New Story of Lv Bu

: : Yuan Shao Yuan Benchu ​​is also a hero in the world

In the deep darkness, Yuan Shao entered a dreamland, which was a dark and sweet dream full of blood and killing.

In his dream, Yuan Shao leaped his horse and swept his whip, led tens of thousands of steps, and after hundreds of thousands of folds, he finally came under the strong city of Luoyang.

In front of you is the majestic city of Luoyang, the capital of the Great Han Dynasty. The banner of the Yanzhou Army is flying above the towering tower. Eight horses can be held on the tall and solid city wall. A few hundred steps away is one of the twelve gates of Luoyang City. : Consumption door. To the south of Luoyang City is the turbulent Luoshui, which is broad and majestic. The sails on the river are like rain, and the ships are like clouds, going down the river and heading straight to the east.

Suddenly, above the head of the city of Wamen, the situation suddenly changed, and the red flag of the Binzhou Army suddenly became the black flag of the Yanzhou Army. "Hahahahahahaha! Don't come here without any problems? Cao Cao has been waiting here for a long time!" With a burst of hearty laughter, Cao Mengde's small body appeared on the head of the city. From a distance, Cao Mengde smiled and twisted his beard, looking like a king.

"Call!" Yuan Shao reined the horse rein abruptly, built the pergola with his hands, and looked up over the consumption gate. The Huamen is tall and towering, and the city wall is at least twelve feet high. Against the backdrop of the tall and majestic Huamen, Cao Mengde's body appears so small. "Hahahahahahahaha! Congratulations to Mengde! Congratulations to Mengde! After a hundred battles, you have finally won the capital of Dahan Luoyang City! Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!" Yuan Shao hurriedly clasped his fists with his fists and smiled on his face. Cao Mengde, who couldn't really see from above the city, gave a deep salute.

At this moment, hundreds of lanterns torches were suddenly lit around Cao Mengde, shining the entire city like daylight. "Hahahahahaha! Yuan Benchu, open your eyes to see who I am?" He only heard a cry, like a thunderbolt, shaking people's ears. Above the city, Cao Mengde's short body suddenly became tall and burly.

From a distance, the man is seven feet tall, with a slender waist tied around his back, shoulders close together, his face resembles Fu Fen, his sword brows close into the sky and his forehead is pierced into the brow, a pair of handsome eyes are distinct, his nose is like a jade pillar, and his mouth resembles. Dan Zhu, with big ears facing her arms, with a top helmet and a braided armour, turned out to be Lu Bulu Fengxian! Lv Feng first held Fang Tian's painted halberd and moved his right hand backwards, shouting: "Where is the ambush? Quickly cut off Yuan Benchu's dog head!" "No!" Hearing a promise, he suddenly rushed out countless fine riders in all directions. , All over the mountains and plains, the killer will come.

"Oh! I was hit by Lu Fengxian's ambush on all sides!" Yuan Shao suddenly felt his liver and gallbladder cracked, he couldn't help but roared, raised his head and spouted a mouthful of blood, then turned and fell. At the moment before falling from the horse, the words of the counter-insurgent Xu You and Xu Ziyuan suddenly echoed in his ears. "Lv Feng is the ancestor who played a sneak attack. How can Cao Mengde be compared to him? Comparable to him?????? Comparable to him??????" Xu You's voice was sharp and harsh, just like him. It's so mediocre, which is extremely uncomfortable.

That's it! It's really over this time! Cao Mengde, your strategy of encircling Wei and saving Zhao is really a pitfall for me!

"Master, wake up!" "Master, wake up!" It seemed that there were more than a dozen hands shaking his body, like a strong scalper in Litian. Yuan Shao suddenly felt tingling all over his body, and he felt a sense of death. "Why is it so panicked?" Yuan Shao opened his eyes slowly, and it took him a long time to figure out that he was still in the Guancheng camp, and those thrills and twists just now were just dreaming. He slowly straightened up and asked, only then did he realize that he was already sweating through his clothes.

"My lord, the matter is not good! The state army raided the Guancheng camp, and there was already a mess outside! If you don't run away, the lord can only be a prisoner of Lu Fengxian!" The commander of the soldiers opened his mouth and explained to Yuan Shao. Wear clothes with a hood, armour and waist. "What? Did Lu Fengxian really raided Guancheng Daying? Does he want to make Luoyang City, the capital master of the Han Dynasty, any more?" Yuan Shao was shocked immediately. After a few breaths, he closed his mouth. Since Lu Feng dared to attack first, the capital of Luoyang City??????

Thinking of this, Yuan Shao's heart sank to the bottom immediately, and he couldn't think of the end of all the hardships and the fleeing of a chicken and egg! At this moment, he was about to collapse, thinking back then, why did I have to get along with Lu Feng first? It's all caused by Cao Mengde! If it weren't for him, I, Yuan Shao, had 500,000 soldiers, how could Lu Bu's nagman succeed in sneak attacks?

After all, Yuan Shao is one of the few heroes in the world, and after a few breaths, he is completely calm. His grandma is a bear! I, Yuan Shao, have been tyrannical for a lifetime. I dared to draw my sword in front of Taishi Dong. I was afraid that Lu Bulufeng would not succeed first? Heroes died in battle, and the Shroud of Heroes returned! Even if I die, I, Yuan Shao, will die so terribly, I will fall into the name of the fourth and third deity of the Yuan family in Runan!

