New Story of Lv Bu

: : Guo Fengxiao is in danger and stays safe

In the wide street that stretched several miles to the east of Canglong Gate in Nangong and west of Huamen Gate, large expanses of flames ignited. Cao Jun’s 20,000 cavalrymen struggled uncontrollably in the raging flames. And resurrection, such as three. The screams of the war horses and the screams of the cavalrymen Cao Jun resounded over Luoyang City, shadowing pupils, as if they were in hell.

According to Mrs. Zhaoyi Yan Yan's measures, the long and wide streets are covered with kerosene, vegetable oil, masonry rubble, studs and raw beans. Half of these things are arranged long ago, and half are arranged. It was thrown by the defenders on both sides just now. Kerosene is used for ignition, **** oil is used to make war horses slip, such a scene is simply a nightmare for cavalry and Shura cemetery.

A small number of war horses folded their legs and wailed miserably in the raging fire. Most of the war horses rowed across the oil stains, trying to keep themselves away from the flames. Cao Jun's cavalry also stumbled along the wide street, getting up, falling, getting up, and falling again, until they no longer had the strength to get up, and opened their eyes full of fear, waiting for the fire to come.

"Take off the armor, clothes, pad on the ground, and pave a way!" One-eyed general Xiahou Dun was the first to react. He was the first to tore off his sleeves and threw it on the ground. A small fireball was extinguished. Seeing that General Xiahou's trick worked, the cavalry cavalry on his left and right immediately followed suit. They took off their armor and clothes and began to beat the tiny flames. There are many people and great power, and within dozens of breaths of time, a few small roads have appeared on the wide long streets.

"Follow these trails and rush out of the city!" Xia Houyuan roared loudly. He was only left with a pair of trousers and a pair of shoes. His hair and beard were scorched by the fire, and his face was black and white. , Like a little ghost in the temple. Whenever in a dangerous situation, even the bravest warrior will make getting out of danger as the first priority, as for other things.

Cao Jun, who was able to survive the raging fire, was a top-notch man, and when he saw this situation, he immediately enlightened him. With their small bucklers, leather armor, clothes, and even the corpses of war horses and rubble everywhere, they quickly rushed into the small roads, bypassing the raging fires, raising their legs, stepping lightly, and gingerly towards the waste. The door quickly escaped.

They wanted to run, but the defenders in Luoyang City did not agree. The catapult and crossbow that had been waiting for a long time started work immediately. Whoosh?????? Boom?????? Hundreds of round slings jumped into the air, accompanied by the huge roar of the bed crossbow, fell heavily on the long street, and immediately drove out one by one. The huge blood alley, dripping with blood, corpses all over the field.

Thousands of bed crossbows let out a roar, and the huge arrows fell toward Cao Jun like raindrops. Arrows screamed from all directions, and the Cao Jun cavalry who was escaping quickly was immediately pierced. The speed of the huge arrow did not decrease, passing through the front and back of Cao Jun one after another, piercing them into a string of candied haws. The Cao Jun cavalry above the arrow waved their hands in vain, instinctively trying to grab something, even a feather. After a while, they finally lost consciousness, their heads tilted, their hands softened, and their souls disappeared.

The whole Luoyang city is filled with a strange fragrance, like a barbecue, but more ecstasy than a barbecue, like a roasted goose, but more sensual than a roasted goose. The people of Luoyang all over the city moved their noses, looking for the source of the fragrance. "Oh! Is it the Taoist temple in Chengdong? It smells so fragrant?" An eleven or twelve-year-old child asked with ecstasy, eating meat is a big joy!

"Don your mother! Just after the famine, the Taoists in the Taoist temple are thrifty. Where can there be meat? They don't have any meat to eat, and they will give it to you? Let's dream of your grand dream!" The father beat him on the back lightly. "Chengdong is burning Cao Jun, what you smell is his **** human flesh!" Wow?????? The child rushed into the corner and vomited.

Most of Cao Jun’s horses have been burned to death, shot to death, smashed to death, stacked in various positions in the raging fire, making a crackling sound, being burned into piles of black charcoal. s things. The remaining thousands of Cao Jun, under the leadership of Xiahoudun, Xiahouyuan, and Li Dian, rushed towards Lianmen, where they were their last hope of escape.

"Lord!", "Lord!" Cao Mengde woke up slowly and opened his eyes with difficulty. At this moment, he felt like his whole body was pinched off by a giant hand, and his whole body was in pain. What's more troublesome is that there is a wave of desolation and depression in his heart, like a traveler who has been wandering for a long time, exhausted and exhausted, and he never wants to struggle anymore. "Oh??????" Cao Cao struggled to stand up, and under the protection of several sword players, he looked around.

