someone to help him, and Yan Dalang in front of him is the best candidate.

"Da Lang, tell me, why do you appoint you to be Nanyang prefect?" After several disturbances, Yan Yan's vision and insights have already greatly improved. She sees her husband's various measures. I have long secretly admired it. However, whether Yan Dalang in front of her understands, she is a little uncertain. But it doesn't matter, my brother's brother, just ask directly.

Upon hearing this, a smile immediately appeared on Yan Kuan's face. The old lady was testing me! Old sister, old sister, you are really not what you used to be after several **** storms! I know that my brother-in-law’s mind is nothing more than stabilizing the interior, eliminating civil strife, uniting all forces that can be united, and fighting the world. As for the old sister, you think even further. It involves Lu An's position as the son of the next generation-brother-in-law will sooner or later be crowned king-but this matter is still not clear at this time.

"Sister, if I didn't expect it to be bad, the appointment of me as Nanyang prefect this time was a trick played by my brother-in-law. First, Wang Situ asked himself to supervise Nanyang in order to avoid party disputes in the city of Luoyang. There are old friends on both sides, breaking the bones and connecting the tendons. Since there is no choice, I have to hide. Wang Situ’s attitude towards state affairs is the first thing I have to figure out. He is an veteran of the four dynasties, and every move affects him. The world, if he is dissatisfied at all, it would be a great disaster for the court."

"Secondly, Wang Situ transferred the Xiliang Army to the south to clean up Liu Jingsheng. From a military point of view, it was indeed a wonderful move. But from a political point of view, it was a stinky move. Why? The military discipline of the Xiliang Army. It’s always been bad. If Huang Hansheng and Lu Zheng are in the Western Regions, together with the prestige of Lord Kanghou, they can be completely suppressed. But once you get to Nanyang County, there is no strong team around you, Li Yu and Guo. It is inevitable that Yu and others will act recklessly and swell their ambitions. As Nanyang prefect, I must control the grain platform, pinch the pulse of the Xiliang army, and use grain, grass, weapons, and supplies to pinch their necks. If so. If Li Lao and Guo Ben know how serious they are, they will definitely throw a rat-in-law, secretly forbearing for a while. When their brother-in-law defeats the Kwantung Allied Forces, everything will be eliminated. If Li Lao and Guo Ben are arrogant and will not listen to orders, they will even cause people to complain , Then cut off their supplies."

"Thirdly, Wang Situ is not a veteran general in the army. He can't hold the Xiliang army. He is also anxious. He doesn't think about the long-term. He is not a person to settle chaos. Li Wei and Guo Ben are all big tyrants and domineering. I'm used to it, I don't necessarily buy Wang Situ's account. After I went to Nanyang City, after all, there was a golden sign of the uncle of the country, which is both soft and hard, long-sleeved and good at dancing. It can still reconcile the period."

After Yan Kuan's long talk was finished, Yan Yan smiled with her palm. "Da Lang, it's not far away, even if you miss it! That's what your brother-in-law is worried about. Didn't he know that Wang Situ played a stinky move, and it was very stinky? But the battle is about to come, and it is a long battle line. Starting the fight together, there is really no way to tune in to watch Li Yu and Guo Ben. Putting Hou Ziyu and the Silver Fox Ghost Army in Yingchuan County will save you the thought of taking care of Nanyang County. But the distance between the two counties is thousands of miles, or Don't worry about it!"

"Furthermore, the Xiliang army is fighting **** in the front, and you have arranged a strong team to monitor behind. This is not a problem when it comes to it? I have no choice but to send you out. I'll give it to you. Prepared a 2,000-person elite rider, and all the elites from the mansions in Luoyang City are drawn. They are powerful. In this way, if there is a mistake, you will be able to retreat!"

"Sister, you should stay with these two thousand people. If someone raises Luoyang City again? There are still two thousand elite riders in my mansion, not inferior to these two thousand elite. Besides, I will bring myself No one can fault the private soldiers when they go. If you take that soldier with you, you don’t have to! This time I am going to go to Pheasant County via Luyang and set up a grain platform in Pheasant County. In this way, you don’t want to be in the same city as Wang Situ, so you don’t have to make him suspicious. Let’s be a real grain stand for you!"

