New Story of Lv Bu

: :Two dogs fight, play off

The sudden death of General Long Xiang Xu Rong caused great repercussions in the Xiliang army, and his dissatisfaction with Li Ying's younger brother Li Ying reached an unprecedented level. If it weren't for Li Ying's rude words, rebellious and rude words, and vomiting blood to Dashuai Xu, how could Dashuai Xu die? All of a sudden, Li Ying was banished, and the discussion of revenge for Xu Dashuai was very dusty. The old brothers were angry and crushed their steel teeth.

The Xiliang Army at this time is no longer the Xiliang Army under Dong Taishi. There were only seven or eight thousand old brothers who followed Dashuai Xu to fight. Among the remaining more than 50,000 people, 40% were soldiers recruited from various counties, and 60% were horse bandits and sand thief collected from various places by Li Zhang and others. From this point of view, the treatment of Da Sima and Wang Situ mixing sand is extremely effective.

The military discipline of the Xiliang Army is extremely poor. If you want to completely transform this army, you must use various excuses to change your blood. The old people who can be reformed are transferred out and continuously transferred to the county soldiers. Over time, the Xiliang army will be completely digested. Wang Situ is a wise man, he will not fail to see this. Since Da Sima has made a good start, he will just follow the cat and the tiger and continue to do the same.

As a result, the life of the generals in Xiliang was a bit difficult. There were fewer and fewer old brothers under them, and they were scattered more and more. The middle and high-level generals in the county soldiers gradually formed a new force. In order to maintain the relative independence of this unit, Li Hao, Guo Bang, and Fan Chou had to desperately net Roman bandit sand thief, trying to use these people to offset Wang Situ's efforts to mix sand.

However, no matter what size the army has expanded, it is the old brothers who hold the seal in their hands. Even if he is as powerful as Li Yu, he must respect their opinions. After all, he Li Yu is just the leader, and he cannot compare with Dong Taishi. Xiliang Army. Horse bandits and sand thief are all grass-roots, and they absolutely cannot be relied on. Maybe they will fight back and kill their relatives in righteousness. Coupled with more and more county soldiers, if you can't stabilize the old brothers, Li Zhang, the leader, will be the end.

Li Yu is a ruthless person. Although he lacks foresight, he is very quick-witted. Seeing that things were completely messed up by Li Ying, the old brothers were filled with righteous indignation, and they were very likely to beat the new wild. Simply gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, he ordered Xu Rong's soldiers to execute the punishment in public, and blamed Li Ying with the stick, in order to settle the heart of the old brother under his command. Unexpectedly, Xu Rong's soldiers hated Li Ying's bones, and they acted mercilessly, killing Li Ying with only thirty-six sticks. Looking at Li Ying's corpse, Li Yi felt pained in his heart, but he had to put on a calm look on his face.

"Masters, Xu Dashuai suddenly collapsed, it is really unexpected! Now, Li Ying has been beaten to death in public, and he died well! A wonderful death! A croaking death! If it is according to our old Li's meaning, it is necessary to die. Thousands of swords and swords were used to comfort the spirit of Marshal Xu in the sky! However, all the big leaders interceded and died in public. When he died, my brothers would feel comfortable. Our Xiliang army is a brave and good fighting army. Never be rebellious or rude, there is no distinction between upper and lower, if you repeat the offence, Li Ying will be a role model!"

Speaking of this, Li Zhang raised his eyes and glanced at the faces of the old brothers, and they seemed to be more relaxed than before. The elder brothers in the Xiliang Army are rough men, and they don't know a few big characters. They only know how to fight and rush, and they don't have so many hearts and minds. Seeing that Li Xiaowei would take his own brother to death, most of the anger in his heart had disappeared long ago.

The rock hanging in Li Zhang's heart finally landed. As long as the military spirit is stabilized, the rest is to instigate everyone to find Wang Yun's unlucky attitude. Although Li Ying died unjustly, it is worthwhile to exchange his life for Wang Yun's Xiangshang head and Xiliang army's whole army's heart! Li Lai thought carefully, and then he raised his eyes and continued to speak.

"My princes, I just received an eagle letter from Wang Situ. Starting today, Wancheng is going to stop issuing our army's salary, food and grass! Why? The reason is very simple. Wang Situ wants to annex my Xiliang army and kill the evildoers. The generals, big and small, replaced them with the children of the Wang family. Our old Li, Xiaowei Guo, Xiaowei Fan, and Zhang Xiaowei fought hard according to reason, and wicked Wang Situ, this servant avenged our private vengeance and beat us a sap! Wang Situ Zeng Words: If I don’t hand over the army for one day, I will not be disbursed and return to the field for a day, so I will not pay the army’s salary for a day.”

"Brothers, people are iron rice or steel. I don’t eat for a day and I’m so hungry! I checked with the three school captains, and I waited for the four to rush back to Wancheng today to plead guilty to Wang Situ and beg his old man. Raising your hand high, chopped off the heads of the four of us, and let the kings make a way of life! Whether this matter will happen or not, Wang Situ's approval or disapproval are unknown. I also hope that my brothers will stay calm and wait."

Speaking of this, Li Zhang actually burst into tears. "Brothers! Goodbye, old Li and everyone, goodbye in the next life!"

