New Story of Lv Bu

: : Counter-modulator Xu Ziyuan

When the 200,000 Union State Army launched an attack, among the Guancheng camp, the troops from Gaolan were the first to enter the battle. In Yuan Shao's Jizhou army, Ju Yi, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and Gaolan have always been known as the Four Tingzhu in Hebei. These four, together with the veteran Chun Yuqiong, constitute the main force of the Jizhou army. In the West Expedition, because of resentment that Yuan Shao did not execute justice, the top-ranked general, Ju Yi, said that he could not get ill, and stayed in Chen Liucheng with the three thousand camps under his command. Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and Gao Lan are naturally more important.

Yesterday night, because of Yang Xiu and Yang Dezu's "chicken ribs", Gao Lan ordered the whole army to rectify their outfits and wait for it to prevent the combined state army from attacking at night. As soon as this military order was issued, the friendly forces on the left and right immediately laughed out of their teeth. The trilogy under Wen Chou's command was the most intense. "I said General Yuan Bo, what are you doing all the time? Do you want to go back to the house if you clean up your clothes?" A school lieutenant squeezed his eyes narrowly, doing the rabbit escape with one hand, and one Hands stretched out **** and gestured to the ear.

General Wen Chou has always paid no attention to military discipline, as long as he goes on the battlefield and saves his life to rush forward. Therefore, Wen Chou fights always with three axes at the beginning, and the big guys rush forward violently and furiously around the main general, and often a single charge can slash the flag. However, once encountering an enemy who is good at defensive, and the three assaults still cannot penetrate the enemy's large formation, Wen Chou will lose his helmet and unarm. If he meets a first-class fighter from the Great Sima Lubu, confronts him and pierces his great formation, Wen Chou has to abandon his armor and flee.

In the Wen Chou Army, the relationship between superiors and superiors has always been very casual, and there is no strict boundary like in Yan Liangjun. The generals in the army often joked, patted their shoulders, and cursed a few words "the thief's mother". Treating Gao Lan, who is as famous as the leader Wen Chou, they treat like their own lord, and they are not very respectful. In their eyes, this is normal.

The words of Lieutenant Chisao immediately caused a burst of laughter, mostly kind reminders, and there was also a bit of teasing in it. General Gao Lan is really a **** worry! Now that Cao Yanzhou led an army of 80,000 to attack Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, Lu Fengxian had to return to Luoyang City with the entire army starry night. In Nanyang County, Yuan Gonglu pressed and attacked and attacked by the Zhou army. Are you dreaming?

"Everyone! Now that you are fighting Fang Yin, there is nothing wrong with being careful. Besides, tomorrow morning you still have to pull out the camp, and you will clean up earlier, so that you will save trouble tomorrow morning." Gao Lan cursed his mother secretly in his heart, but his face was clouded. Danfengqing, explained with a smile. "Let's go! Let's go! General Gao is so mature and prudent!" A few older captains hurriedly made a round of battle, and all the birds dispersed.

"Trouble for the province? I think Uncle Gao Yuan is scared!" Several young and strong generals under Wen Chou's account whispered as they walked.

"Afraid? Am I afraid of Gao Lan?" Gao Lan walked in his military village with his hands behind his back, thinking carefully about these words in his heart. Don't say it, I'm really scared. For so many years, I have been accustomed to seeing corpse mountains and seas of blood and life and death. I can't help but feel a little more desolate and a little less ambitious. Regardless of him, as long as the four thousand elites under my command are there, it is the end of the sea, and I can go there too! A big husband can't be powerless for a day! Gao Lan sighed secretly, and walked to the camp.

In the first half of the night, Gao Lan slept soundly, snoring like thunder, black and sweet as if he had entered a honeycomb. However, when he was ugly, he immediately got up from the couch. Lu Fengxian's classic battles have long been well-known all over the world, and the most common trick is to use a fine cavalry to sneak attack and burn the enemy's camp. Moreover, Lu Fengxian likes sneak attacks at dawn, when people are most sleepy.

Thinking of this, Gao Lan couldn't sleep anymore. He got up all the time, awakened a few soldiers, lit a lantern torch, and walked out of the Chinese army's big tent and patrolled everywhere. What is strange is that nothing happened, the whole camp was snoring like thunder, and everyone was sleeping like dead pigs. It doesn't make sense, as the Yin Time is approaching, the imaginary night attack has not yet appeared.

With full of doubts, Gao Lan climbed to the tall watchtower with a torch in his hand, squinted his eyes, and carefully observed the surroundings. Silence, death-like silence, except for the occasional spring sounds of wild cats and dissatisfied chirping of birds, everything is so peaceful and silent. Ugh! Probably I am too worried, it doesn't seem like there is a night attack by the state army at all! I saw Yang Dezu early in the morning, and I will definitely let him out a jar of good wine to make amends! Seeing that it was a lot of noise for a long time, I did not sleep well, and it gave me a false alarm.

Gao Lan handed the torch to the soldiers on the left and right, opened his mouth and yawned greatly. He stretched out comfortably, and was about to lift his legs down the lookout. At this moment, in the eastern sky, a thousand rays of sunlight suddenly radiated, and a round of red sun gradually rose. The sky's rays of sunshine shone the whole land into a fiery red, and the whole place was full of brilliance and brilliance. Amidst the red glow, a group of cavalry suddenly appeared. They stretched wide and looked like mountains and plains, endless, everywhere.

