New Story of Lv Bu

: : Liu Wei is going to be dangerous

On October 17th, at noon, in Chengdu County, the prefecture of Yizhou and Shu County, in the luxurious mansion built for him by Liu Yan, Mu Liu Yan of Yizhou.

Yizhou Mu Liu Yan was lying quietly on the couch, his face was pale, he coughed once or twice from time to time, and looked very weak. "Zhou Mu, it's time for you to drink the medicine!" The maid serving on the left and right, holding a tray in both hands, walked over curly. A faint of disgust flashed across Liu Yan's face, but he still took the medicine bowl, raised his neck, and drank upside down.

After rinsing his mouth with clean water, Liu Yan waved his hand to let the maid retreat, and he fell into contemplation again. According to the doctor, Liu Yan's illness was caused by internal sorrow and unresolved depression in the chest, so that the internal poison was ascending and spread to the back. If you can't calm your mind and forget your anger, you will one day die with poison on your back. Ever since, Liu Yan thanked the guests behind closed doors.

The doctor said rightly, Liu Yan was ashamed. After working up and down to obtain Yizhou Mu, when Liu Yan rode into Shu alone, in order to win the trust of the court, he brought only his third son Liu Hao with him. The eldest son Zuo Zhonglang took Liu Fan, the second son Zhishu Yushi Liu Dan, and the younger son Liu Zhang as hostages in Luoyang City, the capital of Han Dynasty. At that time, Liu Yan only wanted to avoid misfortune, and he had no intention of self-reliance. He had no choice but to do so. In other words, the power of the prefecture and animal husbandry was too great, and the emperor and the court had to leave hostages as a check and balance.

Liu Hao was born handsome and sturdy, romantic and unrestrained, with extraordinary tolerance. At a glance, he was like a man. Because of this, Liu Yan took him with him. Among the four sons, Liu Wei is Liu Yan's favorite, and he seems to be the most accomplished one. One more thing, after stabilizing the situation in Yizhou, Liu Yan and Liu Yan's fake son Zhang Lu got along very well, enough to comfort Liu Yan.

To be honest, what he worries most is that a hundred years later, his fake son and his heir will not be doing well, so that he will be killed. Zhang Lu's mother, Mrs. Lu, is beautiful and charming, and she is good at communicating with ghosts and gods, making Liu Yan indispensable for a day. Under Aiwu and Wu, Liu Yan recognized Zhang Lu as a fake son, appointed him as a superintendent Sima, and sponsored him to attack Hanzhong as a barrier.

After Zhang Lu attacked Hanzhong, he served Liu Yan carefully and obediently. As a result, the suspicion left in Liu Yan's heart disappeared. Zhang Lu owns Hanzhong and isolates Baoxie Road and Jinniu Road. In this way, Yizhou has the conditions to establish a nation. Therefore, Liu Yan built the emperor Chengyu in Mianzhu, the grand palace room, and was about to become the emperor. This is something he has never forgotten.

Unexpectedly, a sudden fire not only burned the prefecture and animal husbandry in Mianzhu, but also burned out more than a thousand emperor Chengyu. The scholar-official class in this dynasty believed most in the doctrine of prophecy, and Liu Yan was even more convinced. At the beginning, when he tried to find the position of Yizhou Mu, he heard the servant Dong Fu said that Yizhou has the emperor's spirit. However, just as he was about to become the emperor, there was a sudden fire, which inexplicably reduced everything to ashes, and even Youzhou Mu's office had to be moved from Mianzhu to Chengdu. Isn't this "qi of the emperor" referring to me, Liu Yan? Stop it! Conspiracy to claim that the emperor is evil to the sky, how can this be good?

With a ghost in his heart, and being frightened at the time of the fire, Liu Yan has never been sick ever since. Even the ministers of the last meeting, Liu Yan, had cultivated for many days and asked the doctors to use heavy medicine. Liu Yan is not an open-minded person, but he is still sober. After thinking about it, he repeatedly pressed the doctor, and he finally understood that this time, he was really going to finish the game, but I don't know how long it can last, how many months, or how many years? After the initial period of frustration, Liu Yan finally figured out that finding a replacement should be the first thing to do in major affairs, and it was time to establish an heir. But, who should be the heir?

Liu Yan has four sons in total. The eldest son Zuo Zhonglang Liu Fan, the second son Liu Dan, and the younger Liu Zhang are all in Luoyang City. Two years ago, the imperial court appointed his youngest son Liu Zhang as the captain of Fengcha, and came to Xuanwei Yizhou and warned him not to trespass. As long as he does not claim to be the emperor, he still regards himself as Hanchen. Everything is easy to discuss. Liu Yan left Liu Zhang, so he had two sons beside him. But Liu Zhang was weak, and Liu Yan didn't even think of letting him be his heir. He still liked Liu Yun.

At the beginning, Liu Yan brought Liu Hao into Sichuan, so he had the intention of letting Liu Hao be the heir. For this reason, he also asked Liu Yu to marry Wu Yi's sister as his wife. Wu Yi was a native of Chenliu County in Yanzhou, and his uncle Wu Kuang was an official of General He Jin. His father had a very good relationship with Liu Yan, so he took the whole family and followed Liu Yan into Shu. A good-looking person once said that Wu Yi's sister has a rich and noble appearance, and she will surely become her mother in the world in the future. The mother yi world is naturally the queen. Upon hearing this, Liu Yan immediately became ecstatic, and immediately asked Liu Wei to marry the Wu clan. According to Liu Yan's wishful thinking, he proclaimed himself emperor, Liu Hao inherited the throne, and Wu was the queen of the world.

