New Story of Lv Bu

: : Fu Jiang Xu Gongming

Yuan Shao stood on the high watchtower with his sword, quietly watching the battle in front of him. At this moment, his heart was like an old monk entering Ding, there was no wave in the ancient well, and there was no more ripples. Combat is like a game of chess. Only when you are outside the chessboard, you can calm down and make a wonderful chess move. "A general has done everything! I know the way that famous generals used soldiers today! It's nothing more than being out of things, treating every soldier as a chess piece on a chessboard, looking at each and every life. It keeps disappearing, and what you do is just the final victory! Charity does not control soldiers, righteousness does not gather wealth, and the ancients are sincere not to deceive me!" Yuan Shao lamented a long sigh.

The current battle has already begun to take shape. About 60,000 to 70,000 Jizhou troopers swarmed into his Chinese army camp. The rest were either killed or captured, or fled under the hooves of Bingzhou Jingqi. The horseshoe bang bang, the shouting and killing sound shook the sky, one after another, the sound shook the fields, the Jizhou steppers who fled in all directions kept falling under bows and knives and guns, and the only remaining Jizhou army routs continued to flood towards the Chinese army camp. However, only a small part of them ran ahead, and most of the routs were already in the middle of the siege.

Zhongmu fought for seven days and seven nights, followed by a surprise attack by Lu Feng’s first 100,000 elite horsemen. Although Yuan Shao’s Jizhou soldiers had been repaired and repaired, they also suffered great losses. In desperation, Yuan Shao had to forcibly enlist the heavy soldiers and civilians into the army. But today, Lu Fengxian's surprise attack again brought him Yuan Shao Yuan Benchu ​​back to his original form again! Oh, the difference in thought! If I, Yuan Shao, wake up a little bit and get up earlier, at least this war will not be lost so badly!

Suddenly, Yuan Shao's heart was filled with sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty, and a thousand kinds of melancholy, all came to his heart.

"The whole army listens to the order! Get in the camp, dismount the team, target Yuan Shao's Chinese army camp, and move forward!" Zhang Liao slowly restrained the horse, raised his right hand high, and coldly gave orders. Although he is young, he has experienced many battles and is extremely intelligent, and he can be described as a master of the battlefield. Looking at the situation in front of him, Yuan Shaoyuan was initially cruel and wanted to defend himself. The Jizhou Army's stride was more than a hundred heavy, and it was still thickening. With such a deep step formation, even the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry can hardly break through. Among the elites of the Union State Army in front of them, apart from their own camp, they are all cavalry, unable to withstand foot combat, and the rest depends on the camp. .

The camp was tuned by General Wei Gao Shun, sturdy and elite, extremely powerful, and especially disciplined. Zhang Liao gave an order, but after more than a hundred breaths of effort, the whole army immediately completed the horse-step conversion. "Kill!", "Kill!", "Kill!" Nearly 20,000 camps raised their shiny swords and shouted in unison. "Goal: Yuan Shao's Great Account of the Chinese Army, go forward!" Zhang Liao's right hand fell heavily.

"What a Zhang Wenyuan! Preparing for the enemy first, there are indeed good talents! It's worth noting that Da Sima treats him like this!" On the high hills in the distance, General Wei Gao Shun held a clairvoyant in his hands, staring at him intently. The battle. At this moment, the pawns of the Binzhou Army were rushing in, and the big killers such as crossbows and catapults were still a few miles away. Bingzhou Jingqi has already defeated the Jizhou Army's infantry, captured and beheaded more than 100,000, and the accomplishment has already been accomplished. It is an embarrassing time.

Under the watchtower where Yuan Shao was standing with a sword, a step formation that was several miles deep had formed and was still expanding. Once the large-scale formation of the Jizhou Army is formed, it cannot be shaken again with the Jingqi Charge, so it has to retreat first and hand this hard bone to the subsequent infantry to chew. However, on the battlefield, the transition between victory and defeat has always been extremely fast, and Zhang Liao just made up for this gap.

Otherwise, if Yuan Shao sent out cavalry to chase when the Jingzhou Jingqi retreated, then there might be a big mess.

"Follow me! Break through the Jizhou army's large formation!" Xu Huang waved the Xuanhua axe in his hand and shouted loudly. Seven thousand tigers rode in front, forming a huge wedge-shaped formation, and sixteen thousand leopards riding behind, gave this wedge-shaped formation a huge tail. "Chop to capture the flag, in one fell swoop!" Twenty thousand tiger and leopard riders clenched the sharp Mo knife in his hand, and began to accelerate slowly, faster and faster.

Xu Huang is a good general. He has experienced many battles and can see the key to this battle at a glance. If you want to behead the flag and completely defeat the Jizhou Army, you must pierce it before the Jizhou Army's infantry formation is completely formed! In this battle, although there are many elite main forces such as the tiger army, the back wei army, the trapped camp, and the selected front army, there is only one tiger and leopard cavalry. At this time, when is it not to charge in the front?

