New Story of Lv Bu

: : How can Brother Changwen teach me?

Snapped! Pop! Bang bang bang! Li Heng was pressed to the ground with a military stick. This time he was executed by Li Chang's personal soldier. He seemed to have made a very heavy attack. The stick went down and the flesh was bloody. In fact, it was just a flowery appearance. It looked good, and it was just skin wounds. . Li Heng's skin was thick and thick and unusually burly. Hit him with such a board, as if it were tickling, and it was extremely comfortable.

"My lord! You have to be considerate of the younger ones anyway, so you can make two calls and shouting hurts, right? You have to do a full set of dramas. If you let those **** county soldiers find out, not only The little ones are hard to keep their heads on, and you have to eat them when you are old." The soldier holding Li Heng's hands in a gesture of force put his mouth to Li Heng's ear, and said in a low voice. Others screamed in pain when they were subjected to military batons, as if they were dying. This master is so good that he fell asleep with his eyes squinted, and snored because of his mother's fault.

"Oh! You are absolutely right!" Li Hengna immediately opened his mouth and hummed loudly. But this humming sounded in the ears of the people on the left and right, but there was a weird smell that couldn't be said. Where is the pain? It is clearly a pleasant cry from when the comfort is extremely high. In this way, in the same day, Li's eldest brother finally did not lose another direct and subordinate brother.

While Li Huan was being beaten, Li Cheng stood on the square with his sword, coldly watching the soldiers converge Li Ying's body and slowly put it in an unusually luxurious coffin. The soldiers of General Long Xiang Xu Rong attacked extremely hard. Li Ying was beaten to pieces below his chest, and his bones were shattered every inch. It looked like a mass of minced meat, blood and blood, and it didn't look like a human at all.

"Wait! Lift his body out of the coffin, and set up a fire on this square, including the meat and bones, and forget it! After the burning, pick up a few unburned bones and put them in the bag Give it to me, I just take it with me." Li Zhang waved his hand and stopped the soldier who was converging the body. Li Yu shook his robe in the puzzled eyes of the soldiers. Went in stride.

The future of this mutiny is uncertain. Instead of letting people dig graves and frustrate their bones and ashes, it is better to be familiar with yourself.

After a while, Li Nuo returned to the large tent of the Chinese Army. He lifted the curtain of the tent and went directly into the inner tent. In the inner tent, a dignified and elegant young witch was sitting cross-legged and meditating. Seeing Li Zhang coming in, she didn't get up, just glanced at the desk behind the incense burner. On top of the huge desk, there was a piece of yellow paper that looked light and fluttering. Li Yu didn't say much, and walked forward in two steps in three steps, and grabbed the piece of yellow paper with his big hand like a fan.

On the yellow paper, there is an unusually beautiful lower case with only a few lines. Dry for the sky. Yuan, Henry, Li, Zhen. The elephant said: The sky is healthy, and the gentleman strives for self-improvement. This line of characters is written in red pen and cinnabar, followed by a few lines of charming lower letters. The Way of Heaven is strong and runs endlessly. The gentleman observes this hexagram image, and then uses the sky as the law to constantly strive for self-improvement. Those who have obtained this hexagram are strong in nature and self-improvement. It is a sign of fame and fortune. It is advisable to overcome all difficulties and dangers and strive to make progress. Although there are many waves, it is also possible to achieve dominance.

As soon as he saw this sentence, Li Zhang's eyes immediately became full of energy, and he held the piece of yellow paper in both hands and muttered to himself.

"Tu is the way to go, when Tu is high, Que is the same. Su is the same as Que, on the other hand, the very high is called Nai. It seems that I, Li Su, should be the emperor!"

Not to mention that Xiaoli Li was dreaming of the emperor's dream there. In the Chinese army camp of Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu's nephew, he was busy tying up his luggage and packing up his luggage. With Zhang Ji returning to camp, there are still 20,000 county soldiers and hundreds of middle and high-level generals. The matter is obvious, and anyone with a discerning eye will know at a glance that the death of Wu Junhou, Li Hao, Guo Bang, and Fan Chou have unshirkable responsibilities. At the moment, only Zhang Ji and his nephew can rely on it for the time being. There is no other way. . As for what happens in the future, we have to take one step and count one step.

Under the restraint of hundreds of middle and high-ranking officers, more than 20,000 county soldiers kept their black faces and packed their bags in silence. The plan for Wu Junhou's death just now was too great for them. Li Heng actually shot Wu Junhou with one arrow without any explanation. If he didn't say that he hadn't given him the instruction, the ghost would not believe it! However, under the low eaves, people had to bow their heads. Li Rao and Guo Ben only said they were going to Wancheng to ask Wang Situ for an explanation, but they did not openly raise the anti-flag. Everyone had to endure secretly and wait for Da Sima's special envoy to deal with it. .

Zhang Ji didn't say much about the 20,000 county soldiers, the things were clearly laid out there, and it was useless to say anything. It's better to continue to play the role of rapport on the surface, waiting for the future. Therefore, apart from meeting with everyone, agreeing on the order of dispatching troops, and supplementing them with a part of the baggage, Zhang Ji didn't say a word. He believed in his own judgment. At this moment, the most important thing is to let them see what Zhang Ji did, not what I said. After all, everyone has eyes.

