New Story of Lv Bu

: : Command Ruoding Lu Zijing

Gongxian County is under the jurisdiction of Henan Yin of the Sili Xiaowei Department. In the Shang Dynasty, Gong County was called Quegong in ancient times, and in Zhou Dynasty it was Gong Boguo. The former Han belonged to Henan County. After the founding of this dynasty, Henan County was changed to Henan Yin, and Gong County was subordinate to Henan Yin. Gong County is located between Dahe and Huangshui. It is the only strong city in the triangle between Dahe and Huaishui. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and its geographical location is very important. Luoshui and Yishui meet in the south of Luoyang city and merge into one. They turn to the east, pass through Hongchi, Gongxian and Huangshui, and then turn to the north, into the big river.

"Speed ​​up! The front is Gongxian, and Yanshi is twenty miles west of Gongxian. As long as we succeed in capturing Yanshi, the capital of Han Dynasty, Luoyang City will be in our hands!" Cao Cao jumped on the horse and pointed to the other side of the river. The county seat of Gongxian County said with a smile. Guo Jia rode a bay red horse and followed behind Cao Cao. At this moment, when he revisited the old place, he suddenly felt ashamed.

Driving all the way from Xingyang to Yanshi, Cao Jun’s scouts usually sent various news. First, Mrs. Zhaoyi Yan Yan had put down the Luoyang rebellion. Zhao Yun and Ma Zhong were sealed off as Xianhou, and then Dasima Lubu pro-took one hundred thousand fine riders and rushed from Guancheng Camp to Zhongmu, which had been besieged for seven days and seven nights. Fight fiercely with Yuan Shao Yuan Benchu's 300,000 army.

Guo Jia has been in Luoyang for more than a year. Because of the high regard of Da Sima Lubu and the top figures in the officialdom of the state, he has seen him all over. He has long understood their temperament, principles and methods of dealing with people. . However, this time, Mrs. Zhao Yi's Yan Yan slashed the chaos and quelled the Luoyang family's rebellion with a thunderbolt, which surprised him and was deeply shocked.

The earth-shattering riot launched by the former Taiwei Zhao Qian was quelled within a day, which was far beyond Guo Jia's expectation. The riots involving 168 families and tens of thousands of rebels were defeated by a woman. It is incredible! Although Zhao Zilong was riding the Savior alone, why was this rebellion so easily put down? Is it because the power of the family is not strong enough? Guo Jia frowned, puzzled.

In any case, he has made his own choice, that is, to stand with the family, and because of this, he was invited by his friend Xun Yu to join Cao Mengde. After a long talk, Guo Jia judged the situation and worked out a plan for Cao Mengde's army to move westward and drive thousands of miles to capture Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty. For him, this is his Guo Fengxiao's "vouch for fame". Since Cao Mengde has adopted it, from now on, his Guo Jia Guo Fengxiao is the enemy of Dasima Lubu and the Bingzhou Army.

"Fengxiao! Your trick to encircle Wei and save Zhao's plan is great! As long as we pass the Yishui in front of us and take the Yanshi, Luoyang City will be like a lady stripped naked in front of us. There are no secrets!" As Guo Jiaming was thinking hard, Cao Cha's heroic laughter awakened him. As Cao Cao's new planner, Guo Jia had to respond with a humble smile.

"Lord, the front is Yishui. Yishui, the ancient name Luanshui, originated from Mandunling, Sanhe Village, Taowan Town. The "Shanhaijing" contains:'The mountain of the canal is out of Yishui.' "Huainanzi" Included:'Ishui River goes up to Weishan Mountain.' Manqu Mountain or Shangwei Mountain is the ancient name of Mandunling. The Yishui River is wide, five or six miles away, no more than Huangshui, and people and horses can wade freely. I Persuade the lord to quickly order his subordinates to cut down trees and build rafts to cross the river. The state water army is invincible in the world. Once they find out, they will go ahead!"

Guo Jiazong was immediately beside Cao Cao, and the horse whip in his right hand pointed to the soupy Yi Shui in front of him, and said solemnly. "Procedure! Send pawns, cut down trees, make bamboo rafts, and cross the river immediately! Hateful! I forgot this layer! If it weren't for Fengxiao's reminder, I would have missed a big thing! Fengxiao, you really are my son Room!" Cao Cao patted his head and said regretfully. I know my own faults. Once in good times, Cao Mengde is always like this, triumphant and arrogant.

Cao Cao gave an order, and the tens of thousands of steppers on the left and right immediately rushed to the nearby dense forest. The cavalry hurriedly dismounted, moved their stiff legs, and then lay on the ground. In a moment, there was a burst of snoring. They galloped all the way and traveled for thousands of miles. They were already exhausted. Place a small table in front of Cao Cao, take out the dry food and drink water for the lord to enjoy.

At this moment, I saw in the southwest direction, at the end of the sky, a piece of sail suddenly appeared, which seemed to be a fleet. Could it be the Binzhou navy? At this moment, everyone stood up in shock. Even Cao Cao set up a pergola and looked to the southwest with solemn faces. If the Bingzhou navy suddenly appeared here and cut off the Yishui, wouldn't it mean that the raid on Luoyang failed?

