New Story of Lv Bu

: : Want to give Luoyang City the surname Cao? dream!

"The elite of Da Sima are all outside Luoyang, distributed in the vast area from the west to the east of Liaodong. Therefore, all the soldiers staying in Luoyang are the county soldiers. The original county soldiers in Luoyang city are forty thousand, which is still considered heavy. After such a long time of consumption, there is about 20,000 left. They have good training and discipline, and they are also very advanced in armor battles. The only shortcoming is that they are seriously lacking in combat experience. This shortcoming has led to a strong face. When the enemy is the enemy, they will incur exponential battle damage."

"Our army's strength, cavalry and infantry, plus heavy troops, totals 50,000 to 60,000. After a **** battle, at most half of the people can survive. However, these people are all black mountain thieves and yellow turban thieves. , The martial arts are superb, and they have experienced hundreds of battles. The most important thing is that they have rich experience in the battlefield. With the same strength, as long as our Yanzhou army works together, we can still win!"

The military master Jijiu Guo Jia Guo Fengxiao did not enter the city with his lord Cao Mengde. He was on a high place with ten fingers constantly flexing and stretching. It was obvious that he was accurately calculating the gains and losses of this battle. In his opinion, the Union State Army was brave and good at fighting, but Da Sima used the tactics of elite soldiers. When three or four hundred thousand elites were sprayed on a ten thousand li-long front, it was as good as pepper noodles, and it was impossible to cope with it. Even if the loss is heavy and the entire army is exhausted, as long as the capital of the Han Dynasty is taken down, Luoyang City is a great victory.

Since the Great Sima Lubu entered Luoyang City, Luoyang City has become the base camp and symbol of the entire Lu Bu military clique. Moreover, the pseudo empress dowager Tang Ji and the pseudo-elder son Liu Xi are both in the Nangong of Luoyang City. As long as Luoyang City was taken down by a draw from the bottom of the cauldron, the princes of all walks of life who have been neutral will show their fangs and can't wait to bite **** the wound of the Bingzhou Army.

If Liu Junlang left Yizhou and entered Longxi along the Baoxie, Liu Jingsheng would use Xiangyang as his base and the whole army would go north. At the same time, Tao Gongzu tore off the veil of neutrality and raised his troops to the west, then the general trend of the world would be different. At that time, Dasima Lubu's Union State Army became a target of public criticism, and became a mourning dog that everyone shouted, and the Kwantung Allied Army became the Allied Forces of the World's Princes.

Thinking of the huge influence after the fall of Luoyang City, Guo Jia couldn't help but feel a little upset. If this plan is successful, he Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao will surely become the number one adviser in the world, and his lord Cao Mengde will also become the number one prince in the world. ! Without it, the Lu Bu Bingzhou military group, which looked like a giant, was ruined in the hands of Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao! It was he who made the prominence of the lord Cao Mengde! Woohoo, everything in the world is complicated, and if there are people in the world, it's Guo Jia!

"Since it's started, don't ask about the ending. It is the right thing to do the things in front of you in a down-to-earth manner. In any case, what you get in your hands is truly yours. This is the case with beauties, and the same is true for Jiangshan. This is true!"

The military master Jijiu Guo Jiaguo sighed and sighed, but he didn't know who he was.

"Yuan Rang, Miao Cai, now that the city gate has been opened, it is not far from the fall of Luoyang City. You two must not enter the city. Quickly rectify the cavalry and prepare to pursue Madam Zhao Yi, Yan Yan! Empress Dowager Tang Ji and hypocritical son Liu Xi, this is the most important thing! According to the plan of Xi Zhicai and Feng Xiao, whether you can use the emperor to make the princes depends on whether you two can capture these three."

When he was about to enter the city, Cao Cao suddenly stopped the horse, looked back at Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan, and shouted. "Nuo!" Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan were startled at first, and in a flash, they understood the profound meaning of the lord Cao Mengde, and quickly replied respectfully. Obediently boom! The lord's eyes had already seen thousands of miles away! The Lost Gate has been breached by the Yanzhou Army, and Luoyang City is about to fall. Madam Zhaoyi, Yan Yan, will definitely flee west with the pseudo-Queen Dowager and pseudo-born son, and flee to Chang'an City like Dong Taishi to avoid disaster, in order to make a comeback.

Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan handed over, and Cao Mengde couldn't help but nodded vigorously as they looked at their distant figures. Guo Fengxiao deserves to be called a "ghost", this trick of drawing a salary from the bottom of the tank is really cruel, and there is at least a 70% chance of winning. As long as Luoyang City was taken, Yan Yan, Tang Ji, and Liu Xi were taken prisoners, and they would tightly pinch Lu Fengxian's seven inches!

"Passing orders! Capture the wife of Zhaoyi Yan Yan, the pseudo-Queen Dowager Tang Ji, and the pseudo-born son Liu Xi, who will reward the daughters and seal ten thousand households!"

"This Luoyang city needs the surname Cao? Dreaming! As long as Yan Yan has three inches of breath, Cao Mengde will never succeed!" In the Da Sima Mansion, on the towering observation deck, looking at the tens of thousands of Cao troops coming into the city like the tide, Mrs. Zhao Yi's Yan Yan snorted coldly. "Send a signal! The general offensive of the whole army begins! The final decisive battle is here! All soldiers and soldiers must work together to win this battle!"

