New Story of Lv Bu

: : Cao Mengde's army collapsed

In the Lu Bu military group, the navy is an extremely special existence. It does not have its own commander, like the elite main force such as the Beiwei Army and the White Army, but is directly under the command of the Great Sima Lubu. The reason for the formation of such a command system is very simple. Among the generals of the state, there are no outstanding water warfare talents. Those who can swim in the river are already known as familiar with water warfare.

Da Sima manages all kinds of opportunities every day, unable to take into account the daily affairs of the navy, and can only make decisions on major policies and major issues. For this reason, the imperial court did not hesitate to respect the princes, put aside the arrogance, courtesy Jiangdong scholars and veterans of the navy. Even so, it would be impossible for Jane to pull out an outstanding commander among the more than ten thousand navy forces within three or two years. There is no such thing as a trustworthy navy officer in the military. In desperation, the Binzhou navy could only attack with small fleets, and could not form a huge iron army.

This time Cao Mengde drove thousands of miles to raided Luoyang City, and Yan Yan had no soldiers in his hands. In desperation, she had no choice but to use the tiger charm left by Lu Bu to temporarily appoint her servant Lu Zhi and Lu Zi Qianquan to work as a navy military, leading the navy to starry and night support. Yan Yan's idea is very simple. After deducting non-combatants such as Baigong, medical craftsmen, and small officials, there are at least more than 10,000 naval combatants.

With such a huge intelligence system as Shadow and Siwen Cao, the details of Cao Mengde's Yanzhou army have long been clearly understood by Yan Yan. Taking into account the cruelty of the battle and the quality of the soldiers, Yan Yan had to act decisively and use the navy as an infantry. As soon as these more than 10,000 navy soldiers appeared on the Luohe River, they immediately received the first-sounding effect, and the veterans of the Yanzhou Army were discouraged.

The whole group of more than 10,000 navy troops was over, and an offensive was launched under the command of Lu Zhi. As a result, the Yanzhou Army immediately felt a lot of pressure. First, thousands of elites led by Linglong, Kang Moli, Diao Chan, and Lingqi galloped and fought with them fiercely. Then came the assassin generals Ma Zhong, Tingwei Cao Yong, and Henan Yin Wangkui with the few remaining soldiers of thousands of prefectures, followed by tens of thousands of young people in Luoyang City. This posture has caused the remaining Yanzhou army to feel chills, and humbly, these tens of thousands of people are pressing together, how can you fight the battle? As soon as more than ten thousand naval forces came ashore, the Yanzhou army was immediately shaken.

"Sergeants of the Yanzhou Army! Open your eyes and take a closer look! The Bingzhou Army's slings and crossbow arrows are running out! Don't look at the tens of thousands of young men and women, they all have silver-like pewter spearheads! How can the recruits who have never seen blood compare with you veterans who have experienced many battles? The big guys hold on for a quarter of an hour, Luoyang City is ours!"

Seeing this situation, Cao Mengde didn't care about Su Rili's calmness and calmness. He opened his throat, put his hands in the shape of a trumpet, and shouted loudly. The soldiers on the left and right yelled desperately: "Hold on for another quarter of an hour, and Luoyang City will be ours!" The command of the lord Cao Mengde was passed out. In an instant, the Yanzhou Army's military spirit seemed to stabilize.

"Capture Luoyang City! Dasuo for seven days!" In desperation, Cao Mengde didn't care about his prestige, so he doubled the reward he offered with a single mouth. "Capture Luoyang City! Da Suo for seven days!" The hundreds of soldiers on the left and right immediately executed the order faithfully. "Capture Luoyang City! Dasuo for seven days!" Upon hearing these words, the Yanzhou army immediately became excited. At first, a few people shouted, and then it became dozens, hundreds, thousands of people. Tens of thousands shouted together! For these ex-Black Mountain thief and ex-Yellow Turban thief, the most important thing is not the faith of the ZTE Han room, but the **** and the burning, the return of plunder, and the return to the hometown!

Since the lord Cao Mengde gave me what we want, we have to capture Luoyang City for his old man. As a human being, we must pay attention to at least honesty. The people of this dynasty are simple and honest, even if they are thieves that everyone hates, they still maintain their bottom line and the most basic integrity. Cao Cao Cao Mengde is a traitor in troubled times. He has a deep insight into human nature, and he has taken advantage of this wonderfully.

"Don't tell me, these three marvelous soldiers of Madam are really well used! At least they blocked the Yanzhou Army and stabilized the battle. However, Cao Mengde's Yanzhou Army was the elite who chose the Black Mountain Thief and the Yellow Turban Thieves, and then belonged to the generals. Under his command, the trained soldiers are much more fierce and tenacious than our county soldiers. If you want to kill them all at once and capture Cao Mengde as a prisoner, your wife still has to take a little more thought. In the opinion of the old minister, Cao Mengde's Yanzhou army will be completely let Morale has plummeted, and the last straw is needed."

In the Luoyang offensive and defensive battle, Mrs. Zhao Yi's various measures by Yan Yan, the four dynasties veteran Sikong looked at him, and was happy in his heart. Da Sima has a wife like this, it is really fortunate for Da Sima! The imperial court has Mrs. Zhao Yi, which is indeed the imperial court's fortune! Putting down the Luoyang rebellion proves that Mrs. Zhaoyi has the talent of Queen Mother Lu. If she defends Luoyang again, it will prove that Mrs. Zhaoyi Yan Yan is a clever commander! Wrestling with Cao Cao and Cao Mengde unexpectedly saw a trick. You come and I support you until now. Even if you are defeated and died at this moment, it is enough to shine through the annals of history. Therefore, Chong Sikong lowered his worth, and Gan Juchen became a veteran.

