New Story of Lv Bu

: : This Luoyang city will be named Cao today

In Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, the battle situation in the area of ​​Huamen has become more intense. Due to Cao Jun's desperate counterattack, the casualties of the state army began to rise. There are Cao Jun's arrows like migratory locusts on his head, and various weapons in front of him. At every moment, hundreds of people fall down. With blood dripping from the corners of their mouths, they suddenly fell to the ground. Needless to say, there must be a fatal injury somewhere on their bodies. The dead lay on the ground quietly, letting the big feet of the enemy and us stom on them, but they couldn't swallow the last breath. The long dead have become corpses, scattered everywhere.

The two armies are fighting endlessly, and both sides have already fought real fire. In Cao Cao’s Yanzhou army, those who were able to support this moment were all heroes and veterans selected from a hundred. They know very well that there is no way forward and no way to retreat. Only fight with all their strength to capture Luoyang City. They have been forced to the edge of the cliff, and if they don't make every effort to move forward, they will be the end of the city under the Fushuimen City. Under the tremendous pressure, they had to do their best to move forward courageously.

"One! Two!" "One! Two!" No fear of arrows on his head like rain, no fear of the robes next to one another, the remaining people still roared loudly, pulling the rope in their hands vigorously. On the west side of the consumption gate, the Yanzhou army's pawns grabbed broken rattan cards, door panels and even the broken corpses of their companions, put them on their heads as a barrier, and attacked the city again and again.

Xia Houyuan roared, raised the spear in his hand, and charged forward along the tunnel like a whirlwind. He was wearing a set of nondescript armor, which was scraped from the corpse of the Union State Army. There was a big hole in his right chest, soaked in blood, and the armor above the knee of his right leg disappeared. This is a gift from his soldiers to him, Xia Houyuan and Li Dian. At this moment, such a gift is already invaluable. When converted into the most important bargaining chip at this time, it would cost more than a hundred lives in exchange for it. of.

Xiahou Dun opened his posture, picked left and right blocks, stabs forward and then killed, making a spear in his hand like a splash of wind. In just a few breaths, he overturned seven or eight Bianzhou army infantry, rushed to the forefront of the Yanzhou army, and rushed to the corridor, and went straight to the tower. "That's Xiahou Dun! God archer, shoot him to death!" Zhu Jun and Zhu Gongwei who were watching the battle on the tower recognized Xiahou Dun at a glance. He yelled with halberd and pointed at Xiahou Dun with determination. "No!" More than a hundred sharpshooters around Zhu Jun promised, and slowly opened the sacred arm bows in their hands. These more than a hundred **** archers were sent by Mrs. Zhao Yi, Yan Yan, and they had only one task, and that was to protect Zhu Jun.

"Zhu Gongwei is an veteran of the Four Dynasties and one of the predecessors of the Han military. Your status is extremely honorable. Your task is to protect him. Even if you are all killed in battle, you must keep his old man safe!" Mrs. Zhao Yi Yan Yan Yan said. There are not many veterans in the four dynasties today. At the age of Zhu Gongwei, if he is good for life and maintenance, he can still serve the court for ten years.

Zhu Jun is naturally inexplicably grateful for the kindness of Mrs. Zhao Yi's Yan Yan, but he is an old senior in the Han military, how can he waste this elite soldier in vain? After thinking about it for a while, these hundred-odd archers became a rare soldier in his hand, specially used to shoot and kill important generals in the Cao army. Before that, there were hundreds of middle and high-ranking officers in the Cao army who were shot to death by them.

After the promise, more than 20 people were immediately separated from the hundreds of crossbowmen, and they slowly opened the God Arm Bow God Arm Crossbow in their hands, opened the bow and set an arrow aimed at Xiahou Dun and shot out. Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh! The bowstring rang for a while. Dozens of arrows stepped on the waves, passing through the sky, and from the top, the middle and the bottom three straight to Xiahou Dun. The Bingzhou Army’s arrows were violent, and it was a sudden attack. The distance between the two was only two hundred steps, and Xiahou Dun was about to splash on the spot!

"Protect the general!" Suddenly, there was only a loud roar. A dozen soldiers rushed out of the army, clenching the tattered rattan card, half of the door panel, and even a breastplate. Keeping Xiahou Dun tightly behind him! Puff! Puff! Wow?????? Only dozens of muffled noises were heard, these dozen soldiers were immediately shot into sieves, and their bodies were densely covered with arrows. They roared, their feet softened and sprayed. A big mouthful of blood came out and fell heavily to the ground. "The general retreat!" More than a dozen soldiers rushed out, held Xiahou Dun, and dragged him down.

"Let me go up!" Xiahou Dun roared, with raging anger in his eyes. At this moment, his eyes were completely split. In order to save his life, dozens of people have resolutely died in battle. "No general! Those people's archery skills are extremely high. Looks like they are all the eagle-shooters on the Xianbei grassland of thousands of miles. They are used to deal with high-ranking generals of our army!" Pointing to the left and right, she said. "Look at General, and the same is true for Xia Houyuan and General Li Dian!"

