New Story of Lv Bu

: : Conquered Luoyang Dasuo for three days

"While Madam Zhao Yi is planning to win the victory thousands of miles away, this battle is really wonderful! First, the use of time, the other way around, using the enemy's meticulous work to lure Cao Jun into the city of Luoyang. Second, Qiao. Set up a puzzle, take advantage of our army’s advantage in Luoyang City, and skillfully use the geographical advantage to trap the 30,000 Caojun cavalry. In this way, our army’s inferiority, which is all pawns, immediately becomes an advantage. Finally, a little spark of fire , Turned into a prairie fire, and burned the 30,000 Caojun cavalry to the point of desperation!"

"There is a ring in it, there are tactics in the plan, and the tactics are interlocking, and the tactics are combined with the extinct household plan. I am not afraid that Cao Mengde will not be fooled! During the chat and laugh, the captives were wiped out, even if it was Qi Baiqi, Wang Jian, and Li Mu. , Lian is underground, but that’s all! After this battle, Madam Zhao Yi’s reputation will probably skyrocket! As the saying goes, women don’t let their beards and eyebrows, in my opinion, women are better than beards and eyebrows! Da Sima is bright and upright. He is a world-famous hero, plus Mrs. Zhao Yi, this world is about to change."

Inside Sagong's mansion, on the towering observation deck, Ma Rixi was too often twirling his beard and sighed with emotion. Years of hard work has turned his skin into a bronze color, but his spirit is much stronger. The piercing eyes are shining brightly, and the clear figure is stalwart and tall. What he has seen and heard over the past year has made the heart in his heart more solid and calmer.

As a Confucian student, it is the minimum requirement to be familiar with the Tao of Confucius and Mencius. Confucius said to be benevolent, and Meng said to take meaning. These writings are all familiar words, and they are talked about by the students of Taixue every day. However, who can think of the choice between righteousness and benevolence? To put it simply, for whom are you benevolent, and for whom? For hundreds of years, scholars have diverged opinions.

As a true Confucian, a Confucian who emphasizes "the unity of knowledge and action", Ma Rixi believes in Mencius's words: the people are the precious, the monarch is the light, and the society is second. He had only wanted to understand this truth for more than a year, during which he had experienced an extremely fierce ideological struggle, the intensity of which was no less than that of fighting in battle. This realization also turned him from a **** royalist into a pure and firm New Deal supporter. The head of the city is changing, and I will appear on the stage after you sing it. In the end, it is not the ordinary people who are injured? If there is a person, riding a red rabbit horse under the crotch, he will travel thousands of miles to save the people from water and fire, so that they will no longer be hungry, no longer wandering around, clothing in cold, food in hungry, from then on If you live a good life, what does it matter if you hold him as the emperor?

Ma Riqi has lived long enough. He has experienced the dark politics of the Ling Emperor period, the greed of the eunuchs, the shortsightedness of the general He Jin, the brutality and murder of Dong Taishi and the Xiliang army, and the great Sima. Various changes and new atmosphere after Lu Bu entered Luoyang City. Relief for the victims, repair the tombs of the emperors, build water conservancy projects, implement the new policy of sharing acres, returning the fire to the public, and the government and the gentry to pay for food?????? All this means that Da Sima always keeps the survival of the people and the people. Life comes first.

"Eat his mother and wear his mother, his mother is not as good as Lu Fengxian! When hungry, there is food and cold and clothing, and the oxen and the plough are busy dividing the fields. The wives will farm the young, and thousands of families will be happy. If there is no big Sima in the world, state-owned Who can you ask if you are in doubt?" This song "Nanshan Yin" was written by an unknown scholar. It is a typical Han Yuefu, expressing boldness, boldness and boldness, and expressing the aspirations of millions of people.

At this moment, Da Sima's ambition has already surpassed Wei Huo and his ilk, and is close to the Qin Emperor and Han Wu. This is the general trend, the vast and unstoppable trend. If time were given to the four states of You and Liangsi, and even ten years or eight years in the Western Regions, the national power of the imperial court would become extremely powerful. At that time, Bi is Da Sima refused, and millions of soldiers and civilians will force him to become emperor!

After experiencing endless humiliation, endless chaos, and endless sadness, Ma Taichang finally saw a glimmer of light. A strong man who truly serves the country and the people, and a great man with many shortcomings, he is Da Sima Lubu. After a difficult choice, Matthew finally obeyed his heart and changed from a firm royalist to one of Lu Fengxian's ardent supporters.

Choose this zither-loving, lecherous, immature, and childish man to be the master!

"Uncle Weng, you are very right! But there is one thing you forgot. What happened to the Lu family after the death of Queen Mother Lu?" Zhong Sikong's gentle and gentle voice, full of vicissitudes of life, interrupted Ma Taichang's reverie. "Since ancient times, geniuses with amazing talents have lived forever, such as champion Hou Huo Qubing and Han Feizi. The heavens do not allow the east wind, and the heroes have no white heads. Mrs. Zhao Yi is amazing, brilliant, and faintly became Lu The Queen Mother is a first-class figure. The world is famous, and the slander follows. I'm worried about Mrs. Zhao Yi!"

