New Story of Lv Bu

: : Mrs. Zhao Yi has broken the thieves

On October 18th, at the time of Zizheng, Si Li Xiaowei Bu, Henan Yin, deep in Meishan, twenty miles southwest of Guancheng County.

Meishan is a small mountain range consisting of more than ten hills, and the highest peak is only a few hundred feet high. However, Meishan is winding and winding, tens of miles long, just to isolate the eastern part of Yin in Henan. Since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Xingyang has been a place of four battles, surrounded by wilderness, which is good for offense and bad for defense. The surroundings can be used as a barrier, except for the big river in the north, which is Meishan in the south.

Starting from Meishan, more than a hundred miles to the north is Xingyang, the important town of Sili, more than a hundred miles to the south, is the Junzhiyangdi of Yingchuan County, Yuzhou, and more than a hundred miles to the east is Zhongmu, the important town of Yuzhou, which controls Sili. It stands to reason that for such an important geographic location, the Kwantung Allied Forces should send a large army to defend it. However, the Jizhou Army had been dragged down for seven days and seven nights during the Zhongmu War, with heavy casualties and exhaustion. Da Sima Lubu took the initiative to abandon Zhongmu and Guancheng. They were too happy, so how could they care about the corner of Meishan?

Meishan Mountain is not high, and the forest is not lush. The only advantage is that it is winding and long and narrow. This kind of terrain can't hide many people, as long as you send Qingqi to go, climb high and look far, and carefully watch out, you can know the enemy's background. "Sun Tzu's Art of War? Terrain" says: "You can go, it is difficult to return, you can hang; if you are in shape, the enemy is unprepared, and wins; if the enemy is prepared, the enemy is invincible, and it is difficult to return, which is disadvantageous." Typical hanging ground, such terrain is not conducive to hiding the traces of the army.

However, the Han culture is extensive and profound, full of infinite wisdom and infinite background. If you add to the Zhouyi, the Tao Te Ching and other classics, it will be more confusing. The Tao Te Ching believes that the strength of victory and defeat can be completely transformed under appropriate circumstances. Although Meishan is hanging ground, it is not conducive to hiding the army. However, the scouts of the Union State Army are the number one in the world. In their eyes, the scouts of the Kwantung Allied Army are nothing more than Dolphins! With this rule, the hanging land becomes a blessed land that can be attacked and defended.

Da Sima Lubu’s one hundred thousand fine riders are quietly hidden in these dozens of li-long plum mountains! Not only that, the 100,000 horses of General Wei Gaoshun also quietly came to Meishan a few hours ago. Up to now, the 200,000 stepping rider has had a good rest for at least four or five hours, and all the soldiers of the state army are full of food and sleep. They are sleeping in the mountains.

In the dozens of miles of Meishan, there are soldiers and horses of the Union State Army everywhere. Everyone has the title, and the horses are equipped with a bridle, lest they make a sound, and they are the scouts of the Jizhou Army who have slipped through the net. Thousands of vehicles such as catapults, bed ballistas, baggage carts, medical carts, cooking carts, etc., were parked in the dark in an orderly manner. Between the high and low valleys, hundreds of thousands of war horses quietly chewed on the fodder mixed with soy and eggs. Their master stood nervously aside, lest the war horses neigh.

Tonight is a big dark sky, the moon is hidden in layers of black clouds, and there is almost no finger on the ground. Occasionally, the eyes of the soldiers who came and went were accustomed to the darkness in front of them, and squinted their eyes and walked cautiously. Behind the main peak of Meishan, there is a big tent that can accommodate hundreds of people. Only the occasional curtain can reveal the light. It is Lu Bu's big tent.

In the depths of the Chinese army’s big tent, Da Sima Lubu was lying on the couch, with his right leg resting on his left leg, and he was humming a song in a low voice. His humming voice is very small, and you can understand it when you listen carefully. It is "Sauvignon Blanc? Quick Snow", a love poem written by Mrs. Zhao Yi Yan Yan to Lu Bu. Lu Bu Suri's hobbies, the first is to play cool, the second is to play the zither, and the third is to love beautiful women. Since he was promoted step by step, these three hobbies have gradually left him. Without it, the court's laws dictated that the rest was humming.

"Quickly snowing and clearing, the mountains and rivers are picturesque, call the waiter to take the Wu hook, wear the fox fur, and see the earth is white. Leaning on the railing, the chariot, the horse Xiaoxiao, the battle is dignified, all are the king’s subordinates, Thousands of miles entered the pass to fight against the heroes, full of spirits. I don't know where is the king? Have you ever entered the Chang'an temple?"

"Twenty years of wind, frost, rain, and snow, sleeping together, it’s hard to say goodbye to each other, I’m panicked when I miss you. The eldest daughter joins the army, the second son joins the army, and the younger daughter is busy laughing around her knees. Reading gradually Long. Jun rides a horse, I ride in a car, and I am willing to follow the army into Chang'an. Even if the sky is broken and the earth is changing, the enemy is besieged by thousands of weights, and it is difficult to stop me. Follow you to the north and pursue death!"

The song "Sauvignon Blanc? Quick Snow" was sung infinitely affectionate by him, and it seemed to sing all the joys and sorrows in the world.

General Wei Gao Shunduan sat after the case, his face was dignified, and there was a fleshy bump between his thick eyebrows. He kept pouring bowls of strong tea from an extra-large copper teapot with a slender neck and a long belly, and pour it down. Obviously, he was already extremely dissatisfied with Lu Bu's actions. If he had been replaced by another person, his old man would have called him directly.