Hearing this, Xiahou Dun was shocked immediately. He quickly closed his mind and looked at the sides along the hands of his soldiers. The two incompletely armored men were dragged down the corridor by the soldiers. Behind them, there were arrows like clouds. The soldiers on the left and right were shot to the ground continuously, but no one flinched, and no one stopped retreating and attacking.

"Oh! I think that Xiahou Dun and the Bingzhou Army fought fiercely several times. The battle of the Yellow Turban, Dong Zhuo, and Yanshi, until this time, driving thousands of miles and attacking the capital Luoyang City of the Han, each time the combined state army’s combat power has been greatly Strengthen. This time our army is all the best, Luoyang City is only 40,000 soldiers, and it is such a situation, his grandmother is a bear! Could it be that Lu Fengxian will be the future of this world?"

Xiahou Dun let out a long sigh, and burst into tears. At this moment, there are thousands of tastes in his heart, and he still wants to talk about it.

"One! Two!" "One! Two!" To the east of Huimen, Cao Jun's pawns in Wengcheng were still dragging hard, their heads, faces, and even their chests and backs were soaked with sweat. However, they were still dragging away selflessly, like saints performing a certain sacred mission. The reason why the yellow turban became the yellow turban is because of the power of faith. Now they have reached the state once said by the great sage and mentor. For a certain noble mission, they can throw their heads and blood, and they can regard death as home!

"Boom!" Accompanied by a huge roar, dust splashed, bricks flew horizontally, and the huge iron fence was actually pulled down by Cao Jun's infantry! The huge iron gate slammed into the ground with the sound of wind and thunder. The hundreds of Cao Jun steppers who were unable to dodge were slapped on the ground, and immediately turned into flat humanoid objects, with blood splattered. The miserable howling is endless.

"The city gate collapsed! We won!" "Capture Luoyang City! Da Suo for three days!" "Charge!" "Kill!" The huge surprise came so suddenly, the Cao Jun steppers present were stunned. , The sight in front of them is really beyond their expectations. However, after only a moment, everyone woke up, we won, and we won! They yelled. He clenched the weapon in his hand and rushed into Luoyang City. Luoyang City, the capital of the Great Han Dynasty, which has always been famous for its wealth, has now been trampled under their feet! The rest is very simple, and that is to rush into the city, kill all the defenders, then rob, commit adultery, and do whatever you want!

"Brothers in the city withdraw! Re-armor, reorganize the formation, and fight with the Union State Army again!" The military master Jijiu Master Guo Jiaguo shouted. In his opinion, as long as the Lost Gate and Wengcheng were opened, Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, was half captured. The only way to do this is to let the soldiers in the city rest for a while and re-arm. It is an excellent way to do it. God knows how long it will take to fight?

After the long fierce battle, there were a lot of casualties, corpses and bones messed up, and there was a sea of ​​blood and corpses everywhere. Such a scene is really embarrassing. However, the gates of Lumen and Wengcheng have been opened impressively, and the moat has become a thoroughfare. Today's Luoyang City is like a beautiful woman who has been stripped of clothes, waiting for the Cao Jun steppers to do whatever they want! For this moment, even tens of thousands of deaths are worth it!

Cao Mengde was immediately outside the city, quietly watching all this in front of him, his soldiers were pouring into the city like a tide, and they were fighting desperately with the county soldiers in the city. At the forefront were Cao Ren and Le Jin, riding a horse and a whip. After being trapped outside Wengcheng for a long time, the two generals were already full of anger. At this moment, they were venting their anger with the weapons in their hands.

"Hahahahahahahaha!" Cao Mengde couldn't help laughing up to the sky. Lu Fengxian, you are the number one star in the world, but I did not expect that Cao Mengde has opened the gate of Luoyang City, the capital of the Great Han Dynasty! If everything goes well, in one or two hours, this huge city of Luoyang will belong to Cao Cao! According to common sense, as long as the gate is broken, the city will fall.

I would rather take the people of the world, rather than let the people of the world take me. What I belong to, Cao Cao, is this big man's world!

Cao Cao couldn't help laughing out loud when he thought of Lu Fengxian's hundreds of thousands of troops disintegrating in an instant. It is a dream that Cao Cao has dreamed of in his life, and now it is close at hand! The earth is at my feet, the destiny is in my hands, tens of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, and eight hundred miles of rich Guanzhong Plain will be my Cao Mengde's in the near future!

"I've seen the lord!" Xiahoudun, Xiahouyuan, and Li Dian were wearing helmets, and the military appeared in front of Cao Cao.

"Masters, follow me into the city! Luoyang City, the capital of the Great Han, is now ours!" Cao Cao shouted with a leaping horse.

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