New Story of Lv Bu

: : A bitter battle for Yishui landing

"Lord, it’s too time-consuming to go on like this. You should immediately order to surround the tortoise boat of the Bingzhou Water Army with crossbowmen, and throw the ropes and ladders with your pawns to climb on the five-tooth ship. The rest of the troops bypass the Bingzhou Water The army, cross the river quickly, as long as thousands of people board the opposite bank, and the state navy army will slowly retreat when seeing that the general situation is gone. If we have too many people, we should bully them for fewer people!"

Guo Jiazong immediately stepped forward, bowed his hand to Cao Cao, and said loudly. At this moment, he already fully understood. No matter how unrestrained and vigorous he was when he was in Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty in the past, or how painful and sad, all this has passed. Since he chose Cao Mengde as his lord, there is no turning back, he has no choice but not to look back.

Since Emperor Wu's "deposing of a hundred schools of Confucianism", the scholars of this dynasty have specialized in Confucianism. Therefore, Su Wu has been herding sheep in the North Sea for nineteen years and won the first Qing name. The difference in Li Ling's thoughts prevented his descendants from returning to their hometowns. Da Sima treated him Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao very generously, but he left without saying goodbye. As soon as he turned around, he voted for Cao Cao Cao Mengde. If he leaves Cao Mengde and transfers to another place, no one in the world will dare to take him in.

Only today’s plan had to take advantage of Cao Mengde’s eagerness to capture Luoyang City and make suggestions for him, and when he was done, his position in the Cao army was established. In Cao Cao’s army, ministers are like clouds, military generals are like rain, among the ministers, Xi Zhicai and Xun Yu are the leaders, and the rest are Cheng Yu, Liu Ye, Man Chong, Lu Qian, Mao Jie, and others. Yan Zhi. So many pairs of eyes are staring at him Guo Fengxiao, wanting to see how capable he is, whether he can help exile, recognize the talents with insight, admonish and rejuvenate the country, or be able to strategize and win thousands of miles away? Therefore, in this battle, you can't lose but you can only win, and it has to be a big victory!

"Hey! Feng Xiao said it well! In the midst of strategizing, and winning thousands of miles away, I might as well Feng Xiao!" Cao Cao slapped his thigh, his face full of ecstasy. "What are you doing in a daze? Didn't you hear what Guo Junshi said? Why don't you go down and pass the order?" Cao Cao couldn't help getting furious as he watched the soldiers on the left and right did not act. He stared and shouted. "No!" left and right hurriedly promised. Obediently, this military teacher is not easy to sacrifice wine. Only when the military master is present, the lord will listen to this and trust.

To tell the truth, Cao Jun's military discipline and discipline are still excellent, and he is able to enforce orders and prohibitions. Cao Cao's command, accompanied by the sound of drums of war, Cao Jun above the river immediately surrounded the five-toothed ship and turtle ship of the Bingzhou navy in the tide. Each tortoise ship’s front, rear, left and right are full of more than ten rafts. The Cao Jun bow and crossbowmen on the rafts open their bows and shoot their arrows along the narrow gaps into the tortoise ships. The dense rain of arrows is like The migratory locusts are common and come to cover the sky.

In an instant, the Bingzhou navy in the turtle ship couldn't stand it. Fighting for supremacy on the water relies on the cooperation of large and small ships. In previous water battles, battleships, long dragons, and sampans were often placed in the mother ship to deal with enemy ships. Now it's good, I have only eleven ships at full capacity, but I have to deal with thousands of rafts. With only a creak, eight turtle boats lowered the turtle's back, closed the gap firmly, and then rushed all the way, rushed out of the bamboo raft, and raised the trebuchet on the turtle's back.

Seeing the turtle boats of the Bingzhou navy fleeing, Cao Jun suddenly cheered and thundered. Hundreds of bamboo rafts chased after them and continued to fight with the eight turtle boats. On the other side, under the cover of crossbowmen, Cao Jun’s sword players threw out the ropes and hooked the sides of the three five-tooth ships with iron claws. Dozens of people worked hard together and climbed upwards. . Looking around, atop the three five-tooth ships, each of the Ore drooped down, and it seemed that there were as many as hundreds of people. The army leader who led the team finally paled in shock, and quickly ordered the battle group to be killed, first to wipe out the Cao Jun footmen who were attached to the ship. If they are allowed to climb onto the boat, then everything will be over!

The eleven warships of the Binzhou Navy finally disappeared in the distance, using catapults and bed crossbows to deal with the bamboo rafts of Cao Jun who were fighting with them. The river surface, five or six miles wide, finally became the world of Cao Jun's bamboo raft. "The lord is mighty!" "The Yanzhou army is mighty!" "Cross the river and go straight to Luoyang City!" With the deafening cheers, Cao Jun's cavalry mounted the bamboo raft.

