New Story of Lv Bu

: : Uncle Gao Yuan, leave for this life!

Yuan Shao beat the drums to gather the generals in the Chinese army's tent. Under the leadership of the new Fenwei general Fengji, the generals agreed on the order of breakout and the commanding generals of the various armies. After the discussion was over, the generals gave their hands a little and hurriedly said goodbye. At this moment, everyone didn't have a feeling in their hearts. Originally, it was claimed that the army of no one hundred thousand conquered Lu Bu. Unexpectedly, after several wars, the army of 500,000 only left fifty or sixty thousand! After only a few months, it fell from the peak to the trough, and the taste was extremely bitter.

According to the measures taken by Yuan Benchu, the former master, after a quarter of an hour, he would have to break through the encirclement according to the order of measures. As a result, even if everyone had a thousand words in their hearts, they had to silently bury them in their hearts and bid farewell. I just don’t know, after this farewell, I still don’t know if there will be a day to see each other, or a time to meet again?

Gao Lan was the last one to get up and leave the meeting. Without it, his task was to garrison the Guancheng camp. He didn't need to break through until the last moment. Since there is no need to break through, why bother to grab time with your colleagues? Whether the scholars of this dynasty or the warriors, they are the most respectful. Uncle Gao Yuan was willing to stay in the camp and sacrifice himself for the big guy, and he immediately aroused the excitement of the generals.

"Uncle Yuan, take care! I Yan Liang owes you a life! When I meet again, I must be drunk and Fang Xiu!" Yan Liang stood up first, stretched out his big hand like a fan, and patted Gao Lan's shoulder lightly. child. Then with his right fist as his chest, he respectfully paid a military salute, turned and walked away in a stride, never looking back. He sighed softly after he walked out of the Chinese army’s big tent, "Bo Gao Yuan, a good general! It's a pity that he was buried in this Guancheng camp in vain. Heroes and heroes, heaven is not a holiday! The ancients are not deceived by me. !"

"Uncle Yuan, good brother! You saved the big guy at your own sacrifice! My Wen Chou has always been arrogant and domineering. In front of you, you are the real boss, and I am the little brother! If there is a goodbye day, let us Just kowtow and worship the handle!" The ugly face with a rare and solemn expression in the Ba Chuang, bowed his head to Gao Lanshen. Then, he let out a long sigh, and walked away with heavy steps.

In this way, the generals always salute respectfully, with the right fist as the chest and salute, some with both hands clasped their fists to do the salute of the rivers and lakes, and some bow to do the salute of the literati, and then they go. Turned around and left. In their hearts, Uncle Gao Lan had long been regarded as a dead person. The thing is clear, the troops left to Gao Lan, except for his headquarters, are all old, weak, sick and disabled. With this strength, they can fight against the 100,000 Bianzhou pawns. Even if you think with your toes, they are all his mother. Want to understand the result.

"Oh! Gao Yuanbo is so upset, it's a pity!" "Uncle Yuan, with his own power, resisted one hundred thousand and the state pawns alone, even if Sun Wu is underground, it can't be done!" "Yuanbo is determined, it's a pity! No doubt he will die!" Yuan Shao slowly got up as he listened to the sighs coming back from outside the Chinese army's big account. "Uncle Yuan, as long as you can hold on for two hours, I allow you to surrender and merge with the state army!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuan Shao bowed to Gao Lan's head, turned and strode away. With the combat power of Gao Lan's lower song, let alone two hours, under the repeated heavy blows of the catapult and the bed crossbow, the last hour would be burned even if he could stick to the previous hour. However, in order to cover his retreat and Xingye returned to Jizhou, the necessary sacrifices were necessary. Two hours is enough!

Uncle Yuan, in any case, I, Yuan Shao, can be regarded as an opener on the Internet and give you a chance to survive. As for whether you can survive, it depends on you. After all, compared with the entire Jizhou, your uncle Gao Yuan and the more than 10,000 old and weak soldiers under your command are just a wisp of dust. Thinking of this, Yuan Shao put away his compassion, shook his cloak vigorously, and strode away.

"Since ancient times, famous generals are like beauties, don't teach the world to see white heads! Uncle Gao Yuan, let's leave and die in this life!" Yuan Shao sighed.

Standing with cross hands, watching Jizhou Zhujiang disappear, Gao Yuanbo, who was regarded as dead by Lord Yuan Benchu ​​and Jizhou Zhujiang, straightened up, humming a little tune, Shi Shiran walked back to his own. In the military account. When the tent curtain was lifted, his old ministry and the dozens of military officers assigned to him for command Hou Qi glanced at him. "General! I heard that we were left behind and cut off?" "General, what about this?" "Isn't this sending us to death?" As soon as Gao Lan came in, the generals immediately screamed.

Don't blame them for their eagerness, at this moment, staying and holding on to the camp will be their mother's death, no different from cannon fodder! "Yeah! Just like what the kings said!" Gao Lan pulled a sentence, ignoring Zhu Jiang's gaze that was about to strangle him, Shi Shiran walked to the case a few times, and slowly sat down. Not only that, but he stretched out very comfortably. Damn it! The hatred in the generals' hearts deepened again.

