New Story of Lv Bu

: : Yellow Turban and Montenegro part ways

Jizhou has always been the site of the Four Wars, with Youzhou in the north, Binzhou in the west, and Qingzhou and Yanzhou in the south. Whether you are going south from Youzhou, taking in Bingzhou and going east, or going north from Qingzhou and Yanzhou, you must first attack Jizhou. In the old days when General White Horse crossed Youzhou, both the east and the west were controlled by the Union State Army. In desperation, he had to go south and compete with Yuan Shao for Jizhou. His wishful thinking is to attack Jizhou, and then take advantage of the virtual south to Qingzhou, Yanzhou, and Xuzhou, and then fight for supremacy in the world, but unfortunately he failed.

There are 13 prefectures in the world of the Han Dynasty, and the six prefectures of Sili, Jizhou, Yuzhou, Qingzhou, Yanzhou and Xuzhou are the places of the heart. Youzhou, Bingzhou, and Liangzhou are remote and bordered by the ethnic groups outside the Great Wall. The wars are frequent and the soldiers are on the rise, and officials have always regarded them as a daunting route. Yangzhou, Jingzhou, and Yizhou have fertile lands and a large area with sparsely populated people, but they are far away from the political center of the dynasty. Once they are far away, it will be difficult to get to the sky if they want to come back again. If it wasn't for Liu Junlang and Liu Jingsheng who had a separate heart for a long time, they would not go.

In this way, the official positions at all levels in Sili, Jizhou, Yuzhou, Qingzhou, Yanzhou, and Xuzhou became sweet glutinous rice cakes, and they were called "large counties in Zhongzhou" by the nobles and pawns of the capital of Luoyang City and Qingliu celebrities. When the first emperor was Lingdi, he sold the official position in Xiyuan, and the price of official position in these six states was twice as high as that of remote prefectures and counties. Why? It's nothing more than Fuminfeng, a land of six states and six states. You can dig three feet and make money at will. You must know that the big taxpayer of this dynasty is in the field rent, and the small head is calculating the tax and the oral tax. These two items can be paid more, which is called "fire consumption." As for how much to send, it depends on the state and county officials.

Because of these reasons, over time, the officialdom of these six states formed a tendency of malfeasance and corruption. After every official arrived in office, he was immediately busy digging and scraping land. The officials are all bought with money. If you don't rush back to earn the profits, you don't know when, the succeeding officials will already be on the road. In addition, it is necessary to manage the benefactors and middle officials in Luoyang City, otherwise, not only will not be able to keep the official hat, but will also be involved in a big and inexplicable case, and lose his head unexplainably.

Officials dereliction of duty and corruption, and the remnant people try to succeed, the lives of the ordinary people will naturally go from bad to worse, and finally lead to the Yellow Turban chaos. After that, the princes flew up, fought for power, and attacked each other. The people of the six states fled everywhere, turning a formerly rich place into a place of dilapidation and exile. Although it will not be "white bones exposed in the wild, no **** crowing in thousands of miles", it is no longer prosperous.

Jizhou has nine counties under its jurisdiction. The three counties of Changshan, Zhaoguo, and Weijun in the west have long been occupied by the Bingzhou Army. They have done a lot of construction work, repaired the city’s Chiwu Fort, built and expanded roads, and the division of fields and land is really busy. Compared with the three counties in the west, the six counties in the east are far behind. Jizhou Muyuan Benchu ​​led a large army on the expedition. The territory was empty, and the Yellow Turban united with the rest of Montenegro took the opportunity to recover. In the beginning, he just gathered in the mountains and forests, fighting for a living. Later, seeing that the government was unable to deal with it, the courage grew. They descended from the mountains, attacked the city and plundered the land, and crossed the prefectures and counties, forming a warlord of different sizes, almost eroding the East Six Counties.

After the Kwantung Allied Forces went west to seek Lu, Da Sima Lu Bu dispatched Da Hong Yin Zhang Yan and Ling Hao General Lu Ling Hao to lead the Ling Hao Camp to Jizhou to stabilize the situation in Jizhou. Zhang Yan was originally the chief of the Montenegrin army. He was granted the post of the general in the midst of the troubles by the court, and he was asked to go out for the purpose of dividing and disintegrating the Montenegrin army and the Yellow Turban army.的后路。 The back road.

Zhang Yan accomplished this task extremely successfully. Within a few months, he and Lv Lingqian played both soft and hard, one stroke and one stroke, and more than 200,000 Black Mountain Army and Yellow Turban Army were taken down, and 20,000 Elite Ships were selected as the Black Mountain Battalion. Zhongshan Country, Julu County and Anping Country were resettled nearby. As a result, three of the nine counties in Jizhou fell into the hands of the Bingzhou Army. The Black Mountain Army and the rest of the Yellow Turban Army, who had been hit hard and still refused to surrender, gathered in the county of the Hejian Kingdom. Yuan Shao's troops were trapped in the old nest, Qinghe Kingdom, and did not dare to take a step.

"We can’t go on like this anymore! The forces of Wei Xu, the governor of Jizhou in the west, are pressing harder. Lu Lingqi’s Lingle camp and Zhang Yan’s Heishan camp are swift and undefeatable. To the south is Yuan Benchu’s base camp, Qinghe State. We are on both sides. You can't afford it. To the east is Bohai County, where the sea is on the east, and there is very little room for maneuvering. Now, there is not much way out for us. The first is to lead troops eastward and sail out to sea. Second, yes Take the Bohai County, turn to the southeast, and enter Qingzhou. If the Bingzhou Army is still chasing, we will have to go south to Xuzhou! The third and last resort is to send people to contact the Bingzhou Army and surrender!"

