New Story of Lv Bu

: : Lu Fengxian withdrew

Seeing that it was noon, the Binzhou Army and the Jizhou Army had stopped fighting and withdrew from the battlefield. The Bingzhou army were all cavalry, leaping horses and whips, and went straight to the dense forest behind Zhongmou City. The heavy soldiers who stayed behind, flying the white flag, rode in the carriage, and began to search for the corpses of the fallen robes, broken weapons and broken armors, as long as they could be used.

Seeing the Bingzhou army whizzing away, Yuan Shao stretched his waist pretendingly, and got up from the pads. "It's a good night's sleep! Monarchs, how's the battle going?" "Master Hongfu! The Binzhou army has been in truce!" The soldiers on the left and right entourage were full of surprises and replied respectfully. At this moment, they looked at Yuan Shao's eyes, and there was a lot of respect.

The Jizhou army was beaten up by Bianzhou iron cavalry, and it was broken. There were only a few thousand cavalry left and more than 100,000 infantry lost. Had it not been for the lord's snoring, I am afraid that the whole line would have collapsed long ago. This battle was extremely difficult, but the Lord Yuanlong was lying on his feet, and he was a true **** and man! Besides, the Bingzhou Army was gaining the upper hand and left suddenly. It must have been news that Cao Mengde had attacked Luoyang City. From this point of view, although the battle suffered heavy losses, it bought time for Cao Mengde, and in the end it was a triumphant victory!

"Hey! What happened? Send the order! Rectify the army horse, bury the pot to cook, heal the wounded, and at the same time send out scouts to keep an eye on the Bingzhou army, don't let them sneak away!" Yuan Shao turned on his horse and built a pergola. Looking in the direction of Zhongmu County. To be honest, this battle was thrilling, and Lu Fengxian's 100,000 elite riders were so aggressive that Yuan Shao almost couldn't stand it.

After a quarter of an hour, I put down the small table left and right, and served the food. Yuan Shao glanced at it. It was a pork shoulder, four eggs, two plates of new childhood vegetables, and a pot of Zhao wine. Since Taishi Dong took power, Jizhou has been in war all the time, the people have been displaced, the world is barren, and the population has been drastically reduced, so that food is extremely scarce, even General Yuan's food has become like this.

"Good food!" Yuan Shao sat down and cleaned his hands with the water sac of the soldier. Then he lifted his chopsticks and ate a large bowl of corn. The soldiers on the left and right also took the rice **** with miscellaneous grains, and ate pickles. Looking around, in the range of more than ten miles, more than one hundred thousand Yuan Jun was quietly gnawing on the rice **** of miscellaneous grains. To them, this was already supremely delicious. The people in Jizhou, six or seven out of ten, will have fled to the nearby You Bingqing Xuzhou, and these military rations have already emptied their families. If it is not possible to win quickly, I am afraid that these hundreds of thousands of troops will have to pick mulberries and wild vegetables along the way for their stomachs.

At this moment, the scorching sun is floating in the sky, radiating bursts of warmth, the surrounding dense forest is full of verdure, the forests are all dyed, and the clear sky is floating with white clouds, which does not look like a midwinter scene. A group of sparrows flew through the air with a whisper, and flew to the town of Zhongmu County, five or six miles away, where it seemed that there was rice everywhere. Flags were flying above the head of Zhongmou County, and occasionally there were bursts of drumming. The last batch of Bianzhou soldiers drove their carriages all the way to the west. Behind them are deep track marks. If it is not for the bones lying on the ground, it really makes people think that this is a peaceful and warm winter day.

Yuan Shao swallowed the last egg into his belly, picked up the water sac, took a few sips of water, then put down the water sac, stroked the full belly with his hands, and sighed comfortably. "I stole my life for half a day, and I wasted another day! Time flies, like a white horse passing by, time is not waiting for me! It's a pity that I don't know the will of God, who is the hero who will finally set the world, how can I be, Yuan Shao?" He looked up and saw the large group of sparrows covering the sky.

"Immediately send a scout to Zhongmu City to take a look! Did the Bingzhou Army retreat?" Yuan Shao jumped up like he was stung by thousands of wasps. He pointed in the direction of Zhongmu County and shouted angrily. And the state army retreated? How can it be? Just a quarter of an hour ago, the corpse collection team of the Union State Army had just retreated westward. Besides, the Union State Army had all retreated. What happened to the drums from time to time in Zhongmou City? Suddenly, the generals and soldiers on the left and right opened their eyes wide, and their faces were full of confusion.

General Yuan Da's order was carried out to the letter, Gao Lan turned over and flew away with more than a thousand cavalry without saying a word. After a while, the east gate of Zhongmou County was opened suddenly, and the Yuan character flag rose slowly above the head of the city. "Enter the city!" Yuan Shao turned on his horse and rushed to Zhongmu County first. Behind him, more than 100,000 Jizhou troops got up and marched westward.

"Look at this, the Binzhou army evacuated as early as half an hour ago. Five or six goats were hoisted and their front hooves were placed on the drum surface. That's how the drums of war sounded from time to time!" Looking at Gao Lan, who tried his best to hold back his laughter, and then at the few goats that were hung upside down, the dark clouds on Yuan Shao's face grew thicker. This is a provocation, a naked provocation, and an insult to my Yuan Shao!

