New Story of Lv Bu

: : How can you be so shameless

Of the 50,000 troops under Ji Ling, 10,000 were his old ministry, and 40,000 were county soldiers sent by princes from various places. Chaqi General Yuan Shuyuan Gonglu has just taken up the post of Yangzhou Shepherd. The princes and lords all over Yangzhou must sell their face to his elderly. When Yuan Gonglu became angry, he wanted to shed blood. Didn’t you see that Wu Chenghou’s philosophical heir, Sun Ce and Sun Bofu, led five thousand people to immediately kill the enemy?

As far as Yuan Shu was concerned, these county soldiers with their own food and grass weapons were cannon fodder provided by the handles of Yangzhou hills and hills. They were killed to eliminate the civil strife, and the Bingzhou army was wiped out. Yangzhou, Jiaozhou, and even Yizhou and Jingzhou in this dynasty, in the eyes of the Qingliu scholar of Luoyang City, were all wild places. If it weren't for the heroes and heroes who were determined to create a foundation, no one would be willing to go to these remote places to suffer. Liu Junlang entered Shu, and Liu Jingsheng rode into Jingxiang alone, but they almost killed him.

In the eyes of outsiders, Yuan Gonglu is fortunate compared to Liu Junlang of Yizhou and Liu Jingsheng of Jingzhou. He led his troops to Yangzhou and settled on Yangzhou without any effort. However, Yuan Gonglu knew that he was suffering. He was just forming a temporary alliance with the big and small families in Yangzhou, and reached a weak compromise. Seven to eighty percent of Yangzhou's territory is still under the control of the local family, but he is shocked by his accumulated threat, temporarily avoiding the edge, and temporarily putting away the cannibal blood.

After all, Yuan Gonglu was born in the Yuan family of the fourth generation and three grandfathers. He was very knowledgeable and frowned. For the aristocratic families of this dynasty, there are basically two footholds, one is human resources, and the other is financial resources. Of course, both of these are based on the land. I, Yuan Shu, cannot deprive you of your land ownership, but I have the right to recruit your soldiers and young men, and have the right to ask you for food and money. Whoever dares to say a word, Yangzhou Mu Yuan Shu wants him to look good!

Photographed on the road of Yuan Road, the big and small families in Yangzhou have all succumbed. Some families even sent elites from the clan, such as Sun Ce and Sun Bofu. "This time we send troops, even if we give Yuan Gonglu's meeting presents! The rest will depend on how Yuan Gonglu does. If he is reciprocating, I will be enthusiastic. If he is good or bad, huh? ?????" After humming, Sun Bofu did not say, the implications are worth intriguing.

In this way, Yuan Gonglu gathered an army of two hundred thousand, of which one hundred twenty thousand was a "voting certificate" from Yangzhou Shijiana. Now that they have accepted the "voting certificate", even if they have expressed their attitude, the big and small families in Yangzhou will go home and wait for the dividends. However, how did they know that Yuan Gonglu had ever seen them as human beings? To him, the Yangzhou family is nothing more than his ants. Would a nobleman care about the life and death of the ants? Naturally it won't care.

Because of this, this time the western expedition has buried deep hidden dangers for Yuan Gonglu. Once the contradictions intensify, he will be over.

"Call!" Ji Ling slowly reined in the war horse, and immediately stood on the high hill, set up a pergola, and looked at Yingyin City five or six miles away. Since Hou Ziyu led his army into Yingyin City, he spent a few months building the city’s dock fort, expanding Yingyin City by more than 20 times. The inner and outer walls of Yingyin City have been increased to ten feet high. They are all made of cement. The four gates have an urn city, which is extremely strong.

Yingyin City was built right on the edge of the water. The water circumscribes the city from the north and east. The state army has gathered one hundred thousand soldiers, soldiers and civilians. The moat was manually excavated, and the water was injected into the city. The moat is about ten feet wide and tens of miles long. The most troublesome thing is that this moat is full of living water, which rolls to the south, injects Yingshui, and then turns to the southwest to merge into Huai Shui.

To siege a city, you must first cut off the moat or excavate a diversion canal to divert the water from the moat. In this way, you can besiege the city on all sides and use the ants to climb the city. The advantage of this is that it will be done once and for all, but the disadvantage is that it takes time and delays. Ji Ling patted his head, thinking about the lord's military order "Today I want to eat in Yingyin City!". Absolutely not, this method will not be urgent!

After all, Ji Ling was a battle-tested general. He frowned and thought about it, slapped his thigh, and he had an idea immediately. "Pass the order! The armies set up military formations, pressed their feet, and sent soldiers to chop down thick branches in the forest to make floating bridges and spread them on the moat." "No!" A promise was made from left and right, and the order was conveyed with a golden drum banner. , In an instant, tens of thousands of people pounced on the woods.