With a wave of Li Damu's sturdy arm, his right fist slammed heavily on the case table. With a loud noise, the case made of hardwood shook three times. Li Damu was born in the Black Mountain Army and was originally Zhang Yan's subordinate. Later, the head of the Black Mountain Army, Yu Du, led the army east to the Taihang Mountains, and he followed Yu Du. Yu Du led tens of thousands of Montenegrin troops to ravage Xuzhou Sizhou, tens of thousands of people turned into hundreds of thousands, the four states officers and soldiers were invincible, shunned. Finally, I met Cao Mengde, lost in seven battles and seven defeats in the poisonous battle, and returned to Jizhou.

After returning to Jizhou, the Department of the Yu Drug Institute merged with the old Black Mountain Departments such as Wu Ba, Yingchuan Huangjin Heyi, Huang Shao, Zhou Cang, and Pei Yuanshao. More than a hundred thousand Black Mountain Army and Yellow Turban Army came from several hilltops. At the time of the big defeat, every big leader was on guard for others, for fear of losing his head inexplicably. In desperation, Yu Du had no choice but to beat the drums and gather the generals, the leaders of the conference, to discuss where to go.

Li Damei's eyes were extremely large, and his height was one foot tall, like an iron tower. He was originally a brave general in the Black Mountain Army, with a violent temperament like a raging fire. As soon as Yu Du started a head, he jumped out and let go. Li Damu finally finished speaking. He panted and sat down, pressing the Hu bed under his buttocks with a creak, shaking a few times, and finally escaped the fragmented ending. The Hu bed is Mazha. The Black Mountain Army and the Yellow Turban Army are used to squatting and discussing matters. They are not used to sitting on the podium, so they have to use Mazha instead.

"Big-eyed virtuous brother is right! My Wu Ba used the strategy of'burning both jade and stone' to almost capture the Junzhiyuan clan of Changshan State. His hands were covered with the blood of the Bingzhou army. Even if I wanted to surrender, follow Bingzhou The habit of the army will definitely not be accepted. So, Wu Ba would rather die in battle than surrender! There is no way to lead the troops eastward to sea. I wondered, it would be better to enter Qingzhou. Why? Well? First, Yuan Benchu ​​and Cao Mengde fought hard in Sili and the Bingzhou army, and Qingzhou was empty. Secondly, we have been to Qingzhou many times. The roads, passes, and garrison forces along the way are all very familiar. I don't know what the leaders think?"

"Yes, I'll go to Qingzhou! I'm all land ducks. Once I get on the boat, I'm a dead dog. How about staying on the land! As for whether you can rush out, then you will have your destiny. But there is one. My brother, the big guy’s brothers clearly settle the accounts. Since everyone is discussing matters, you have to say everything in your heart and don’t hide it! Also, once the result is reached, the big guy has reached it. If you agree, then you have to abide by it. Don’t have your own minds, the wolf will not be the dog in the war. My words are over!"

When Wu Ba's voice fell, He Yi said something out loud. To be honest, what he said meant something, referring to Zhou Cang and Pei Yuanshao, who had a deep grievance with him and couldn't tolerate it. "He Yi! Who the **** are you talking about? Be careful, be careful I fan you with big ears!" When he heard this, Zhou Cang immediately became unwilling, he stood up and shouted loudly. The big slap of a pu fan was about to step forward. "It's you, you bite me!" He Yi also stood up.

"Enough!" As the two of them were arguing and the other leaders were persuading them, they only heard how old they were, and shouted loudly. "Don't stop them! Let them draw their swords, fight for life and death, and drag them out to feed the dogs! The live beheads, the owls show the public! When is it all fucking, and they are still fighting? If they live impatiently Now, go out and fight with the Union State Army!"

Yu Du's words stopped Li'er, grabbed a gun and a stick, and scolded He Yi and Zhou Cang with a dog-blood spray. Their faces were white and red, red and purple, and they were almost turning into purple eggplants. To be honest, Boss Yu’s remarks are right and correct, but he has forgotten a little bit. In the public, he wants to give people a face, especially the big boss of the friendly army. He took up his identity and wanted to use this to establish his prestige, and his tone of speech became a little heavier. As a result, He Yi and Zhou Cang immediately drew their swords and faced each other. "Yu Du! We are a friendly army, respect you, you are boss Yu, disrespect you, you are the **** shit!" He Yi took a heavy sip, pressed her head and walked away. Zhou Cang was stunned, and hurried away with a knife.

When the big and small heads in the room stared at their small eyes, they could only hear a loud noise outside the house, the sound of blowing horns, drumming, and the sound of messy footsteps. It was like a group of generals beating drums. After a while, Xiaojun came to report: "The big boss, He Yi, He Man, Huang Shao, Zhou Cang, Pei Yuanshao and five people gathered together to rectify the army and horses. They have already driven out of the city. It seems that they are going to take the southeast and go south. Qingzhou!" "It's going to rain, my mother is going to marry, let him go!" Yu Du waved his hand and said miserably.

An hour later, the Black Mountain Army put all the grain, money, soft, and armored weapons in the granary of Lecheng County into the cart, then rectified the army and horse, drove out of the east gate, and headed east all the way. The big head Yu meant to go straight to the east, first looting Nanpi, the prefecture of Bohai County, and then decided to stop. The Bingzhou army was in a hurry to chase, so the pontoon went into the sea, and not in a hurry, they took the southeast and went straight to Qingzhou. But he forgot one thing, the Black Mountain Army plus the dependents, a full 100,000 people, can't travel a hundred miles a day. Both Heishan Battalion and Lingcha Battalion are cavalry, and they can drive three to five hundred miles a day and night. How can he run the Union State Army?

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