New Story of Lv Bu

: : This is a hero, don't move his body

Standing on the tower of Wamen Gate, looking far to the east, I saw more than ten thousand torches rushing from east to west. The horseshoe bang bang, shaking the earth, shouting and killing one after another, resounding throughout the world, looking at that posture, at least one hundred thousand horses are coming in like a tide. "Da Sima has defeated Yuan Shao!" "One hundred thousand fine riders returned to Luoyang as their teacher!" "Xiu is going to leave Cao Mengde!" Frantic shouts were everywhere.

The knights on the horse were all sweaty and sweaty, and there was a burst of heat on their heads, and the horses and horses exuded an unpleasant anger, as if they were driving thousands of miles. The horses are stinky, and the cavalry on the horses are also stinky, but their faces are full of ecstasy. More than 20,000 pacers returned to Luoyang City in time, and finally caught up with the final fight. Luoyang City is still in the army. In hand!

"His grandma, a bear! We Lao Cheng finally arrived in time! Brothers, kill me! Kill all of these tortoises and grandchildren! When the sky is falling, our Lao Cheng is holding it!" Si Li Du Chenglian wiped it with his hand. Sweat on his face, shouted loudly. At this moment, the stone that had been hanging in his heart finally fell to the ground. It was so pitiful, and finally arrived in Luoyang City in time! If Cheng Lian didn't return the aid in time, so that Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, fell, even if Da Sima forgave him, he would have to apologize.

Oops, my sister-in-law, my wife Zhaoyi, sister-in-law Yan Yan, your old man should never play such a big gambling game in the future. Your old man is having fun too! We were so scared that our old Chengdu was terrified and shuddered. If I were to come a quarter of an hour later, the capital of the great Han, Luoyang City, would still be able to pinpoint who it was! Looking at the tragic situation inside and outside the door from a distance, the dripping blood everywhere, and the corpses of the horses and horses lying on the ground, plus the strange fragrance floating in the air, it became Lian Lian dumbfounded.

Oops! My god! Where is the battlefield? This **** thing is the real Shura hell! Cheng Lian tried his best to resist the urge to vomit and made a calm look. Adult adult's short brain short circuit did not affect the normal thinking of his cavalry. Hundreds of people have already begun to vomit. These smart people all know the origin of that strange smell. When they wanted to follow Da Sima to fight the Yellow Scarf, they had smelled it, but they didn't expect that today's old bottle was filled with new wine.

The most weird, weird and weird thing in this dynasty finally happened. The Bingzhou cavalry who had the upper hand and was struggling to chase down the remnant enemy vomited loudly while riding a horse and whip to chop off the enemy's great head. "Oh, why can't I stop vomiting?" "Take it up, just vomit it all up! Wow??????" The state cavalry motivated each other, vomiting while chasing the remnant enemy bravely.

Although vomiting is not a disease, it is contagious! The cavalry from afar vomited, and the infantry following them not far behind finally understood the reason for their vomiting, and immediately began to vomit. When they vomited, the Bingzhou army up and down the Huamen City Tower also began to vomit in a similar manner. Talented talents fight Fang Yin, and they will die anytime and anywhere. Everyone's spirits are in a high degree of tension, and they don't care about the smell floating in the air and the miserable situation in front of them. Now that the victory is set, and when the spirit relaxes, the mysterious smell of flesh and the horrible situation in front of the air are like maggots attached to bones, deep into the brain.

"Wow????? Chasing??? Wow??? Remnant enemy! Wow???" The Bianzhou Army on the battlefield was like this, while vomiting, while wielding a knife to chase and kill the fleeing Yanzhou Army. It's not that they want to vomit, but the hidden subconscious in their hearts forces them to vomit. Ugh! After all, they are humans, ordinary soldiers, not bloodthirsty demons and Shura.

Inside and outside the gate, Cao Mengde's Yanzhou army scrambled to get out of the city gate and fled in all directions. They almost threw away everything, armor, ring swords, helmets, and even the clothes on their bodies. The shoes ran away, no one stopped, and just continued running barefoot like that, the robes fell down, no one looked back, they were afraid to hesitate for a moment, they would become the ghosts of the Bingzhou Army. At this moment, they have only one thought in their minds, run farther, and run farther than others!

"Little ones! Come with me! Be sure to cut off Cao Mengde's head and dedicate it to Da Sima!" Wei Wei Han Sui said in a leisurely manner while riding a slender Wuhuan horse in Han Wen. In his eyes, pursuing Cao Mengde's remnant army with eight hundred spirits is like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer. When he Han Sui Hanwen was about to ravage Xiliang, Cao Mengde was still wearing open crotch pants and playing with pee!

As soon as the voice fell, Master Han folded his horse's belly with his legs, and the horse hissed and flew out like an arrow from the string. Han Sui rode on the horse, with a faint smile on his face, and his heart was extremely comfortable. His grandma is a bear! Since our old Han came to Beijing, we have been to Nanyang County. Although that trip was a good and bad, it made a lot of money, but accompanied a bunch of sour talents, all day long, chewing words and restraint. Today, I am instructed to leave Beijing and drive thousands of miles to clean up Cao Mengde. We must have a good time!