"Master, this is the Eagle Letter that was discarded by the Bingzhou Army!" Wen Chou held a crumpled document in his hand, and Xianbao seemed to run over. "Take me to see!" Yuan Shao grabbed the paper and looked at it. "Cao Cao led an army of 80,000, bypassing Xingyang and Chenggao, and headed straight to Yanshi. Yanshi has no soldiers, and Luoyang is in danger, so he will quickly return to Dasima." There is only one line on the document, and the handwriting is neat and looks like a knife. Generally, the inscription is the three characters of Si Wen Cao. It seems that Cao Mengde is about to succeed! Yuan Shao secretly said in his heart.

"Hahahahahahaha! Lu Fengxian, you also have today! Send the order, the whole army will be launched, and the target is Luoyang City!"

Yuan Shao smiled, looking like a mad tiger, Lu Fengxian, I, Yuan Shao, want the whole army to press on, taking advantage of your illness to kill you!

Yingyin, located in Yingchuan County, Yuzhou, was built in Yingyin County in the sixth year of Emperor Gaodi. After Guangwu Zhongxing, the old system was followed. Yingyin has always been a battleground for military strategists. Once Yingyin was captured, the road from Yuzhou into Sili and Jingxiang nine counties was opened up. One hundred and forty miles north of Yingyin is Xinzheng, and one hundred miles north of Xinzheng, you will reach Guancheng. Going north through Guancheng, you can reach Gunzhihuai County in Hanoi County, and going west, you can reach Yanshi through Chenggao. This road is full of Pingchuan, Qingqi galloping, and can reach the city of Luoyang, the capital of Han Dynasty, one day and one night. One hundred and fifty miles southwest of Yingyin is Kunyang. Turning from Kunyang to the southwest, you enter Nanyang County, Jingzhou.

Because Yingyin's strategic position is so important, since the Kwantung Allied Forces went west to seek Lu, the Yangzhou Army on Yuan Shuyuan Highway has been doing its best to attack Yingyin. It's a pity that Yuan Gonglu's military talents are too unreliable, and he was frightened by Da Sima Lubu's bluffing plan. The soldiers were stationed in Yueyu, Lixian, southeast of Yingyin, and they didn't make any further progress. When the news that Cao Mengde galloped into Sili and the news that Yuan Benchu ​​had ordered the 300,000 army and Lu Fengxian to fight both came, Yuan Shu woke up like a dream.

He was deceived by Lu Fengxian's banner for a month! General Yuan Gongdao was very angry, so the consequences would be very serious. "The whole army is out! Go straight to Yingyin! Today I am going to eat in Yingyin city! All of Lu Fengxian's army is fighting against my maid's brother in the middle road, and Cao Mengde personally led a raid on Luoyang with 80,000 paces. At this moment, Ying Yincheng must be extremely empty!"

Yuan Shao jumped his feet and roared loudly. His face was as dark as the bottom of the pot. Yuan Gonglu was famous for his face. Whoever slapped him would surely come back thousands of times. "No!" Seeing that the lord was so angry, he was so frightened that he didn't dare to pant. After a while, Yuan Shu's 200,000 Yangzhou army was pulled out.

Since occupying Yangzhou, Yuan Shuyuan Highway can finally walk sideways. Yangzhou is sparsely populated and has a large number of families. Yuan Shu's rule of relying on the family to control the army and wealth can finally come in handy. Two hundred thousand troops are at your fingertips. Not only that, most of the county soldiers who came to the call brought their own food, grass, and weapons. Although there were very few armors, they were in the Yuan Road Treasury. Just a little bit of training for these county soldiers, and some armor battles, and an army of 200,000 people will do the job.

The only drawback is that Yangzhou has no place to raise horses. Even if there are horses, they are all Chuan horses from Shuzhong. Because of the obstacles of the Bingzhou army, there are very few good horses from Liangzhou and Bingzhou. Fortunately, Yuan Shucai was generous. He bought 7,000 Wuhuan horses from Gongsundu in Liaodong, and at the same time hired herders and veterinarians from Liaodong to take care of them. Only 20,000 war horses were obtained.

Except for a few scouts, the 20,000 horses were handed over to Yuan Shu's younger brother, Yuan Yin, to form a cavalry. The middle and low-level officers of this cavalry were all from Gongsun Yue's three thousand Youzhou fine horses. Everyone had a copper helmet and sleeve armor, and was also equipped with a ring-head sword and a bow arrow. For Yuan Shu, the 20,000 cavalrymen were his darlings, and a big killer at the bottom of the box.

The number one general under Yuan Shu, Ji Ling, commanded 50,000 troops. As a pioneer, he opened the road in the mountains and built bridges in the water. The second general Zhang Xun commanded 40,000 troops, as the second team, closely behind Ji Ling. Yuan Shu's grandfather, Yuan Huan, commanded 30,000 troops, as a backstop, escorted grain and grass to protect the grain road. Yuan Shu chose 10,000 elite pawns as his pro-army. The rest of the army was led by Chen Ji, Chen Lan, Lei Bo, and Lejuu. In addition, there were 5,000 people from the old ministry of Wucheng Hou Sunjian, and Sun Jian’s eldest son. Sun Ce led the charge.

After Yuan Shu gave the order, the vanguard general Ji Ling whistled, picked up a three-pointed two-edged sword in one hand, lit up the fifty thousand army, and immediately rushed out. Under the service of four beautiful maids, General Yuan Shuyuan Gongdao boarded the special eight-treasure chariot and sat down slowly. "Get up!" The guards on the left and right shouted together, and the 200,000 army went straight to Yingyin.

At this time, Yuan Shu, even though he was only a general in charge of riding a car, his style was close to the emperor of today's big man.

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