New Story of Lv Bu

: : To retreat or not to retreat

Lu Bu was immediately on the high hill, with a majestic attitude, looking around the entire battlefield with his eyes. At this moment, he has a chance to win this battle. Under the high hills, the two thousand tigers and armies continued to shoot with their god-armed crossbows. About a hundred steps ahead of their horses, they were overwhelmed. Pile up into a concrete and slight hill. Under the huge pile of corpses, from time to time there were a few whining wailings, it was the dying undead waiting for death.

The more than 10,000 Yuan Jun cavalrymen who started the offensive have lost one and a half years. These four to five thousand have turned into tired corpses, lying quietly more than a hundred steps away from Gaogang. Under the leadership of Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and Gao Lan, the remaining thousands of cavalry all tacitly avoided the oncoming Gaogang, galloped past, and rode away at the oncoming Bingzhou Jingqi. For them, to provoke the two thousand tigers is to die. It is better to bypass Gaogang and join the Yuan Jun steppers everywhere, and there may be a way to survive.

As a result, Yuan Shao Yuan's original plan showed obvious flaws. The speed of the horses of the two thousand tigers and cardinals was too fast, and the thousands of crossbowmen that had already been deployed immediately lost their use. Immediately afterwards, more than 10,000 cavalrymen were stunned by the god-arm crossbow, and wisely chose to go around the hill. As originally planned, crossbowmen and cavalry rushed forward, and the plan to kill Lu Bu was completely defeated.

"Oh! I am dead! I am dead! I can't think of Yuan Shao's blood, and now I have fed the dog!" Looking at the battle in front of him, Yuan Shao had his eyes completely red. He looked up to the sky and let out a long sigh, and this long sigh was filled with endless displacement and endless compassion. The deep disappointment of the subordinates and the disdain of the world's princes sitting on the mountain to watch tigers fight, all revealed no doubt. At this moment, Binzhou Iron Cavalry is already so brave, if it takes time, the whole world will be his mother's surname Lu!

After all, Yuan Benchu ​​is one of the most famous heroes in the world, and after a while, he completely figured it out. In today's situation, even if it hasn't come before the big defeat, it's already broken. With the current strategy, the only chance to turn defeat into victory is whether Cao Mengde can successfully attack Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty. Stop it! I, Yuan Shao, will fight it again and try my best to entangle you Lu Fengxian! Once news of Cao Mengde heading straight to Luoyang City comes, I don’t believe you, Lu Feng, will not withdraw his troops in the starry night!

Thinking of this, Yuan Shao gave a loud order: "Send the order, the armies cooperate with each other, absolutely must not leave the battlefield without authorization! As long as you can entangle the Bingzhou army, you can use all means!" He immediately turned over and dismounted. The left and right hurriedly spread the bunk seats, put the small table, arranged cups and plates of wine, and waited for the main public meal. Yuan Shao patted the dust on his body, and Da Ma sat on the podium with a golden sword, stretched out his hand to grab a bottle of Western wine and drank it. "I'm sleepy, I want to rest for a while. I hope that you will do your best to kill the enemy to comfort my heart." Then he fell on the bunk, supported his neck with his hand, and snored loudly in an instant. .

"The lord is asleep!" Uncle Du said quietly. "What are you talking about? The battle is so dangerous that the lord has fallen asleep? Impossible! Impossible!" His superior shook his head in confusion. "My lord, it's true! Just now Zhang Laosan went to report the military situation and saw it with his own eyes!" Na Dubo put his mouth to the side of the tutel's ear and whispered. "So, in this battle, the lord is full of confidence?" Upon hearing this, Lord Tun Chang's eyes widened immediately, and a solemn expression appeared on his face. In the battle against Fang Yin, it is not yet known who will die, and the lord Yuanlong is lying high. What does this mean? Must win!

Within a quarter of an hour, the news that Yuan Shaoyuanlong was lying high immediately spread throughout the army, besides that, there was also Yuan Shao's sentence. "I'm sleepy, I want to rest for a while. I hope that you will do your best to kill the enemy, so as to comfort my heart." The clever and smart person immediately understood the deep meaning. The lord is motivating me to wait and try to kill the enemy! Try to kill the enemy to comfort my heart.

At this moment, the remaining 100,000 Yuan Jun suddenly seemed to be empowered. The battle was furious, and it is not yet known who will die, but the lord is so calm and relaxed, he must have a good strategy for winning and retreating the enemy! "It is said that Cao Mengde personally mentioned the 80,000 strong team. Two hours ago, he had passed Xingyang and went straight to Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty! At this moment, he must have taken Luoyang City!" The face said mysteriously, among his colleagues, he has always been known for being well-informed.

"Is this true?" Upon hearing this, Lord Tun Chang's eyes immediately radiated two bright lights. "This is a big deal? How can there be fakes? Adults can go and find out, everyone on the left and right of the lord knows!" Na Dubo said with a cold smile. "The chief, this is true! It reached my ears as early as an hour ago. Almost all officers above Dublin knew about it, but you didn't even know about the chief." The one who spoke first Uncle wiped the blood on his face and said loudly.

