New Story of Lv Bu

: : The old brothers parted ways

Chen Qun waved his right hand gently, and the ghosts of the four masked men in Tsing Yi disappeared. Finally frightened the uncles and nephews! It's time for business. Chen Qun took a breath, and the big rock hanging in his heart finally fell to the ground. "I, Zhang Ji (Zhang Xiu), are willing to listen to Brother Changwen's handling, and I have no two minds! But I ask Da Sima to show his favor and allow my uncles and nephews to atone for their sins!"

Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu's uncle and nephew leaned over again and gave a big gift. When they raised their heads, their faces were full of determination. At this moment, they really made up their minds to stand with Da Sima. Among other things, the four ghostly masked men in Tsing Yi just now were enough to make his uncles and nephews frightened. It seems that under Da Sima's account, there are really an endless stream of capable people and lofty ideals.

"Jun Yan has already gone to the court to forgive your uncle and nephew's sins, and you are allowed to convert your merits and sins. If the merits are great, there will be a great reward! So far, no edict from the court has been received. As for the status and the weight of talking to him, Sima and Mrs. Zhao Yi will probably have no objections. In this way, this matter is probably a ten-percent certainty."

Since ancient times, the imperial court has been so flexible and flexible in dealing with the officials and officers in the frontiers. Now that the hard hand has achieved great results, it is time to use the soft hand to stabilize the military. Chen Qun is the number one county in the world. What scenes have you never seen in Luoyang City? What he is best at is to figure out people's hearts, and the name of long-sleeved dance is definitely not covered.

Sure enough, when Chen Qun said Fang Luoer, tears fell in the eyes of Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu's nephew. I have made suggestions for Li Lai, and have already realized the truth of the mastermind. This is already the crime of conspiracy by the Jiu Clan. However, the court was able to forgive his sins first, so that their uncles and nephews could carry out their sins and make meritorious deeds. It was a joy to come down from heaven, and it was enough to make his uncles and nephews cry.

"Now that Uncle Xian has a way out, now we should have a good livelihood to discuss how to eliminate this rebellion. The best policy is to suddenly attack Li Wei, Guo Bin, and Fan Chou, and sack the Xiliang army. Disarm. This is not impossible, just to find an excellent opportunity. I have already made contact with the senior generals of the county soldiers, and they will help you at the critical moment." At this point, Chen Qun again After stopping, he took a deep look at Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu's nephew.

This is the so-called middle strategy. If my uncles and nephews and Li Hao, Guo Bang, and Fan Chougang are in one move, the county soldiers will definitely attack and kill my uncles and nephews. Thinking of this, the back necks of Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu immediately felt chilly. It seems that Da Sima and Mrs. Zhao Yi's scheming has reached the point of wisdom like a sea. In the future, they must serve routinely and can no longer talk about them.

"Zhong Ce is to fight against Li Si, Guo Ben, Fan Chou and three people, holding 30,000 heavy soldiers, and at the right time, they will fight back and cut off the heads of the three people! As for the next strategy, it is to immediately roll up the arms and sleeves. He started fighting with Lai, Guo Bang, and Fan Chou. In my opinion, under the premise of ensuring your own safety, you can try the best strategy. If it doesn't work, use the middle strategy, and the next strategy is never advisable."

Chen Qun finally finished speaking. He stopped and looked at Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu's nephew quietly, waiting for their reply. "Okay! I'm going to see Li Zhang! See if he can persuade him to dispel the rebellion. After all, the big guy is an old brother for many years. If it doesn't work, then only the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain. Look for a chance to treat him Beheaded." Zhang Ji slapped the case and stood up.

"What? Zhang Ji has something important to see? How many people did he bring? Did Zhang Xiu come with him?" Li Lai asked in surprise. He raised his eyes and looked at Guo Ben, who was sitting lazily on the left and right. And Fan Chou. Yes, the three of them are having a short while, just like when General Long Xiang Xu Rong was alive, except that one of the four participants was missing, and that person was Zhang Ji.

Because the stupidity of Li Ying's younger brothers Li Ying and Li Huan angered the old brothers in the Xiliang army, even the army with more than 20,000 county soldiers was unstable. In this incident, Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu's uncle and nephew have benefited the most from the attachment of more than 20,000 soldiers from the county, plus the original 8,000 fine horses of the uncle and nephew, Zhang Ji has already mastered half of the Xiliang army. This is an extremely dangerous signal. However, in this incident, Zhang Ji's handling was remarkable, and there was nothing wrong with it. If this were not the case, more than 20,000 county soldiers would have to go face to face with the Xiliang Army. Moreover, Zhang Ji's army had already completed the transformation from the Xiliang army to the regular army, and most of his subordinates were county soldiers. Therefore, Li Zhang had to summon Guo Bang and Fan Chou urgently to discuss countermeasures.

"Boss, Zhang Ji only took more than a hundred soldiers with him, and they all stayed outside the Chinese army's big tent. Zhang Xiu did not come with him. It is said that he is reorganizing the army and is ready to set off at any time." Cross-handed replied. "Oh, please come in. Please remember! He is only allowed to be accounted for. All three of our soldiers are outside the tent." Li Yi closed his eyes and thought for a moment before he waved his hand.

