New Story of Lv Bu

: : Xu Rong's smart plan to stabilize the military

October 18th, at the beginning of the Yin Dynasty, Jingzhou, Nanyang County, Xinye County.

A round of red sun rose slowly from the east, radiating ten thousand rays of sunlight, and cast a mottled red light on the earth that had just awakened from the deep darkness. Junhou, who was in charge of defending the north gate of Xinye County, stretched out a long waist comfortably from the bed, and began to put on his boots lazily. After hurriedly washing, he put on a heavy armor under the service of the soldiers, and he went out and began to patrol.

The Xiliang Army has always paid no attention to patrol camps, and can't help but not pay much attention to patrol camps, even trivial matters such as sentry, scouts, and camping. Taishi Dong is a great tycoon in Xiliang, and his confidant generals are all from Xiliang hao chiefs. He is particular about driving thousands of miles and charging with iron cavalry. As for the defense, the Xiliang army has never taken it seriously. Taishi Dong's famous saying: The iron cavalry under my command is for offense, not for defense. Only the soldiers under Xu Rong's command maintained these good habits.

Although reluctantly, Lord Junhou walked down the city gate and braved the bitter north wind to start his own patrol tour. Along the way, he patrolled very strictly, ranging from the military appearance of the lower part of the army to the outfits such as shoes, socks, armor, etc., he carefully looked at them one by one, and until there were no problems, he ordered the pot to cook. It's about to be Mao Shi, when Mao Shi clicks Mao, he will go to the county office with his whole body clothed. See Li Si Guo Bang and others. After accepting the task, he can return to camp and have breakfast comfortably.

"My lord, a cavalry of more than a hundred men came from outside the north gate. They want to enter the city!" Mr. Junhou just finished performing his duties and was about to go back to sit on the tower, and a tutor hurried over. Reported. As soon as it was light, some people wanted to enter the city, so why did they come? Mr. Junhou's heart immediately thumped. "Did they ever explain, whose army is it?" My lord, it looks like it is Marshal Xu's army! "The chief lowered his voice and said. "Oh? Take me to see! "Jun Hou's eyes lit up immediately. He was a veteran of the Xiliang Army. He used to be a guard by Xu Rong's side, and his eyebrows were immediately closed when he heard this.

The two of them walked like flying, and in a moment they came to the north gate of the city. The military man set up a pergola and looked down dazzlingly. In the golden light of the morning sun, a general sitting on a tall and sturdy blue-maned horse, with a sturdy body and a sickly face, is Xu Rong! "Zhao Wei, haven't seen me for a few months, you don't even recognize me?" Xu Rong recognized me as soon as he saw the military officer, he said loudly.

"I have seen Marshal Xu! Humble duty to welcome the late arrival, and invite Marshal Xu to Haihan one or two! Come, open the door immediately to welcome Marshal Xu into the city!" Zhao Junhou was full of worry, and immediately crossed the head of the city to salute. Squeak! After a while, the north gate of Xinye County was opened suddenly, and Zhao Wei led the soldiers and went out of the city to meet Xu Rong in person. "Let's see Marshal Xu!" This time Zhao Wei did a grand salute instead of a military salute. "I'll see Marshal Xu!" Six hundred soldiers and soldiers paid the salute together.

"Zhao Wei, follow me into the city! Go straight to Dianmao!" Xu Rong said with a solemn face and pointed his whip to the front. "No!" Zhao Wei promised, leading the trilogy and closely following Xu Rong. "Marshal, you did not come at the right time this time. Wang Situ's and Xiaowei Li and Xiaowei Guo didn't deal with each other very well. Do you know this? Take 10,000 steps back. Even if you have to come, you have to bring He is full of soldiers and horses to **** him. The Marshal only brought more than a hundred people with him. Once something happens, it is really not working well every day." Zhao Wei's legs and horse belly were clamped, and he came in three steps and two steps. With Xu Rong's side, he drove down with him and said in a low voice.

"Oh?" Xu Rong looked up and down Zhao Wei carefully before speaking slowly. "Zhao Wei, I haven't seen you for a few months. You are very progressing! Wang Situ is a man, has a tough temper, and prides himself on cliffs. He always doesn't rub sand in his eyes. Li Wei, Guo Ben, Fan Chou, Zhang Ji and others, again I'm arrogant and domineering, how can I look at Wang Situ? If I don't come this time, the knots in the hearts of the four of them will never be solved, and if they get bored for a long time, big things will happen! If you are in a different place, you Say I'm coming or not?"

"My lord is about sacrificing oneself for the country! Humble duty feels the same!" Zhao Wei's eyes suddenly moistened, and he replied with a choked voice.

Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom boom boom! The agitated drums of war broke out in Xinye County. This is a daily routine of drumming. After the drum is rang, all officers who should come to the office must come to the official hall within a quarter of an hour. Those who do not arrive or are late for no reason will be confiscated in accordance with the military law. One month's salary. This is the old system in the Union State Army, and it has always been very strict.

As the de facto commander-in-chief of the Xiliang Army, Li Wei Li was always the last to be there. The officialdom of this dynasty pays much attention to superiority and inferiority. As the boss, he can only show his importance when he plays at the last minute. I can't let Boss Li wait for the generals, captains, and military officers under his command. This time, Li Yili was also in accordance with the usual practice, and he was late to arrive after the Mao Drum rang.