The experience of the past and present has proved that in addition to the quality of the soldiers, morale, military spirit, military resources, and even the time, location, people and other factors, there is another crucial factor that determines the outcome of a life-and-death battle. That is luck. There are often some staggering things in history. No matter from which point of view, there will be ten defeats and losers, and suddenly they will be won by some lucky guy! If such miracles happen one after another, this lucky guy will be called a lucky general.

Xu Huang and Xu Gongming are much luckier than Da Sima, who has endured all kinds of hardships at the end of Weiwei. His official career is simple and clear, and he climbed to the high position of general miscellaneous in a short period of time. Not only that, this servant is simply the son of the goddess of luck! Hubaoqi's decisive assault happened to hit the waist of the Jizhou Army! Opposite Xu Huang and Xu Gongming were the subordinates of veteran Chunyuqiong.

In Yuan Shao's Jizhou army, the qualifications of the veteran Chun Yuqiong are extremely old, and can even be traced back to the period of the Eighth Captain of the Xiyuan, and he once raced alongside such heroes as Yuan Benchu ​​and Cao Mengde. Because of this, whenever encountering some thorny or uncombatable troops, Yuan Shao always threw them to General Chunyu without a wave of clouds. Ever since, General Chunyu's army has become a big garbage dump, with all kinds of goods. However, General Chunyu didn't care at all, so he accepted everything.

For Yuan Shao, this is no way. Don't accept them. They will switch to others, or they will gather in the mountains and forests and become the black mountain thief and the yellow turban thief. Accept them, it takes a lot of effort, I don't know if it will be worth the fare. General Chunyu has profound qualifications, both civil and military, and he will surely be able to withstand these trivialities, so let his old man go to work hard!

Therefore, during battles, General Chunyu’s troops are always the first to come on the battlefield. This is the careful thought of Lord Yuan. Through the beginning of the war, we will eliminate those troops with strong centrifugal force, weed out the weak and stay strong. The big waves are scouring the sand. Chun Yuqiong is not stupid, Lord Yuan's careful thoughts have long been known to him, just pretending to be confused. You have your Zhang Liangji, and I have my ladder over the wall. If you want to exclude dissidents, I have to choose elites and cultivate my own direct line. You left these people to me.

The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is the elite of the Union State Army, the first-class main force, charging into the battle, and attacking everything. General Chunyu's army has always been regarded as a garbage dump in the Jizhou army, and it is a first-class underdog. As soon as the tiger and the leopard cavalry were charging desperately, the soldiers under Chunyuqiong began to rout. They were cannon fodder, but it didn't mean they were careless. There is no way to siege the city. There is a law enforcement team carrying bright swords to follow, but it is different on flat ground. I can't resist it, I can always retreat.

Dare to love you Yuan Benchu ​​to use us as cannon fodder to consume the troops of Bingzhou's elite cavalry. Look at those cavalry. Can the unarmed miscellaneous soldiers be able to resist? I won't be with you anymore! Hurry up and run away! Therefore, before the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry rushed over, the soldiers raised their legs and walked lightly. These people are veterans of fleeing for their lives, and there is no flaw in the performance of a play.

The tiger and leopard rides rolling in, and immediately burst into the Jizhou army's formation. The high-speed horses smashed the fools among the clever people one by one, and the rest was solved with a Mo knife, and left too far. Leopard riding behind. All of a sudden, the stump flew with Mo Dao. The blood was in the same color for a long time, and the blood was splattered everywhere. Like a hot knife cutting butter, the tiger and leopard ride straightly broke through the dozens of deep Jizhou army foot formations, galloping all the way, leaving the broken arm stumps and the miscellaneous soldiers who retreated like tides far behind the horse.

"Hold it up! Hold it up!" General Chunyu roared loudly, and even waved the horse in his hand, smashing several fleeing miscellaneous soldiers. In Yuan Shao's Jizhou army, there were many hills and various cautious thoughts, which made everyone had to fake it. General Chunyu was full of anger and full of righteous indignation, but he was happy to bloom in his heart, but his basic troops were all kept. As for the garbage in front of you, why don't you die more? How can you gain a foothold in the Jizhou army without your own direct line?

The tiger and leopard rode a galloping horse, dashing through a distance of hundreds of steps, and the blockers were invincible. Seeing that they were only a few hundred steps away from Yuan Shaozuoli's watchtower, they were suddenly stopped by a mighty teacher who was waiting. "Follow the arrow! Hold the sword player! The spearman jab!" Gao Lan was immediately in the army, waving his right hand down! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh! In an instant, the crossbowmen under his command opened their bows and set off their arrows, sending out ten thousand arrows, covering the sky with arrows, and shooting straight toward the tiger and leopard riders who were swiftly coming!

"General Yuan Bo has a good savvy! I only reminded him that he can draw inferences from one another!" Yang Xiu immediately behind the battle, hiding behind dozens of rattan tiles, secretly praised in his heart. He was born in the famous Hongnong Yang family of the dynasty. His grandfather Yang Ci and his father Yang Biao were both crown lieutenants of one of the three males. He is a real two-life and two-duke, and he is also a famous person. How can he not cherish his life? ?

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