New Story of Lv Bu

: : The sea crosses the sea and shows the heroic qualities

When recruits enter the battlefield, they are most afraid of death. Although they have undergone rigorous training, they are novices on the battlefield after all. According to the veterans, they are raw melon eggs. The veteran said that soldiers who have never seen blood are not real soldiers. Only after they have been on the battlefield a few times, killed people, and have seen blood, can they bury the fear in their hearts deeply.

Now Master Lu's words are clear and plain, isn't it just fighting by the river, and it's much easier to have the navy assisting in the battle. Besides, Master Lu said that it was only to delay the enemy's crossing the river, not to fight to death. If the momentum is not good, they can immediately retreat, which is right to their minds. This Master Lu understands our thoughts very well, and the five thousand recruits are relieved all at once.

As soon as the army's aspirations were available, Lu Su immediately stood on the shore and formed a formation. "Conscientiously drawing a bow and shooting an arrow is good, three steps forward!" Before Lu Su's words fell, more than a thousand people stood up immediately. "According to the army, rush to the bank to ambush and prepare something for ignition. Once you see the enemy crossing the river with a raft, you will launch a rocket to burn the raft. Just be careful. Shan'er, just go forward and pick up the bargain!" Lu Su waved his hand, and the thousands of people left.

"With a big waist and a round waist, he has great strength and a stout body!" This time one thousand and five hundred people came out. "You bring these thousand swords, put on heavy armor, and lie in ambush by the river. Once Cao Jun has landed on the bank, he rushed forward and drove them into the river while his footing was not stable." "No! "The 1,500 sturdy man promised, his right fist acted as a military salute, and he went valiantly.

For the remaining two thousand recruits, Lu Su also organized their own groups according to their talents. The sword and shield soldiers, spear soldiers, scouts, Hongling emergency envoys, and cooking soldiers were all arranged properly, even more than one thousand. The soldiers have also been assigned duties. At this moment, the military's spirit was immediately boosted, and all the big guys felt that this black fat adult had a lot of shame in his heart, and he was a great man.

Once everything is taken care of, Lu Su will ascend to a watchtower dozens of feet high and command the battle with the golden drum banner. At this moment, only a horse riding bell rang behind him, and more than a thousand arrived on a flying horse. It turned out that the county lieutenant of Gong County personally led his troops to arrive. This county lieutenant is more than forty years old, his temples are already pale, his arms are as strong as pillars, and he looks like a veteran who has experienced many battles.

The county lieutenant rolled over and got off his horse. After taking a look, he secretly raised his thumb in his heart. This young man handled it well. With this thought in mind, the county lieutenant immediately put away the original contemptuous heart, made a military salute with his right fist as his chest, and asked loudly. "The county lieutenant of Gongxian led eight hundred cavalrymen. I don't know which adult is leading the army? Please also give me your name so that the humble servant can see you."

In the official system of this dynasty, the county lieutenant is a class of two hundred stones, who is in charge of the military of a county. As soon as he heard this, Lu Su's heart suddenly had a bottom. At this moment, what he was most afraid of was an adult who didn't know how to pretend to be blind. A county lieutenant was only two hundred shi, and his 300-shi Taicang Lingcheng was completely able to eat and live, so he hurriedly stepped forward and paid a military salute.

The two exchanged greetings, and immediately discussed the situation in front of them. "Master Lu, there are as many as seven to eighty thousand Cao Jun on the opposite side. It seems that their target is Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty. We are really not enough for them to stuff their teeth. I don't know what the adults want? "The county lieutenant saluted, while peeking at Lu Su, he wanted to test the depth of this Master Lu. He is a veteran who has survived hundreds of battles, and he knows that to fight with friendly forces, he must first figure out the temperament of the opponent's general.

"Brother, it is precisely because they are going to attack Luoyang City, so they don't want to entangle with us. For Cao Mengde, it is the key to overcome all difficulties and reach Luoyang City as soon as possible. He hopes that we will let the road open and shrink to Gongxian City. Inside. My idea is to delay them as much as possible to cross the river. After crossing the river, you can hit them with a sap. As for what to do after the fight, it's very simple. Just hide in Gong County. Wait for Cao Jun. After the brigade, they used their fine knights to cut off their food passages and slaughtered their scouts. In short, as long as it only takes advantage and does not suffer a disadvantage, it can be done."

With a sincere smile on Lu Su's face, he folded his hands and said. Upon hearing this, the county lieutenant suddenly realized that he opened his mouth and pulled a sentence. "High! Really high! Although Sun Wu reincarnated, it is not as many as adults! Let me tell you, there are still 3,000 military horses in Gongxian City. Today, they are about to be sent to Guancheng Grand Operation, so I dare to detain them! Thousands of miles! Galloping, how can there be no horses?"

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! The two of them laughed together, and they didn't expect to meet such an interesting person today!

