New Story of Lv Bu

: : Three fires for new officials to take office

On October 18, at Mao's time, Jingzhou, Nanyang County, Pheasant County, and the county halls were crowded with people.

It is only one hundred and sixty miles from Xinye County in Nanyang County of Jingzhou to Junzhiwan County in Nanyang County. This one hundred and sixty li roads are old official roads, and as long as they are slightly repaired, they can be unimpeded. After passing Wanxian County and traveling along the official road for eighty miles to the northeast, it is Pheasant County. Today's Pheasant County is the ruling place of the newly appointed Nanyang Taishou Kingdom's uncle, and it is also the location of the entire Southern Expeditionary Army.

The newly-appointed Nanyang Prefect and Uncle Yan Kuan, dressed in new official uniforms, sat on them with a serious face and a strong murderous aura. Above the lobby, dozens of officials sitting on both sides were trembling and staring at each other. I wonder where Uncle Guo's elder anger comes from? Nowadays, looking at the four-states of Sibian and the quiet and cool place, who knows the details of Dalang Yan, Quan, and Yan, who does not know?

This servant is Da Sima's wife, and Mrs. Zhao Yi's only brother, Yan Yan, is the real uncle of the country. His father, Yan Zheng, is the richest man in Wuyuan County and has a wealth of wealth. Yan Kuan Yan Dalang was born with a golden key since he was a child. He was stubborn and anomalous. He couldn't give the moon if he wanted the stars since he was a child. Among the Yan family mansion, the only one who can clean up him is his elder sister Yan Yan.

After Da Sima made his fortune, Yan Dalang, the only brother-in-law of his old man, immediately rose up. Starting from a small thief, Cao Cao, through the promotion of capital, has been a high-ranking official of two thousand stones. Unexpectedly, good fortune and misfortune depended on. A few months ago, Zhao Qian, the former lieutenant, was dragged into the water, and he sturdyly slapped Da Sima on the board. The door of the house did not go out and the door did not move. He claimed to study behind closed doors for months. as long as. Unexpectedly, during the battle in Luoyang, Yan Dalang made a great contribution to turn over, and he came to be Nanyang prefect!

"Papa! Papa! Papa!" Yan Dalang's right hand patted heavily on the heavy desk in front of him, and there were many eyes between the three huge cat's eyes, emerald, and coral rings flashing on his fingers. Although the shot was so heavy, Yan Guojiu felt no pain in his right hand. Without it, the bases of the three huge rings were made of heavy gold, which was extremely strong.

These slaps were like hammering drums and hammers, and the hearts of everyone in the audience throbbed like a deer. The uncle Guo was so angry, could it be that his old man found some clues? I waited here diligently and conscientiously. Although it is inevitable to grab some money in a small amount of trouble, I never dare to think about it. Besides, I haven't delayed official business?

"Masters! Today is the second day I came to Pheasant County, and also the second day I became the prefect of Nanyang! Yesterday, I visited the streets and alleys, wandering the streets and alleys of Pheasant County, and found Too many questions! Zhu Jun, the people of Nanyang don't have a very good opinion of you? Are you honestly telling them by yourself, or am I sternly and leniently speaking out one by one?"

Yan Kuan was sitting righteously, with a big Sichuan character between his eyebrows. The three precious and unusual rings on his right hand glowed with red, yellow and green lights, shining with magnificent aura under the sunlight. To be honest, he didn't have any private visits at all. Yan Guo took the post, so could he still be missing the spies of Si Wen Cao and Shadow Shadow? With them, even the dead have to speak.

Silence, deathly silence, everyone watched their noses and noses, as if an old monk had entered concentration. Humph, no matter how great your uncle Yan Guo is, you can't figure out all the secret things I'm waiting to do in one day. Even if the luck is extremely good, it is just a few small characters that have broken down, and at most it will be traced to the fighting clerk. I waited for Cao Cao Zhuan, and I might be able to pass the customs safely. Everyone agrees with this, and everyone thinks that Mr. Guo's uncle is just a big threat, as long as he insists on it.

Yan Dalang remembered the expressions of everyone present in his eyes. His grandma is a bear! Fortunately, our family took the time to meet the assassin general Ma Zhong and the gangster Cao Cao Yong when they were out of Beijing, and obtained their support. If there were no Si Wen Cao and Shadow Shadow, today I will be the leader of Yan Dalang! Throughout the ages, no matter how big or small, the dude has always regarded face as life.

His grandma is a bear! You dog officials who don't give me Yan Dalang face are like killing me! I want you to look good!

Thinking of this, the anger on Yan Kuan's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a smile. He learned this from his brother-in-law, Sima Lubu, and the more anger he got, the better the smile on his face. The officials peeked and watched, and saw that the uncle Guo's face was so gentle, smiling like a flower, and suddenly he let out a long sigh in his heart, and the level was over!

"Every day you are industrious, you might have forgotten it. So, whoever said first, I will pardon him!" Yan Dalang put his hands on the case table, his smile on his face was even brighter. Now, it's like peach blossoms and apricot blossoms in full bloom in the spring season. Silence, or deathly silence. Everyone in the hall is still sitting in jeopardy, their faces are polite, as if there is nothing to do.