"The old predecessors are so kind!" How can Yan Yan, Sikong's heart of devotion, fail to see? The thousand-year-old fox who was able to let this **** float and sink for decades lowered her noble head willingly, and her heart was so happy. However, ecstasy must be hidden in her heart, with a faint smile on her face, showing people with a humble and gentle manner. This is the most profound understanding of her ten years.

"Old predecessors' eyes are like a torch. Yan Yan's careful thought of this point can't hide your Dharma eyes." Yan Yan first held a handful of Sikong quietly, and then she opened it plainly. Own hole cards. "At this moment, Han Wenyue is outside the city, and I only gave him eight hundred fine riders. These eight hundred fine riders are veterans of a hundred warriors selected from the residences of the generals of Bingzhou. All of them are good players. Son, let it out is at least a tutor. To tell the truth, these eight hundred fine riders can serve as ten thousand cavalry."

"If the battle goes well, these eight hundred fine horses will be used to chase Cao Mengde. Han Wen is about a horse thief. He has been in Xiliang for more than ten years in the past, and no one can control it. Driving thousands of miles and chasing the north is the place. Long, at this point, even if you look at the world, even the big Sima himself can’t stand it. These 800 fine riders are armed to the teeth, and each of them is equipped with three war horses, and they are all newly developed by Gong Cao Zhuan. Shanwenjia, the Moknife and God Arm Bow in his hands are also the latest. Let’s not hide from the old predecessors, the money spent on these 800 fine rides is enough to arm 10,000 foot soldiers! If the battle is not going well, the Korean appointment will have to go ahead. It's shot."

Upon hearing this, Chong Sikong suddenly felt that his chest and back were soaked. He did not expect that Madam Zhaoyi, Yan Yan, would have such a deep calculation! Cao Mengde used his soldiers to claim that there are ghosts and ghosts, and his tricks have made it impossible to defend against people. However, compared to Mrs. Zhao Yi, Yan Yan seems to be half way behind. Must tell my children and grandchildren, don't try to challenge this woman! This sentence must be passed down as a family precept for future generations. Those who do not respect the family precept must get rid of the family and cannot claim to be my descendants!

However, what made Zhong Sikong pale in shock was still behind, and the following words made him truly surrender. "Old predecessors, while ambushing Cao Mengde, the Sili governor Cheng Lian has launched a night attack on Cao Hong who stayed outside Yanshi city. Cao Hong has only three thousand cavalry troops, and Cheng Lian has thirty thousand cavalry under his command, if I expected it. If it's not bad, at this moment, Cheng Lian has already attacked Cao Hong and returned to Luoyang City." Yan Yan said with a faint smile on her face, calmly said. Zhong Sikong, now your old man understands it?

"Mrs. Zhao Yi used her military skills to make great calculations, and she was better than Queen Mother Lu!" Zhong Fu finally sweated through his clothes, and he slowly lowered his head.

At this moment, thousands of flaming torches suddenly lit up a few miles to the east of Luoyang City, and from a distance, it seemed that thousands of troops came quickly. Thousands of torches illuminate the official road from Yanshi to Luoyang as if it were daylight, and tens of thousands of horseshoes stomped heavily on the vast ground, and the horseshoes thumped and rolled westward like a hurricane, with arrays in between. Cheers. "Da Sima has defeated Yuan Benchu, and one hundred thousand elite riders have returned to Luoyang!" "Don't run away from Cao Mengde!" "Kill!"

The sound of cheers and the sound of hooves of horse hooves came from far and near, shaking the earth, like a drumstick with a handle, hitting the heart of the Yanzhou army hard. "Huh? Lu Feng returned to his teacher first? He also brought a hundred thousand fine riders?" "Really?" "His grandma is a bear! Listen to the sound of horseshoes, and look at the torches. What a **** is fake?" "Really?" "His grandma is a bear!" What?" "What should I do?" "What should I do? Run! If you don't run, it's really too late!" In just a few breaths, the Yanzhou Army collapsed. They threw swords and guns, and the tide generally retreated. Going down, looking for horses, mules, and even vehicles, no matter how many things they are, they flee and scurry around.

"Come on! Hurry up to protect the lord and retreat! Return to Yanzhou as soon as possible! One step later, Yanzhou will not be protected!" Guo Jia roared with tears on his face and choked up. This time the surprise attack on Luoyang City fell short, and his heart was tormented, as if he had suffered a severe blow. However, after all, he is a well-known adviser, and he made up his mind in a flash, and the thirty-six plan is the best plan!

"My lord, go! I'm here to break!" Cao Ren looked back and roared resolutely. At this moment, he had made up his mind to keep the lord from fleeing even if he died in battle! "Withdraw! How much can you run out!" Cao Cao is an inexperienced hero. He gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and immediately made up his mind! Rather than being captured by Mr. Lu Feng, it is better to fight to the death!

Cao Cao was carrying more than a thousand Qingqi around him, and fleeing to the northeast desperately, under Luoyang City, the entire Yanzhou Army had collapsed.

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