New Story of Lv Bu

: : Nei Ying Tuoba Si Gong

On the ninth day of October, Youzhou, Yuyang County's prefecture, fifty miles northwest of Yuyang County, a deep forest.

Stars of white tents are everywhere, looking from a distance, like white wild flowers among the thick emerald green. Around the white tent, there are more than 10,000 sturdy cavalry. The Xianbei have the most people, including the Wuhuan, Huns, and Hans. The strangest thing is that most of the middle and high-ranking officers are Han and Xianbei. This dense forest is off the beaten track, and the scouts spread out hundreds of miles away, closely monitoring the surroundings. The scouts of the Binzhou Army are well-known No. 1 in the world, and they can naturally guarantee the safety of this camp.

There are many things in the world, and those who are big things are making choices all the time. Go left or right, survive or die, advance or retreat, persist or give up?????? For everyone, this choice fills a lifetime, and if you choose the right one, even if the road ahead is not a flat river, There will be fewer hardships and twists, and if you choose the wrong one, you have to ask for more blessings. Constantly choosing, constantly choosing, and reappearing, such as the third, in this way, you will know what material you are together.

In the Great Tent of the Chinese Army, the famous general of the Yuwen clan of the Xianbei family and the brother-in-law of the eldest son Lu An, Yu Wenkai, was pacing anxiously. At this moment, he was also facing a life and death decision. The task given to him by the eldest son Lu An was to surprise Yuyang City, but he was from Xianbei and was not familiar with Yuyang City. In this way, how can this surprise attack on Yuyang City be completed?

"Brother Yuwen, you have ten counties in Youzhou. We have gained as many as eight counties. General Baima Gongsun Zan only has Yuyang and Guangyang two counties. I personally led my troops to take Guangyang county, this Yuyang county, it’s troublesome. Brother Yuwen! Youzhou Mu Fu Xie followed me. Youzhou Governor Wei Yue’s army was sweeping Yuyang County, fighting fiercely with Gongsun Zan’s tribes in Pinggu and Jundu, and the state soldiers were the best in the world. Youzhou soldiers could not Contestable. In this way, there are not many elites left in Yuyang City, so I took the opportunity to take it."

As Lu An was talking, he lined up troops on the huge sand table with his hands. In an instant, the situation of the entire Youzhou battlefield clearly appeared in front of him. Concentrating troops, not playing too complicated tricks, and concentrating troops to defeat each one has always been the criterion for Lu An's use of troops. Use Youzhou Governor Wei Yue’s army to contain most of Gongsun Zan’s forces, and then sneak attack on Junzhi Yuyang City in Yuyang County and Junzhi Ji County in Guangyang County, and conquer the two counties in one fell swoop. Gongsun Zan’s Youzhou Army’s morale plummeted, and it would definitely be It fell apart.

"General Tiance's handling is a magical pen!" Yu Wenkai is the pillar of Yuwen's family. He can be literate and martial, and he can give him words. At the moment, he calmly slapped his brother-in-law's brother-in-law with a flattering, and then talked about the topic. "However, a sneak attack requires an internal response. I am a Xianbei, my eyes are blackened, how can I find the internal response?" Yu Wenkai raised his head and asked with confusion.

"It's okay, after I leave, naturally there will be someone who should come to you!" Lu An smiled and sold a pass, walked out of the army's big account, and set off. Yuwenkai touched his head and said in his heart, what kind of medicine is sold in your gourd, how do I know? Since brother-in-law doesn't say anything, just wait. But after waiting for three days, Nei Ying hadn't appeared yet. Now, Yuwenkai really couldn't sit still.

Just as Yuwenkai was in a hurry, there was an urgent messenger from Hong Ling. "My lord! Fifty miles away, there was a man and horse, about four to five thousand. The leaders were Shizhong, Youzhou Zhizhong Liu He, Wuhuan Sima Yanrou, and Youzhou engaged in Xian Yufu, Qi Zhou, and Qi Zhou. Du Xian Yu Yin." "Quickly send someone to greet him!" Upon hearing this, Yu Wenkai was overjoyed immediately. My sister-in-law was really not deceived by me, and the iron shoes had nowhere to be found, so it didn't take much effort to get it. The well-supposed internal response is finally here!

Since Laozhou Mu Liu Yu was attacked and killed by White Horse General Gongsun Zan, Liu Yu's old ministry was divided into three groups. One group went to Liu He, one group was scattered, and the other group was taken over by Gongsun Zan. As the son of Laozhou Mu, Liu He has a high status in the hearts of the soldiers and civilians of Youzhou. The old man was killed by Gongsun Zan. Liu He was sad and inexplicably angry, so he collected the old ministry and went to the eldest son Lu An.

There is also a part of Youzhou military and civilians and warriors of other races under the leadership of Youzhou engaged in Xian Yufu, Qi Zhou, and riding governor Xian Yuyin to support Yan Rou as Wuheng Sima. Yan Rou is a native of Guangyang County and an out-and-out local aboriginal. When he was young, he was captured by Wuhuan and Xianbei, but Yan Rou could gain their trust and become a great chief among Wuhuan and Xianbei. Wuhuan once tried to attack the Huwuwan captain of the Han dynasty and replaced him with Yan Rou, which shows the trust in him. Yan Rou is both civil and martial, unparalleled in wisdom, can win the heart of Wuhuan, and then raise the banner of revenge for Liu Yu, and contain the scattered Liu Yu's old tribe. Within a few days, there are more than 3,000 fine riders under his command.