At this time, the Yizhou regime was divided into Dongzhou faction and Xizhou faction. The aristocratic families of Sansuke and Nanyang, led by the servants, came to Yizhou for refuge in groups. These refugees have tens of thousands of households and hundreds of thousands of people, and they are called "Dongzhou Scholars." Among the Dongzhou faction, those in power are roughly divided into two factions. One is the moderate faction, headed by Fazhen, Wu Yi, Fei Yi, Dong Yun, and Li Yan, and the other is the young strong faction, with Gan Ning, Shen Mi, Headed by Lou Fa and others. Most of these people have the heart of competing in the Central Plains and Zhongxing Hanshi.

The so-called Xizhou faction is relative to the Dongzhou faction, a local gentry group in Yizhou. Headed by Jia Long, Qianwei Prefect Ren Qi, Yizhou famous generals Zhang Ren, Yan Yan, Huang Quan and others are among them. The Xizhou faction is concerned with the interests of Yizhou and not on matters outside of Yizhou. For them, it is great to protect the environment and the people, enjoy themselves, and sit and watch the original flowers blooming and declining.

The main pillar of Liu Yan's Yizhou regime is the Dongzhou faction. The reason is simple. Without him, Liu Junlang, the Dongzhou soldiers will certainly not be able to survive alone. There are two main gathering places for the Dongzhou faction, one is Chengdu City, and the other is Shatoujin on the bank of the Minjiang River. This place is an important traffic road, choking the throat of the army from the west to Shu. Liu Yan made Dongzhou soldiers live in these two places, and what he kept was to guard the key points and guard Chengdu's mind. Liu Hao married the Wu family and became the aunt of the Dongzhou School, and he would naturally receive the support of the Dongzhou School.

Naturally, these were the measures Liu Zhang took before he came to Yizhou. After Liu Zhang came to Yizhou, Yizhou Mu Liu Yan had two heirs in name. But, everyone can tell, where is the look of an heir to Liu Zhang, a dim and cowardly man? What's more, Liu Wei is smart and likable, and he gets along very well with the people around Liu Yan. Even Zhang Lu’s beautiful and charming mother often blows pillow breeze in Liu Yan’s ears. Say good things about Liu Zhang and slander Liu Zhang everywhere. As a result, Liu Zhang was even more isolated. This time, Liu Yan decided to go to a blog, send troops out of the way, and appoint Liu Wei as the general leader, just to establish his prestige.

Just when Liu Yan closed his eyes and meditated on his own funeral, he could only hear a creak, the door opened, and Zhang Lu's mother, the beautiful and charming Mrs. Lu, came in. "Zhou Mu, do you feel better?" Madam Lu walked to Liu Yan's couch and stroked Liu Yan's face with a pair of white and delicate hands. The neckline of Qu Yuan's deep clothes was opened extremely, and most of his plump and tender **** were exposed. "It seems better. Is there any news from Gongqi?" Liu Yan said in a low voice while closing his eyes and enjoying her touch.

"The earliest letter came three days ago, saying that he had sent him off. There are sixty thousand troops under him, and he sent another three thousand elites as guides. The road collapsed in many places and it was impossible to leave. Master Yao took the Baoxian Road, exiting the Xie Valley, and can go straight to Yinxian County. Yinxian is two hundred and thirty miles away from Chang'an. It must be another seven or eight days, and there should be good news."

Madam Lu's hands gently pressed Liu Yan's temples, the strength was neither light nor heavy. After the soreness, there was a burst of comfort, and Liu Yan couldn't help but snorted comfortably. "My days are running out, probably not a few days." Liu Yan gently held Madam Lu's hand and said with some emotion. Upon hearing this, Madam Lu immediately burst into tears, like a young girl, naturally, half of it was sincere and half of it was artificial. "I'm ready to pass the position to Mao'er. Zhang'er is weak and looks like a man. Besides, the relationship between him and your mother and son is not very good. Now, you should rest assured."

Liu Yan closed his eyes and said softly. Mrs. Lu's face changed a number of times, first joy, then sadness, then joy and worry, joy and sorrow, finally, she put her face on Liu Yan's chest and burst into tears. "Zhou Mu, you must not think like this. You are still young, don't think about it, you can live well, and your body will get better, and it will definitely be better."

"Oh!" Liu Yan held her tender hands and sighed for a long time. It seemed that there was so much sadness in her chest, but she couldn't speak.

"Madam, the news from the capital of Luoyang City is very urgent!" At this moment, a soft and anxious voice sounded outside the door. The voice was Madam Lu's handmaid. Mrs. Lu used five buckets of rice cults and ghosts to build a huge and fast intelligence network. It took only half the time to send news from Luoyang City to Chengdu. "Come in!" Madam Lu straightened up, took out a silk kerchief and wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, and said in a low voice. "No!" The maid stepped in.

The maid offered a very thin piece of tissue paper with her hands, folded several layers, Madam Lu could not help but let out an exclamation after seeing it at a glance. "What's the matter?" Liu Yan got up, grabbed the piece of tissue paper, and looked at it carefully. Above is a beautiful line of fine print. At noon today, it was heard that Master Chong led troops to the expedition. The imperial court killed the Grand Master Zuo Zhong Lang, General Liu Fan, and the Second Master Zhi Shu Yu Shi Liu was born in the Jinshi, and the family was punishable! Seeing this, Liu Yan suddenly spit out a big mouthful of blood on his face like a piece of paper, and fell on his back!

"Come on! Seek the doctor, Zhou Mu fainted!" Madam Lu shouted.

This time, Master Xun was probably in danger.

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