Consumption Gate was close to the side of Wengcheng, and was tightly locked by a huge iron gate. In the doorway, Dangdang was full of cavalry cavalry full of fear. Two or three feet behind him, there is also a huge iron gate. The two iron gates are like two huge mountain peaks, isolating the inside and outside of Luoyang City. Cao Cao looked around and saw that above the Wengcheng, the crossbowmen of the Union State Army were arranging their bows and arrows, and a burst of arrows shot out, overwhelming the sky, and shot towards the Cao Army in the Wengcheng. Cao Jun let out waves of wailing and fell continuously.

"Passing orders! The pawns outside the city immediately attached to the city and attacked the city with all their strength! Be sure to make the Bingzhou army take care of this and lose the other, relax the suppression of the defenders in the city! The craftsmen outside the city quickly brought the scorpion to file open this iron gate, as long as If you can file it, everyone will reward you with ten catties of gold!" After all, Cao Cao is the commander-in-chief of the battlefield, resourceful and resourceful. After a while, he came up with these ideas.

When the fire in Luoyang city ignited, Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao's heart was immediately tense. This fire was so sudden that it was definitely not the fire of Cao Jun who entered the city! If the lord entered the city smoothly, at this moment, he should be with Nangong. The Bingzhou Army at the Sangong Mansion fought hard. Since Luoyang City is already within reach, there is no need to set fire. unless??????

Thinking of this, Guo Jia couldn't help but shudder all over his body. If the lord fell into Luoyang City, he would be torn to pieces by angry generals! There is a saying, the good will not come, the bad will come, just as he was frightened, a huge iron gate slammed down, blocking Cao Mengde, who was rushing, in the city of Urn! The horse's brain burst, Cao Mengde fell off the horse.

"Lord!" Guo Jia immediately burst into tears, and half of these tears are for his lord Cao Mengde, and more than half are for him. When he first entered Cao Ying, he gained the trust of the lord, and he was named a military teacher to sacrifice wine. Cao Mengde's tactics to encircle the Wei and save Zhao, which he offered, did good things, but unexpectedly he was turned into this way. What is this tactic to encircle the Wei and save Zhao? Obviously catching turtles in the urn! No, something must be done! Otherwise, he will be torn to pieces by the angry Cao Jun!

"Come here! Take out all the army blankets and bedding, pour them thoroughly with the water in the water bag, and then pass them through the iron gate! You! Take your people, use all the equipment and all the carriages to go Fetch water from the river and ship it quickly! You! Immediately rush Baigong to file the door with a file, and I will give you a quarter of an hour. If the file does not open the door, all beheaded! You guys, immediately lead the army ants to the city!"

Guo Jia talked about finger painting and issued a series of orders. At this moment, he was really impatient! If the lord and the three generals cannot be rescued, I, Guo Jiading, will die without a burial place. Before I die, I must be buried with you all! "Your people are responsible for monitoring the armies, cowering and killing! Those who disobey orders, kill! Those who shake the mind of the army, kill!??????"

In a rage, Guo Jia issued eighteen orders in a row. By the way, he sent only five thousand cavalry soldiers to act as scouts to monitor the movement of the Union State Army and ensure that the road to Caohong Camp in Yanshi was unblocked. "Nuo!", "Nuo!", "Nuo!", looking at the military master Ji Jiu Tieqing's face and the sharp swords of the firing squad behind him, the generals quickly replied.

At the critical moment, Guo Jia used his iron fist to control the 40,000 Cao army outside the city. After the wolf-like firing squad cut off hundreds of great heads, Cao Jun's military discipline was immediately restored effectively. Forty thousand soldiers were divided into teams, fetching water, filing gates, attaching ants to the city, protecting the back road, sentry to the enemy, and monitoring the army. At this moment, the 40,000 cao army can finally be called an army again.

"File quickly! File off these pieces first, or get the lord out first!" The school lieutenant in charge of the file door was already sweaty and heavily clothed. Master Guo only gave him a quarter of an hour. If you can't file this one. Er Tiemen, the guy who eats on his shoulder can't keep it! At this moment, in this situation, he was already in a state of confusion. "Go away!" He finally couldn't help it. He pulled away a craftsman whose movements were a little deformed under his excitement, grabbed the scorpion in his hand, aimed at an iron bar, and started lifelessly.

"The first to go to the gate of consumption, reward the daughter! Feng Xianhou! The first to rescue the lord, reward the daughter, Feng Xianhou!" Guo Jia's somewhat hoarse voice sounded again, half because of anxiety, half It's because of excitement. Lord, since I, Guo Jia, personally sent you into Luoyang City, I will personally rescue you! Guo Jia closed his eyes tightly, tears welled up.

Tears with a salty taste came out of the eyes, running down the cheeks, ticking, and in an instant, they wet the chest!

"Don't leave Cao Mengde! Those who capture Cao Mengde alive, reward the daughters, and seal the county prince! Those who get the first level, reward one hundred gold, and seal the village prince!

In Luoyang City, there was a burst of shouts, and the sound was earth-shaking, resounding throughout the city.

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