Speaking of this, Chong Sikong raised his hand and pointed at the blazing Canglong Gate. He smiled vicissitudes of life, saying that it was a smile, which was even more ugly than crying. "Since ancient times, the two armies have tried their best to fight against each other, each with their own ingenuity, just to contend for this great country, without killing people and surging the wild, and ruining walls. Therefore, there are too many famous generals and ministers to make good ends. Framed for Fan Ju and was bestowed to death by King Qin Duyou. Li Mu, a famous general named Wu'anjun, was also bestowed to death by King Zhao, who was caught in a dilemma."

"Famous generals and good ministers are amazing and brilliant, like a meteor in the dark night, they burned all their lives in an instant, then withered and wandered, turning into a black stone. Is this God's will? Or? Is it a human curse? Madam Zhao Yi quelled the Luoyang rebellion one after another, scheming to lure Cao Mengde to the west, gathering and annihilating him. How can such a talented person not make the small group jealous and secretly trap it?"

Chong Sikong is worthy of being an old fritters in the officialdom that has been in the **** for decades. He can observe people in the slightest, and hear the songs and know the elegance. His remarks are clearly organized, and they point out the bleakness behind the prosperity, which is a high-rise building, with a thrilling voice. "Old predecessor, since you can see it, you should remind you that you can't just watch Mrs. Zhao Yi follow other people's ways, right?" When he heard this, Ma Taichang immediately became anxious. He is Dasima Lubu. A fanatical supporter of Yan Yan, Mrs. He Zhaoyi.

"Uncle Weng, I still have to say it, but I have to find a suitable opportunity. In the opinion of the old man, it may not be of any use if I say it. If you think about it carefully, dare to wrestle with Madam Zhaoyi. What is the identity of the person?" Chong Sikong glanced at Ma Rixi with a glance, and said with a solemn expression on his face. "That's it! I finally got it!" Ma Taichang finally got it, this time, he really got it! "It turns out that it is those people! The old predecessors are very worried. Lu An and Lu Zheng are both big, plus Lu Yi and Linghao, Dongqiang, Xiqiang, Xianbei, Sogdian, a mess of mess, enough Mrs. Zhao Yi has a pot!"

"So, you and I must be cautious in your words and deeds, **** up your ears, open your eyes, and watch carefully. If something happens, you have to fight this old life and keep Mrs. Zhaoyi safe. !" Chong Sikong said in a low voice, his voice was full of helplessness and vicissitudes, like an old fox who has practiced for a thousand years, looking at the little foxes who have only a hundred years of practice in front of him, playing tricks and tricks. "Uncle Weng, I'm so old that I can't live for a few years, and I will bother you with things in the future."

"This is the duty of a courtier. Even if I go through water and fire, my Ma Rixi will never give up!" Ma Taichang clenched his fist and said.

On the wide street east of Canglong Gate, the raging fire had been extinguished, and the capital of the corpse of a man and horse was burned into something like charcoal. In the black coke, there are many white ashes hidden, occasionally a breeze blows through, whirling away the white ash on the top layer, exposing the sparks hidden in the lower layer. A lantern torch was all around, illuminating the street like daylight.

Fortunately, the surviving Cao Jun carried weapons to launch a decisive raid on the castle tower of the consumption gate, or lay dying in the city gate cave of the consumption gate. The living people were naked, their faces were covered with black and gray, and there were occasional burn marks. They shouted loudly, and rushed up in waves along the long corridors on both sides of the city gate. The helmets, armors, and even military uniforms were long gone. They all turned into ashes and disappeared on the wide street. The only things that have not been discarded are weapons and shoes.

"Rush up!" "Rush up if you don't want to die!" "We will have a chance to survive if we take down the door!" Xiahou Dun, Xia Houyuan, and Li Dian waved their weapons and roared loudly. The three of them are all good generals on their own, and they can see the key to the battle at a glance, and that is the consumption. Only by seizing the consumption gate, can he escape from birth, and even have the possibility of a complete comeback.

I lost 30,000 soldiers, and I still have 40,000 soldiers. As long as everyone works together, I don’t believe that I can’t win this waste gate! Cao Mengde stood with his sword in the urn city gate, watching the soldiers on the left and right rushing around. At this moment, his heart is full of great pride. Since leading the army alone, he has fought countless hard battles, bad battles, and bad battles, none of which is sinister this time, but he is extremely dangerous!

"Passing orders! As long as Luoyang City is captured, the whole army will fight for three days! Fortune and silk children, gold and silver treasures, let the monarchs dispose of them at will! All I Cao Cao wants is this city!" Cao Cao yelled loudly with his Dantian Qi . The most stimulating morale, the most exciting thing is to rob and looting, murder and set fire to the gold belt, repair bridges and repair roads without corpses! What's more, Luoyang City is still Lu Fengxian, who is generous to others and uses other people's things to boost morale. Such a blessing and cost-free thing should be done more!

"Capture Luoyang, Dasuo for three days! Children of Caibo, let the king dispose of them!" Cao Jun inside and outside the city suddenly became morale.

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