New Story of Lv Bu

: : First line of life

Among the Cao Jun, at least 40 to 50% are yellow turbans that have been surrendered. Cao Mengde attacked the city all the way in Yanzhou. He fought dozens of battles, large and small, and cleared out the yellow turbans in the territory. In addition to beheaded and killed in battle, hundreds of thousands of yellow turbans were taken down. Cao Cao imitated the practice of Dasima Lubu. Son, dismiss women and children, eliminate the old and the weak, select more than 100,000 elites, and let them serve as pawns. In addition, most of the cavalry of Cao Jun came from the Black Mountain Army, together with the Wuhuan people in Youzhou, this barely formed a cavalry army of tens of thousands.

The Yellow Turban operation has three characteristics: First, the attack power is relatively weak, but the self-protection ability is relatively strong, at least the ability to escape is excellent, looking at the world, it is almost first-class. The second is that once the game is smooth, it will become smoother and smoother. At first, the game is not smooth, and then it will almost fall back. Third, once a critical moment of life and death is encountered, the Yellow Turban will explode with amazing combat power. Once it becomes mad, the jade and the stone will be burned, people will stop and kill, and Buddha will stop and kill Buddha. "The first priority in fighting the Yellow Turbans is not to push them in a hurry. Once there is a way out, their first thought is to escape. This is an instinctive choice." Facing Yan Yan, Lu Bu said. When the yellow turban rose, he personally led the state army and fought for thousands of miles, winning all battles, and then put down the yellow turban.

As for the Wuhuan people outside the Great Wall, they served as soldiers for plunder. Whether their children were jade silk, carts, horses, cattle, sheep, gold and silver treasures, or even wore old clothes, they were all excited and happy. As for the city and land, they have always sneered at it. For them, the city land in Han is completely useless. How can they be able to reach the vast and beautiful pastures?

The Black Mountain Army was originally the robbers of Howling Mountain Forest. The difference from the Yellow Turban was that they were robbers riding on horses. For robbers, everything in the world is nothing more exciting than rape, looting, burning, looting and looting. At least 60 to 70% of Cao Yanzhou's subordinates are Yellow Turban Remnants, Black Mountain Pirates, and Wuhuanlang people. To be honest, they all have their own needs and needs.

"Capture Luoyang, Dasuo three days! Caisi children, let the monarch handle it!" This order of Cao Mengde was summed up by the Wuhuan people and the Black Mountain Army into sixteen characters. Cao Yanzhou has already given them what they need most. As for whether they can get it, it is not the business of Cao Yanzhou and his old man! Ever since, in an instant, Cao Jun's combat power has increased exponentially.

Xiahoudun, Xiahouyuan, and Li Dian were surprised to find that the fighting will of the remnants under their command suddenly reached the highest peak. With a blazing light in his eyes, Cao Jun shouted loudly, brandishing the weapon in his hand and rushing towards Consuming Gate, ignoring the forest-like swords in front of him and the arrows in the sky that covered the sky. At this moment, they were crazy and intoxicated.

A Cao Jun infantry rushed to the forefront, and he was completely naked, except for the spear in his hand, nothing else. "Capture Luoyang, Dasuo for three days!" He exhausted all his strength and slammed the spear in his hand at the two thousand sword army standing up with the sword. "Cut!" The commander of the Mo Dao Army coldly gave the order, a row of Mo Dao gleaming with cold light, and hundreds of great heads were cut off with a single knife. Cao Jun's pawns were very cunning and dodged at the last moment. His left arm was cut off shoulder-to-shoulder by a sharp Mo knife.

"Oh!" Cao Jun's **** roared, and his figure flickered. The spear of his right hand stabbed heavily on the oncoming Mo Dao Army, and the strong Mo Dao Sergeant was staggered. "Cut again!" With a loud shout, hundreds of Mo knives slashed head-on again. This time Cao Jun's pawns did not escape. Under the severe pain, his movements were no longer accurate, and he was slashed from head to toe. Half a child! A puff of blood splattered out, and the Mo Dao Army was stained all over his body. Hundreds of Cao Jun's corpses split in half and slowly fell down.

In just a few dozen breaths, on the two corridors of the inner city of Huamen, Cao Jun's corpses were piled on top of each other. The viscous blood slowly flowed down the long corridor, dripping and lumping, forming small rivers in an instant. The dark-brown blood gradually stained the corridors, the walls, and the bodies of the two warring parties, leaving spots on the building.

Hundreds of Cao Jun shouted chants in the city gate cave of Huamen, desperately hitting the big iron gate that shook. "One! Two!" "One! Two!" There was a hot light in their eyes, and they launched a futile attack again and again with the rhythm of the chants, and again and again defeated, then attacked, and then defeated? ????? This goes back and forth, again and again.

No wonder they are so desperate, the big iron gate in front of them is their only way to survive. No matter how many people died and how many corpses were left, they had to open this iron door. Survival or death, a big defeat or a complete turnaround, it's up to them to decide what to do. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, they will fight for it, and succeed until the last drop of blood is shed. Leaving people in chaos is not as good as a dog of peace, either dying of famine or dying in battle, this is their destiny.

Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom! A ladder that was randomly **** temporarily leaned against the city wall, and Cao Jun’s pawns held ring-head swords in their mouths, climbing up like apes. Under the city wall, there are thousands of rattan cards, whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Cao Jun's crossbowmen opened their bows and set up arrows, shooting arrows that shook the sky and the sun. "Rush in!" tens of thousands of people shouted and roared together.

"Arrows!" With a loud roar, on the gate tower, the crossbowmen of the Binzhou Army began to fight back. Their arrows were vigorous and anxious, like a pouring rain, they shot Cao Jun's pawns under the wall. There is nowhere to hide. What they hold in their hands are the God Arm Bows and God Arm Crossbows manufactured by Gong Cao Zhuan's Xin'er. As for the big killer catapult and bed crossbow, we still have to stay at the most critical moment.

For this battle, all the new weapons in the entire Luoyang Mansion Treasury were taken in one pot. No way, plus the 20,000 county soldiers sent by Cheng Lian, the entire city of Luoyang is full of less than 40,000 soldiers and horses, and there are only 18,000 who are considered second-rate troops, so they had to use weapons to make up for it. With an order from Mrs. Zhao Yi Yan Yan, Linglong and Diao Chan supervised the work, and this was finally completed.

More than 10,000 Cao's infantrymen surrounded Wengcheng, constantly arching their bows and arrows, and constantly climbing upwards, and the ants were attached to the city. In their minds, Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, is the richest city in the world. The city is full of golden pearls and jade. As long as Luoyang City is taken down, everyone can become a billionaire. In order to achieve this goal, they did not hesitate to leave tens of thousands of corpses.

Zongzheng, Zhu Jun, Zhu Gongwei twisted his beard, left his sword, standing on the tower of the consumption gate, staring at everything in front of him, at this moment, his heart was full of horror, full of surprise and admiration. He is the only surviving senior in the military world. He has fought hundreds of battles in his life, has fought against foreign races, has fought the Yellow Turban, and has also fought the Black Mountain Army and the White Bo Army. However, he has never seen such a scene.

Cao Jun's soldiers are not afraid of death, just like leeks, after being cut one after another, they still rushed up as if they were dead. Even if he died, he had to put on two pads, and even if he couldn't achieve his goal, he would try his best to cause trouble to the enemy with his corpse. The Yellow Turban Army, the Black Mountain Army, and the Karasuma Ronin, under Cao Mengde's wrist, can burst out such a huge lethality, which is really embarrassing. As Da Sima said, if soldiers were given what they wanted, they would definitely regard death as home!

"Passing orders! Use kerosene, catapults, bed crossbows! In short, what's the use, hit hard! Hit hard! To relieve the Mo Dao army a little bit of pressure, they are almost unable to withstand it. Now, the entire city of Luoyang There are only two thousand Mo knives. For a while, I have to rely on them to deal with the 40,000 Cao Army infantry outside the city!" Zhu Gongwei squeezed his beard hand suddenly, and finally made up his mind.

Cao Mengde is indeed a well-known warrior in the world. He just drew a big pie of "Capture Luoyang, Dasuo for three days!", which made a demoralized and dejected army immediately become like a wolf and a hundred times more energetic. Cao Mengde is like this. If you think about Yuan Benchu ​​and Yuan Gongdao who are as famous as him, you will know that there must be facts under the reputation. The heroes of the world are not incompetent!

"There are still a hundred breaths. If you can't open this door, everyone will beheaded!" Guo Jia Guo Fengxiao cried out the sword from his waist and roared loudly. At this moment, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot, like a tiger about to choose people and eat. His trick of drawing a salary from the bottom of the pan made it look like this. All thanks to the woman in Luoyang city.

That woman was Yan Yan, Mrs. Zhao Yi, who he had often seen before, a woman who looked like an aunt next to her, and seemed innocent. It was she who put down the rebellion in Luoyang City at the critical moment, and it was she who devised this set of serial and extinct plans to lure her lord Cao Mengde into Luoyang City! Yeah! I, Guo Jia, used to look down on Mrs. Zhao Yi's Yan Yan too much!

Master Guo's roar was like a thunderstorm, and the dozens of workers who were filing the door shivered with fright. The sharp file immediately cut a series of cuts in the hand, and the blood immediately stained the clothes, but no one wiped it. Compared with the guy eating on the shoulder, the hand injury is completely acceptable. Ignore it. Amidst the harsh sound, the dozen or so iron rods that were about to file through seemed to be dying. "Hurry up! Hurry up!" There was a cry in the voice of the leader of the army.

Be yelling! One iron rod fell to the ground, followed by another. After a few breaths, a dozen iron rods fell to the ground suddenly, forming a hole that was one person high and two wide. "Time is up! The mission is completed! Each person will be rewarded with ten catties of gold!" Guo Jia yelled, exhausting all his energy. Upon hearing this, the leader of the army stared at him, and he fainted! Puff! More than ten Baigong also fainted.

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