"I said, General Wei, I drank too much strong tea, but I am going to lose my stomach! The war is about to start soon, you don’t have a place to pee, don’t pee in your crotch. The dignified General Wei, the pillar of the imperial court, You actually pee in your crotch. How do you tell the world to think about you? At least Hou Cheng's servant is going to laugh off his teeth. You Tangtangwei General can't leave Hou Ziyu with an ancient story, right?"

Lu Bu finally finished the twenty-fourth "Sauvignon Blanc? Quick Snow", he squinted at Hou Cheng and said narrowly. "You??????! You are unreasonable! You actually pushed Madam Zhao Yi into the fire pit while working!" Gao Shun finally got out of anger, and he shouted loudly. "I've already passed Chenggao, and I will be able to reach Luoyang City in no less than an hour. You sent a few Hongling escorts to chase me back! If Mrs. Zhaoyi has a long and two short, I Gao Shun and you Lu Fengxian Never finished"

"Xiao Shunzi, stop your breath! Stop your breath! Why don't I know the battle in Luoyang City? To be honest, it was your sister-in-law's idea. She said that Cao Mengde has only five or six thousand horses, Luoyang City It is also a strong city, with all kinds of ordnance, armor, food and grass. Although there are only forty thousand county soldiers, there are several veterans who are sitting in town, and there are more than one hundred thousand young and strong, which can definitely be supported."

"Even if Cao Mengde's army of 50,000 or 60,000 can defend Luoyang City, she still has complete confidence. Looking at the Kwantung Allied Forces in front of us, in addition to Yuan Benchu's 200,000 horses, there are more than 200,000 on Yuan Road. I It’s definitely not enough to have only one hundred thousand fine riders under his command. Bingzhou fine riders are sturdy and sturdy. They have the advantage of being strong and persevering and attacking thousands of miles. As for defending the city and hunting for fish that slip through the net, you can rely on steppers. I have repeatedly advised. , She just didn't agree, nothing, I only promised her cruelly!"

Lu Bu sat up on the couch, poured a large bowl of lukewarm tea on his own, and poured it into his stomach. Then he said seriously. "Bong first, do you know? Sister-in-law is playing with fire! She is playing with fire, so you just let her play? Is it so fucking? Once Luoyang City falls, not only will my sister-in-law’s life be worrying. Our whole family may have to finish the fun!"

Gao Shun stood up and paced back and forth in the big tent. "Oh! Xiao Shunzi, how can I not know that this is playing with fire? A little carelessness, it is a *** situation! But, I can't help it, the treasury is empty, it would have long been unable to stand it. If it weren't for After copying the homes of those one hundred and sixty-eight families, our finances have been **** broken. I am just dancing on the tip of a knife now!"

"Have you not seen that Wang Wei's hair is already gray? In the past two years, Wang Wei is quite old and more than ten years old! He has been repairing holes everywhere, and he is already exhausted. If your sister-in-law can hold Luoyang City, we I packed up Yuan Benchu’s 200,000 army tonight, and by tomorrow morning, this battle will be won! Such a big temptation, even if I know it’s a poison bait, I’ll swallow it alive. A day’s armistice will save you money. Astronomical amounts of money, fighting, in the final analysis, fighting is money and logistics!"

With a serious face, Lu Bu lowered his voice and said, only in the presence of Gao Shun, his most trusted right-hand man, old comrade-in-arms, and old subordinate general, can he be so straightforward and tell the truth. "Ah??????" Gao Shun sighed long, and sat down again a few minutes before returning to the case. He reached out to mention which copper teapot with a slender neck and a long mouth, and filled a large bowl of tea. This was pure habit.

Da Sima's words are true. If you are not in charge, you don't know Chai Migui. In order to end this war as soon as possible, he did not hesitate to risk playing with fire. A penny of money suffocates the hero, and he really has nowhere to go. But what if Yan Yan can't hold Luoyang City? Thinking of this, Gao Shun couldn't help but shudder all over, he really didn't dare to think about it anymore.

At this moment, the curtain was lifted, Dian Wei with two double iron halberds in his back and Xu Chu striding in with a nine-ear and eight-ring elephant nose knife came in. "Enjoy the lord! I have completed the patrol of the guards, and we are here to give orders! The whole army guarded the military orders and took time to rest, and did not let Yuan Jun find any traces. All the scouts were scattered, within a radius of two hundred miles. The enemy scouts have all been killed, and the Jizhou army in Guancheng Camp is sleeping soundly." The two men respectfully performed a standard military salute with their right fists as their chests, said slowly.

"Yes! You two have worked hard! Do you have the latest eagle letter from Luoyang City?" Lu Bu said with a smile on his face and waved his hand. "Lord! Tens of breaths ago, I just received a letter written by Yan Yan from Madam Zhao Yi. Madam Zhao Yi has already broken Cao Mengde. Cao Mengde led only a few thousand cavalry to escape, and Wei Wei Han Sui led eight hundred cavalry tails to chase him away. Luoyang City is purging the remnants of the enemy."

"Oh!" As soon as he heard this, Lu Bu fell on the couch like a deflated ball. At this moment, his chest and back were soaked. His grandma is a bear! Madam finally finished playing with this hand, no playing with fire***! "Huh??????" General Wei Gao Shun's face was immediately covered with blush, which was caused by excitement, or a physiological reaction caused by drinking too much hot tea.

"Fucking! I'm going to pee!" Gao Shun stood up suddenly, he suddenly felt that he couldn't hold it anymore.

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