New Story of Lv Bu

: : Lu Zijing also shot

Last night, Cao Hong drank a few more drinks, got drunk, fell asleep later and fell asleep. At midnight, when he was sleeping soundly, he was suddenly poured cold water from head to toe. Although the winter has been warm in the past few years, it has not even frozen. But in the mid-winter season, a basin of cold water poured down from the top of the head, and it was really unbearable, at least in ecstasy.

"Who? Who did this? His grandma's, don't you want to die?" Cao Hong was awakened immediately, he jumped up from the couch, and clamored and pulled out the sword beside his pillow. Loudly shouted with staring eyes. After getting drunk, while sleeping soundly, a good dream was in full swing. Suddenly, a heart-warming was poured on. Anyone who changed, would react like Master Cao.

"General! The big thing is not good! The state army is attacking at night! There are mountains and plains, and it looks like there are at least tens of thousands of horses. Now, the whole camp has become a sea of ​​flames!" Li explained, serving Cao Hong arrogantly, dressing and armoring. "Sure enough?" Upon hearing this, Cao Hong immediately shook his head. "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! There are at most 30,000 or forty thousand county soldiers in Luoyang City. We can see it in Yanshi City. We have never seen a single person leave the city!"

"General, this matter is absolutely true! I am willing to guarantee my life! I would also like to ask the army to leave the account and watch!" When Cao Hong didn't believe it, his eyes widened from the left and right, and he opened his mouth to argue. The tradition in the army, who brings the soldiers like who, and the soul of the army cast by the first chief officer, has always been passed down from generation to generation. Cao Hong's nature is like a raging fire, he can only take advantage but not suffer, and so are his soldiers and soldiers.

Looking at the left and right sides, Cao Hong was shocked and broke! This matter is probably close. He hurriedly strode out of the tent, glanced around, and immediately yelled, and fell to the ground when he fell. At this moment, in the entire Cao army camp, a raging fire has been ignited. The wind assists the fire, and the fire uses the power of the wind to burst into flames. The remaining Cao Jun steppers ran around and bumped, everywhere, against the raging fire, shadows and pupils, like a group of headless flies.

"Oh! It's all my fault, Cao Hong! I blamed me for being careless, drinking and mistaking things, and falling into Lu Fengxian's tricks! How can I go to see the lord!" In fear, Cao Hong was ashamed to find a seam. Get in. At this moment, he has lost all thoughts. "Lord! Goodbye in the next life!" Cao Hong drew out his sword and killed himself!

The people who know the big people best are those around him. Cao Zilian's nature is like a raging fire. How do the soldiers on his left and right do not know? They looked at each other, and they had already guarded against this trick! Seeing General Cao unexpectedly found his short-sightedness, he immediately swarmed up, and the swordsman, the leg-holding, and the painstakingly persuaded became a mess. "General, you slapped your neck and killed yourself, so what do you do to ask these people to do it? Do you follow your slapped neck and die? The only way to do this is to rectify the trilogy and fight to the death with the Bingzhou army! Even if you die, it is strong To be a coward who slapped his neck!" An old and respectful confidant held Cao Hong in his arms and pleaded in tears.

Don't say it, these words really touched Cao Zilian's heart. He immediately realized that I, Cao Zilian, would rather die in a **** battle, and I couldn't be a coward who killed himself. "Little ones! Playing drums and horns, gathering the remnants, and wanting to survive, follow me Cao Hong, the big guy smashes a **** way and fights out the siege!" "No!" There was a loud promise from left and right, letting go of Master Cao.

Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom boom boom! An agitated drum sounded, and Cao Hong rode on the horse under the shining of a dozen torches, with a solemn expression on his face, looking like a majestic god. "Cao Hong is here! The whole army is close to me! I want to take you out of the siege! Believe me, follow me!" Upon hearing this, the remnants of the Cao Army running around immediately surrounded him. "General Cao is here!" "We believe Master Cao!" This Cao army was mostly Cao Hong's old department. When he saw the main general, he immediately calmed down. However, in the time of more than a hundred breaths, Cao Hong gathered around a thousand cavalry and more than two thousand infantry.

"Follow me! Rush out!" Cao Hong glanced at the left and right trilogy with satisfaction, waved the big knife in his hand, and rushed out first! Although the Binzhou Army had 28,000 troops, they were scattered in all directions, forming a loose front. Their purpose is simple: to take the opportunity to create chaos, to guard against the dead, and to prevent the remnants of the Cao army from organizing an organized resistance.

However, the raging fire in Cao's camp blocked their sight, making them unable to see the situation in the middle of the barracks. Suddenly thousands of people rushed out of the raging fire, all with flames on their bodies, their hair and eyebrows and even their clothes were covered with black ash, all of them were as fierce and evil as they rushed out of hell, which really scared them. With a jump, Cao Jun had already rushed out of the encirclement just as he was shocked. "Little ones, if we go back like this, we will be guilty of fleeing, and that will be decapitated!"

