New Story of Lv Bu

: : This sap is too cruel

And the state army retreated? There is no one on the embankment? The Cao Jun steppers opened their eyes wide and looked at each other, all staring at each other. In all fairness, judging from the combat power shown by the Union State Army just now, they can definitely keep an hour or half an hour. However, they retreated unexpectedly. If something went wrong, it would be a demon. For a while, everyone was at a loss.

"Go away! Go away! Go away! Didn't you see that this is General Li?" Li Dian's soldiers unceremoniously pushed aside the crowd and opened a narrow road for Li Dian. Li Dian, armed with a saber and carrying a spear in his hand, walked over in a stride. He did not ride a horse. His horse was led by the soldiers behind him. At this time, he was riding a horse, and he was a complete fool.

Cao Jun's cavalry had not yet landed, and among ten thousand foot soldiers, a general on horseback suddenly appeared, and that would become the target of the Bingzhou Army. If there is the one who doesn't open his eyes, use a bed crossbow with a very long range to hit him with an arrow, and General Li's life will be completely ruined. Li Dian followed Cao Yanzhou for several years and was a veteran after a hundred battles. He knew very well that he had to protect himself before he could destroy the enemy.

Li Dian came to the river embankment, and under the cover of willow trees everywhere, he set up a pergola and looked into the distance. There is an open land in front of me, seven or eight miles long and two or three miles wide. The ground is hard, seemingly hard loess. Behind the open ground is a dense forest, green and dripping. In the winter breeze, the branches swayed, like a graceful dancing girl, looking very beautiful.

On the north and south sides of the open land, there are rocky beaches full of rocks. The edges and corners of the rocks are very sharp. Cao Jun’s straw sandals stepped on it and accidentally injured his ankles and soles. Looking at this posture, this seven or eight-mile-long open land is the best place to march, at least much stronger than the rocky beaches on the north and south sides. It's just that this open land narrowed as it went west, and in the end there was only more than two miles left, winding its way through an undulating hill. Where the hills are, there are densely dense woods, dripping green.

"Above that hillock, there are almost out of all the crossbowmen of the Union State Army! It's a pity that the cavalry hasn't landed yet, so they can't come forward to find out." Li Dian reached out and pointed at the hillock that was two miles long. , Said loudly. "Well, the sword player is in front, the spear player is in the back, and the crossbowman is in the back. The whole army presses on, and forms a circular formation when encountering an attack. After protecting yourself, you can charge up!"

General Li's order immediately won a burst of cheers. Cao Jun's military discipline and training are excellent. They are not afraid of death, they are afraid of dying unexplainedly. Just like a genius, there was a burst of arrows in a while, and a sharp sword in the other, conspiracies and tricks emerged one after another. Where is this **** fighting? This is playing tricks! Something comes out, and fight it with real swords and guns!

"Go forward!" Putting aside the anger of Cao Jun's pawns, Li Dian waved his right hand and gave the command loudly. Cao Jun's infantrymen each raised their swords and guns and strode forward. This time they learned well and set up the battle according to the tactical code. Knife player, spear player, crossbow player, scout. The heavy soldiers perform their duties, so that even if they are combined with the state army to play any conspiracy and tricks, they will still have a room for toss and turns. The nine thousand pawns held their breath and walked very slowly. Once they were attacked, they would immediately stand by.

On the west bank of the Yishui River, a large number of Cao's infantrymen were landing. Hundreds of rafts blocked the seven-to-eight-mile-long river bank, so that later rafts could not get to the shore. Amid the high-pitched commands of the officers, the pawns jumped off the raft and struggling forward in the knee-deep river. Behind them, Cao Jun's cavalry had already boarded the raft, mighty, and began to march towards the west bank of Yishui River.

In the distance, three five-tooth ships and eight turtle ships were still fighting hundreds of Cao Jun rafts. The trebuchets of the Bingzhou navy made earth-shaking thunderbolts, and the round slings fell from the sky and landed exactly on Cao Jun’s rafts. The rafts were sunk by the slings one after another. Cao Jun’s crossbowmen snapped into the water. A dozen rafts stepped forward to rescue them, but they were hit by a catapult. The river was covered with cracked wood, and the crossbowmen clung to the wood. , Floating and sinking in the river.

More than nine thousand Cao Jun held his breath, raised his legs high, stepped lightly, and moved forward slowly. After a quarter of an hour, there was only a mile from the hill. Many mountains in this area are all uphill. Fortunately, the **** is relatively gentle and it is not very laborious to walk. Cao Jun's infantryman who was walking in the front took a look and saw that there was no problem at all. Seeing that it was only two hundred steps away from Gao Gang, this extremely depressing atmosphere became heavier and heavier, and it was so heavy that someone could not hold it anymore. "His grandma is a bear! His head has dropped a big scar!"