After doing all this, Zhang Ji yawned and walked into the army's big account. He wanted to rest and relieve his fatigue.

"Uncle, there is a very important guest here. You must meet." Just as Zhang Ji sat down, Zhang Xiu opened the curtain and came in. His face was full of smiles, as if walking on the road. It's like an ingot of gold. "Who is it? It makes you so happy?" Zhang Ji asked with a look of surprise. "Brother Zhang, don't come here unharmed?" a gentle and gentle voice answered.

The curtain was lifted, and a middle-aged man walked in. It turned out to be Chen Qun. "Oh! Unexpectedly it turned out to be Brother Changwen! It's really a distinguished guest who arrived! Hurry up, please sit down!" Chen Qun is the magistrate of Luoyang, the number one county in the world, long-sleeved dance, and which one in Luoyang doesn't know? As for Chen Qun from Luoyang City not far away, he could guess everything with his toes.

"Brother Zhang, I'm from Yan Dalang, the new Nanyang prefect Yankuan. As for what happened, both brothers, uncles and nephews must be clear in their hearts." Chen Qun did not refuse, and slowly sat down in the case. A few back, the pain between the two thighs made him grin lightly. He picked up the tea cup and drank a few sips of tea in his spare time. Only then did he open the sect and express his intention.

"Hey! You know it all? Where did the news come from?" Zhang Ji was inexplicably surprised at once, and almost grew up. However, after a while, he sat down again, with the spies from Siwen Cao and Shadow, plus the people around Xu Dashuai, Li Yu and others, can they still be able to hide what they did? Since I couldn't hide it, I was firmly put on the big hats of Li Yu and Guo Bang's mastermind, and even jumped into the river and couldn't clean it. Thinking of this, he immediately saw sweat on his face and body.

Who is Chen Qun? That's a smart person waiting for one in the world! He saw Zhang Ji's expression in his eyes and remembered it in his heart, knowing these words really scared him. Look at it this way, there is a way for this! I have to force me to force him to speak out of his heart! Although I, Chen Qun, is a Confucian student, there are millions of soldiers from the Union State Army behind me. Are you still afraid of him Zhang Ji?

Thinking of this, Chen Qun slowly put down the tea cup, looked at Zhang Ji with fixed eyes, and slowly said: "Now, Li Wei, Guo Bang, and Fan Chou have decided to start fighting. Long before I left, Yan Shi You are ready to stick to Pheasant County and isolate the Xiliang Army from going north. As long as you can hold on for two days, Da Sima’s fine rider will rush to the town of Pheasant County and fight Li Si Guo Pun."

"Brother Zhang, I’m afraid you don’t know. Cao Mengde led an army of 70,000 troops to attack Luoyang City and failed. The entire army was gone. He only led hundreds of elite horses to escape, and General Cao Ren died in battle. In addition, Da Sima killed one hundred thousand elite horses. In the early hours of the morning, the night’s attack on the city’s camp was already successful. General Wei led one hundred thousand foot soldiers and then, at most two hours later, he would receive the victory report of Yuan Benchu's defeat."

Having said this, Chen Qun kept silent, and he looked at Zhang Ji with solemn expression on his face. These words were like a bolt from the blue, and immediately frightened Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu's nephew! The Kwantung Allied Forces are nothing more than three roads. Now Cao Mengde is defeated and Yuan Benchu ​​is attacked again. I think it is hard to protect himself, and only Yuan Gonglu is left. Oops! The Kwantung Allied Forces are raising troops to beg Lu, are they going to stop cooking?

Once the Kwantung Allied Forces are over, Da Sima will adjust the fine riding and return to clean up the Xiliang Army. Da Sima’s temperament is the one who hates betrayal the most. Once he makes up his mind, even Li Hao, Guo Bang, and Fan Chou fled to the end of the world, and Jingzhou Jingqi will pursue them for thousands of miles, just like the wind sweeping the fallen leaves, cutting off their heads. , In order to behave like you! Alas! As a result, the Xiliang army is in danger!

"Why did Brother Changwen teach me?" Zhang Ji pushed Jinshan down Yuzhu, leaned over and gave a big gift, and knelt straight in front of Chen Qun.

Chen Changwen'an sat like a mountain, and Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu's nephews knelt there quietly. Although they only had more than ten breaths, in everyone's hearts, it was as if ten thousand years had passed. "Hey! I knew that, why bother in the first place? Brother Zhang and nephew please get up, listen to me slowly??????" Chen Qun sighed, stretched out his hands, one on each hand, and uncle Zhang Ji and nephew Pulled it up. "Before I came here, Yan Shijun prepared a total of three strategies for me. Now it seems that the middle and lower strategies don't need to be taken out."

Chen Qun looked at the sweating uncles and nephews in front of him, and said with satisfaction. "Brothers, uncles and nephew Zhang are able to abandon the dark and cast light, I Chen Qun is very pleased. Don't hide it, come out." Fang Luoer's voice, only a few pops, just like a civet cat falling to the ground. Generally, four masked men in Tsing Yi suddenly appeared beside Zhang Ji and his nephew. "Oh! Frighten me too!" Although Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu's nephew were military commanders, they were really kicked off. It seems that this is a bad idea.

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