New Story of Lv Bu

: : Yuan Benchu ​​made a decisive breakthrough

At the time of Chen, the Jizhou Army's decisive assault finally began. Yuan Shao inspected his subordinate soldiers, and since Fengji, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and senior officials will ride nine thousand fine horses, as a backing to Jizhou for a thousand miles to drive back to Jizhou. In addition, it also ordered the formation of more than a hundred cavalry, ranging from more than a dozen to more than a hundred men, to disrupt the rush of Bingzhou Jingqi. Naturally, these so-called cavalry are composed of heavy soldiers and lightly wounded horns, riding donkeys and mules, except for the four-legged animals under the crotch, they have no taste of cavalry at all. In Yuan Shao's eyes, these people were just like cannon fodder and dead men like Gao Lan's soldiers.

Looking at this posture, these heavy soldiers and lightly wounded soldiers who had been put into separate books immediately understood that Lord Yuan Benchu ​​used them as bait to attract the attention of the Union State Army. Yuan Benchu, your **** heart is so cruel! Lao Tzu has been fighting for you for several years. There is always hard work without credit, right? Now that the disaster is approaching, you kicked Lao Tzu away with your **** kick?

"Everyone, ask for more blessings. Be long-minded, don't be sold and count the money for others." "Yes! That's right! The big guy has a few in his heart!" The chief officer of more than a hundred small troops They looked at each other, nodded heavily, and instantly settled their opinions. As long as they are separated, the big guys will sneak back to Jizhou in twos and threes, which is better than getting a knife here, isn't it? In any case, compared with the brothers who stayed at Dazhai, we still have a glimmer of hope for survival, don't we? As for Lord Yuan Benchu's military order, it was an unsmelling fart! In your heart, Yuan Benchu, there are only those nine thousand fine riders, so don't blame us!

There was a catastrophe on this side, and everyone on the other side was full of confession. Yuan Shao's veteran veteran Chunyuqiong's Jingqi was taken away by Yuan Shao for two thousand. He was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at his eyes, beat his chest and thundered like thunder. The son watched the wolf lambs who had worked so hard to feed them and became the lord's pro-army. Stop it! Since you Yuan Benchu ​​is unkind, don't blame me Chunyuqiong for being unrighteous! As long as I leave your commandership, I will return to the sea like a dragon, with a shallow bottom like a fish flying far away and flying high and never return!

At this moment, Yuan Shao's Jizhou Army, including lightly wounded and heavy soldiers, counts as less than 60,000 at full play. Among these 60,000 people, Yuan Shao took away 14,000, Chun Yuqiong took away 20,000 infantry and 5,000 cavalry, and there were 7,000 infantry left to bloom everywhere, breaking through to the south, east, north and west. For Gao Lan to stick to the camp, in addition to his four thousand parts, 70% of them are seriously injured.

In this way, the remnants of the Jizhou Army had their own minds, and in accordance with the measures taken by the lord Yuan Shao, they began a decisive breakthrough.

Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom boom boom! The agitated drums of war finally sounded, and the first to break through was the veteran Chunyuqiong's troops. "The whole army listens to the order: the infantry is in a big formation, the horses are guarding the wings, and breaking through!" Chun Yuqiong immediately under his flag, with a solemn face, suddenly waved his right hand down, and shouted loudly. He has been in the army of the Han for too long, and he has developed a heart of iron and stone long ago. He could see the current situation clearly. Once the battle started, only thousands of cavalry were left in the end. In any case, Yuan Benchu ​​is his old boss and old leader, so let's carry the scapegoat for him again before leaving.

Twenty-five thousand people lined up in a large array, slowly stepping out of the Guancheng camp and heading south. "Kill!", "Kill!", "Kill!", the 25,000 Jizhou Army clenched the knives and guns in their hands, and stepped neatly toward the Bingzhou Army. If you want to escape from birth, you must first defeat the tiger in front of you. As for whether it can escape the pursuit of Bingzhou Jingqi, those are **** things.

"Array! Ready to meet the enemy!" Duan Yan immediately stood on the hill, quietly watching all this in front of him. He stayed in Zhongmou City for seven days and seven nights, which prevented Yuan Shao's hundreds of thousands of troops from making any further progress. According to Da Sima's usual practice of rewarding meritorious soldiers, he made this great achievement, a township leader is stable, and if luck is good, a county leader may also be possible.

Duan Yan is a sideline general and a newly effective defeated general. He has to be a man with his tail clamped all the time. Although Da Sima treats the generals equally, but the generals of the state will inevitably be jealous. In this decisive battle, General Wei Gao Shun specially appointed him to lead 30,000 foot soldiers and stick to the south of the Guancheng camp. This is a mediocre reward. This task is not a bit difficult for a veteran like him. It's just that the crossbow and catapult are still a few miles away, so if you want to stop Chun Yuqiong, you have to fight hard.

The preferred direction for the Jizhou army to break through turned out to be south! This was far beyond the surprise of the generals of Binzhou. According to common sense, Yuan Shao's roots are in Jizhou, and he should be able to break through east and north. Now he prefers to break through south. What does this mean? Could it be that Taya led Jingqi to go south and join the Xiazhuyuan Highway? Suddenly, the word Chuan appeared between the eyebrows of the generals of Binzhou.