After half an hour passed, more than ten thousand Cao Jun pawns finally staggered out of the nearby dense forest. Dozens of them were in a team, carrying thick trees and branches on their shoulders. After arriving at the river, the heavy soldiers who had been waiting for a long time hurried forward, took the trees from them, tied them into rafts with twine, belts and even vines, and then slowly put them into the water.

At the end and the end of the raft, there were a few soldiers who knew the water and used long wooden poles to support the boat. After the raft was stabilized, thousands of crossbowmen swarmed up and boarded the hundreds of rafts that were first launched. After standing firmly on their heels, they spread their legs and tried to maintain their balance, then took a deep breath, opened their bows and set arrows, aimed at the Bingzhou navy who was traveling in the middle of the river, ready to launch at all times.

After a while, more than a thousand rafts were launched into the water. The rafts were densely packed with more than 10,000 Cao's foot soldiers. Except for the crossbowmen, everyone was sitting on the raft, holding the tree tightly with both hands, for fear of accidentally falling into the water. Looking at the entire river surface, thousands of sails crossed, and hundreds of boats fought for the current, densely packed, blocking the river surface five or six miles wide firmly.

"Passing the order! Bingzhou navy army, attack!" Standing on the watchtower dozens of feet high, Lu Su slowly lowered his clairvoyance, swiped his right hand downward, and gave the order. There was a sound of golden drums, and the pro-army in charge of communications relayed his order. boom! Whoosh whoosh?????? Whoosh whoosh?????? The catapult and bed crossbow on the three five-tooth ships began to roar.

Three billowing slings shot out, smashed heavily on the three rafts, and immediately overturned the three rafts. Sawdust flew horizontally, crushed pieces of wood were everywhere, and the hundreds of crossbowmen on the raft sank into the river like dumplings. Those Cao Jun infantrymen who could swim quickly put aside the weapon rattan tiles in their hands, held their breath and tried their best to show their heads out of the water. Those who can't swim will be miserable. They gobbled up their stomachs, then sank heavily to the bottom of the river and became a delicious meal for the shrimp soldiers and crabs.

Accompanied by the earth-shaking thunderbolt, the bed crossbow on the bow of the five-tooth ship also let out an angry roar. After the improvement of Gong Cao Zhuan, the crossbow of the bureau was mounted on a disk made of hardwood. The lower end of the disk was a roller made of hardwood. The roller was coated with oil. As a result, the crossbow You can shoot 360 degrees without dead ends. The Bianzhou naval forces manipulating the bed crossbow were sweating on their faces and bodies, and they were divided into three sets according to the high-pitched and agitation orders of the dub and the chiefs, and they were continuously wounded and fired.

"Arrow!" Seeing that the Bingzhou Army's offensive was so fierce, Cao Jun's army chiefs suddenly couldn't help it, and they couldn't be beaten in vain. Their right hand jerked down and gave orders coldly. Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh! The bowstrings rang just for a while. On hundreds of rafts, Cao Jun's thousands of crossbowmen unfurled their bows and arrows, aimed at the Bingzhou Navy, and began to fight back. It's a pity that the five-tooth ship of the Binzhou Navy was too high, and Cao Jun shot up again, and most of his arrows fell in the river.

However, after all, there were only three five-tooth ships, but Cao Jun had more than a thousand rafts. Although the rafts were repeatedly hit by slings and torn apart, the vast majority of them were not hit. Cao Jun on the raft shouted chants and desperately paddling the water with the branches in his hands. Their eyes were full of enthusiasm. Only by rowing hard and getting ashore as soon as possible can they escape as soon as possible.

The main force of this naval battle is still the eight turtle ships, whose bodies are like turtles with iron skins on their backs, relying on flywheels to move fast and fast. Whether there is wind or no wind, rain or not, you can fight. The commendable thing is that it can be turned in an instant. The eight tortoise boats riveted enough, rushing from left to right in the water of Iraq, moving forward and backward, swiftly flying, and knocked over a hundred rafts in a flash. In addition, in the gap between the turtle's back and abdomen, a sharp shooter used rockets to pump cold shots, using all kerosene. If the water is not sinking, it cannot be extinguished if the water is not sinking. Cao Jun suffered a great loss if the raft did not sink and the fire did not go out if the rocket was hit.

Cao Cao was on the high hills on the east bank of Yishui River, quietly observing the battle of crossing the river in front of him. "Hey! This General Lu command is determined, and his tactics are extremely flexible. It is completely based on his strengths to hit my shortcomings, and it is a shot! This person must be a wizard of water warfare, and he must be captured alive! If this person is It can be used by me, and given time, I will be able to train into a navy that can cross the world!"

How did Cao Mengde know that this General Lu was still a scholar among the scholars half a month ago! It was only because of Mrs. Zhaoyi's benevolence that she was promoted to Taicang Lingcheng of 300 shi. On the way to **** the military rations, it was a combination of events that caught up with this battle that shocked the world. Alas! The wonder of God's creation can be seen from this, the sea is flowing, and the true nature of a hero is shown.

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