New Story of Lv Bu

: : Xu Longxiang, please be respected by my Wang Yun!

October 18, Zishi, Nanyang County, Jingzhou, Xinye County, within the county, above the three halls.

Li Lao and Guo Bang sat opposite each other. The cases in front of them were full of wine and delicacies. The two were drinking and talking. General Long Xiang Xu Rong's military discipline is very strict. Drinking is forbidden when fighting. Now Xu Dashuai is lingering on a sick bed and is recuperating in Wancheng, Nanyang County. As a result, Li Zhang has become the de facto leader of the Xiliang Army. Because of this, the two dared to drink secretly.

The two of them ate and drank, and drank and talked. After the three rounds of wine and the five flavors, they gradually opened their hearts. After vomiting a lot of bitterness, the conversation turned to the recent mess. Since returning to Dasima, the veterans of the Xiliang Army have moved and promoted, leaving the army continuously and heading to the four states of Youbing Sima. They are all mentioned in the first to third level to take office in distant places.

A dub who was promoted to a military commander or a fake military commander, transferred from Li Yu's subordinate to a certain county in Youzhou for supplementary use. If he had outstanding achievements in the past and he had a good old man to eat, a military commander would securely take it in his hand. Up. Or go to a certain county in Jizhou, which is affluent, to be a tutor. Such examples abound. In the Union State Army, the treatment of the soldiers is excellent. As long as they serve in positions, a generous amount of furniture is indispensable. If you still have some motivational ideas and want to be a general, you have to work hard to read and calligraphy, and make more achievements in the battle.

Thousands of miles to be an official only for money, brothers tuck their heads on the belt of the trousers and follow the main official, whether it is Dong Taishi or Da Sima, is it not just for promotion and fortune? The current trend has long been understood by the brothers of the Xiliang Army. Anyone who goes to work in difficult places, such as Youzhou, Liangzhou, and the Western Regions, must be raised at least two to three levels, and there are also expensive settlement expenses. . Those who are accustomed to life and death, are accustomed to seeing blood and killing, are unwilling to go to difficult places, choose to go to rich and leisurely places to marry wives and children, they can also be raised to one or two levels. Da Sima's treatment is really frugal and frugal, let you choose, brothers, why not do it?

In this way, within half a year, in the Xiliang Army, except for the direct lineages of Li Wei, Guo Bin, Fan Chou, and Zhang Ji, all happily accepted Luoyang Bingcao’s transfer and official seals, and happily rushed to the new job. Post again. Those who stayed with Li Lao, Guo Bang, Fan Chou, and Zhang Ji were left with their true irons, which made Li Lao and Guo Bang very unhappy.

"I said Lao Guo, Da Sima's hand is really high! Just so quietly, I snatched all the inheritance left by Mr. Dong Taishi to us. Now apart from your relatives and my relatives, the remaining old brothers We are all the habitual bandits, sand thief and green forest heroes of the past. These people can't recognize a few words in their eyes, and they don't want to be strictly restricted by military discipline, so they have to choose to stay with you and me. If this continues, you and I will become bare generals. Lao Guo, in your opinion, what should you do?"

Li Li poured a bit of Zhao wine abruptly, wiped his mouth and said. He opened his eyes wide and fixedly looked at Guo Bang in front of him.

"Lao Li, since we have returned to the Bingzhou Army, even if it is the Han Army, we should listen to the announcement. This is nothing to talk about. Even if it breaks the sky, there is nothing cheap to take. People kill with a soft knife, fame and fortune. , Jinyinzhuyu put it in front of these gangsters, which one is not jealous? Which one is not tempted? If you and I stop it, I am afraid it will arouse the soldiers to change. You can't do this thing!" Guo Bin was full of face. They were all melancholy, and drank a bottle of wine with self-consciousness, spouting a bunch of alcohol.

To be honest, he really misses the days of chasing the wind and power after Dong Boss. Boss Dong is fierce and cruel, but his old man is trustworthy! As long as there is a man who is loyal and loyal, obeys orders and obeys commands, puts his head on his belt during a war, and saves his life in battle, after winning the battle, what he likes to do, Dong Bo will never mind those nosy things!

His grandma is a bear! Look at it now, seven prohibitions and fifty-four cuts, all kinds of military laws and regulations, endless characters, endless books, and I'm dizzy all day long! Not to mention, to eat Da Sima's salary, you must listen to Da Sima's words. After all, the salaries of the Bingzhou Army are extremely generous. But, even a girl can't sleep, and even a little girl is not allowed to molest, what the **** is this? All of Lao Tzu's subordinates were from the horse bandit Sha Pi, so Lao Tzu is in charge of their big heads, shouldn't they also care about their small heads?

"Lao Guo, you are right. But don't forget that there is a **** thing about you. We have joined hands to fool the prince and teacher. If he sees through, he will be angry, you Do you want to meet someone or not?" Li Wei opened his dimly drunk eyes and pointed at Guo Bin's nose with a thick finger. Master Wang Situ, aren't you a **** poor literati? This matter has missed the bottom line, at most I will get a few heads to fool you, even if it gives you a face. You **** don't be shameless!

