New Story of Lv Bu

: : Cheng Lien finally made a move

Cao Cao shook the cloak on his body, shaking off the dust and the melancholy and bad luck. "A minister who governs the world, a treacherous hero in troubled times!" Hey! What Xu Zijiang said is true! In this turbulent world, the Han Dynasty was slumped, the princes rushed up, the creatures were overwhelmed, and the people were not living, but I, Cao Mengde, was able to turn a good fortune and get rid of the catastrophe. I must be a hero who is in the midst of prophecy. Great hero! In that case, what's the harm in being a traitor in troubled times? How can Lu Boshe and Chen Gongtai know the ambition in my heart? Would rather I take the world's people, not make the world's people take me? I am the world, and the world is me!

He lifted his right foot, stepped out of the gate, and also out of Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty. From this moment on, he has the heart to be emperor!

"The moment I was the closest to the **** of death in this life was the third year of the Han Dynasty. On the evening of October 17th, the moment when I was trapped in Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty. At the same time, the sky was dark and unclear, and there was a vague trend and fall. Around the lonely, thousands of troops opened up for Yi, screamed again and again, and a hundred thousand troops were all trapped inside and outside Luoyang. The city was raging, and the arrows outside the city were like rain. At that moment, Gu felt very tired, the kind of tiredness that went to his bones. I want to close my eyes and don't care about anything. I just sleep like this until the earth is gone, until the whole army is gone, and the country is dead. However, Gu finally plucked up the courage to pray to the heavens. If this time out of trouble, Gu will surely be washed away. Decline, ascend the throne of God. Unexpectedly, a miracle finally appeared! Feng Xiao and Cao Ren rescued Gu, and Gu can finally continue to live! From that moment on, Gu finally understood that his destiny lies in Gu's body! What is Lu Feng first? Destiny alone!"

A few years later, Cao Yanzhou, no, at that time Cao Yanzhou was already the king of Wei, he said to his children and grandchildren.

"Fengxiao! What a good job you did! Zixiao, you did a good job! It is a great honor for Cao Cao to have subordinates like yours!" With a sincere smile on Cao Cao's face, he grabbed Guo Jia and helped him. Cao Ren, who stood up to kneel and bowed to the ground, tremblingly did not dare to stand, said loudly. To be honest, he learned this trick from Liu Bei and Liu Xuande. In any case, things are **** damned, and it doesn't matter whether you scold them or blame them. It's better to put your heart to your heart, but also to inspire the trilogy and make it excited.

"Lord! Ooooooo??????" "Lord! I'm sorry you??????" Sure enough, Master Cao said, Feng Xiao and Cao Zixiao immediately burst into tears. The two cried to earth shaking, and tears flowed, as if the water of a big river, the soup, and never looked back all the way to the east! The lord treated me like this, so he gave up his life for him, so what's the problem?

"Oh! Get up quickly! Such crying and crying, won't you make Na Lu Feng laugh off his big teeth first?" Cao Cao helped them up with one hand. "His grandma is a bear! You guys are too stupid! Cover with a shield, tie a rope, and drag hundreds of people together, or drag with horses!" Cao Cao watched six directions, listened to all directions, and watched hardly filing the door. Baigong roared.

"Eh! Why didn't we expect it? It's so stupid!" Guo Jia and Cao Ren slapped their foreheads and cursed with regret. After a quarter of an hour, the iron fence that had been filed and riddled with holes was finally crumbling. "One! Two!" "One! Two!" Thousands of Cao Jun tried hard together, and dozens of huge ropes began to shake violently. Finally, after a violent shaking, the iron fence crashed to the ground. "Long live the lord!" "Long live the Yanzhou army!" Inside and outside the city wall, tens of thousands of Cao Jun suddenly cheered.

"Hahahahahahaha! Conquered Luoyang City and won't seal the sword for three days! Come with me!" Cao Cao yelled with his sword. There were 25,000 cavalrymen entering the city, 30,000 infantrymen outside the city, plus seven or eight thousand heavy soldiers, this was all his strength. As for how much is left now, only the thief God can know. You know, in the army of this dynasty, auxiliary troops have always been insignificant. The soldiers are not many but are fine, and Cao Jun, who has been burnt by adultery and looting, is better than a hundred thousand mobs!

The big iron gate of the Wengmen Wengcheng burst open, which greatly encouraged Cao Jun’s morale. They rushed into Wengcheng with loud shouts, tied the iron gates of Wengcheng with hundreds of ropes, and then shouted in unison. Drag outside, completely ignoring the rolling wood and rocks falling like rain on the head. At this moment, there is only one wish in their hearts, and that is to open this iron gate as soon as possible and rush into Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty! The city of Luoyang is full of gold and silver treasures, with charming women and tall and strong war horses at your fingertips.

Boom?????? Boom?????? The deafening sound rang again, it was the sound of a catapult. Whoosh?????? Whoo?????? This is the roaring sound of the bed crossbow, the round sling and the three-foot-long iron arrow shot out! They screamed and landed in the Cao Junpile inside and outside the city. Hundreds of rattan tiles suddenly shattered and turned into countless sawdust. Cao Jun's footmen under the rattan brand had no time to let out a mournful cry, and in a flash, they turned into dead bodies and fell to the ground.