"Enemy attack! Bianzhou army night attack!" In shock, he yelled out of his throat, and he stretched out his hand to beat Diaodou.

Yesterday night, after the Jizhou army set up camp in Guancheng Camp, Yuan Shao took a bath after completing his patrol, and ordered some fine wines and dishes to be rectified, and he sat down to drink a few small drinks. Accompanying him to drink were Feng Ji and Xu You, both of whom were from Nanyang. Xu You, with the word Ziyuan, was an old friend of Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, and Feng Ji, the character picture, was an old friend of Yuan Shao.

There are eight main advisers under Yuan Shao's account, divided into three factions. Fengji and Xu You of Nanyang School, Yingchuan School has three people, Guo Tu, Zi Gongze, Xin Ping, Zi Zhongzhi, Xun Zhan, and Zi Youruo. There are also three people in the Hebei faction, Tian Fengzi Yuanhao, Jizhou Julu people, Zhengnan people with the trial word Zhengnan, Weijun people in Jizhou, and Gongyou at Ju, Guangping, Jizhou. Not long ago, Feng Ji and Xu You of the old school joined the Yingchuan school to make a small plan to force away the pillar of the Hebei school Jushou. Without it, Jushou was too loyal and straightforward. Once the power was in his hand, he acted with orders, completely disregarding the face of the patriarch and the Yingchuan school. As soon as he left, everyone's ears were finally quiet.

"Ziyuan, Yuantu, we are all old friends who have known each other for many years. You can tell me the truth. This time Cao Mengde leaped thousands of miles to raid the capital of Han's Luoyang City. Can he succeed?" Yuan Shao sat there. , After drinking a few drinks in a row, he put down his drink and fixedly looked at Xu You and Feng Ji and asked. Upon hearing this, Feng Ji and Xu You immediately looked at each other. Yuan Shao is a great hero and great hero, but the old friends and old friends of the big people are just the expressions of the big people showing that they will not forget the poor and the poor. If the old poor and the poor are taken seriously, then the **** is the gods. Jokes.

However, the two of them have a friendship with Yuan Shao. Since the lord has spoken, no matter how difficult it is to answer, he will have to prevaricate. "Lord, among the lords of the world, Liu Junlang of Yizhou and Liu Jingsheng of Jingzhou are just mediocre people! That is Yuan Gongdao, and it is actually difficult to subordinate under the prestige. If we talk about the heroes of today, only the lord, Lu Fengxian, and Cao Mengde are three. Ren Er! Although Cao Mengde’s background is a little short, he is after the great Changqiu Cao Teng, but he is wise and decisive, wise, has the opportunity to hide the universe, and the ambition of the world. If you talk about using soldiers, Cao Mengde is big and small with the Yellow Turban and Montenegro. He almost wiped out the Yellow Turban Black Mountains in Qingzhou and Yanzhou during the small hundreds of battles. In terms of using soldiers, he is a prodigy today. Since he dared to take a fight and make a desperate move, he must be sure of it!"

Feng Ji was resolute, so he gave his words, and in an instant, he said this, and Yuan Shao couldn't help but nod frequently. "Yuan Tu's words are extremely true! I have been with Meng De for a long time and know each other very well. Since he dared to do this, he must be sure in his heart. It's just that our army will fight under the city of Zhongmujian for seven days. , Had lost his energy a long time ago and had to rest in Guancheng County for one night. Otherwise, the starry night would drive a 200,000 army and hunt down Luoyang City with Meng Dehui. How magnificent would it be?"

Yuan Shao took a deep breath and looked towards Luoyang City through the dark night with his eyes, and waves surged in his heart. "No! No! Cao Mengde will be defeated in this labor expedition!" At this moment, a sharp voice rang in Lord Yuan's ear, and Xu You, who always regarded himself as a counter-informer, finally couldn't bear it. Stopped, roaring with a pig shoulder in his hand.

"Zi Yuan, what do you say?" Yuan Shao and Xu You have known each other for many years. Knowing that this person is used to singing the opposite tune, he couldn't help but open his eyes wide and fixedly look at Xu You. Yuan Shao treats others generously, and he will still listen carefully to the words of the generals and counselors under his command. "My lord, who is Nalu Bulu Fengxian? He is a famous general who fought and fought old. Look at the classic battles he fought when he pinged Xianbei, pinged the yellow turban, and pacified Xiliang. People Lv Fengxian played surprise attacks. My ancestor! Cao Mengde is just breaking his wrists with the mobs such as the Yellow Turban and Montenegro. How can he get up to Lu Bulu Feng's first? So, Cao Mengde will lose in this battle!"

Upon hearing this, Yuan Benchu ​​and Feng Yuantu immediately closed their mouths tightly. Although Xu Ziyuan spoke annoyingly, he said these words well. Combat is just like a game of chess, and what you are best at will definitely be alert at all times, for fear that your opponent will use it against yourself. In this way, Cao Mengde drove thousands of miles and attacked Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, and he still wondered what the result would be. However, Cao Mengde had at least one advantage in doing so, that is, he solved the siege of Jizhou army.

Can Cao Mengde win? What should I do if I am invincible? With this doubt in his mind, Yuan Shao fell asleep.

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