"Hey! No wonder the lord slept so securely, it turned out that Cao Mengde attacked Luoyang City! Brothers! After another hour, Lu Feng will retreat! His grandmother is a bear, and his nest Luoyang is lost. What battle is there? The mind of the Binzhou army will soon be in chaos. As long as this hour passes, this Sili will be ours!" Lord Tun Chang slapped his thigh and shouted loudly.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the news spread throughout the battlefield, and the soldiers of Sergeant Yuan, whose morale had fallen to the extreme, were immediately refreshed. The matter was obvious. Cao Mengde had taken care of Luoyang City. Lu Fengxian would definitely withdraw his troops in the starry night. You Lu Feng first bullied us with one hundred thousand fine rides, and now you want to leave after patting your butt? No way! Where is such a good thing in the world?

"Tang Lu Feng first! You must not let them return to Luoyang City!" In an instant, Yuan Jun's soldiers fought against Xiong Wei as if they had taken an aphrodisiac. There was a horrible light in their eyes, and their feet were constantly moving in accordance with the orders. Their timid hands, at this moment, dared to face the Yongzhou Iron Cavalry head-on. It is advisable for the remaining brave to chase the poor, and not to be famous and learn the overlord. Although the Jizhou army has a lot of recruits, it is not good at fighting hard, bad and bad battles, but it is absolutely no problem to fight Taipingquan downwind.

Yuan Jun's morale was greatly boosted, and his mobility and combat power instantly rose to several levels. The pawns who had been split into hundreds of battle groups by the Bingzhou cavalry continued to move closer to each other. Under the attack of Bianzhou Iron Cavalry's Mo Dao, Ma Li, and Bow Arrow, Yuan Jun's infantry fell one after another, layer after layer. However, the remaining Yuan Jun's infantry finally merged, forming dozens of large and small groups. One stride. In accordance with the practice of the Han army, as usual, the swordsmen and spearmen were outside, and the crossbowmen were inside, and they were defended anyway.

Wen Chou, Yan Liang, Gao Lan, Gao Gan, and Chun Yuqiong led the only remaining cavalry. They continued to fight and fight with the Bingzhou Army, fighting for their old lives, and rescued batches of infantry from the horseshoes of the Bingzhou Army. By this time of the battle, Yuan Jun's cavalry had been exhausted, leaving only more than ten thousand cavalry. The veteran Chunyuqiong is old-fashioned. He has more than four thousand cavalrymen. Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and Gao Lan each have a pitiful more than one thousand horses. In addition, they are more than five thousand under the command of Jizhou famous general Gao Gan. Cavalry.

Lu Bu immediately sighed on the high hills, looking at the Yuan Jun pawns who had been lined up. "Yuan Benchu ​​is really a hero! He fell asleep, snoring like thunder, with the heart of a soldier. Although Sun Wuzi and Sun Bin are inferior, but the wisdom of Huaiyin is comparable. Heroes and heroes deceive others with big words, this is true! , Yuan Benchu ​​must become a great weapon, I can't do it too!"

However, how did he know that even though Yuan Shao was lying high and snoring like thunder at this moment, his chest and back were already sweating heavily. Listening carefully to the emergency military report that came from Liu Shui'er, Yuan Shao's heart was calm. As long as one hour passed, news of Luoyang's fall came through. How do you take care of Lu Fengxian? Are you retreating or not retreating?

"Send the army to stop the offensive, rest for a while, eat some dry food, and change horses to fight again!" Lu Bu put down his clairvoyance and gave the order softly. I don't know why, Yuan Jun's morale suddenly boosted, and he appeared extremely tenacious and tenacious. If he continued to fight like this, it was just exhausting. This is what Yuan Shao hopes to see most. It's better to stop the war for a while and rest for a while.

Woo?????? Dangdangdang?????? The whimper of horns and the sound of Mingjin sounded for the first time. The Bingzhou cavalry who were fighting hard stopped their horses, stopped chasing, and pressed their bows to ease the Jizhou army. Out of contact. At this moment, Pegasus, the military officer in charge of communications, arrived, his face full of dignity. "Da Sima, General Wei's urgent eagle letter, one hundred thousand urgent!"

Upon hearing this, Lu Bu's thick eyebrows were immediately twisted together. He grabbed Yingxin and read it at a glance, and his face was as dark as the bottom of the pot. Cao Mengde personally took 80,000 steps, bypassed Xingyang, and went straight to Yanshi along the Chenggao line. I have to say that this is news that the world has broken apart. Once Luoyang City falls, Lu Bu's army will be in a dilemma.

General Wei Gao Shun judged the situation during the trial, and his handling was correct. If you copy my lair, I will copy your lair. He has personally led 20,000 cavalry and 50,000 infantry soldiers to the Starry Night to help Yanshi. At such a critical juncture, Gao Shun didn't forget to send 20,000 infantrymen and 20,000 soldiers to support me. It was thoughtful. The ancient famous generals, Qi Jian Mu quite, but that's all!

However, the most worrying thing is whether Yanshi can hold on? Can Cheng Lian be alone? This is the first time he has been on his own, playing against Cao Mengde. If there is a slight difference, he will even lose his pants. Retire and rescue Luoyang immediately? Or do you not retreat, and first annihilate Yuan Shao's hundreds of thousands of troops? Lu Bu fell into contemplation??????

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