Woo?????? Woo?????? The whimper horn sounded, and the voice was somber and desolate. Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom boom boom! The agitated drums of war sounded, tragic and majestic, which made people sound enthusiastic and full of desire to fight. In the east of Luoyang city, the lanterns and torches were lit one after another, illuminating the area east of Canglong Gate to the west of Sumen Gate like daylight.

"Catch Cao Mengde alive! Kill the Yanzhou army!" "Kill the enemy and do meritorious service, in one fell swoop!" Tens of thousands of torches were lit in the entire Luoyang city. In the hundreds of lanes, teams were armed with weapons and wore two armors. The young men lined up neatly, rushing to the city head and east of the city like a tide. They are all young and strong children in the alley. Under the leadership of You Jiao, Su Rili inspected the alley, dealt with the theft, and received a payment. Speaking of the number of people, at least tens of thousands, this soldier and horse is Yan Yan's last reserve team.

In a fierce battle between the Bingzhou Army and the Yanzhou Army, only blood flowed into the river, and the corpses were everywhere. Seeing that the loss of the gate was captured, the victory was in sight. Unexpectedly, there was another new force of tens of thousands of people! The soldiers of the Yanzhou Army suddenly became numb, and his grandmother was a bear! I just killed two to thirty thousand, and the **** came seven to eighty thousand, and the damned ones were all neatly armored and armed with sharp blades. How can this be killed?

"These people are the young men in the alley! They are not the real army! Su Rili is only responsible for the fornication and theft! Kill! Kill them all!" Cao Ren immediately yelled at the situation. As Cao Jun’s intelligence chief, every sentence spoken by Guo Jia, Guo Fengxiao and the lord Cao Mengde must be recorded for his future reference and inquiries. In addition to the organizational structure and organization of the state regime, as well as some extremely subtle aspects, he Cao Ren is well versed in his heart and vivid in his purpose.

"No!" The Yanzhou army slammed his promise, obviously not having much energy. Originally, I was thinking about the hardships, but I could finally plunder and commit adultery, but I didn't expect tens of thousands of new forces to come. Even if there are seventy to eighty thousand cattle and sheep, one by one with a knife, it will take a few hours to kill, right? Until then, even if you win the battle, what kind of spiritual leader is there to commit adultery and looting?

However, this is not the only thing that bothers Yanzhou Sergeant. Under the shining of a lantern torch, on the palace walls of Nancheng, Dongcheng, and even Nangong, a large number of crossbowmen, crossbows, and catapults appeared with the sound of drums. At a glance, these soldiers' eyes flashed with faint anger, their steps were neat, without a trace of mess, they must be veterans who have experienced many battles. This team is not many, there are only a few thousand people, all of them are soldiers, companions and entourages in the mansion of the generals of the state.

Linglong, Diao Chan, Lingqi, and Kang Moli were wearing helmets and armours. Surrounded by a large group of male and female soldiers, armed with weapons, they slowly approached the Yanzhou Army. "Follow me! My Xiqiang warrior is never afraid of death!" Princess Linglong was the first to charge. "The Western Qiang people are not afraid of death, am I the Eastern Qiang people afraid of death?" Kang Moli snorted, and the second charged. "For Da Sima!" Diao Chan smiled slightly, and Zhang Gong shot the first arrow with an arrow. She has been in Wang Situ's mansion for many years and has long been accustomed to jealousy and deceit. "Kill all the enemies!" Lingqi flushed with excitement. The last time she shot eight people, she must double this time!

"All the catapults and bed crossbows! Launch together! Show this gang of turtles and grandchildren!" Zhu Jun waved his right hand and gave the order.

This round of the Bingzhou Army's blow was extremely swift and violent, and tens of thousands of people rushed like crazy together. The scene was full of earth-shattering weeping, and the Yanzhou Army was immediately stunned. "Hold on!" "You will win after a quarter of an hour!" As the supervising army urging all the military forces, Cao Ren roared loudly and waved the big knife in his hand. He hacked to death more than a dozen hurriedly defeated steppers in a row. Cao Jun's decline could not be sustained. "Bowmen, aim at the retreating pawns, and let go of arrows!" Cao Cao coldly ordered.

Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh! A rain of arrows flew over, and the Cao Jun's infantry who fled backwards immediately fell down a large area. They covered their chests with their hands, with wisps of blood spilling from the corners of their mouths, and looked at Cao Jun's crossbowmen not far away in surprise. "Cao Cao?????? You're so cruel!" Before the voice came, they fell forward or backward, and their souls returned to the world of bliss.

This trick of Cao Mengde was very useful. The Cao Jun steppers who were fleeing towards the loss gate immediately stopped. After a moment of stunned, they immediately let out a scream and screamed back and killed the Bingzhou army. To retreat is to die, and to move forward is to die. The difference lies in whether he died at the hands of the Union State Army or was shot by his own. The same is death, it is better to fight to death!

"If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight! If you want to make a big business, change the world, and shake the earth, you must treat the world as a must! No way, not enough to accomplish great things! No way, not enough to open up the world! A future! The ancients have done so much and the bones are withered, and the ancients are sincere!" Looking at the miserable scene in front of him, Cao Cao and Cao Mengde calmed down, as if watching a hundred operas.

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