Now that the determination to fight to the end has been born, other things are easy to handle. The first priority at the moment is to quickly inspire morale and organize effective resistance. Let's hold on to Lu Fengxian's initial three-handedness. As for the future, I had to ride a donkey, read the songbook and walk around. Thinking of this, Yuan Shao finally figured out that if he fights to the end, he must start with himself first!

"What is it? Our army has hundreds of thousands of people, and how can the state army kill it all at once? It is 200,000 pigs and sheep, and it will be killed for several days and nights. You are my pro-army. I must fight desperately with me, move forward with all my strength, inspire the soldiers, and fight against the trapped beasts. Only by living to death can there be a way of life! If you break and flee, you might as well abandon your weapons and surrender, let Lu Feng behead first! "

Yuan Shao's eyes widened, his thick eyebrows frowned, and he shouted with sword. "Follow me!" As soon as he finished speaking, Yuan Shao shook the cloak on his shoulder, pressed his sword with his left hand, and walked out of the Chinese Army's tent in a stride. "Nuo!" The soldiers on the left and right slammed their promise, and surrounded Lord Yuan and walked out of the Chinese army's big account. These people are all warriors chosen from a hundred, and they have always been leaders in the military. Lord Yuan's words immediately became like a divine enlightenment, making them deaf and embarrassed.

His grandma is a bear! With a big scar on his head, this horrible fate of Lao Tzu, today is his mother's explanation here!

As soon as Yuan Shao walked out of the Chinese Army's tent, his ears immediately became a mess. The sound of hooves of horses, the screaming screams, the sound of bows and arrows shooting into the human body, the sound of weapons, the sound of wind, the sound of galloping war horses, these chaotic sounds are dazzling. God shake. Among the thousands of horses and thousands of troops, the Bingzhou Army's shouting and killing was particularly harsh.

"Don't leave Yuan Benchu!" "Cut off Yuan Shao's head! To comfort the spirit of the robe in Luoyang City!" "The commander seizes the flag and seals his wife's shadow, just today!" "Cao Mengde's 80,000 army After defeating Luoyang city and fleeing on horseback, brothers of Jizhou Army, you are completely finished!" "Recognize the situation, and those who surrender their weapons will not die!" The sound of the state army's shouting and killing was shaking the world.

"His grandmother is a bear! I want Lao Tzu's top head, no way! Lao Tzu was ordered by the sky, how can I die at the hands of you little servants?" Yuan Shao cursed loudly and raised his foot to board. A watchtower dozens of feet high-this watchtower is still an old thing in the Bingzhou Army. Yuan Shao set up a pergola and looked far away. After a while, he could clearly see the battle around Guancheng Daying.

Looking dozens of miles away, the footmen of the Jizhou Army fled in all directions, ramming around like a flock without a shepherd. Following the turbulent flow of people, they ran around without distinguishing things, and were driven by the Mo Dao, Ma Jian and Arrows of the Union State Army. Bingzhou Jingqi waved the weapons in his hand, coldly and efficiently dispelled the Jizhou infantry who had assembled into the regiment, and drove them to continue to flee.

Around Guancheng Daying, within twenty miles of a radius, under the radiance of the sun, yellow dust rose up, one after another, straight up into the sky. Yuan Shao was born in the fourth generation and three gongs. He was a well-known noble family in this dynasty, and he naturally learned the method of observing dust. These smoke and dust are all in one after another. The ones in the back just fell into silence, and the ones in the front immediately rose, and they looked unusually neat. Such smoke and dust must be the elite steppers marching fast. Seeing the appearance of the smoke and dust, at least more than one hundred thousand elite steppers rushed in hurriedly.

The eight gates of the Guancheng Camp burst open, and the camp, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, the Beiwei Army, and the Tiger Ben Army were trapped. The four Bianzhou Jingqi drove through the four gates in the south, east and north. The horseshoe slammed into Yuan Shao’s Chinese army camp. Come. Running at the forefront is a fine rider from the south. The leader is a burly black man with a sturdy collar, one holding a double iron halberd, and the other dancing a nine-eared eight-ring elephant nose knife. It is Dian Wei and Xu Chu. These two people rushed like two wandering dragons, and they died when they touched each other, and they were only two or three miles away from the watchtower.

"Drumming! The whole army retreated while fighting and focused on the watchtower where I was! Raised my general flag to show my name as Yuan Shao. Today, if I take a step back, Yuan Shao is not a descendant of the Yuan family of Runan. Heroes die in a hundred battles, and the corpse of the strong man is still! Tell the armies: Only by living to death, there is a way of life! If you break up and flee, it is better to abandon your weapons and surrender, let Lu Feng behead first!"

Yuan Shao stared at the south, shouting with halberd finger. Lu Fengxian, I, Yuan Shao, are here. If you want to take the head of my item, please let go of your posture! If you don't fall for a hundred thousand men, you can't imagine succeeding! "No!" The pro-army on the left and right yelled loudly, just like a thunderbolt between the sky and the sun. The lord's move really made them admire! Yuan Shao Yuan Benchu, a hero in the world!

On the watchtower dozens of feet high, Yuan Shao stood with a sword, calmly and calmly, looking at the hundreds of thousands of troops rushing in the distance.

Scholars are not afraid of death, so how can they be afraid of death? Even if I died at the beginning, Yuan Shaoyuan, I must die like a hero!

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