Cao Hong extinguished the flames on himself and the horse with three blows, flicked the reins, turned the horse's head, and roared loudly. Among the princes of the Guandong, Cao Mengde has the strictest military discipline. According to the seven prohibitions and fifty-four beheads, they are all sins of decapitation! "General Cao, we listen to you! The water comes in the water, the fire comes in the fire! There is no difference!" the old Chengjun Hou shouted. "Yes, there are a thousand people in the family, and one person in charge! Listen to the big leader!" "This is great!" everyone shouted while fighting the fire.

"Follow me! Kill and go back! At least a few hundred of the first level of the Union State Army must be cut off before the death penalty is exempted by returning to the army!" When he finished speaking, Cao Hong flicked the rein and went ahead. He has been forced to the edge of the cliff, and there is no way to go back. "Rush!" "Kill!" "Work together, kill the enemy and do meritorious service!" More than three thousand Cao Jun roared and followed Cao Hong.

The remaining more than 3,000 Cao Jun are fierce pawns in the army. Most of them have followed Cao Hong for several years, and their tempers are as hot as him. Hearing what Cao Hong said, he was immediately aroused. He lost his head and played a big scar, and he will be a hero again twenty years later! A small number of the new arrivals are also the black mountain thief and yellow turban thief. Rather than fleeing away on his own, it is better to follow Cao Zilian to kill him. After all, there are many people and a better chance of winning.

Cao Hong rushed into the Bingzhou Army with these thoughtful old fried dough sticks. In an instant, the two armies turned into a group of swords and gun battles.

"Master Lu, Luoyang City is on fire! Not only that, even outside Yanshi City, there was a raging fire!" The head of the guard came to Lu Su's side and respectfully bowed his hands in salute. In the battle of Yishui River crossing today, Master Lu commanded Ruo Ding, displayed his supernatural power, and killed more than 10,000 Cao Jun, making the whole army look like a god. How could he dare to be disrespectful?

Lu Su took out a crudely decorated clairvoyance from his arms, and looked towards the west with a little shame. His grandma is a bear! When will our old Lu also be equipped with a brilliant golden clairvoyance, and show his face in front of the classmates of Taixue? He restrained his impetuous mood and looked to the west carefully, only to see a big fire raging in Luoyang city, steaming up, and Yanshi was indeed dotted.

"On the side of Yanshi, the flames are like sparks of fire. It must have just started. The raging fires in Luoyang City are all distributed in the south of the city." Having said that, Lu Su tapped his temples with his fingers and thought for a moment. "That location should be from the gate to the Nangong Palace, where the San Gong residence is located. Could it be that the county soldiers in the city ambushed Cao Mengde's 70,000 army?"

"My lord, we can't die here, we always have to do something." The soldiers on the left and right immediately started talking about it, their faces were full of expectation. After all, this army's The highest commander is the Lord Lu Sulu in front of him. "You are not anxious, listen to my Lu Su's words!" Everyone looked anxious, and Lu Su waved his hand quickly and said unhurriedly.

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately calmed down and looked at Lu Su with wide eyes. "Zhou Jun, the soldiers in Gongxian County are full of battles but not over 5,000, and they are all county soldiers, who are good at cavalry and shooting but only more than 2,000. In this way, the front and Cao Meng Deqian, our soldiers and horses are not enough for others. It's between the teeth." "What should I do? Can't do nothing, right?" someone shouted.

"You are safe and restless! Our soldiers can't be a regular soldier, but we can be a suspicious soldier! The brothers of the navy will block the Yishui River and stop the Cao army from crossing the river. Hundreds of people will be left behind and the whole city will be recruited. Defend the city! The others came with me, with a torch in hand, pulled the noodles open, and yelled:'Da Sima is back to his teacher!' In this way, Cao Jun will definitely collapse instantly! Cao Jun will fall apart, no The brothers who are familiar with riding and shooting went to capture the prisoners. Others followed me closely. Let's catch Cao Mengde. This is the business!"

Lu Su smiled, looking at the restless generals and said. "High! It is really high!" "Master Lu, God and man!" Although all the generals present here are the chief officers of the second-rate and third-rate troops, they have all worked in the world-famous Bingzhou Jiangwu Hall. Upon hearing this, Thumbs up immediately. His grandma is a bear! Master Lu's suspicion of soldiers is really poisonous! There is the style of Wen and brother!

The two armies fought fiercely, especially when both sides were exhausted, when one side's reinforcements suddenly rushed to the battlefield, and there were tens of thousands of them, the other side would surely collapse in an instant. On the battlefield, in addition to the right time and place, armor and weapons, there is one more important thing, that is the morale of the army! Throughout the ages, how many art of war we all have been masters with insight into human nature.

"Everyone, please come with me! Killing the enemy and doing meritorious service, sealing his wife's shadow, tonight!" Lu Su shouted loudly with a wave of his right arm.

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