New Story of Lv Bu

: : Sneak attack! Still a sneak attack!

October 18th, at the end of Chou, Si Li Xiaowei Bu, Henan Yin, four or five miles outside Guancheng Daying.

At this moment, the sky was shining, and the dark clouds all over the sky had already dispersed, revealing a round of bright moon, and the bright moonlight and flowing water poured down, shattering into fragments among the whirling shadows of the trees. Looking around, the entire Guancheng camp seemed extremely quiet, one after another snoring and the occasional horse hiss, adding a little vitality to this deadly silent night.

Lü Bu was immediately in a dense forest, putting up a pergola, and looking at Guancheng Daying three or four miles away calmly. Yan Yan finally defended Luoyang City, making him happy. Upon hearing this good news, General Wei Gao Shun went to the cottage eighteen times within an hour, and had a thorough and hearty experience. Naturally, the tall man also left a small comment.

If one day he upsets Da Sima, his old man can turn over his small intestines and evaluate the health of General Wei by the way. "I said Xiao Shunzi, isn't your kidney not very good? Why did you go to the cottage eighteen times in one hour? Lao Tzu saw his mother with his own eyes? Gu You Lianpo's three legacy, this ??? Naturally it was Guo Kai who planted him. Today, General Youwei makes eighteen trips to the cottage in an hour?????? Hahahahahahaha! You have to take care of your body, female **** is a bone-scraping steel knife! You have to pay attention !" Lu Bu couldn't help laughing out loud when he thought of the helplessness on Gao Shun's rigid and stinky face.

While Lu Bu was searching his stomach and thinking about how to turn this dream into reality, Dian Wei's voice appeared untimely in his ear. "Master, the Eagle letter just received, the Jizhou army's scouts have all been killed. Everything is normal in the Guancheng camp! The snoring in the camp is loud, and almost everyone is sleeping. Even the sentry guards. Are already asleep."

"The latest news came from Luoyang City. The war was over. The Yanzhou army had 12,000 prisoners, and 90% of them were wounded. In this battle, more than 20,000 beheaded, died in the fire, or were killed by the sword. There are countless people who have smashed their skulls with stones. As for the capture, there is almost nothing. Cao Mengde only led thousands of cavalry to flee the battlefield, and Wei Wei Han is holding on to him. Madam Zhao Yi has sent 20,000 steps. Pawn, come to support us in a car. Because of this, General Wei asked for a surprise attack as planned!"

Dianwei was full of joy, and he talked endlessly, like a long-tongued woman in a rural home.

"Can there be deer villages, horse nails, traps and so on around Guancheng Daying?" Lu Bu put away all the reveries in his head, coughed slightly, and asked with a straight face. "Enjoy the lord! General Wei sent someone to check it carefully, and I personally went to spot check five or six places, none of these things! Probably the Jizhou army was too tired, hurriedly ate dinner, and fell asleep on his mother’s side. !"

"The meticulous work ambushed in the Guancheng Camp also sent back dozens of pieces of information. All the arrangements made by our army before they left were not discovered by the Jizhou army. Even the hundreds of stones of grain left deliberately Intact, it seems that the Jizhou army is exhausted." Dian Wei Chashou replied respectfully. His grandma is a bear! Fortunately, Laozi didn't listen to Xu Zhongkang's words, and personally inspected five or six places.

"Passing the order! Agree to General Wei's request, launch a surprise attack as planned, and let General Wei uniformly command the battle!" Lü Bu waved his hand comfortably, and got off his horse. "Come on, prepare a car for Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu should have a good night's sleep. There is a small black man standing in front of him. I am sorry if I am not lazy, I am sorry to the ancestors of the big man! You leave some people to serve , Let's enjoy the rest of the game!" Lu Bu opened his mouth and yawned, a burst of fatigue hit him, and he couldn't help but feel a little dizzy.

Dianwei and Xu Chu looked at each other, and they were slandering in secret. Lord, you are lazy to sleep. What does it have to do with the ancestors of the great man? But as soon as I heard the last sentence, the full belly immediately turned into a smile. It was the lord who understood the two of us and gave us a chance to fight at the most critical moment! "No!" The two hurriedly cross-handed salute and settled Lu Bu to rest.

Now that everything went smoothly than expected, this battle was basically a ten-year success. Xiao Heizi has been with me for several hours, so let him go to the battle heartily and happily! Otherwise, he won't be able to get out of this bad breath, and sooner or later he will make trouble for Lao Tzu. Besides, I have been exhausted for the past few days, and I can't hold it anymore, so I should take a break.

After a while, Lu Bu's grown-up body was lying in a special eight-treasure car, and fell into a deep sleep, snoring like thunder.

In a blink of an eye, it was the time of Yinzheng, and a faint whiteness of fish belly appeared in the east, which was a signal that the sun was about to rise.

Hundreds of figures leaned out of the houses, trees, hills, and dirt pits that were three to four hundred steps outside of Guancheng Camp. They carefully observed the movements of the Jizhou Army sentry, and then raised their legs and walked lightly, like A big bird rushed towards Guancheng Daying. These people are all wizards and abilities in the army, and their task is to touch the sentry and initiate the various news arranged at the time of evacuation. These people have superb martial arts, light as a swallow, and are used to flying on land, jumping across the ridge and reaching their destination in a moment.