However, the remaining Cao Jun completely ignored the sky full of rattan sawdust and layers of corpses, still pulling the ropes like crazy shouting. Inside the consumption gate, above the two corridors, there was already a sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain. After a short break, the 2000 Mo Sword Army had to play again. "Cut!" "Close!" "Cut!" Accompanied by the military commander's cold and long military order, the mountain-like Modao slashed again and again, slicing the Cao Jun steppers who were running wildly into two again and again! However, the Cao Jun behind was still flooding forward!

"Oh! Luoyang City is full of 40,000 troops and horses, and the army is too small! The battle is so tragic, if it is not for the moment, the hundreds of thousands of young people in Luoyang City will definitely not be on the battlefield, otherwise, it will be a naked massacre! At this moment, It would be great if there was one more soldier! Even three thousand and five thousand!" Zhu Jun and Zhu Gongwei sighed with regret.

"Damn! Damn! Madam Zhaoyi actually launched it first! The order! Light the torch and attack immediately!" Just when the raging fire ignited in Luoyang City, outside Yanshi City, two or three miles east of Cao Jun's camp Place. The Si Li governor Cheng Lian Boring wailed and drew the first knife of the 100-refined steel ring around his waist, and shouted loudly. "Nuo!" Behind him, the 28,000 pacers responded with a bang.

Madam Zhaoyi's Yan Yan's plan to lure the enemy naturally cannot be concealed from Cheng Lian, who is the governor of Si Li. The two sides only communicated with Eagle Letter twice to finalize all the details. The forces in Luoyang City were empty, and if they were to fight according to the rules, they would definitely not be able to defeat Cao Mengde's 70,000 army. In desperation, he had no choice but to make dangerous moves. Cheng Lian spent a long time licking Yahuazi before he had to agree to Yan Yan's plan. In his opinion, this is no way, although it is extremely dangerous, but otherwise, there is no good way.

Under Cheng Lian's command, there were 20,000 infantrymen and 10,000 cavalrymen. In Yanshi City, he only put 2,000 infantrymen, which is really bold. It can be seen that Lu Jiajun is indeed a paradise for bold and reckless people. From Lu Bu to Yan Yan, from Hou Cheng to Cheng Lian, all of them are naked gamblers. This is not yet counted as Lu Su Lu Zijing in Gong County, this black servant is also a madman who pierced the sky!

"Chong!" "Kill!" "Stepped through Cao Ying and broke Cao Mengde's back road!" With Cheng Lian's order, 28,000 Lu Jiajun shouted, his horses hooves, his footsteps, and he went straight. Charged to Cao Jun's camp two or three miles away. Two or three miles, a galloping horse, you can arrive in a flash. Before the sleeping Cao Jun sentry woke up, 10,000 Bianzhou cavalry had already arrived.

"Set fire! His grandma's burned all Lao Tzu!" Cheng Lian Zhang Gong took an arrow and shot the first rocket with his own hands! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Ten thousand combined state cavalry ignited the rockets in their hands, opened their bows and arrows, and fired several rockets in their hands in a galloping horse. In an instant, tens of thousands of rockets came over the sky like meteors and fell into Cao Jun's cowhide army tent! It's midwinter, the sky is dry and everything is dry, a little spark of fire, in an instant, it turns into a prairie fire!

"It's not good! It's running water!" "Hurry up and put out the fire!" Cao Jun, who drove thousands of miles in a single day and night, fell apart and fell asleep soundly in the military tent. Suddenly, I smelled a burnt odor, and those who felt light-hearted didn't know well, and immediately stood up. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw that my big cowhide tent was igniting a raging fire. Under the horror, he immediately yelled out of his throat. The stern shout immediately awakened more people, and everyone picked up their weapons and ran out of the tent, ignoring the lack of strands. Those Cao Jun steppers who were still sleeping deeply were immediately crushed under the military tent.

Those Cao Jun infantry who ran out of the cowhide tent in a panic immediately became the prey of the Bingzhou cavalry, and the state cavalry opened their bows and arrows, shooting arrows in the sky, and shot these Cao Jun infantry down one by one. The cavalry who had shot the arrows in their hands drew out their spears and horses, mobilized the horses, and picked up the burning tents, cowhide and other sundries one by one, and threw them at the military tents with less fire.

After more than a hundred breaths, the huge Cao Jun camp was engulfed by the raging fire, and the Cao Jun steppers ran around in panic, looking for a chance. The Bianzhou cavalry slid their horses and withdrew from the Cao Jun camp, and used their bows to continuously shoot and kill the Cao Jun infantry who wanted to gather together, disperse them, and force them to join the ranks of the rout. Only a rush of footsteps could be heard, and the state army pawns arrived in time. "Encircle Cao Jun's camp! Kill the fish that slipped through the net, don't be captured!" Cheng Lian shouted loudly, carrying a horse.

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