After Yan Rou was promoted to protect Wuhuan Sima, she immediately received the support of the Wuhuan people. With the help of the Wuhuan people, Xian Yufu and others were able to collect Liu Yu's old army, rectify the military discipline, and organize the army. After the strength of the army was strengthened, Yan Rou led these thousands of fine riders, and steadily fought a few battles with Gongsun Zan's Yuyang prefect, Zou Dan. Zou Dan lost several battles in a row and was defeated.

At this moment, Liu He also led Liu Yu's old army to fight from Liaodong to the west, and happened to arrive near Wushu in Youbeiping County. After Xian Yufu learned of it, he immediately urged Yan Rou to lead the army eastward and join Liu He. Unexpectedly, Yan Rou was still a bit undecided. In desperation, Xian Yufu, Qi Zhou and Xian Yuyin had a big quarrel with Yan Rou, forcing Yan Rou to agree to join forces.

Because of this change, a full three days was delayed, and Yu Wenkai was so anxious that he turned around like an ant on a hot pot. If Lu An had captured Jixian County first, and the news came, Gongsun Zan would definitely strengthen his guard, and then he wanted to attack Yuyang, it would be almost impossible. Fortunately, Liu He and others finally came, and Yu Wenkai's heart finally fell into his stomach.

"Lord Lord, now Gongsun Zan's territory is only Yuyang and Guangyang counties. How can we think of a way to take down Yuyang City and cut off Gongsun Zan's head, so as to comfort Laozhou Mu The spirit of the sky!" After meeting with Liu He and Yu Wenkai, Xian Yufu justly put forward the suggestion to capture Yuyang City, ignoring the face of Wuhuan Sima Yanrou behind him.

"Brother Xian Yu, it is true that the heroes have seen the same thing! Brother Yuwen and I are here to discuss with the monarchs how to take Yuyang City!" At this point, Liu He lowered his voice and said, "Zhou Jun, God General Ce Lu An has arrived near Jixian County in Guangyang County, and he will be able to capture Ji County within a day or two, and then take the entire Guangyang County into his bag! Lords, I can't wait behind General Tiance!" This is so good! Gongsun Zan couldn't have imagined that Yuyang and Guangyang two counties would be attacked by our army at the same time!"

At this moment, not only Xian Yufu, Xian Yuyin, and Qi Zhou generals, but even Yan Rou was also moved. "Come on! The plan made by the eldest son is like this???" The crowd gathered around the huge sand table, and Liu He talked about the plan made by himself and Lu An. To be honest, the plan for a sneak attack on Yuyang City was very simple. It was to use the inner gates to open the city gates, and then the whole army pressed them to close the four gates. After entering the city, Liu He and Yan Rou went to catch Gongsun Zan, and Yu Wenkai closed the four doors.

"My father has an old man named Tuoba and Si Gong, a member of Tuoba Yuntian, one of the thirty-six commanders in Xianbei. After my father was killed, he was incorporated by Gongsun Zan and he is now guarding the north gate of Yuyang City. The military prince. Tuoba Sigong is a stable person, and he has always been invisible, so he deceived Gongsun Zan. He has 500 elite riders, all of which are first-class elites. A month ago, I stayed in The inside line in the city was connected to him. He was willing to open the city gate and let us into the city. As a sign of sincerity, he had sent his wife out of the city three days ago and is now under my control." General, Liu He said slowly.

"Hey! This must be conclusive!" Yu Wenkai exclaimed loudly. For Xianbei people, believing in words and resolute in deeds are the most basic bottom line of life. Tuoba Sigong was already sincere enough to send his mother's wife out of the city as a hostage. "That's what I said!" Liu He said: "However, I still did not believe it credulously. I sent out the meticulous work hidden in the city. After multiple verifications, it was confirmed that the matter was true. Tomorrow will be at the right time and raise the fire. As a sign, Tuoba Sigong will open the city gate."

"In that case, that's it! Chou Zheng got up and Yin Zheng entered the city!" Yu Wenkai shouted loudly.

There was no word for a night, Chou Zhengshifen everyone got up, everyone was holding a piece of a horse, wearing a bit of a bit, wrapped the horseshoe with rags and weeds, and quietly came to an ambush in the hills two or three miles north of Yuyang City. Everyone had just rested for a quarter of an hour, and Yinzheng arrived. I saw above the north gate tower of Yuyang City, a lantern swayed three times to the left and three times to the right. This was the agreed signal. "Raise the fire!" Liu He whispered. I ignited a torch quickly from left to right and swung it three times to the right and three times to the left. After a while, only a squeak was heard, the north gate of Yuyang City burst open, and a dozen soldiers flashed out of the gate.

"Enter the city!" Liu He shouted, and rushed out first. "Enter the city!" Yan Rou, Xian Yufu, Qi Zhou, and Xian Yuyin stopped drinking, and rushed out after them. Behind them were thousands of Liu Yu's old men. In an instant, hundreds of torches were ignited for the first time. From the start, a fire dragon meandered and went straight to the north gate of Yuyang City. "Enter the city!" Yu Wenkai shouted loudly.

In the darkness, the north of Yuyang City was illuminated like daylight by torches. This time, can Yuwenkai attack Yuyang City?

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