The moment he raised his leg and stepped into the lobby of Xinye County, his eyes were as big as copper bells, and sweat appeared on his face. In an instant, his chest and back were soaked. The reason is very simple. Above the exact central position where he used to sit, there was a man sitting impressively! This person has a sickly face and a burly body, sitting there like a Taishan mountain, no matter whether it is thunder, fire, or stormy, he can't shake him at all! This person is not someone else, it is Marshal Xu Rongxu who was supposed to be recuperating in Wancheng, Junzhi, Nanyang County! Xu Dashuai suddenly came to Xinye. Why did he come? Could it be that Lao Li's conspiracy was revealed?

"Military judge! The school lieutenant Li Yu is late, what should be the crime?" Xu Rong, who was sitting in the upper head, said coldly when Li Yu was sweating. "General Qiqi! According to the military law of this dynasty: If you are late for one time, you will be fined one month!" The military judge held a military law in his left hand and a writing brush in his right, and replied loudly. "School Lie, you can't order for no reason. The penalty is one month! Keep a record!" Xu Rong said in a deep voice. The record is the rewards and punishments of the generals and lieutenants, which are recorded one by one, and then urged for execution.

"No!" The military judge slammed his promise, holding the pen with his right hand, and writing straightforwardly on the book of merits and demerits: lieutenant Li Lao, if you don't have any reason, you will be fined one month! "Li Lao, are you convinced by this punishment?" Xu Rong raised his eyes and fixedly stared at Li Lao. "Li Lao?????? Convinced!" Hearing that it was not the Dongchuang incident, Li Lai secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and replied with cross-handed.

"Just be convinced! Lieutenant Li, please enter." Xu Rong nodded, with a smile on his face as a sign of approval. "My princes, the imperial court is now in the midst of turbulent times. I hope that all the princes will work together to defeat Liu Jingsheng and capture the city of Xiangyang! The horse bandit and sand thief are no different!"

Having said that, Xu Rong raised his eyes and scanned the faces of Li Na, Guo Bang, Fan Chou, and Zhang Ji one by one. "The princes are now the genuine Han army under the command of the Great Sima, and they must always demand themselves with the words and deeds of the famous generals of the ancients. A few years later, he will be able to become the Jiuqing, even if the encounter fails, he can still be a prefect in the great county of Zhongzhou! If you have outstanding meritorious service, you will still have a master!"

Xu Rong's words stopped in the ears of Li Wei, Guo Bang, Fan Chou, and Zhang Ji, and they were confused. Marshal Xu traveled hundreds of miles to this small Xinye county seat, just to punish Xiaowei Li for his monthly salary and to boost his morale? This is absolutely impossible! There must be a later move. Could it be that the conspiracy I was waiting for happened? At the thought of this, the four of them immediately broke into sweat.

Sure enough, Xu Rong finally got the point. "According to Wang Situ's investigation, you and the four of you were not strict in governing the army, which caused 38 major crimes committed by Xiao Xiaoqu. There were a total of 738 people involved in the case! This general came this time, that is Come to deal with the matter personally! The 18 people in the lead beheaded immediately! The rest of the people waited, and the death penalty was temporarily waived, and the living sin was hard to forgive! According to the military law, a stick sentence ranging from one hundred to twenty spine battles was imposed and executed immediately! Li Lao, Guo Pun, Fan Chou was fined one month in order to serve as an example!"

Upon hearing this, the rock hanging in the hearts of Li Lao, Guo Bang, Fan Chou, and Zhang Ji immediately fell to the ground. The four of them stabbed such a big basket. They didn't expect to be fined for only one month, and then they were given eighteen heads to pass the risk. It is really a blessing! "Nian Zai Er waits for your outstanding merits, Da Sima allows you to wait to make up for your merits and commit your crimes! If you dare to commit the crime again, you will be punished for both crimes and kill your head! You are willing to be serious in military discipline, work together, and conquer Xiangyang?" Here, Xu Rong slapped the case and started with the sword! With his eyes wide open, he glared at Li Lao, Guo Bang, and Fan Chou, and roared loudly.

"I'm waiting for the crime! I would like to urge the subordinates to capture Xiangyang City and lose all their merits!" Li Na, Guo Bang, and Fan Chou crossed their hands.

In front of the hall of Xinye County, there were 720 Xiliang army who violated the military laws lying down. Li Lao, Guo Bang, and Fan Chou personally imprisoned them. Two of their guards served on one of them, and their army clubs crackled. The 720 Xiliang army clenched the wooden sticks in their mouths, and were beaten with blood on their backs and buttocks, but no one uttered a word. The scenes of ghosts crying, howling wolfs, mourning clouds and mists did not happen. On the contrary, the 720 Xiliang army all had their faces full of joy. The reason is very simple. As long as these dozens of military sticks were beaten, they were committed in the past My sins are over! The great heads on their heads have been saved!

It was finally over. Xu Rong strode back to the back hall surrounded by the soldiers. As soon as he entered the door, he fainted immediately. "General!" The guards on the left and right exclaimed, and hurriedly lifted him to the couch, acupuncture and administering medicine, after a long time, Xu Rong opened his eyes faintly. "Ying immediately believes in Wang Situ! The Xiliang army is determined, and don't make a faint move again!"

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