Lu Su stood on the watchtower with clairvoyance in his hand, watching the battle closely. At this moment, he knew well that as long as the Binzhou navy could no longer block the river, this river crossing battle would probably be over. At this moment, only a sound of earth-shaking horses hooves came, and the east gate of Gongxian city opened. More than a hundred cavalrymen drove thousands of horses with full saddles and bridles.

"Passing orders! Step up the transportation of grain, grass, and all the young people in Gongxian County to come out! Looking at this posture, we can hold on at most for an hour." Lu Su put down his clairvoyance, sighed, and walked down the lookout. We are about to meet in hand, if we stay above this watchtower again, I am afraid I will be a captive of Cao Mengde. Thirty-six plans are the best plan, so it's time to play.

The surface of the river, which is five or six li wide, is covered with branches and wooden blocks. Between the branches and wooden blocks, there are Cao Jun's cowhide armor, flags and rattan plates floating, and threads of blood dye the entire river red. Amidst the roar of the Bingzhou navy catapult, Cao Jun's raft was continuously smashed into pieces, and the fallen Cao Jun's footmen roared loudly, vying for branches.

On the wide river, there are densely densely packed rafts of Cao Jun everywhere, covering the sky and the sun, with as many as thousands.

Lu Sufei got on his horse and came to the river. The transport ship that had already unloaded the cargo was sailing and rushing to the southwest. They had to avoid the Cao Jun in front of them before they decided to stop. "Has the cargo been unloaded? How much is there?" Lu Su asked loudly. "My lord, the unloading is over, there are only two boats of raw beans left, probably more than a hundred stones." The leader of the navy who was in charge of the transportation replied respectfully. "Making beans?" Lu Su blinked, and suddenly had a whimsical idea. "Hurry up and unload to the shore, you lead the team and go immediately, stay away first." After comforting him, Lu Su turned his head. "Don't transport this hundred stone beans to the city of Gongxian. They are of great use to me. Along this area, put a bag every ten steps and wait for my order."

Looking along his fingers, it was an open land, about seven or eight miles long and two or three miles wide. The ground was hard. "No!" The tutor blinked, not understanding what Master Lu meant. "Come here with your ears!" Lu Su put his mouth close to his ears and said a few words. The ton of Zhang suddenly smiled, lit his schoolbag crossbowman, and went away in a hurry.

Cao Jun’s raft was finally able to dock. At first, there were one and two, then ten and eight. In the end, there were more than a hundred. After a while, there were more than two thousand troops on the west bank of the Yishui River. "Follow me!" Li Dian roared, shaking the spear in his hand, and rushing with more than two thousand people like a river bank. Ever since Da Sima occupied Sili, he began to build Chengchiwubao, build water conservancy projects, and straighten roads. On both sides of the Yishui River, there are steep and tall embankments, which are three feet high and three feet wide.

The two thousand Caojun footmen shouted, raised their swords and spears, and rushed towards a river bank. Kankan had just climbed halfway, only to hear a clapper sound, and ten thousand arrows shot from the embankment, shooting at more than two thousand Cao Jun. These thousand-odd crossbowmen, all holding the god-arm bow and god-arm crossbow in their hands, were so powerful that in an instant, Cao Jun fell more than half. The other half yelled, and immediately turned back all together, smearing the soles of their feet and ran away. There is only one Li Dian, Li Mancheng, who is at a loss. How come everyone is gone after a shower of arrows? The soldiers on the left and right yelled a bad cry, and hurriedly stepped forward, dragging him down.

"His grandma is a bear! Are you just such a waste? Not as good as a girl!" General Li, who had just escaped from the danger, finally came back to his senses, and cursed a bunch of Cao Jun. Li Dian was so angry that he was full of foul language and greeted Cao Jun's parents and wives directly, expressing his desire or desire to have some indescribable relationship with them.

Finally enough scolding, look at the Cao Jun assembled on the shore with another four to five thousand, Li Dian just waved his hand. "Offensive! Knife player in front! Spear player in the center, bow and crossbow player in the line!" In view of the profound lessons that touched the soul the previous time, General Li wisely did not say "Follow me!" It turns out that General Li is strategizing. Winning a thousand miles is at least prescient.

This time the attack went smoothly unexpectedly. There was no oozing clapper sound, nor the muffled sound of the bow of the **** arm shooting into the bone, and the thousands of people in the front finally boarded the river embankment. In ecstasy, they roared, and they were about to rush forward. At this moment, only a loud roar was heard, and more than a thousand sharp swords came towards him, slashing them in half from head to toe.

"Fall arrows!" Bingzhou Army's god-arm crossbow shot again, overwhelming the sky, shaking the sky and covering the sun??????

Naturally, this time the offense failed again. Li Dian once again uttered foul language, and after another big curse, Cao Jun's third offensive began. This time, a total of 9,000 foot soldiers participated in the offensive. This time Cao Jun learned well, and first sent out crossbowmen, and after several indiscriminate attacks on the embankment, Cao Jun's footmen tremblingly boarded the embankment.

"No one! There really is no one this time!" Cao Jun was surprised to find that there was already no one on the embankment.

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