New Story of Lv Bu

: : Inside and outside together to take Luoyang City

Among the princes of this dynasty, only the Lv Bujun family possessed the ability of instant communication, and they used the combination of Yingxin and Hongling's emergency messenger. All urgent and important communications use eagle letters, and the eagle falcons used for communication come from the Wanli Xianbei Grassland. Non-urgent and relatively insignificant communications are delivered by war horses and Hongling emergency messengers who are good at driving thousands of miles.

Among the Kanto princes, Cao Mengde was the first to realize the importance of communication. He took the lead in establishing the eagle letter system, but he could not find so many well-trained eagle falcons, so he had to replace it with a large number of homing pigeons. In this way, although Cao Jun's communication system is much faster, it has greatly increased instability. Homing pigeons are often eaten by beasts such as eagles and falcons. Lu Bujun had encountered this problem before, and because of this, he had to switch to Eagle Falcon. This was a **** lesson.

As for Yuan Benchu ​​and Yuan Gongdao, their communications are still at the level of Hong Ling's urgent need. Regarding the communications reform done by Cao Mengde, the two descendants of the Yuan family are rarely in agreement. "Communication with pigeons? It's a bad idea for him! Cao Mengde can't figure it out! Before the pigeons walked halfway, they became **** food in the mouths of falcon hunters!" Yuan Gonglu drank some wine while loudly expressing what he said to Cao Mengde. dissatisfied. This grandson of the elders does not have a proper way of doing unreliable things every day!

Because of these mixed reasons, the communication between the Kwantung coalition forces has always been a big problem. After thinking about it, the princes finally reached an agreement that at an important moment of a great war, everyone should maintain communication. But when is the important moment? The princes can only realize it by themselves. Here, they need to make full use of free evidence. The so-called free evaluation, theoretically, free evaluation requires the judge to choose evidence based on his inner conscience and reason.

In Yuan Gonglu's view, he defeated Hou Cheng and captured Yingyin, which is the important moment. At this moment, he was disgraced by the silver fox ghost army, losing his troops and losing his generals. Naturally, it was not an important moment. Among the Yuan family of the fourth generation and the third master, Yuan Gonglu is the one who has the most face. "Press the battle report for a day or two, wait until I have captured Yingyin City, and then send it to the brother of the maidservant girl, and the grandson Cao Mengde, the maidservant!" Blind arrogance creates extreme self-esteem, any He Yuan Gonglu wouldn't do anything that would damage his image. What's more, now he has lost 70,000 soldiers and soldiers? Isn't this just handing in jokes to make others laugh?

Compared with the arrogant Yuan Gonglu, Cao Mengde looks upright and upright, looking like a full-fledged hero. After the entire army had crossed the Yishui River, he sent Hongling emergency envoys to Yuan Gonglu and Yuan Benchu. There was no way. There were no carrier pigeons in these two camps, so they had to send people to ride horses for thousands of miles to deliver letters. "Our army has already crossed the Yishui River, and stationed troops under Yanshi City. Tomorrow morning, we will immediately attack Yanshi. General Wang and General Chaqi traveled quickly westward and joined us to attack Luoyang. The rise and fall of the world will do this in one fell swoop!"

Cao Mengde also wanted face, his personal letter only clarified the result of the war in Yishui, but did not explain the fact that he lost more than 10,000 soldiers. In his opinion, he had already sealed off all sides of Yanshi City with cavalry, and he would lead his team to Luoyang City tomorrow morning. As for Yanshi City, he had been prepared to abandon it a long time ago. What I want is Luoyang City, not Yanshi!

"My lord, in my opinion, after an hour of rest, he immediately led the troops westward, bypassed Yanshi, and rushed towards Luoyang City. Only in this way can Luoyang City become chaotic and panic." Guo Jia hesitated for a moment. , Finally decided to speak up, but he urged Cao Mengde to implement this trick to encircle Wei and save Zhao. In case there was a mistake, the black pot would be his mother's back.

"How did this happen? One day and one night, we stayed up and down, bypassing Xingyang and Chenggao from Jixian County, racing all the way to the foot of Yanshi City, and ran a full four to five hundred miles away! If we don't let the brothers rest tonight Let’s have a good meal. Even if they can rush to Luoyang City, they will all become soft-footed shrimps. Needless to say, they are fighting, but the weapons are too damnable to hold!"

Before Guo Jia's words were over, Cao Hong shook his head on the side. Cao Hong’s character Zilian is Cao Cao’s family brother. He is brave in combat and has extremely strong combat power. When the heroes fought against Dong, they saved Cao Cao’s life during the Xingyang battle. It's just that he is greedy, has a fiery temper, and has a bad temper. He has offended a lot of people. He is extremely poor among Cao Jun. He has long seen Guo Jia displease his eyes, his grandmother is a bear! This little white face, as soon as he arrives in the army, he will push the boss Cao to do this and that, as if your **** boss is the boss?