There are eight gates in Guancheng Camp, which can garrison hundreds of thousands of troops. Each gate has a high wall of watchtowers. As long as someone guards it, it is like a copper wall and an iron wall. Because of this, Yuan Shao and Yuan Benchu ​​took his subordinates to survey the terrain carefully and couldn't help but raised his thumbs. "Boom! Lu Fengxian deserves to be the world's first general! With this temporary construction of the Guancheng camp, it is enough to compare with grandson and Wu Qi! You don't need to change all the measures, it's just as good as before! "

At this time, the sky in the east has already radiated thousands of rays of light, and a red sun is about to rise slowly. The sky that was still somewhat hazy was completely azure blue, and the birds in the forest began to chirp. The breeze blew gently, bringing a hint of coldness. Everything indicates that today is a bit cold and sunny day.

"Hey! Spent all night, finally the end!" At the south gate of Guancheng Daying, a tutor in charge of the patrol sent his hand to rub his sleepy eyes, opened his mouth and gave a big yawn, his face was tired. To say. "Isn't it? I'm so **** damned! If I don't sleep well for three hours, I'll really be finished! Huh? Why didn't the heavy soldiers get up and cook? I'm so hungry!" A dub with a sharp face replied with a grin.

"You forgot, the military order the lord had just issued yesterday, get up an hour tonight to let the big guy sleep well!" The chief yawned before taking a look at the dignified Dubliner and said coldly. Relying on his outstanding combat achievements, he didn't see himself as the new chieftain at all. Lao Tzu had long seen him not pleasing to his eyes! But there is no other way, the backstage is also very hard.

"Oh! It looks like I have to be hungry for half an hour! Sleep! Sleep!" Jing Han Dubo didn't care about Master Tun Chang's icy gaze. He drew his body down, resting his head on his knees and dozing off with his knees. After dozens of breaths, he snored loudly. The hundreds of Jizhou soldiers who were patrolling, standing guard, and guarding the sentry saw this posture and immediately learned everything, looking for a place to go to sleep! The surprise attacks of the Binzhou Army were all at the time when the sky was about to become clear, and the sky was bright on the left and right, and today is safe and sound!

A dozen or so talented and supernatural men were waiting for this moment, and they flew like big birds and landed beside the gate of the village lightly. Holding the reddish silk threads in his hands, they were looping around the necks of the dozing Jizhou soldiers. When the sentries tilted their heads, the snoring stopped abruptly. In just over ten breaths of effort, the south gate of Guancheng Daying opened quietly. "Send a signal! The others are on alert!" Tun Changfei, who led the team, looked at the watchtower and yelled at the camp.

Swish??? Swish??? Swish??? Three groups of fireworks went straight up into the sky, and suddenly burst in mid-air, making a thunderous sound. At the same time, above the seven gates, 21 fireworks skyrocketed together! A large group of fireworks burst into the air with instant brilliance, rendering the blue sky magnificent and splendid, just like the many operas of the fish and dragon.

"Action!" Looking at the splendid fireworks flying all over the sky, General Wei Gao Shun, who was immediately on the hill, was agitated. His grandma is a bear! This battle is won by the state army! "Chong!" "Kill!" "Cut off the head of Yuan Benchu's Xiangshang to comfort the tens of thousands of heroes in Luoyang City!" "Feng Wife Yinzi, at this time!" Three or four miles around Guancheng Daying Within the scope, tens of thousands of Bianzhou elites rode prancing horses and raised their swords, shouting loudly to launch a decisive raid on the Guancheng Camp.

"Where is Da Sima?" Gao Shun asked suddenly. "General Wei, Da Sima is sleeping soundly in the Eight Treasure Wheels!" The soldiers on the left and right turned their heads and pointed back. Hundreds of steps away, there was a faint thunderous snoring sound from a special Eight Treasure Wheels car. "For the past half month, Da Sima Lao has been exhausted, and he is too tired to sleep well before one day. Let him sleep soundly. Don't wake him up. When he wakes up, I will break Yuan Benchu's 200,000 yuan. In the army!" Gao Shun said with a smile on his face.

"No!" the guards on the left and right replied with cross-hands, their voices suppressed very low, lest they disturb Da Sima's clear dream. At this moment, the surrounding area of ​​Guancheng Camp was full of killings, and Zhou Jingqi had already penetrated into the Guancheng Camp. Gao Shun raised his eyes and saw that the two black men rushing in front were two **** men, one dancing with a double iron halberd, and the other carrying a nine-eared eight-ring elephant nose knife. It was Dian Wei and Xu Chu. The two of them carried their subordinates on their horses and rushed forward, their faces full of excitement, like two tigers descending from the mountain.

"These two guys only know how to charge and kill, and they have completely forgotten their duties. It seems that Da Sima's guards should be replaced! Dianwei and Xu Chu will be transferred to the army as the vanguards, to fulfill their wish, and secondly It is people who make the best use of their talents and what they use to their advantage. However, there must be someone supervising Da Sima's entry and exit, right? Who will be the leader of Da Sima's personal soldiers?" Gao Shun was lost in thought.

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