"Passing orders! Order Duan Yan to lead his troops to hold on to the position, and must stop Chun Yuqiong!" Gao Shun frowned and said coldly. At this moment, his heart is also full of doubts, is it true that Yuan Benchu ​​really wants to break through to the south? "General Wei, this is a trick Yuan Benchu ​​played. Just relying on Yuan Gonglu to call him the'illegal son of a maid's girl', Yuan Benchu ​​would never go to Yuan Gonglu! Especially in times of poverty. Without it, Yuan Benchu ​​has a high self-esteem. He has always looked down on his younger brother, and even if he died, he would never bow his head to Yuan Gongdao." While Gao Shun's face was full of solemnity and was caught in the long exam, Da Sima Lubu said lightly.

"Da Sima's words are great! First use the infantry to fight with Chunyuqiong, keep the cavalry and see the style!" With a word, Gao Shun immediately realized it. His grandmother is a bear. As long as you, Yuan Benchu, keep quiet, Gao Shun will entangle you with pawns, you always have a thousand tricks, I just can't be fooled! I'm going to see, what are your next moves, Yuan Benchu? Just use it.

The distance between the Jizhou Army and the Bingzhou Army was only three or four hundred steps left, and the eyebrows and beards of both sides could be clearly seen. "Let the arrows!" With a loud shout, the crossbowmen of the two armies opened their bows and set up arrows at the same time, shooting out a dense burst of arrows. Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh! The dense arrows shook the sky and covered the sun, falling on the heads of the two armies' pawns, and immediately turned into a **** storm. Puff! Flop! In the military formation of the two armies, a large number of pawns fell in an instant, creating a big hole.

Compared with Yuan Shao's wild roads, Baigong, and the armoured weapon made by Cao Zhuan, the prefectural worker, it is not known to be better than a few. I still don't think it on weekdays, but now that a rain of arrows hits, the winner is immediately decided. Seventy to eighty percent of the Jizhou Army pawns who were hit by the arrow were either shot to death immediately or seriously injured. On the contrary, most of the Hezhou Army pawns were just shot to the ground by a huge force. Ya flew in the air for a while, and they jumped up from the ground one by one, patted their buttocks and continued fighting.

Alas! There is really no way to fight this battle! It is better to leave the battlefield quickly before the crossbow and catapult of the Union State Army arrive, and rush thousands of miles to Nanyang County. Thinking of this, veteran Chun Yuqiong finally secretly made up his mind. However, if you want to go back and forth, if you want to lead the cavalry for a long distance, you have to find a suitable time, and it is best to run after the Bingzhou cavalry is attracted.

Soon, this opportunity came. Just when Chunyuqiong's troops and the Bingzhou Army fired each other, they could only hear a violent shout in the Guancheng camp, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day! "Break through!" Yuan Benchu ​​gave an order, and the seven or eight thousand Jizhou army pawns Sa Yazi ran away, everywhere in the south, east, north and west, like a flock without a shepherd, running around everywhere in the mountains and plains.

Seeing this, General Wei Gao Shun couldn't help but secretly murmured bitterness. Unexpectedly, he was afraid that something would come. The Jizhou army broke through and ran all over the sky. How can Bingzhou Jingqi catch it? "Pass the order! The tiger and the leopard ride south to chase Chun Yuqiong! The camp, back the army, and the tiger army immediately chase the enemy!" In desperation, Gao Shun had to issue the order to chase. There was no way. Run around. Up to this moment, he still kept a hand secretly, keeping the selected front army in his hand.

Yuan Shao was riding on the horse, looking at the Jizhou army running around in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh secretly in his heart. What a hero Yuan Shao miss me? Unexpectedly, if he accidentally lost the game, he fell a wall and pushed everyone down. Hundreds of thousands of troops were scattered in an instant. In just a moment, he calmed down. The big mistake has been made, even if it is melting the iron of Kyushu, it is irreversible. It is better to accept the reality and lead the nine thousand fine riders under his command to escape from the heavens, return to Jizhou as soon as possible, and seek a comeback after recuperating.

"Follow me! Get out of the encirclement!" Yuan Shao, surrounded by a thousand soldiers, galloped and rushed straight to the northeast. Within the county seat of Chenliu County, Chenliu County, there are thousands of first-dead men of his general Ju Yi. If he joins forces with Ju Yi, he drives back to Jizhou for thousands of miles. This large area of ​​Jizhou is ten thousand. Seven or eight can still be kept.

Yuan Shao, Feng Ji, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and Gao Gan led Qingqi to the northeast, but the two thousand cavalry who landed at the back abandoned Yuan Shao and rushed south. The two thousand cavalrymen were recruited abruptly from the veteran Chunyuqiong's command. When Yuan Shao ran away, they immediately beheaded the military lieutenant Junhou appointed by Yuan Shao and went straight to the old superior Chunyuqiong. Booming obediently, the husband and wife are the same birds, and the catastrophe is imminent and fly separately! Even if the husband and wife are like this, let alone colleagues in the military? The old boss is more reliable.

Yuan Benchu's escape journey began with such a farce. As for how it ends, it depends on the meaning of the thief God.

"Pursue! The target is that big group of Jizhou cavalry!" At the same time, General Zhao Yun also gave orders coldly.

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