"Yes! Da Lang, your handling is excellent! Is there any requirement, I will try my best to satisfy." After listening to Yan Kuan's words, Yan Yan finally showed a long-lost smile on her face. It must be said that this treatment by Yan Dalang is not obvious, and he is laughing and joking on the surface, but in fact it has blocked all loopholes. It's not easy, his brother-in-law has finally matured!

"There are two! The first is to give me more advanced weapons such as the shanji armor, the mob, the crossbow, and the catapult in the arsenal. Sister, this is what your brother uses to save his life. You can Don't be stingy! Second, I want to be a long-sleeved dancer Chen Changwen, to be my deputy! "Who is Yan Dalang?" At this moment, can you not knock the bamboo sticks?

"Deal!" Yan Yan replied without hesitation. "So, I'll leave tonight!" Yan Kuan said, arching his hands.

Yuan Shao was on the high hill immediately, seeing Lv Bu rushing forward, like a flash of lightning, cutting off the heads of Zhu Ling and Zhang Nan one after another, he couldn't help being a little dumbfounded. "'Lu Bu among the people, the Chitu rabbit in the horses", I didn't think that Lu Fengxian was one person under ten thousand people. This martial arts has not been smashed! Not to mention, I, Yuan Shao, is desperate today, and I have to cut down Lu Fengxian's items. Go to the head! Pass the order, the crossbowman prepares, with a strong bow and stiff crossbow, when Lu Bu rushes to the front, he will shoot me into a sieve!"

Among the generals in this dynasty, Yuan Shao and Yuan Benchu ​​are at best second-rate generals in terms of martial arts, but if they are knowledgeable and brave, he can definitely be ranked in the top ten. If he talks about the overall situation and perseverance, the more frustrated he gets, he can rank in the top three! Why? During the battle between Youji and Gongsun Zan, he dormant in Ganling for more than half a year, letting Gongsun Zan's Youzhou iron cavalry gallop horizontally and horizontally, it is a mind-set training. Finally, in a battle at Jieqiao, defeat was turned into victory, and Bai Ma Yicong was defeated in one fell swoop, causing Gongsun Zan to collapse thousands of miles. Just this forbearance and perseverance, like Gao Di Liu Bang, is a model of heroes in the world.

The First Battle of Zhongmu was a rare battle in the world, and the 400,000 troops of the state army and the Jizhou army were fought endlessly. However, in Yuan Shao's eyes, the key to this victory is whether or not Lu Fengxian can beheaded! The core of the Union State Army is Lu Fengxian. Once Lu Fengxian is attacked in an ambush and unfortunately died, the Union State Army will collapse in an instant. Once the news spreads everywhere, perhaps there will be a situation where there is no leader. Lu An and Lu Zheng are thousands of miles away. In Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, there may be civil unrest.

Yuan Shao is very clear about Lu Bu's character, relying on being the world's number one military commander, he likes to ride alone, show off his power, and never tire of it. That being the case, I, Yuan Shao, will lay out incense bait to fish for the turtles, use my body as a bait to lure you into riding solo, and then ambush thousands of bowmen and shoot you into a sieve! After you die, I will dispatch tens of thousands of cavalry to seize the opportunity to establish the victory in one fell swoop!

Thinking of this, Yuan Shao immediately set up a pergola under the Qingluo canopy. Looking around, he saw Lu Bu dancing Fang Tian's halberd, and he had rushed two or three miles away from him all the way. Lv Bu's left and right were the two generals Dianwei, Xu Chu, and two thousand Hu Ben Army and Xu Chu's 800 private soldiers behind him. Looking at this posture, with more than a hundred breaths, Lu Fengxian would be able to rush to the heights.

bring it on! Lu Fengxian, this time, let’s see if you die or I live! No matter how brave and brave you are, Lu Bu can't escape the surprise attack of thousands of strong bows and crossbows! Yuan Shao secretly squeezed his hands tightly. At this moment, he felt his heart surging, and he couldn't restrain himself with excitement. His grandma is a bear! The time to decide who belongs to the world has finally arrived! Whoever is the one who wins depends on today's decisive blow!

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