"Masters, don't want to be noisy, please listen to my Gao Lan's words! Yes, I Gao Lan took the initiative to ask for it, and asked for this arrow in front of the lord!" Gao Lan picked up the cratered long mouth and narrow neck. The big copper pot filled himself with a cup of lukewarm tea, drank it all, then wiped his mouth with his right hand, raised his eyes and looked at the generals, looking extremely leisurely.

"General! Didn't you push us into the fire pit?" "It's over! It's over! It's bound to die now!" "How can the lord handle this? We are all old brothers who have been with him for many years!" "Oh! The catastrophe is about to fly separately, who cares who?" Gao Lan's voice just fell, and there was a burst of talk in the military account. There are those who beat their chests, and those who cry and cry. Therefore, one by one, like a concubine, the whole big account is like a cart and horse shop, noisy and very lively. Not only were the generals who had just been assigned were dissatisfied, but also the generals under Gao Lan's command were all in anger.

It's no wonder that asking for death and life is nothing but a person's overreaction in anger, and it will never last too long. Whenever there is a trace of survival, who the **** wants to die? Even being humble and living like an ant is better than dying vigorously. Seeing the gazes of the generals picking up people, Gao Lan immediately chuckled in his heart. His mother's Laozi spoke quickly, forgetting Yang Dezu's instructions before leaving. This Peng'er is too high, you have to hurry up, otherwise your life will be worrying!

"It's all **** shut up for me! What are you doing noisily? This is the Chinese army's big account, not his mother's vegetable market! You are all senior generals in the Jizhou army, not his mother's small merchants and hawkers! One can't keep his mouth shut, be careful, I cut off the eight pounds on your shoulders as a urinal!" Gao Lan took a look at the table, and got up. This method works too well! In an instant, the generals covered their mouths and sat down again angrily. General Yuan Bo has always paid attention to military discipline, so be careful that he really killed you!

At first glance, Zhujiang shut up, and the big rock hanging in Gao Lan's heart fell to the ground with a thud. I don’t show off, do you think it’s a sick cat? In order to make it easy, he slapped him, and he had to give him a sweet jujube immediately. Thinking of this, Gao Lan slowly sat down and said in a low voice. "You got the donkey kicked in your head, didn't you? Think about it for me! With you old, weak and sick, even if it allows you to break through, can you **** stand out? Isn't it a dead end?"

Upon hearing this, the generals immediately widened his eyes and fixedly looked at General Yuan Bo, so to speak?????? There are those who are clever in Su Ri, and they have already guessed that they are indispensable. General Yuan Bo's words are great! Seeing his old man’s appearance, he must be confident. It seems that I can still get out of the disaster and escape from life? Yes, Gao Lan immediately changed from a **** man to his old man.

"The lord gave me an order to let me lead the army to guard for two hours. After two hours, I can surrender to the Bingzhou army." Gao Lan slowly said the issues that everyone cares most. "God! Two hours? Let's have a **** dream of spring and autumn! There are thousands of catapults and crossbows of the state army outside! Just aim at us and shoot, let alone two hours, one hour burns incense. Up!"

Several captains who had always been reckless immediately yelled at him. At this moment, the original lord Yuan Shao Yuan Benchu ​​had already been secretly scolded by them in their hearts. All the generals here cursed in their hearts, wanting to have some kind of immoral relationship with the female relatives in Yuan Shao's family. His grandma is a bear! If you surrender, just surrender. Why do you limit two hours? This is murder!

"Zhou Jun, Shaoan Wuzhao! Shaoan Wuzhao!" Looking at the enthusiastic expressions of the generals, Gao Lan had to attack the case again. Compared with the last time, this time the intensity was much smaller. "Masters, the lord wants to break through the siege, his old man changed into the costume of a soldier, mixed in the chaos army, and he wants to rush back to Jizhou starry night. If we can't hold on for two hours, how can his old man escape back to Jizhou?"

"His grandma is a bear! He Yuan Shao wants to save his life and escape back to Jizhou. Are we going to die in vain? Laozi followed him all over You and Qingxu Sizhou, in the end he gently raised his hand like a rag. Throw it away!" This time, I finally saw it, and a school lieutenant with a big waist and a fiery temperament took the scene! After hundreds of battles, wearing more than ten wounds, but being abandoned by the lord, it is extremely uncomfortable! Suddenly, the generals were silent, and his eyes were about to cry with wet eyes.

As soon as the fire was almost over, Gao Lan took advantage of the situation. "Master, Yang Dezu offers a plan, I promised! At this moment, he is going to see Da Sima Lubu. I agree that the whole army surrenders, and there is only one condition, that is, surrender after two hours. If the army does not join the state. Yeon, our army will fight to the end! I think Da Sima can understand this account!"

"I've waited to thank General Yuan Bo! Thank you Master Yang! For your life-saving grace, I will end the grass title ring, and the spring will report back!"

After a while, the enlightened generals all came to the ground and bowed to the ground to salute!

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