New Story of Lv Bu

: : Xu Dashuai is fascinated

Upon seeing this posture, Li Ying was immediately dumbfounded. Among the Xiliang Army, General Longxiang Xu Rong’s pro-army was the most elite. Although Xu Rong’s pro-men only had more than a hundred men, they were all in the same hatred and indomitable momentum. , But crushed his thousands of people to death. What's more, among the more than a thousand people under his command, at least half of them glared at him.

Although Li Ying is a reckless man, he also understands the principle that a bachelor does not suffer from immediate losses. If he does not care about it at this moment, he orders a group fight, and if he wins the fight or not, let’s not talk about it. I am afraid that there will be hundreds of people in his subordinates. Counter-strike. I don’t have any kindness to take care of myself, and I often find faults and scold the soldiers. If someone takes the opportunity to avenge his own personal revenge, it will be troublesome.

Furthermore, since the death of Taishi Dong, among the remaining parts of the Xiliang Army, General Longxiang Xu Rong has become a spiritual leader. If he dares to be rough, not only the county soldiers drawn from various places will not agree. Even the Xiliang Army is going to oppose it. If it's because of improper handling that you have broken the big event of your brother Li Zhang, even if you won't be chopped off the head, a spine fight is inevitable.

"Um?????? Who is making noise here? What is it?" Just as Li Ying was at a loss and was at a loss, a low and tired voice rang in everyone's ears, it was General Long Xiang Xu Rong. "Marshal!" "Marshal, how did your old man wake up?" The soldiers on the left and right hurriedly inserted their swords into their sheaths, and trotted to wait in front of Wang Situ's eight-treasure chariot.

"Help me up! I want to go out and have a look!" Xu Rong opened his eyes and sat up strenuously. His breathing was very heavy, as if pulling a bellows. Xu Rong always followed the law and governed the army very strictly. The soldiers on the left and right dared not defy, and hurriedly stepped forward and gently helped him out of the eight-treasure chariot. "Go! Get a Hu bed for the marshal!" the leader of the soldiers roared loudly.

After a while, a few soldiers helped Xu Rong to sit on a Hu bed, then stepped back a few steps, stood with the knife, and looked at Li Ying and the others with cross-brows. As soon as he saw that Dashuai Xu was on the move, everyone immediately stopped the noise and quietly waited for Dashuai Xu to deal with it. At this moment, the atmosphere was extremely suppressed, like a big skin filled with gunpowder, which could explode at any time.

"What are you doing? Is this a gang fight? Quickly put away the knives! As long as I am in the Xiliang Army, no one will dare to take the head of Xu Rong's item! You are my personal soldiers. , Always remember one thing, never use knives on your own robe! They share the joys and sorrows with you, they are the same as you, who have experienced battles, and are the same weather-beaten, and they are people who are closer than your brothers!"

Xu Rong raised his eyes, glanced at his own soldier, and said loudly. His voice is not high, it is full of tiredness, it is that kind of tiredness that is exhausted to the bones. "No!" The more than one hundred soldiers agreed, and they plunged their swords into their sheaths together. "See Dashuai Xu!" Among the more than 1,000 people under Li Ying's command, seven or eight hundred people bowed together and saluted Xu Rong together, their voices full of grief and anger. Xu Dashuai's words, like Huang Zhongdalu, drumming and hammering, came to their hearts and touched their heartstrings.

Xu Rong is worthy of being a well-respected and well-versed man. He was the first to win the game as soon as he appeared, and he resolved the problems and embarrassment in front of him in a few words. At the same time, he even eliminated most of the people under Li Ying's command. One side. Seeing the sudden change in the situation in front of him, Li Ying knew that it was time to go down the ass. If he couldn't take a step back, he would be beaten to death by his own crowd. He quickly turned over and got off the horse, trot to come to Xu Rong, bowed and crossed his hands and said, "Li Ying, see Dashuai Xu!"

Xu Rong sat there quietly, staring into the distance, without speaking for a long time, as if Li Ying was a cloud of invisible air. Li Ying stood there with his hands crossed, neither entering nor retreating, nor standing up, nor standing still, it was extremely embarrassing. After just a few breaths, he saw sweat on his face, and the blue veins on his face were exposed, but he didn't dare to attack.

The silence, the deathly silence, is like before the storm, the dark clouds are rolling, the darkness and the wind are not windy, and it is suppressed to the extreme. All the people present held their breaths, waiting for the moment Tuqong saw it, was Li Ying unable to hold back, and first drew his sword? Or was Xu Dashuai Lei Ting furious, and ordered Li Ying to be pressed to the ground, and a solid spine fight, which made him cry for his father and his mother?

Silence, silence, either erupts in silence or dies in silence. As time passed by, sweat was seen on everyone's faces and bodies, and everyone's breathing became rapid. God thief! Open your eyes quickly and take a look! No matter what the ending is, give us an answer anyway! Even if it is an instant resolution of life and death, it is better than waiting like this.