A rugged officer with a big waist and big waist yelled: "Follow me! Charge up! It depends on whether you live or die!" He waved his spear and rushed out like a galloping horse. . "Rush up!" "The time for meritorious service has arrived!" Cao Jun's nerves were already very tight. When someone was taking the lead, everyone immediately went crazy, each shouting with swords and guns and rushed up.

Everyone rushed towards Gaogang, but there was no movement above Gaogang. This piece of high hills is not too high, but it is very long, winding and winding seven or eight miles long. More than nine thousand Cao army pawns, densely packed, filled with mountains and plains, opened the rows of faces, and they were five or six miles long. Hearing that there was no response from Gaogang, Cao Jun's pawns were immediately ecstatic, hummingly! The feelings that the state army has retreated? Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, he rushed forward, beheaded the flag, and sealed his wife's shadow as a serious child.

After a while, the front Cao Jun stepper was only twenty or thirty steps away from Gaogang. Looking at this posture, Li Dian, who supervised the battle behind, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the state army was really gone! Just as Li Dian wiped off the sweat on his head and face with his sleeves, he heard a cry from Gaogang: "Move!" Suddenly hundreds of Bianzhou soldiers emerged from Gaogang, everyone holding their pockets down. One down!

The small pockets were filled with raw beans, fell to the ground, and immediately rolled up on the hard ground, and poured down the gentle hillside. The Cao Jun steppers who were struggling to climb immediately could no longer stand, and immediately fell over a large area. The one in the front fell, and the one in the back didn't know why, and was still struggling to climb up. The crowd immediately collapsed.

Under the gentle slope, there were many Cao Jun foot soldiers everywhere. This fall caused the Cao Jun's infantrymen to fall apart, the weapons in their hands were gone, the copper helmets on their heads were gone, and even the armor on their bodies was skewed. What's more troublesome is that the one in the front fell down, the one in the back was climbing up, smashing one by one, and a large area of ​​the hillside became a ground gourd.

"Arrows! Use god-arm crossbows, rockets!" Lu Su roared, and the first to move the machine, ten iron arrows shot out immediately. Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh! In an instant, thousands of arrows came with flames, shaking the sky and covering the sun. Cao Jun's pawns were so dizzy and confused, they didn't distinguish between east and west, and wherever they could dodge rockets, they immediately suffered a great loss.

The Bingzhou Army’s rockets were fired quickly and in a hurry, and they all carried flames. Once they were shot, the cowhide armor and clothes on Cao Jun’s body immediately wore. "Zhang Dun! The sword and shield soldiers stepped forward to cover, and the rear team rushed to heal the injured!" Li Dian had just lost half of his chin and immediately restored his original merits. He yelled loudly in front of his fingers. Already being mad!

Cao Jun's military discipline and training are excellent, Li Dian gave an order, and thousands of rattan players moved forward, holding up huge rattan cards to stand in front. The infantry from behind rushed forward, one by one desperately beating the fire on the arrowman. Put out one, regardless of life or death, push down the gentle slope. But there were too many people on fire, and the rear army couldn't come up in a hurry. Just as everyone was jumping anxiously, Li Dian yelled again. "Push them directly down the slope! The doctors are treating them down the slope!"

Everyone just woke up like a dream, and hurriedly followed the orders, this time it finally went smoothly. However, one side had just pressed the gourd, and the other side started again. The knife player's rattan card was hit by a few rockets, which were already crackling and burning. In desperation, the knife players had to toss the rattan card, drew the ring-head knife from their waist, danced into a ball, and dialed the arrow that was rushing.

Below the seven or eight-li-long high hills and above the gentle slope, layer upon layer, the corpses of Cao Jun's infantry were everywhere. Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh! The arrows of the Binzhou Army were fast and urgent, shaking the sky and obscuring the sun, one piece after another. Cao Jun's footmen tried their best to resist, and people continued to fall. Thousands of people fell in just a few hundred breaths of time. These Cao Jun struck a few arrows in his footsteps, and seeing that they were no longer alive, they roared, their bodies weakened, and then they fell to the ground so hard with a puff. A piece of yellow dust splashed.

Woo?????? At this moment, only a trumpet sounded, the Cao Jun cavalry who had just landed, able to rectify the formation, finally came in a hurry. "Get on the horse! What a fuck!" Lu Su finished a sword flower in his right hand, inserted the sword into the sheath, then turned on his horse, flicked the rein, and galloped towards Gong County. This battle was really **** heartily!

"After returning to the city, I immediately sent out an eagle letter, explaining that the battle had gone through. I wrote enough of the merits of the county lieutenant and the navy, and the sedan chair carried people. This battle cost at least Cao Mengde more than 10,000 pawns. It's not a minor injury. After suffering this sap, Cao Mengde can only station soldiers under Yanshi City tonight! I want to attack, there is no way!" Lu Su said loudly, his face full of joy.

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