A quarter of an hour later, that piece of sail came in front of you. There were three big five-tooth ships and eight turtle ships, escorting more than a hundred grain ships. On the five-tooth ship in the middle, the flag of Lu character was flying high, and I don't know which general it was. "Feng Xiao, the general banner of Lu character, is there such a character in the Bingzhou army?" Cao Cao turned his head and stared at Guo Jia and asked. "Except for the master craftsman and craftsman Cao Zhuan Lumo, and the officialdom of the state, I have not heard of an official surnamed Lu." Guo Jia thought about it carefully and shook his head.

"Then leave him alone! There are only more than ten ships, which is not too much trouble. Order! Arranged crossbowmen and rushed to the shore of Yishui River, shooting with bows and arrows to force these ships back! The infantry speeded up the cutting of trees and crossed the river as soon as possible. , As long as you transport a soldier and horse to occupy Gong County, you can't go wrong!" Cao Cao twisted his beards, calmly and calmly, watching the small fleet in front of him quietly.

Guo Jia is right, and there is no official surnamed Lu in the officialdom of the state. This flag of Lu character is the new Taicang Order Cheng Lu Su Lu Zi respect. Lu Su, whose word is Zijing, was born in Dongcheng County, Linhuai County, Yangzhou. He was born in a gentry family, lost his father when he was young, and was raised by his grandmother. He has a burly appearance and outgoing personality. Therefore, I didn't stay a long way to Luoyang to study.

During the Luoyang rebellion, he stepped forward and said good things to the court and Mrs. Zhao Yi, and eventually led the Taixue colleagues to stay away from the rebellion. After Zhao Qian committed suicide and killed one hundred and sixty-eight aristocratic families, Mrs. Zhao Yi, Yan Yan, followed up on the previous achievements and rewarded those who have done meritorious services. The official Cao followed Lu Su's merits, believing that he stepped forward and saved hundreds of people from participating in the rebellion.

The memorabilia of the staff was quickly placed in front of Mrs. Zhao Yi's Yan Yan. Yan Yan frowned and thought for a while, and finally remembered. "Isn't this Lu Zijing the fat black scholar? He was born in the Jiangdong family, and he has made great achievements. He should be given a position of two or three hundred stones. In the future, Jiangdong will be pacified, and it is necessary to talk to the Jiangdong family. Maybe it will land on him."

At this time, Yan Yan and the remaining prestige who put down Luoyang's rebellion can be said to have kept their promises. Can Cao Yan dare to touch her? The edict soon came down, and Lu Su was awarded the Taicang Lingcheng. Taicang Lingcheng was the deputy of the Taicang Ling, one of the three major orders of Taicang, the Equalization Order, and the Commander's Order, with a rank of three hundred shi. For Lu Su, who has just entered his career, this starting point is already very high. It is important to know that after the students of Taixue have passed the examination after their study period, the appointment of officials is mostly based on the county lieutenant and waiting edict of 200 shi as the starting point.

Hearing that Brother Zijing was given a high-ranking official, former classmates came to congratulate him, but it was a pity that there was no one in Zijing's school. Everyone inquired carefully. It turned out that the front was tight. Brother Zijing was sent by the court to **** the army rations just after he took office. The destination was Guancheng Daying. These are ten advantages and disadvantages. Don't worry about it. There is a lot of oil and water allowance. After arriving at Guancheng Daying, if you are lucky, you can see Da Sima himself. It's just a little harder. Everyone had no choice but to sigh, and they dispersed.

What Lu Su was going to transport this time were five thousand soldiers, five thousand armoured warriors, one thousand god-arm bows, 800 god-arm crossbows, 1,000 swords, and 10,000 stones of grain. Great Sinong Zhao Qi took the time to meet him and really praised him. "Zi Jing, your performance in Luoyang's rebellion has already entered Madam Zhao Yi's eyes. This is a great help. As long as you are good at doing it, I will not spare you three to five years. The prefect is steady! Thinking of your first errand, I will assign you three thousand navy soldiers to **** you!"

Lu Su is an extremely clever person, and he understands it immediately. He has already been in Madam Zhao Yi's heart, and there are probably some compliments. Therefore, the great Sinong Zhao Qi met with him personally. Fortunately, he was perfunctory. It was nothing more than seeing his official talisman like a fire, and he wanted to have a set of friendships. Thinking of this, Lu Su talked with Zhao Qi respectfully and sincerely before he came out.

Lu Su stood on the top of the five-tooth ship with clairvoyance in his hand, and took a careful look before giving orders coldly. "Procedure! All ships quickly docked on the West Bank and transported all armor and food ashore. Five thousand soldiers immediately reorganized, put on armor, and distributed bow and arrow weapons. Three thousand naval forces isolated the river to prevent the enemy from crossing the river. At the same time, the Eagle Xinyanshi And Luoyang defenders."

After a while, hundreds of warships landed one by one, unloading food supplies, and five thousand recruits were on the shore with helmets and bows, and they were allotted weapons and bows. In less than a quarter of an hour, they formed a vigorous army. "Brothers! Opposite is Cao Mengde's army, which seems to be at least seventy to eighty thousand. Are you afraid?" Lu Su shouted with his sword, full of armor. "Not afraid!" Five thousand people shouted in unison.

"Just don't be afraid! We are separated from them by a river, and there is a fleet in hand, as long as they delay their crossing the river! As long as Yanshi City and Luoyang City are fully prepared, we can retreat. Casualties are inevitable. Yes, it is estimated that not too many people will die. As long as everyone obeys the order, they will be able to make feats and even seal their wives!" Lu Su said with a smile on his face.

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