The eight hundred fine riders under Han Sui's command are all veterans who have spent more than a hundred battles. They have spent more than a year in Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, and they have been sluggish like a bird in a cage for a long time. Today I got such a beautiful post, and everyone was overjoyed. The old look has been changed to a new one. It must be a good life. At least Yanzhou must be turned upside down before we can show the whole story of our family!

After dozens of breaths, the eight hundred fine riders disappeared to the northeast, arbitrarily, biting Cao Mengde's tail.

"Don't leave! Stay! Fight for a quarter of an hour for the lord to escape!" Cao Ren waved the broadsword in his hand and hacked to death more than a dozen routs. However, the defeat was already achieved. How could he be able to stop him alone? ? The routs who rushed towards the consumption gate consciously avoided Cao Ren's side for more than ten steps, still rushing out of the city like a tide, completely ignoring the former General Cao Ren.

The helmet on Cao Ren's head has been lost, and the entire hair bun is untidy, covered with oil, sweat and dust, and is roughly **** with only a pair of linen square scarf. The sleeves on his body were splattered with blood and brain, mixed with large patches of black soil and sweat, which looked like a large piece of extremely dirty rags. His face was covered with dust and blood, and only one pair of eyes were shining brightly. Cao Ren and Cao Zixiao stood with his arms crossed like this, with his legs spread apart, standing in front of the gate of the city gate, like a gate god.

The collapse of the Yanzhou Army was like a tide, flowing continuously from his side, and Cao Zixiao remained motionless. His right hand tightly held the hilt of the knife on the ground, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He did not attempt to kill the ruined **** again. Cao Jun was defeated and earth-shattering, and he could not recover the defeat by himself. What he has to do is to do his responsibilities as a general of the Yanzhou army. At least let Lu Feng take a look at the battlefield. There are also generals in Yanzhou!

"Cao Ren is here! Who would dare to fight me for three hundred rounds!" Cao Ren held knives in both hands, standing like a **** in front of thousands of pawns. Thousands of Bianzhou pawns stopped in unison, quietly looking at the general in front of him, his grandmother a bear! Is this guy out of madness? Want to rely on your own strength to block the offensive of thousands of combined state troops? He is really crazy!

"Cao Ren is here! Who would dare to fight me for three hundred rounds!" Cao Ren shouted again, his eyes fierce.

"Fall the arrows!" a junhou who joined the state army exaggerated and shouted loudly! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh! More than a hundred crossbowmen opened their bows and arrows to shoot towards Cao Ren! Hundreds of arrows came and slammed into Cao Ren! The severe pain caused Cao Ren to bend his waist abruptly, and he straightened his waist in an instant. Yanzhou also has decapitated generals! When his consciousness gradually began to blur, he thought secretly in his heart. After a while, Cao Ren was shot into a sieve by random arrows.

Cao Ren's corpse was still glaring at him, holding a knife in his right hand, standing under the gate tower. "This is a hero, a hero who has lost the value of existence! Don't move his corpse!" The assassin general Ma Zhong, who rode his horse, held his right fist on his chest and respectfully paid a standard military salute. "General Cao Ren walks well all the way! I will bury you alive!" he shouted.

"General Cao Ren is going all the way!" Thousands of Bingzhou troops gave a standard military salute and rushed out of the gate from both sides of Cao Er.

"This battle is finally won!" Madam Zhaoyi Yan Yan said quietly on the towering observation deck in the Da Sima Mansion, two rows of crystal clear teardrops fell from her eyes. . As the owner of Luoyang City, the capital of the Great Han, she has given endless hardships and endless thoughts to be able to win this battle. At this moment, she really became scared. In this battle, Yan Yan exhausted her scheming and conspiracy, and it was only at the last moment that she overwhelmed Cao Mengde. If Da Sima did not lead his army back to Luoyang City in time, wouldn't it be clear who won or lost in this battle? Too **** dangerous!

Wait a minute??? Yan Yan suddenly remembered something. "Come on! Bring me the latest Eagle Letter!" Yan Yan shouted loudly. Yuan Benchu ​​had three to four hundred thousand people in his army. Fengxian had only one hundred thousand fine knights in his hand. It made no sense to defeat Yuan Benchu ​​so quickly? Besides, with Fengxian's temperament, how can we just be satisfied with defeating Yuan Benchu? He will certainly pursue it for thousands of miles.

After more than a hundred breaths, Yan Yan slowly closed the Ying Xin in her hand, her face was full of sudden enlightenment. "This Lu Zijing is really a blessed general! Fortunately, he came up with this trick. If Cao Mengde knew it, he would have regretted it! He was born in a Jiangdong family, and he grew up in water warfare. From this perspective , He can be promoted to a lieutenant, and he can be a naval military officer."

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