After a while, the curtain was lifted, and Zhang Ji strode in. "Oh! It turns out that the three bosses are here, so it will save trouble." As soon as the words came out, Li Su, Guo Ben, and Fan Chou immediately jumped up. Not only did they jump up, but they also got on their feet. Pulled out the first knife of the 100-refined steel ring on the waist! Boom obediently! Do you Zhang Ji want to do it together with the three of me? Seeing the appearances of Li Lao, Guo Bang, and Fan Chou, Zhang Ji's heart immediately became cold. He didn't expect that Li Lao, Guo Bang, and Fan Chou were so defensive and jealous. In this way, trying to find an opportunity to capture the three of them is useless.

"What are the three bosses doing? Brother, I didn't even bring weapons. I came to boss Li to discuss how to deal with the more than 20,000 county soldiers." Zhang Ji opened his hands helplessly, his face Said with a smile. "Oh! Brother Zhang, you scared me! I thought you were going to kill me if you brought someone with you!" Fan Chouzai carefully looked at Zhang Ji, and he didn't have any weapons on his waist. Dang Chou, Fan Chou's waist knife was in its sheath, and he wiped the sweat off his face and complained.

"Okay! Okay! Since it's a false alarm, the big guy sits down. It doesn't matter if the gong and the drum are open." Guo Bang returned the knife to the scabbard the second time. "Sit down! Sit down all! In your opinion, what should I do? The more than 20,000 county soldiers are now the sick child I am waiting for. Kill it, you can't kill it, let it go, that's letting the tiger go back to the mountain." All three of them sat down. Li Zhang looked up and down Zhang Ji with his eyes, and kicked the ball back as soon as he opened his mouth. "This remark is great!" Guo Bang coldly made a knife from the side.

"Boss Li is right! If this matter is not resolved, nothing can be done!" Zhang Jixian opened his mouth to praise Li Yu, and then went on. "The more than 20,000 county soldiers were recruited from the four states of Youbing and Siliang, and their families were all under the control of the imperial court. They are no better than me waiting for the old people in Xiliang, and they will never follow me to rebel. More than 20,000 county soldiers can’t kill or let go, just like a fishbone stuck in the throat, it’s really uncomfortable! For this plan, I don’t know if you boss have thought about it, whether I’m waiting to behave in a certain way. Yes. Da Sima is in charge of the city. We still don't know his attitude. What if he vetoed Wang Situ?"

Zhang Ji's remarks touched on the hearts of Li Lao, Guo Bang, and Fan Chou, and all three of them began to ponder for a while. Yes, it was Wang Yun who was against the Xiliang Army, not Da Sima and the entire court. What if Da Sima opposed Wang Yun's measures? "Then??? Wait a minute?" Guo Bang was the first to speak, and he asked Li Zhang.

"No! The military order fell like a mountain. How can the day order be changed? Besides, there is no turning back arrow when we open the bow. Our behavior is already a crime of treason by the Jiu Clan! Even if Da Sima forgave us, the imperial court and the generals of Bingzhou absolutely I won’t forgive us! Rather than being cut to serve as the people or sitting on a cold bench, it’s better to fight to the death with a **** thing, and let’s talk about it first!"

Li Su thought for a moment, and said coldly. Humph, Zhang Ji, you are dreaming! Just give up, isn't Lao Tzu's younger brother Li Ying just **** dead for nothing? Didn't Li Heng's board get lost in vain? You Zhang Ji wants to be the pillar of the court, don't **** use our old Li's head as a ladder! The crime of conspiracy has always been a matter of mind but not behavior.

"You need to be bold when it comes to time, that's it! Anyone who dares to give up is like this case!" As soon as he finished speaking, Li Yu pulled out his knife and split the case before him in half. "Brother Zhang, you take your army queen to prevent the Jingzhou army from pursuing it! Brother Fan, take your people, hurry up and drive the starry night to take down Pheasant County! Lao Guo and I rushed to Wancheng to take the king Mr. Yun’s Xiangshang head! After killing Wang Yun, we will truly become rebellious. When the time comes, the more than 20,000 soldiers in the county will not be able to do it!"

Silence, deathly silence, looking at the case that was broken in half before him, Li Lao, Guo Bang, Fan Chou, and Zhang Ji fell into silence. As long as they take this step, the four of them will become the thorns and thorns of the Luoyang court and Da Sima. Da Sima will definitely mobilize heavy soldiers, the gods will block and kill the gods, the Buddhas will block and kill the Buddhas, even if they are chased to the ends of the world, they will be killed. of.

"That's all!" Guo Pan said coldly. He raised his eyes to look at Zhang Ji, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes. "I listened to Boss Li and Bos Guo! Let's just do it for a while, let's talk about it! The world is so big, where can't you go?" Fan Chou, a brainless echo worm, also expressed his opinion. "Well, let's do it first," Zhang Ji said.

The four of us had more than ten years of old friendship, so let it go! Don't blame my Zhang Ji for being cruel, if it weren't for Zhang Xiule's view of change, I am afraid that you, Li Zhang, would not just hit the case in front of you, but at me, Zhang Ji! Zhang Ji sighed in his heart and made up his mind secretly. From then on, the road is heading towards the sky, and go on one side! Start first to be strong, then start to suffer.

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