New Story of Lv Bu

: : Kneel down and beg us

This grassland is located west of Wusun, north of Dawan and Kangju, roughly eight hundred miles west of Balkhash Lake. In the ten thousand li grassland, the Saresu River traverses north and south, flowing slowly and calmly, silently, like a shepherd on the grassland. Going south along the Saresu River is the Syr Darya, and then turning east along the remaining veins of the Syr Darya, you can reach the city of Beitian, the capital of Kangju. Such a march, even though he fought for thousands of miles, but marching along the river, he would not feel tired along the way.

Among the thousands of white felt tents, there is a magnificent large tent, which is beautifully decorated with golden silk, looking from a distance, like an auspicious cloud from heaven. The golden tent can accommodate hundreds of people. The precious carpets, the emerald green cups, and the iron-cut weapons can be found everywhere in the golden tent. This golden tent is the tooth tent of Tianxiong General Lu An.

"Most of the countries in Western Thailand are nomads, at least in the east of Daqin. The nomads are rude and less prose, believe in power. In their eyes, whoever has a strong fist can be the leader. Therefore, it must be The so-called miracle in front of them made them puzzled. Then they thundered and thundered. In this way, they would give in ten percent."

Facing the subordinates who opposed him building such a luxurious golden tent, Lu Zheng said calmly with a smile on his face. General Tiance, is this why you spent a lot of money to build this big golden account? The subordinates couldn't help but feel a little bit slanderous. However, what is surprising is that all the leaders of the grassland tribe who have seen the golden roof and the Tianxiong Jingqi knelt down in front of Lu Zheng on both knees in fear, and kissed the toes of his boots reverently. The person who can build such a miracle within an hour must be the **** of heaven descending to the earth.

"A deity from the far east, leading tens of thousands of fine riders, traveled tens of thousands of miles. The fine riders under his command are wearing unbreakable armor, and carrying a shiny sword in his hand. A copper hammer capable of severing a thick bowl. What he lives in is a large golden tent, inlaid with countless gold jewels, and within half an hour can be completed and demolished. This great khan , Where is he from? Who is he? He is from the'Golden Horde Khan' from thousands of miles away??????"

In the singing of troubadours and wandering singers, the name of "Golden Horde Khan" spread all the way westward to the distant Da Qin.

In the middle of the huge golden tent, Lu Zheng is leaning on a thick luxurious carpet and is reading a book with relish. This book is "The Travels of Western Taixi" written by Wanhu Hou Kangmanti. ". What Lv Zheng hates most is studying. This problem was abruptly broken by Lao Zhang Huan when he was teaching Wutang in Bingzhou. Since then, Lu Zhengcai has thoroughly understood that even if you are the son of Da Sima Lubu, he still has to do many things that he is unwilling to do, such as reading, such as studying calligraphy.

The hard years of Bingzhou Jiangwutang laid a solid foundation for Lu Zheng's life. Here, Lu Zheng was completely reborn. From a stubborn and ignorant boy, he finally became a qualified soldier and general. Under the indoctrination of the old Zhang Huan, Lu Zheng received the education that a senior general should get, and at the same time broadened his horizons and thoroughly understood his life's destiny. That is, leading tens of thousands of Jingqi all the way to the west, beheading and killing the enemy, and stepping on dozens of kings until the last ocean.

"'Sule Kingdom, when the king ruled Shule City, he went to Chang'an Nine thousand three hundred and fifty li, household thousand five hundred and ten, mouth eight thousand six hundred forty-seven, victory over two thousand soldiers. Shulehou, attack Hu Hou, Fu Guo Hou, Du Wei, Left and Right Generals, Left and Right Qi Jun, and Left and Right Translators. One person each. To the east is 2,210 li to the Duhu Zhizhi, and to 560 li to Shache in the south. Xidang Dayueshi, Dawan, Kangjudao are also. The Lord Kang is worthy of being a wealthy businessman and he is accustomed to using numbers, so that later generations can see it at a glance, which is really gratifying!"

"In the 16th year of Yongping in the current dynasty, the King of Qiuci relied on the Huns, attacked Shule, killed his king, and set up the title of King Shule by the people of Qiuci. In the second year, the army Sima Banchao sent people to Panduancheng to hijack the title. , And summoned the generals of Shule, “Said that the state of Qiuci is innocent, because the king's brother is loyal to the king, the people of the country are happy.” Since then, Ban Chao has been stationed in Shule. Hey! This is Ban Dingyuan’s stay. The reason for being in the Western Regions! Historical books throughout the ages have always focused on results and despised the process. They are so daunting to read, and I have to read the books.

"In the eighteenth year of Yongping, Yanqi took advantage of the death of the Central Plains emperor and defended Chen Mu. Ban Chao was isolated and helpless, while Qiuci and Gu Mo sent troops to attack Shule. Ban Chao and Shule Wang Zhong defended Panduan City together. Shan Shao refused to stay more than a few years old. When Ban Chao returned to Beijing under the edict, the whole country was in fear, and his captain Li Ma was guilty of himself. When the class Chao returned to Yutian, everyone from the princes and princes cried and said: "The ambassador to the Han Dynasty is like a parent. .'Holding each other's super horse's feet is not allowed.' Ban Chao couldn't bear to leave, and even Shule, arrested the rebels, smashed Weitou, and Shule Fuan. Since then, Ban Chao has been sticking to Shule. His grandmother is a bear! If it were my Lu Zhengneng Like Ban Dingyuan, he is worth his mother in this life!"