"This??????" Guo Bang was speechless as soon as he said this. To be honest, he really hadn't thought about it. However, the people who can become the pillars of the leadership under the leadership of Dong Bo are all talented people, otherwise, they will not be able to save their heads. Sure enough, within a few breaths, Guo Bang immediately had an idea. In any case, we can't let Li Zhang go down, right?

"I guess, this will happen in all likelihood! Why? Now in the area of ​​Nanyang County, only our Xiliang Army can stabilize Liu Jingsheng's Jingzhou Army. In the First World War, I almost captured Cai Tao alive, and almost captured Xiangyang City easily. No matter how you say it, it was a **** feat! Even if there are some small and lax sins, I think Da Sima will always ignore the monks. Looking at the Buddha's face, quietly let us take a few horses. As long as we tuck our heads on the waistband and fight hard, nothing will happen. Da Sima is smart! Besides, we cleaned up, Nanyang Isn't the county messing around?"

Speaking of this, Guo Bang seemed to be persuaded by his own logic. A faint smile appeared on his face, he raised his neck, and drank another biting Zhao Jiu. "Lao Guo is right! I don't think there will be anything wrong. Now the Kwantung Allied Forces are going west to ask for Lu, Da Sima is blooming all over the place, and his hands are in a hurry. As long as his old man is not a fool, he will definitely not be bothered by us! As for him! Brothers have made these mistakes, easy to handle! As long as our brothers take down Xiangyang City, even the big sins will be gone!"

Li Sun smiled and raised the wine cup in his hand. "Come here! Our brothers are qualified to hand over a glass of wine! Not drunk and homeless tonight!"

At the same time, on the official road from Junzhiwan City in Nanyang County to Xinye County, a small group of cavalry of more than 100 men was quietly galloping in the dark night. All the cavalrymen in this garrison were sinking, frowning, and reluctant. They were all personal soldiers of General Longxiang Xu Rong. This trip was ordered by King Situ of Nanyang to **** General Longxiang Xu Rong to Xinye County.

Since Wang Situ became angry and smashed the case a few times, Xiao Er'er reported the matter to General Long Xiang Xu Rong. Xu Rong was shocked as soon as he heard that, regardless of the severity of his illness and lingering on the bed, he immediately ordered the soldiers on the left and right to lift himself to see Wang Situ. The soldiers on the left and right have been with him for several years. They knew that they would follow the law and the military orders were like a mountain. Even though they were unwilling, they had to follow the orders. They found an eight-treasure car and carefully carried him. Go to see Wang Situ.

"Gong Situ! If you deal with it this way, you will definitely ruin the big Sima event!" When he saw Wang Situ, Xu Rong motioned to him to hold back, grabbing his sleeve and whispered. "Xu Longxiang, what does this mean?" Upon hearing this, Wang Situ was immediately taken aback. Xu Rong is a famous general in Xiliang, governing the army very strictly, fighting bravely, and at the same time using soldiers like gods, and he is known as unpredictable. Even Cao Cao and Cao Mengde have suffered from him. When he said this, he must have real evidence in his hand. Can Wang Situ not be surprised?

"Situ made a mistake! Li Si, Guo Bang, Fan Chou, Zhang Ji and others are all Xiliang tycoons, and I'm the only one who is used to doing things recklessly. To deal with such violent thugs, we must be patient and careful, moist and quiet. , You have to make careful arrangements before you can start. If they are squeezed in a hurry, they will surely rise up in rebellion!" Xu Rong lowered his voice and said.

"Oh! The old man made a mistake! The old man made a mistake! In the general's mind, how should I deal with it?" Wang Situ was extremely clever, and he wanted to understand everything in a moment. He grasped Xu Rong's hands, and said again and again. "Situ Gong! The only plan for the present is that I have to take a trip to Xinye and beat those violent people with military sticks and let them commit crimes and meritorious service!" Xu Rong said softly. "No! No! In case Li Zhang rebelled, wouldn't you be dead? I, Wang Yun, can't make mistakes again and again, and lose you again!"

Wang Situ shook his head, his eyes were already moist. "Situ Gong! At this moment, there is only this way! Situ Gong can't say anything, this time I Xu Rong will go! In order to prevent Li Lai Guo Ben from becoming suspicious, I only bring a group of soldiers, and the rest All of the eight hundred fine horses are left to Gong Situ!" Xu Rong did not say in the next sentence, if Li Yu rioted with troops, he could keep Gong Situ safe.

"Xu Longxiang, please be honored by my Wang Yun!" Wang Situ's tears burst into his eyes, and he respectfully stood up and bowed!

"How far is it from Xinyecheng? When can I get there?" Xu Rong opened the curtains in Wang Situ's eight-treasure car and asked with a tired face. "General, you have arrived in Yuyang County. It is fifty miles away from Xinye County. You can arrive before dawn. The general should not be anxious, so let's sleep a little longer." The soldiers on the left and right slowed their horses and crossed their hands respectfully. Replied.

"Well, I will sleep for a while." Xu Rong said loudly. He was so anxious that he could sleep there, but he slept soundly with words and thoughts of peace. This trip to Xinye, I don't know what the result will be, but it must not ruin the overall situation of Da Sima. With the sound of hooves of horses, Xu Rong gradually fell asleep. In his dream, he dreamed of Lu Fengxian in front of Hulao Pass.

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