"Hahahahahahahaha!" Yan Kuan suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed. He laughed so boldly and brilliantly, as if an heirless person had a son in his later years. Yan Kuan finally finished laughing. He wiped his face, and the smile on his face became even stronger, but his face seemed to have an unparalleled murderous intent. "Since all the monarchs have forgotten, I will remind you to let them think about it."

Yan Kuan took out an account book from his arms, flipped through it, and said casually. "Where is the book, the thief, and the warehouse?" ‘Subordinates are there! With the promise, the three people came out more and more, facing Yan Dalang with cross-handed salutes. The book Cao was about 30 years old, the thief Cao Shi was a thin man, and Cang Cao Shi was a chubby fat man. The three looked as usual, as usual. However, if you look closely, you can see that their running and repairing have no wind, as if they were trembling.

"Bucao is engaged. A case in May of the third year of Ping Ping was the case of the Wang family's property analysis. Are the two catties of gold you received still hidden in your pillow case? Cangcao Shi, you are greedy for a thousand stones of corn and raise After having two concubines, do you still live in the second house on the right hand in Cross Flower Lane? Thief Cao Shi, three months ago, when you were chasing a Green Forest thief, you indulged in private, and the three hundred guan dollars you collected were still on Liang? "

Yan Kuan finally finished speaking. He closed the account book, raised his eyes, and fixedly looked at the officials present. "Shijun, it's the villain who was confused for a while!" The thief Cao Shi reacted the fastest, and immediately fell to his knees, banging his head. "It's wrong! It's really wrong! That's just two distant relatives of mine." Cang Cao Shi still wanted to pass the blunder. Only Book Cao sneered on the side.

"Oh? It turns out that Dalang Yan wronged you. Master Cang Cao Shi turned out to be kind!" The smile on Master Guo's uncle's face increased. "However, at the hour of yesterday's shift, why did you tell the two concubines that if I were in jail, I would take out Tao Weng, who was buried by the well in the back garden, where there is evidence of the crimes of the adults. There are these things. Yes, I can't die fucking!"

Before he finished speaking, dozens of eyes immediately focused on Cang Cao Shi, obediently, the big guys are all colleagues, I didn't expect you to treat a gentleman like a villain! How dare you leave evidence secretly, your **** body should have been shattered long ago! As soon as he heard this, Cang Cao Shi immediately sweated, and in an instant, his chest and back were soaked, like a steamer.

However, Cang Cao Shi is a quick-witted person. Upon hearing the words of Mr. Guo's uncle, he knew that he would be spared this time. However, how can we alleviate the guilt? While he was thinking hard, he saw Bu Cao Ying sneer there at a glance. His grandmother is a bear, just when she is dozing off, but book Cao engages in a pillow, it's you!

Thinking of this, Cang Cao Shi knelt down on weekends and knocked his head repeatedly. "Uncle Guo! The villain is convicted! The villain was temporarily blinded by the lard, and was used by the book Cao to do such a stupid thing! The villain wants to expose the book Cao to engage in such a stupid thing. He has done countless bad things. The person has meticulously noted down the strokes! The villain is willing to expose meritorious deeds!"

The words of Cang Cao Shi were so clear and heartily that everyone was dumbfounded. This guy had his brains turned quickly, and he picked himself up clean in a few words. With only a grunt, Bu Cao Ye fainted! Everything about him is in Cang Cao Shi's heart. Once Cang Cao Shi speaks, his old life will be ruined! In this situation, how can he not be anxious? In a desperate situation, he couldn't get up at once, so he was so mad!

Uncle Guo clicked Mao for the first time, and he was so angry that Cao was engaged! That's a member of Three Hundred Stones! For a while, everyone present was immediately dumbfounded. Could it be that the uncle of the country is not a **** from the sky? You know so clearly? That being the case, I'll confess it all first, at least I can get a lenient haircut. Don't learn from that book, Cao is so angry.

"My lord! I am waiting for the crime! Please let my lord be lenient!" The crowd leaned over and bowed together, lying on the ground, not daring to raise their heads for a long time. "In that case, please write down all the illegal things you have done locally and give me a one-to-one testimony. If you miss one thing, you will count the crimes and punish them. I will definitely punish you! Go on! !" Yan Kuan said with a dignified face and waved his hand.

After half an hour, everyone returned with disgraced faces, one by one with slanderous expressions, and respectfully handed them the Fubian that they had written and painted. Yan Kuan took them one by one and read the ten lines at a glance. Only then did Yan Kuan put these Fubians in his own account book. "You princes, from now on, you must change your mind and be stunned! If the officials are cautious, conscientious, and hardworking, I will return these Fubians to you personally. Now, please listen to my handling arrangements!"

The smile on Yan Kuan's face finally disappeared, he said coldly. "Thanks to the envoy!" The officials crossed their hands suddenly with a real understanding.

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