Half an hour later, rows of thick branches **** into a bamboo raft were spread one after another on the moat, layer after layer, forming a long road. More than 20,000 Yangzhou troops stepped untidy, carrying a ladder and a rattan card, under the cover of crossbowmen, stepped onto the raft, crossed the moat, and slowly approached the Yingyin city wall, shouting chants.

"Siege!" Seeing that the moat that lay between the enemy and us had turned into a thoroughfare, Ji Ling immediately felt better. He swiped his right hand downward and shouted loudly. The lord is watching the battle behind him. In this battle, we must do our best to fight for it, so that we can make a face in front of the lord! "The first to be promoted to level three, bounty 100 gold! Whoever opens the city gate first, is promoted to third level, bounty 100 gold!" Ji Ling shouted from the left and right. "Rush!" "Kill!" "It's time to get promoted and get rich!" The Yangzhou army went crazy immediately.

More than 30,000 steppers roared towards Yingyin City, the rattan players held up the rattan cards to protect the steppers, and the crossbowmen opened their bows and shot arrows at the head of the city. A ladder with a whistling bang bang bang on the city wall, more than a dozen big-waisted steppers shouted, twisted the winch vigorously, and quickly erected the huge ladder forward. After a while, Bai Ten ladders are as stable as Mount Tai.

"Climbing the city!" The middle and low-level officers of the Yangzhou Army waved their hands, waiting for a long time under the head of the city. The steppers who were already eager to try yelled, held the ring head sword in their mouths, and climbed up with their hands and feet. Most of these pawns were hired Shanyue people. They climbed the mountains and ridges as if walking on the ground. In an instant, they ascended to the top of Yingyin City, but they were all stunned!

Above the city head of Yingyin City, along the edge of the city wall, about three feet away, above the city bricks, there are iron bristles everywhere. This kind of iron tribulus has four tips. As long as you sprinkle it on the ground, one tip will face upwards. This sharp weapon is used to protect the cavalry from raiding the camp. They are all made of fine iron and can be used repeatedly. In the eyes of the princes of this dynasty, fine iron is the treasure second only to money and food, and only the silver fox ghost army such a wealthy and wealthy man can use such a trivial waste.

If these Shanyue people jumped off the city, they would surely be pierced by the iron brier. You know, these Shanyue people have straw sandals on their feet. Fortunately, these decades of this dynasty have been a period of great warmth. Otherwise they would have been frozen to death long ago. "Hee hee, brothers of the Yangzhou Army, don't be unharmed? Since you are here, should you sit down, come, come, jump down and have a few words, set the dragon gate formation. Oh oh oh! You are afraid of those iron Tribulus? It's better to pierce your feet, at most it pierced the soles of your feet, that's it! Come on! Why are you so polite? Two brothers in the world, just let them go!" With a sincere smile on his face, Junjunhou said with joy, like greeting an old friend who had not seen each other for a few years after a long absence.

Hearing what he said, the Shanyue people who climbed to the top of the city were immediately stunned. Shanyue people are not afraid of death, but they are afraid of pain. This kind of continuous and long-term pain is better than sudden death! When they were in the clan, they had seen how the wizards in the clan cured diseases many times, and the chances of cure were very poor. The sick folks always toss and turn on the sickbed, swallowing countless snakes, insects and ants as medicine. In the end, they are either tortured and die with a big belly, or they are unbearably tortured and hanged to death.

More and more people gathered in the mountains above the city, and the people behind couldn't help but slander themselves without knowing why. His grandma is a bear! We're all at the head of the city, why don't we go down and fight? You don't want to be promoted to make a fortune. Does Lao Tzu want the reward of that one hundred gold to buy land? You go down for me! The power of a role model is infinite, as long as someone starts, the people behind will start together.

It was just crackling, and the Yangzhou army who had climbed to the top of the city fell from the female wall like dumplings. In an instant, more than a thousand people fell into the tribulus formation. "Oh! It hurts me to death!" "The damned Union State Army, why is it so vicious?" As more and more people landed on the ground, the screams were like waves hitting the shore, one after another. , For a long time.

Seeing such a miserable situation, the soldier of the deer-headed rat could not help but sighed and sighed faintly: "You are a sinner! This place is like an eighteenth-story area, it is terrible!" When he said this, he immediately became stubborn and put on a smile. Yingying's face, but the mouth yelled: "Little ones! Shoot arrows! Shoot them all! If you leave one alive, you will be fined a hundred!"

"Okay! You always hold on!" The silver fox ghost army on the left and right responded with a grin. Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh! There was only a sound of clappers, and dozens of bed crossbows shot out. At a distance of dozens of steps, huge arrows roared, with great inertia, passing through the chest of the first Yangzhou army, and piercing the belly of the second Yangzhou pawn, just like this one by one. , Like a bunch of candied haws, a series of seven or eight, before falling down, fell heavily under the city.

After a quarter of an hour, Ji Ling knew the reason for the chaos above the city, his eyes were completely red, and he was out of anger.

"Heavenly slain silver fox ghost army, how can you be so shameless? Have the ability to see a real chapter!"

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