New Story of Lv Bu

: : Finally got the Hongnong Yang family

Hongnong, the name of the county, was established in the fourth year of Yuanding in this dynasty. Its jurisdiction is the Luoshui, Yishui, and Xichuan rivers south of the big river and west of Yiyang and the south bank of the Guanzhong Plain in the lower reaches of the Weihe River, as well as the upper reaches of the Luoshui River and Shechuan River. Danjiang River Basin. In Hongnong County, from Huashan to Sanmenxia, ​​it is always the most important area in Hongnong County. The reason is simple. This area is where the first family of the dynasty Hongnong Yang family started. The Hongnong Yang family, also known as the Huayin Yang family, started in the Spring and Autumn Period and has a history of thousands of years.

According to "General History? Clan Guide", the Yang family of Hongnong is the descendant of the Yangtue family of Spring and Autumn Period. The "Yang Clan" of "Clan Strategy" says: "Uncle Xiang Shengbo Shi, the word "food me", and Yi is the clan called Yang Shi. Dang Yu Qiying, Ying offends Jin, and destroys the Yang Tong clan. Shu Xiang's descendants flee to his grandchildren. Huashan Fairy Valley, then lived in Huayin." According to the records of "Historical Records? Jin Family", in the twelfth year of Jin Qinggong, the minister Qi Sheng and Wu Zang exchanged wives of Qi Rou's Sun Qiying, the doctor of the State of Jin, was discovered by Qi Ying and took him The two were imprisoned. A doctor named Xun Zi, because he received a bribe from Qi Sheng, sued Qi Ying for private arrest, and Jin Qinggong arrested Qi Ying. Yang Shi, I am a good friend of Qi Ying. I thought that Jin Qing was doing things unfairly. I was annoyed to help Qi family kill Qi Sheng and Wu Zang. Jin Qinggong was furious. Several other officials in the Jin Kingdom were trying to weaken the power of the public clan, so they took the opportunity to kill Qi Ying and Yang Shiwo, and attacked the Qi clan and the Yang Tong clan. The Qi clan was divided into seven families. The county and the field of the sheep tongue are the three counties, serving as the food towns for the descendants of these Gongqings. This is just Jin Qinggong taking the opportunity to clean up the big clan.

"The twenty-eighth year of Zuo Zhuan? Zhaogong" also contains: "Wei Xianzi is the government. The Qi family is divided into seven counties, and the Yang Tongue family is divided into three counties." The descendants of Yang Tongue palpitations (shuxiang) fled to Huashan Xian. Gu lives in Huayin. Huayin belonged to Hongnong County (the prefecture was in Lingbao County) and was called the Yang family. This is the historical process of Hongnong Yang's migration from Shanxi to Huayin, and the origin of Hongnong Yang's family.

When the three families of Han, Zhao and Wei were divided into the Jin Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty was destroyed, the "difficulty of praying for profit" was no one to care about, and the children of the Yang family entered official positions one after another. The Huayin Yang family walked out of the mountains and forests from Yang Dao. For more than ten generations, they were all commanders of the Zhou clan, either as doctors or Sima, or as Tai Fu or Zhou Mu. At the end of Qin Dynasty, Huayin Yang Shuo led eight sons to fight with Gaodi. His sixth son Yang Xi was officially named Chiquanhou for killing Xiang Yu. The other seven sons were named generals. Yang Shuo himself was named Taishi. In this way, the Huayin Yang family became a family of military exploits in this dynasty.

Yang Xi's fourth-generation Sun Yangchang also served as the prime minister and married Sima Ying, the daughter of Ma Qian from Taishi Company. At that time, Hongnong Yang was in Lieqing in the imperial court, and the noble name was Tonghou, and there were ten people who took the wheel of Zhu, known in history as the "Ten Wheels of the Western Han Dynasty". The prosperity of Hongnong Yang family originated from Yang Chang's great-great-grandson Yang Zhen. The official Taiwei Yang Zhen, known as "Kanxi Confucius". His son Yang Bing, the former official to Taiwei, and his grandson Yang Ci, one Situ, two Sikong, and two Taiwei, were named Lin Jinhou, 1,500 households in Shiyi, known as "fourth generation and ten gong".