This nonsense of Li Zhang made the soldiers around him look at each other. The contradiction between Wang Situ and the generals of Xiliang is obvious, and the big guy knows it in his heart. However, the contradiction is a contradiction. You can't stop the food supply without saying a word, right? Even though Xiaowei Li spoke the best, he was the word of the family after all. With Da Sima's shrewdness, how could such a thing happen?

In an instant, there was a loud buzzing sound, and everyone was whispering about it. This fact is too weird!

"Lieutenant Li, you keep saying that Wang Situ ordered the suspension of our army's food and payment supplies. Is there any real evidence? Such a big thing? If you are not careful, it will be used by people with ulterior motives and become rebellious. How can you let you talk about it? Take a step back and say, even if the food and payment is stopped, there must be a misunderstanding. Everyone sits down and talks to solve the happy knot. How can we order the big guy to cut off all the guys who eat? Come, how can Wang Situ cover the sky with his own hands on matters in the army? Why not send an eagle letter to Guancheng Daying and wait for Da Sima to send an officer to investigate? What you said, I am the first to not believe it! Everyone! Don't be fooled!"

A sturdy captain stood out from the crowd, walked slowly to the center of the square, and shouted loudly. This person's surname is Wu, a military commander who belongs to the county soldier faction. He is straightforward, jealous of evil, and never rubs the sand in his eyes. As a regular army graduated from Jiangwutang in Bingzhou, he always looked down on the military discipline of the Xiliang Army, and often stood up to fight injustices, and had many bonds with Liangzi of the Xiliang Army.

Wu Junhou's remarks were high-pitched, and the reasoning was clear, only the big guy nodded frequently. Yes, the Bingzhou Army always pays attention to military discipline and fairness, and has never wronged a person. Even if illegal or injustice is discovered, as long as the case is filed up, it can be resolved satisfactorily. Nowadays, there are so many flaws in Li Zhang's nonsense, and anyone with a discerning eye will know it. Everyone is a county soldier, and the family is in the middle of the gate. How can they follow the crowd and become rebellious? If he is a little careless, he is instigated by Li Zhang and gets on the thief ship in a daze, and it will be difficult to get off the ship again. For a while, the buzzing sound disappeared immediately.

"You guys are slanderous here, is it Mr. Wang Yun's running dog? Come here, cut him off for me!" Looking at Wu Junhou's words, it was like cold water on the top of his head. With a heart that was incited, Li Heng's younger brother Li Heng immediately stood up and screamed. Not only cursed, but also rushed over with his own soldiers.

For this rebellion, Li Huan and others have prepared extremely well, and Li Huan is the scheduled thug and stick. Sure enough, someone jumped out to make trouble. Li Heng lifted his hand and took off the sacred bow behind him. He opened the bow and set an arrow. It was just an arrow in his hand, right in the throat of Wu Junhou's throat! With only a thump, Wu Junhou's sturdy body fell to the ground, and he was already dead.

"Who dares to make trouble? This servant is a role model!" With a wave of Li Heng's right hand, more than a thousand soldiers under his command opened their bows and arrows together and aimed at the people on the square. Wow?????? The pot immediately opened on the square. If he didn't agree with him, he would kill someone at his fingertips. From this point of view, Li Zhang had made up his mind to rebel openly! "Take revenge for Wu Junhou!" "Chop Li Heng!" The generals of the county army system roared together, screaming and pulling out the first knife of the 100-refined steel ring in their hands, and the command line formed a battle. Resist.

However, after a few breaths of effort, two distinct groups formed on the square immediately, each with a bow and arrows, each holding a knife and gun, and facing each other. The situation at this time is extremely thrilling, as long as there is a little flame, a **** internal conflict that is like a mountain of corpses will start. "Let down all weapons! What did Xu Dashuai say before his death? The Xiliang Army is not big than the Xiliang Army!" At this extremely critical time, only a violent shout was heard. Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu's uncle and nephew brought eight thousand Jingqi to rush in time When it's there, isolate the two parties.

"Brothers of the county soldiers! In any case, Wu Junhou is not guilty of death! He should not be shot in public! Li Heng should pay his life! However, when the situation is urgent and it is just when the situation is urgent, he can be used. Hundreds, make him guilty and make meritorious service! Since the matter of Wang Situ, since Boss Li said so, it must be true. I am willing to lead the horse to fall and follow Boss Li. But Wu Junhou just died, and the brothers of the county soldiers still have a knot in their hearts. , I’ll take care of it for the time being. The most important thing at the moment is Dai Xiao of the whole army to see off Marshal Xu, and at the same time bury Wu Junhou and caress his family. With such a treatment, I don’t know what the boss Li and the bosses are like?"

"Boss Zhang is very kind! I think that's how it should be done. Dai Xiao of the whole army, bid farewell to Marshal Xu, and then dispatch troops to Wancheng to discuss an explanation with Wang Situ!" Guo Bang was the first to agree. "Just follow what Boss Zhang said!" Fan Chou slapped his thigh and said. "Brother Zhang is very witty, it is really a good method! Let's follow what Brother Zhang said. An hour later, the whole army opened up and marched towards Wancheng!" Li Hao gave Zhang Ji a deep look, Pi Li Yang Qiu patted the board.

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