"In the first three years of Jianchu, Ban Chao led 10,000 soldiers from Shule, Kangju, Khotan, and Zhu Mi, and defeated Gumo. In the fifth year of Jianchu, he put down the rebellion of Shule Duwei Fanchen. In the eighth year of Jianchu, Ban Chao In the next few years, he served as the commander of the army. In the next few years, he successively pacified Shache, Qiuci, and Yanqi. The third guard of the Yongyuan Third Class moved to the Gancheng, Qiuzi, and was led by the army Sima Xugan to Shule. This is probably the beginning of the army. "

"During the Yanguang Fourth Class Yongfa Dunhuang, Zhangye, Jiuquan Liuqianping the rear rebellion, Shanshan, Shule, etc. sent troops to help. In the second year of Yongjian, the king of Shule was entrusted with the rebellion. Lieutenant Han, also used to quell the rebellion with the Han ambassador in the future. I understand it! First of all, to deal with foreign races, you have to fist big and **** your mother! After you have finished cleaning up, I will give you a sweet date. One day, if it were me Lu Zheng is able to lead the army to the west, and he will definitely kill the people who refuse to accept them! Kill those who do not respect the orders! Kill those who do not pay taxes! Kill him! Kill him personally, and his blood will flow in a river. As the old man said, anyone who dares to offend a strong man will be punishable even if he is far away!"

Thinking of this, Lu Zheng's heart was surging. He put down the "Travel in Western Taixi" in his hand, a carp stood up, walked to the huge sand table, and pointed his finger on Shule. After a long wait, Guishuang Imperial Emperor Vesudeva I finally left Guishan City, the royal capital of Dawan, and set off for Shule. As long as he gets to Shule, I can go south.

However, when will Vesudeva I arrive in Shule? If he is less than a day, I can't go south to Guishuang for a day!

"His Majesty, this is Shule City!" In Shule City, the capital of Shule, in front of the magnificent palace, He Shou Ping Han King Song Jian and Yanqi King smiled at the corners of their eyebrows, with their right fists as their chests. Respectfully pay a deep respect to Wei Su Dipo I. Today, these two bereaved dogs who have lost their army and territory have been promoted by Vesudeva I from the commander of a thousand to a commander of ten thousand because of their achievements in leading the army of the Guishuang Empire. Being able to rank among the nobles of the empire, the two of them naturally became excited.

The reason for this is that His Majesty the emperor has not promoted him again and again, which is naturally well known by two people. Ever since, how to greet each other and please the emperor became the top priority for both of them. "Well, not bad! Not bad!" Wei Su Dipo I walked slowly into the gate of the palace. But, suddenly, his face turned from cloudy to rain, as black as the bottom of the pot.

The Shule Palace in front of you was surrounded by four walls, empty, and too poor to starve mice to death. Not only is there no dazzling array of jewels and magnificent furniture, but even the expensive carpets that were originally spread on the ground are gone. Seeing the expressions of His Majesty the Emperor, He Shou Ping Han Wang Song Jian and Yan Qi immediately trembled in their hearts. The two hurriedly bowed forward, explaining with a smile on their faces.

"His Majesty, our army has been fighting with the Han army for several days in the Shule area. Such a long time is enough for the Han army to fortify the walls and clear the fields. Fortunately, your Majesty and the Han army are fighting for control of the Silk Road, and It’s not just these furniture, carpets, and jewelry—these things are everywhere in Luoyang City, the capital of Dahan. As long as Luoyang is captured, not only the Silk Road, but even the Dahan will be yours!" He Shou Ping Han Wang said. Yes, the emperor's face immediately turned from rain to clear.

"No? Your majesty, if you don’t launch an offensive sooner and catch the Han army unprepared, presumably all the cities in front of you are the same as before, so poor that you can starve mice to death!" King Yanqi is a wicked person, but a wicked person is. How can someone who is rude and straightforward can match the flattering skill of King He Shou Ping Han? Seeing that Song Jian was flattered, he quickly patted his chest and said.

"The two tens of thousands are right! We must speed up the march, we must conquer the dry city as soon as possible, and give the Han emperor a prestige! No, no! It is not the little puppet emperor, but the de facto emperor Dasima Lu Bu! If he doesn’t kneel down and beg me after he has captured Gancheng, I will march eastward through Liangzhou and Chang'an to reach Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty!"

The beautiful eyes of Wei Su Dipo I looked into the distance. At this moment, his heart had already floated to Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty. In the largest city in the world, there are countless silk jewels, each of which is worth a thousand dollars, and there are countless handsome men and women. If you sell Guishuang, you will definitely make a fortune! Life is like this, what does the husband want?

"Your Majesty is right! As long as we capture the city of Luoyang, the capital of the Han Dynasty, this Silk Road will be completely in our hands! At that time, all the countries of Taixi will have to look at our faces and speak, whether it is resting in peace or Daqin, as long as we cut off the supply, they can only stare at us to make a fortune! Do you want silk? Do you want porcelain? Kneel down and beg us!"

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! The generals and the captains who were surrounded by His Majesty the Emperor burst into laughter.

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