Hongnong Yang's family hall is the "Four Knowledge Hall". There is an allusion in it. This allusion has been passed down to this day and has become an eternal beauty. .

Before the age of 50, Yang Zhen studied the academic classics and set up a museum to teach apprentices. At that time, he was called "Kanxi Confucius". Yang Zhen is an upright official and highly respected. On his way from the governor of Jingzhou to the post of Donglai prefect, Wang Mi, the magistrate of Changyi County, missed his “chat” and wanted to give it to Yang Zhen at night. For the scholars of the current dynasty, such a move is understandable, and it is enough to show the affection of the younger brothers and sisters, and the magnates in the DPRK will generally accept it with pleasure.

Wang Mi sent such a heavy gift. First, he expressed his gratitude to Yang Zhen for his past recommendation, and second, he wanted to ask the old boss and leader to take care of him in the future. This is a common rule in officialdom. Yang Zhen refused the gift on the spot, and he said sternly: "The old man knows the king, and the king doesn't know the old man, why?" Wang Mi thought Yang Zhen pretended to be polite, and said: "The ignorant of the night." Yang Zhen immediately became angry. Said: "God knows, God knows, I know, Zizhi, what is ignorance?" Wang Mi was so ashamed that he had to return with a gift in embarrassment.

After that, Yang Zhen's famous saying "God knows, God knows, I know, you know" came into being, and Yang Zhen was also called "Mr. Sizhi" by later generations. The Yang family of Hongnong has since then regarded Yang Zhen as the ancestor of the founding and took the name "Four Knowledge Hall".

Today's Hongnong Yang family, Yang Biao, the main pillar, is only fifty-one, which is when he is young and strong. Although claiming to have a foot problem, and staying at home to recuperate, he may not be without the intention of being an official. According to Si Wencao and the Shadow Secret News, Wen Xiangong communicated frequently with his disciples and disciples all over the world. He seemed unwilling to be lonely, and was moved by waiting. To be honest, Wen Xiangong is just waiting for a chance to come back. Now, there is a very appropriate opportunity to put it here, that is, through Yang Xiu, to force Wen Xiangong out.

If Yang Biao, the head of the Hongnong Yang family, the world’s first family, re-enter the government, it would be a great blessing to the Luoyang court! The family background, qualifications and clear vision of Hongnong Yang's "fourth generation and ten gong" are not only enough to offset the golden signature of Runan Yuan's "fourth generation and three gong", but it can also lead the world's scholars to step up and invest. After all, the reputation of the "Four Knowledge Hall" is well known all over the world.

When thinking of this, Lu Bu and Gao Shun immediately made up their minds, and today, no matter what, they will earn the father and son!

"Dezu, for your face, I have agreed to this condition by Lu Bu! I will immediately send people to Uncle Gao Yuan to go to the truck, so that they can eat a full meal, wash themselves, and put on their clothes. New clothes. After all, from now on, they have been my Lu Bu's subordinates. They must not be ashamed and bloodstained, like a group of beggars and beggars, losing the face of the Bingzhou army. At the same time, they will send more than a hundred doctors to heal. Wounded pawns, immediate surgery for severe injuries, and mild medical treatment."

Lü Bu said this when he was sitting in a precarious manner, with a smile on his face. Gao Yuanbo’s expectations are not bad. This account can be calculated clearly by Sima Lubu and Wei, General Gao Shun, but it is only two hours in exchange for a member of the Tiger General and Hongnong Yang. No matter how it is calculated, the Bingzhou Army will make a profit. It has to be full. Even if Uncle Gao Yuan is concealing evil intentions, and there are 100,000 troops in the same state, are you afraid that he will not succeed?