"General Cao, even our army can't even think of it, let alone the Union State Army? They don't even think that our army will suddenly appear under Luoyang City. Yanshi is only 30 miles away from Luoyang City, and Qingqi can be there in half an hour, even if the whole army can't suppress it. It’s good to send 10,000 to 20,000 light knights for a sneak attack! Wouldn’t it save a lot of things if it could be done with one drum?” Guo Jia handed over and said slowly.

Cao Cao, with his hands on his back, walked slowly in the military tent. This was his habit, and he would do this when he encountered something difficult to choose. Seeing what Cao Cao looked like, everyone immediately shut their mouths consciously. The Lord's justice is in the long exam. How can you wait for noise? The atmosphere in the Great Tent of the Chinese Army immediately became dull and suppressed, and the slight sound of breathing rose and fell.

After a full quarter of an hour, Cao Cao finally stopped. He sat down slowly and slapped his right hand. "An hour later, I led 50,000 paces to Luoyang, Feng Xiao, you go with me! The order, sent scouts, scouts and scouts into Luoyang city to contact, when our army rushed to Luoyang city, seize The gate, lead our army into the city! One hundred thousand in a hurry!"

After making up his mind, Cao Cao looked back at Cao Hong. "Zilian, I will leave you with three thousand cavalry and 12,000 infantry. You will keep a close watch on the Bingzhou Army in Yanshi City! Tomorrow morning, if they do not leave the city to fight, you will immediately lead the army to West, join me, and then join forces to attack Luoyang City. At this moment, Lu Fengxian's elite are fighting fiercely in Zhongmu and Yuan Benchu. The defenders in Luoyang City are probably newly recruited county soldiers. Compared with the elites of the Beiwei Army, the county The soldier is the native chicken and wagul!"

"No!" Cao Hong replied loudly. Boss Cao's handling was in his arms, and he finally got a good night's sleep! After traveling thousands of miles, the most pleasant thing is to drink a few glasses of wine and sleep comfortably. "Zilian, Lu Feng uses soldiers first. He likes night raids and ruining people's rations the most. Tonight, I guess he will try his tricks again. You have to keep an eye on it! If you drink and misbehave and cause damage to soldiers and generals, don’t blame me for cutting them down. The head of your item!" Cao Cao gave Cao Hong a deep look, and said calmly. To be honest, he is not willing to let Cao Hong lead the army, but the military power must always be in his own hands, right?

"Oh! I can finally drink a few small wines comfortably!" After sending away Boss Cao and the generals, Cao Hong returned to the army's big tent and sat down on the couch. The small army who was waiting on the left and right hurriedly stepped forward, serving him to take off his heavy armor, **** his clothes, and wipe him a lot. When he had washed his feet, he changed into clean clothes and the food and drinks arrived.

The wine is sweet and vigorous Zhao wine, and the dish is two lamb legs, a roast goose, plus a pork shoulder, accompanied by freshly steamed corn rice, and Cao Hong's appetite is instantly appetizing. Cao Hong is a carnivorous animal. He doesn't enjoy every meal without meat. According to his words, "War is the most laborious task. How to fight without meat?". "Good meal!" Cao Hong exclaimed loudly. He took the roast goose casually, tore it open, and the soup dripped into his mouth. After eating a few mouthfuls of roast goose, and pouring a few glasses of Zhao wine, Cao Hong suddenly became a little drunk.

"Passing! Send a scout, I want to know the wind and grass within a hundred miles! Also, double the sentry tonight. Send people to keep an eye on the Bingzhou Army in Yanshi City. Once you find that the Bingzhou Army is out of the city, report it immediately! "After all, Cao Hong is a fierce general who has experienced hundreds of battles. He is very familiar with marching formations and dealing with city defense, and he has dealt with defense in detail at the moment.

It is estimated that there are not many Bianzhou troops in Yanshi City. If there are too many, they would have come out to fight. Boss Cao’s 70,000 troops have all hit the door of the house, and then they are huddled in Yanshi City. Are you afraid that Lu Feng will settle your account first and chop your head? Cao Hong is actually not stupid, but at some point, greed and desire dominate all of his mind. Cao Zilian still has an extraordinary military vision. In his opinion, as long as the Union State Army in Yanshi City does not go to war, it is proving that their strength is weak.

As long as he is not a fool, anyone can tell that Boss Cao rushed forward with the goal of conquering Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty. Yanshi, as the last gateway to Luoyang City, naturally has to take his own responsibility, that is, the whole army is dispatched to punch Boss Cao in the asshole! Even if the entire army is dead, they will have to hold down the 70,000 Cao army and give Luoyang City time to prepare for war.

Cao Hong’s small drink, he drank for an hour, looking at the messy case table in front of him, and the jar of Zhao wine with the bottom upside down, General Cao stroked his full belly with both hands, in a leisurely manner. There was a full hiccup. "Good food! Good wine!" Before he finished his words, he felt a burst of sleepiness, and the limbs were full of tiredness, the kind of tiredness that went to the bones.

Hulu?????? Hulu?????? Cao Hong leaned back and immediately fell asleep.

With the snoring sound, the sky gradually darkened, the sun sank to the west, and the night enveloped the vast land.

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