For a long time, after a long time, it seems that ten thousand years have passed. General Long Xiang Xu Rong slowly retracted his eyes, and a drop of crystal tears slowly dripped from his moist eye sockets, and in an instant, it sank into the loess beneath his feet, like a dragon returning to the sea. Yuxiang is shallow, disappearing without a trace, as if it had never existed before.

"The storm is coming! The night is as cold as water, and the storm is like a storm. I don't know how many people are going to suffer???" Xu Rong muttered to himself, his voice dull and anxious, like a dying general. People who are dying are average. After dozens of breaths, he seemed to realize that Li Yingzheng stood with crossed hands and stood in front of him. "Huh?????? Li Junhou, why are you leading the crowd to come here?"

Upon hearing this, Li Ying immediately became angry from his heart to the gall! His grandma is a bear! I have been standing here with cross-hands for quite a while, and you **** didn't even take a look at our house! His grandmother is a bear, you treat me as a piece of wood! Li Ying is a violent temper, just like a firecracker. Without thinking about it at the moment, he opened his mouth and went back.

"General Long Xiang, Mr. Wang Yun made things difficult for the Xiliang Army in every possible way, deducted food and paid, and bullied the soldiers, so that my Xiliang Army couldn't bear it! So you, Xiaowei Li, Xiaowei Guo, Xiaowei Fan, Xiaowei Zhang People made up their minds and decided to return the whole army to Wancheng and ask the old man Wang Yun for an explanation! When I came this time, I just came to ask, dare to ask where General Long Xiang is going?"

Li Ying finally finished speaking, his teeth creaked and Xu Rong squinted in his eyes, full of revenge.

Puff?????? Only Xu Rong yelled to the sky, and a lot of blood spurted out of his mouth, and he fell after looking at it!

"Did you rescue Xu Dashuai? What happened to his injury?" Zhang Ji grabbed Zhang Zhongjing's disciple and asked in a low voice. His voice was hoarse and dim, full of anxiety. As the only clear-headed person among the Big Four, he is very aware of the prestige and status of General Long Xiang Xu Rong in the Xiliang Army. If Xu Rong has three strengths and two shortcomings, let alone rebellion, cut down Wang Yun’s items. It is still unknown whether the heads, even Li Hao, Guo Bang, Fan Chou, and Zhang Ji can save the first level.

"Ah??????" The attendant doctor had a sad face, and his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. He raised his eyes and glanced at Zhang Ji, first made a groan, and then continued. "Dashuai Xu became ill with overwork, suffering from the'five labors' and'seven wounds' symptoms. He was originally destined to gossip and was dying. This disease cannot withstand any irritation. Once injured, it will definitely be life-threatening. The rebellious remarks made Xu Dashuai anxious and hurt his liver. This old life of his, I am afraid that he has to be confessed to Li Junhou! Zhang Wei, you are a sensible person, at this moment, tens of thousands Don't mess up Fang Cun'er!"

This disciple of Zhang Zhongjing, who is bold and exquisite in medical skills, is very popular in the Xiliang Army. There was something in his words, and Zhang Ji immediately understood it, but there were so many people, he had to thank him with tears in his eyes. "Thanks to the genius doctor. Although Zhang Ji has no virtue and talent, he also knows loyalty. Even if he has tried my old life, he will also protect Xu Dashuai well!"

"Is it Zhang Ji? Please come in? Come in." At this moment, Xu Rong woke up unexpectedly when he heard a call from the house. "Subordinates are here!" Xu Rong hurriedly took three steps and made two steps. He walked into the third hall of the county government, and saw that Xu Rong's complexion looked much better and his eyes were refreshed. He immediately thumped in his heart, and it was broken. Could it be that this is not a good result?

Xu Rong pointed his finger to his mouth, and Zhang Ji quickly moved his ear to it. "Once the iceberg fell, its failure was ashamed. Zhang Ji, at such a critical juncture, you must not lose your mind! I have already lost your mind. Send an eagle letter to Dasima, to forgive your sins, you should do it for yourself!"

As soon as he heard this, tears in Zhang Ji's eyes immediately popped out, and he fell to his knees with a puff: "Dashuai Xu!"

Outside the gate of Xinye County, Wu Yaya gathered more than 10,000 people. Most of these people were the old members of General Longxiang Xu Rong. Hearing that Li Ying was so rude, that Xu Dashuai ordered him to come to wait for news spontaneously. All of them were dignified, and their faces were as dark as the bottom of a pot. Although the audience was silent, there was raging anger in everyone's eyes.

On the small square in front of the county government office, Li Ying was slammed to the ground by seven or eight Xu Rong's soldiers. Two Xu Rong's soldiers, each with a stick, were beating fiercely. On the high platform, Li Hao, Guo Bang, and Fan Chou stood by their swords, watching all this quietly. Xu Rong's soldiers started extremely ruthlessly, each of them exhausted all the power of the wild, and Li Ying's body was bruised, and it seemed that he couldn't live anymore.

"Thirty-five??? Thirty-six???" Finally, Li Ying's limbs twitched, his head tilted, and he died.

"Woo??????" "Dashuai Xu is stunned!" Inside the Xinye County Office, crying shook the sky, a voice of grief and indignation.

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