Upon hearing this, Yang Xiu was overjoyed immediately. The food provided by the Bingzhou Army is famous all over the world. For the Jizhou Army, it is the supreme delicacy, and he couldn't help but move his index finger. As for dispatching medics to treat minor and serious injuries, it was even more anxious, and he did not dare to ask for what he wanted. This solved the big trouble of Jizhou soldiers. The washing and changing of clothes is even more pleasant.

"Da Sima pushes his heart into the womb, General Yuan Bo and I are inexplicably excited, please accept me Yang Xiu!" When the voice fell, Yang Xiu bowed his body and bowed heavily. After a while, he lifted his body. , Tears are already in his eyes. Lu Bu sat there quietly, calmly receiving Yang Xiu's big gift, which was public and private, and he had to receive this big gift.

"Dezu, I only have two small additional conditions. If Bo Gao Yuan and your Yang Dezu do not agree to these two additional conditions, the matter will be discontinued. Please go back and tell Uncle Gao Yuan and start the war again in a quarter of an hour. Endlessly die! The Bingzhou army will attack with all its strength!" A smile appeared on Lu Bu's face, as if a thousand-year-old fox saw a tender chicken.

What? Are there any additional conditions? The smile on Yang Xiu's face immediately froze, tears flickered in his eyes, and his face was full of astonishment. The smile and the tears were set against each other and looked very funny. After all, Yang Xiu was born in the Yang family of Hongnong, and he was very knowledgeable. He calmed down in an instant. "Dare to ask what are the conditions? Please make it clear from Da Sima so that Yang Xiu can give an answer."

"Dezu, my Lu Bu is a warrior, and I must go straight. The first condition is that you, Yang Dezu, enter the court and serve as the post of Situ Changshi. The second condition is that the imperial court issues an edict and appoints you as an angel. Go to Hongnong and recruit Wenxian. When entering the court, the prince Taifu starts to use it." Lu Bu finally finished speaking, his eyes widened, he fixedly looked at Yang Xiu who was listening carefully, and carefully observed his expression.

The prince Tai Fu ranks two thousand stones in the middle, second only to San Gong, and ranks Jiu Qing and generals in front and back. With Wen Xiangong’s qualifications, it is most appropriate to enter the dynasty to hold the position of San Gong, but the position of San Gong has already been in place. Chong Fu, Wang Yun, and Huang Fu Song are all veterans of the dynasty, and they are very experienced. Bit vacant. In this way, it is the best choice to place Wen Xiangong as the crown prince. Perhaps it was because Da Sima felt a little low, so he had to promote Yang Xiu again and again, making him a long history of Situ of Qianshi.

The purpose of Da Sima being so empathetic is to force the Yang family of Hongnong, the world's first family, to express his attitude and support the Luoyang court with a clear-cut stand. Now, Yuan Benchu ​​was defeated, and the 300,000 army collapsed instantly, so he had to personally flee Qingqi. This time the group of heroes asked for Lu, there must be no chance of winning. At this moment, it is the most appropriate time for Hongnong Yang to express his attitude to become an official. Moreover, appointing himself as an edict angel and persuading his father to enter the official position saves a lot of trouble.

Yang Xiu frowned first, his face full of horror, wondering what medicine was sold in Da Sima's gourd. Then, his brows gradually stretched out, and his mouth opened wide, seeming to be extremely surprised. Finally, he let out a long sigh and let out a deep breath. Although his face was still pretending to be calm, he couldn't suppress the full of ecstasy. It was really dozing off, Da Sima brought a pillow! From this point of view, Da Sima's grasp of the situation of the DPRK and the general trend of the world is really exquisite!

"Yang Xiu, don't you want to be a little minister, dare you not to die!" Yang Xiu bowed his head again and gave a deep salute.

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